3 at lower levels. The formulas of the steps are the root. Basic power of quadratic functions

Step formulas vikoristovuyut in the process of quickness and forgiveness of folding viruses, in the virishennі rіvnіan and irritability.

Number cє n-th step of the number a if:

Operations in steps.

1. Multiplying the steps with the same basis, their indicators are added up:

a ma n = a m + n.

2. At the rozpodіlі stаіnіv z the same basis їх pokanika vіdnіmayutsya:

3. Steps of practice 2 or greater number multipliers for additional steps of these sp_multipliers:

(abc…) n = a n b n c n …

4. The steps of the fraction are more advanced in the introduction of the steps of a given one:

(a/b) n = n/b n .

5. The stars of the steps at the feet, the indicators of the steps are multiplied:

(am) n = a m n .

The skin is shown formula virna u straight ahead zliva to the right and navpak.

For example. (2 3 5/15)² = 2² 3² 5²/15² = 900/225 = 4.

Operations with roots.

1. The root of the creation of many spivmulniki in dobrivnyu dobutku root of these spivmulniki:

2. Root from the root of the root of the root:

3. When the root is added to the rіven, add the zvedi to the whole rіven the root number:

4. How to increase the root steps in n once i at the same hour call in n-th step of the root number, then the value of the root does not change:

5. How to change the root steps in n once and at the same time, pull up the roots n-th step from the root number, then the value of the root does not change:

Step out of a negative indicator. The step of the same number with a non-positive (qіlim) indicator is assigned as one, divided by the step of the same number with the indicator, which is equal to the absolute value of the non-positive indicator:

Formula a m:a n = a m - n you can win not only for m> n, ale i at m< n.

For example. a4: a 7 = a 4 - 7 = a -3.

Schob formula a m:a n = a m - n became fair at m=n, the presence of the zero step is required.

Step out of the zero indicator. Steps of every number, not equal to zero, With a zero indicator, there are more than one.

For example. 2 0 = 1,(-5) 0 = 1,(-3/5) 0 = 1.

Step out of the shotgun display. Schob to call a day number a at the feet m/n it is necessary to win the root n oh world z m th step of th number a.

Enter the number and step, and then press =.


Step table

Stock: 2 3 = 8
Number2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1 024
3 9 27 81 243 729 2 187 6 561 19 683 59 049
4 16 64 256 1 024 4 096 16 384 65 536 262 144 1 048 576
5 25 125 625 3 125 15 625 78 125 390 625 1 953 125 9 765 625
6 36 216 1 296 7 776 46 656 279 936 1 679 616 10 077 696 60 466 176
7 49 343 2 401 16 807 117 649 823 543 5 764 801 40 353 607 282 475 249
8 64 512 4 096 32 768 262 144 2 097 152 16 777 216 134 217 728 1 073 741 824
9 81 729 6 561 59 049 531 441 4 782 969 43 046 721 387 420 489 3 486 784 401
10 100 1 000 10 000 100 000 1 000 000 10 000 000 100 000 000 1 000 000 000 10 000 000 000
11 121 1 331 14 641 161 051 1 771 561 19 487 171 214 358 881 2 357 947 691 25 937 424 601
12 144 1 728 20 736 248 832 2 985 984 35 831 808 429 981 696 5 159 780 352 61 917 364 224
13 169 2 197 28 561 371 293 4 826 809 62 748 517 815 730 721 10 604 499 373 137 858 491 849
14 196 2 744 38 416 537 824 7 529 536 105 413 504 1 475 789 056 20 661 046 784 289 254 654 976
15 225 3 375 50 625 759 375 11 390 625 170 859 375 2 562 890 625 38 443 359 375 576 650 390 625
16 256 4 096 65 536 1 048 576 16 777 216 268 435 456 4 294 967 296 68 719 476 736 1 099 511 627 776
17 289 4 913 83 521 1 419 857 24 137 569 410 338 673 6 975 757 441 118 587 876 497 2 015 993 900 449
18 324 5 832 104 976 1 889 568 34 012 224 612 220 032 11 019 960 576 198 359 290 368 3 570 467 226 624
19 361 6 859 130 321 2 476 099 47 045 881 893 871 739 16 983 563 041 322 687 697 779 6 131 066 257 801
20 400 8 000 160 000 3 200 000 64 000 000 1 280 000 000 25 600 000 000 512 000 000 000 10 240 000 000 000
21 441 9 261 194 481 4 084 101 85 766 121 1 801 088 541 37 822 859 361 794 280 046 581 16 679 880 978 201
22 484 10 648 234 256 5 153 632 113 379 904 2 494 357 888 54 875 873 536 1 207 269 217 792 26 559 922 791 424
23 529 12 167 279 841 6 436 343 148 035 889 3 404 825 447 78 310 985 281 1 801 152 661 463 41 426 511 213 649
24 576 13 824 331 776 7 962 624 191 102 976 4 586 471 424 110 075 314 176 2 641 807 540 224 63 403 380 965 376
25 625 15 625 390 625 9 765 625 244 140 625 6 103 515 625 152 587 890 625 3 814 697 265 625 95 367 431 640 625

Level of power - 2 parts

Table of the main steps in algebra in a compact view (picture, handy, easy to explain), to the top of the number, to the side of the step.


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  • tvir, dobutok n zmnozhuvachiv a called n-th step of the number a and signify an.
  • Diya, from which the tvir is rebuked by a number of equal partners, is called a link at the foot. The number, as it appears at the feet, is called the basis of the step. The number, as it shows, on the foundation of the world, is called the indicator of the step. So, an- Step, a- The basis of the stage, n- step indicator.
  • and 0 = 1
  • a 1 = a
  • a ma n= a m + n
  • a m: a n= a mn
  • (a m) n= amn
  • (a ∙ b) n =a n ∙ b n
  • (a/ b) n= a n/ b n When zvedennі at the steps, the shot is made at the whole step and the number and banner of the shot.
  • (- n) -th step (n - natural) numbers a, not equal to zero, the number is important, n-th degree of number a, then . an=1/ a n. (10 -2 =1/10 2 =1/100=0,01).
  • (a/ b) — n=(b/ a) n
  • The degree of power with a natural ostentatious is just and for the degrees without being some kind of ostentatious.

Even more large and more small numbers are accepted to be written down in standard look: a∙10 n, de 1≤a<10 і n(Natural or natural) - є the order of the number written in the standard viglyadі.

  • Virazi, folded from numbers, changing those steps, with additional multiplication, are called monomials.
  • This type of monomial, if there is a numerical multiplier (coefficient) on the first space, and after it change with its steps, is called the standard type of monomial. The sum of the indications of the steps of all the changes that enter the warehouse of the monomial is called the step of the monomial.
  • Mononomials that make the same letter part are called similar to monomials.
  • The sum of one-members is called a rich-member. The monomials, in that number of foldings, the polynomial, are called the members of the polynomial.
  • A binomial is a rich term that consists of two terms (one-members).
  • A trinomial is a multi-member, which is composed of three members (one-members).
  • The step of a multi-member is the largest of the steps of monomers, which is included up to the new one.
  • The rich term of the standard form does not avenge similar terms and entries in the order of the decline in the steps of its terms.
  • To multiply a monomial by a polynomial, you need to multiply the monomial of the skin term of a rich term and then create an addition.
  • The manifestation of a polynomial, like creating two or more polynomials, is called the decomposition of a polynomial into multipliers.
  • The fault of the double multiplier for the bows is the simplest way to lay out the multiplier for multipliers.
  • In order to multiply a rich member by a rich member, you need to multiply the skin member of one rich member by the skin member of the other rich member and write down the otrimani create from the sum of the monomers. If necessary, bring similar dodanki.
  • (a+b) 2 =a 2 +2ab+b 2Square sumi two viraziv add to the square of the first virase, plus subwinning of the first virase to another, plus the square of the other virase.
  • (a-b) 2 =a 2 -2ab+b 2Retail square of two viraziv add to the square of the first virase minus the undersubmission of the first virase to another plus the square of the other virase.
  • a 2 -b 2 =(a-b)(a+b) The difference of squares of two verses the cost of restocking the retail of the viruses themselves from their sum.
  • (a+b) 3 =a 3 +3a 2 b+3ab 2 +b 3Cube sumi two viraziv add a cube of the first virase plus a third additional square of the first virase to another plus a third additional square of the first virase to the square of another plus a cube of another virase.
  • (a-b) 3 = a 3 -3a 2 b+3ab 2 -b 3Retail cube of two viraziv add the cube of the first virase minus the extra square of the first virase to another plus the third extra of the first virase to the square of the other minus the cube of the other virase.
  • a 3 +b 3 =(a+b)(a 2 -ab+b 2) The sum of cubes of two viraz dobutka sumi themselves virazіv on the wrong square of their retail.
  • a 3 -b 3 \u003d (a-b) (a 2 + ab + b 2) The difference of cubes of two viraziv dobutku raznitsy themselves virazіv on the wrong square of their sum.
  • (a+b+c) 2 =a 2 +b 2 +c 2 +2ab+2ac+2bc Square sumi three viraziv add the sum of the squares of these virazis, plus the strengths of the subdivided pairs create the virazis themselves.
  • Dovidka. The last square is the sum of two viraziv: a 2 + 2ab + b 2

Non-povny square sum of two viraziv: a 2 + ab + b 2

mind function y=x2 called a square function. The graph of a square function is a parabola with a vertex on the cob of coordinates. Heads of the parabola y=x² upright.

mind function y=x 3 call a cubic function. The graph of a cubic function is a cubic parabola, like passing through the cob of coordinates. Heads of cubic parabola y=x³ found in I and III quarters.

Ready function.

Function f called a steam room, as if at the same time with the skin meanings of the snake X -X f(- x)= f(x). The graph of the paired function is symmetrical along the ordinate axis (Оy). The function y=x2 is a pair.

Unpaired function.

Function f called unpaired, as if at the same time with the skin meanings of the snake X from the area of ​​assigned function value ( -X) also enter the area of ​​​​designation of function and at which equality is victorious: f(- x)=- f(x) . The graph of an unpaired function is symmetrical to the cob of coordinates. The function y=x3 is unpaired.

Square alignment.

Appointment. Equal to mind ax2+bx+c=0, de a, bі c- be-like real numbers, moreover a≠0, x- Zminna, called square equals.

a- First coefficient, b- Other coefficient, c- Vilniy member.

Razv'yazannya nepovnyh square rіvnyan.

  • ax2=0not outwardly square alignment (b=0, c=0 ). Solution: x = 0. Response: 0.
  • ax2+bx=0not outwardly square alignment (Z = 0 ). Solution: x (ax + b) = 0 → x 1 = 0 or ax + b = 0 → x 2 = -b/a. Response: 0; -b/a.
  • ax2+c=0not outwardly square alignment (b=0 ); Solution: ax 2 = c → x 2 = c/a.

Yakscho (-c/a)<0 , then there are no real roots. Yakscho (-s/a)>0

  • ax2+bx+c=0- square alignment infamous looking

Discriminant D \u003d b 2 - 4ac.

Yakscho D>0, then maybe two real roots:

Yakscho D=0, then maybe a single root (or two equal roots) x=-b/(2a).

Yakscho D<0, то действительных корней нет.

  • ax2+bx+c=0 square alignment private view with a double other

Coefficient b

  • ax2+bx+c=0 square alignment private mind : a-b+c=0

The first root is the old root minus one, and the other root is the old minus h, subdivided into a:

x 1 \u003d -1, x 2 \u003d c / a.

  • ax2+bx+c=0 square alignment private mind: a+b+c=0.

The first root is a good one, and the other root is a good one h, subdivided into a:

x 1 \u003d 1, x 2 \u003d c / a.

Rozv'yazannya navigating square lines.

  • x 2 +px+q=0put square alignment (The first coefficient of the most expensive unit).

The sum of the roots of the induced square alignment x 2 +px+q=0 complementary to another coefficient taken with the opposite sign, and the addition of the root relative to the free member:

ax 2 +bx+c=a (x-x 1)(x-x 2), de x 1, x 2- root of square alignment ax2+bx+c=0.

The function of a natural argument is called a numerical sequence, and the numbers that satisfy the sequence are members of the sequence.

The numerical sequence can be set in the following ways: verbal, analytical, recurrent, graphic.

Numerical sequence, a skin member of a kind, starting from another, older than the front, folded by him for this sequence by a number d called arithmetic progression. Number d called the difference of arithmetic progression. In arithmetic progression (an), then in arithmetic progression with members: a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , a 5 , …, a n-1 , a n , … for appointments: a 2 = a 1 + d; a 3 = a 2 + d; a 4 = a 3 + d; a 5 = a 4 + d; …; a n \u003d a n-1 + d; …

Formula of the n-th member of the arithmetic progression.

a n = 1 + (n-1) d.

The dominance of arithmetic progression.

  • The skin member of the arithmetic progression, starting from another, is closer to the arithmetic mean of the sudial member:


  • The skin member of the arithmetic progression, starting from another, is closer to the arithmetic mean equal of the distant members:


Formulas for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression.

1) S n = (a 1 +a n)∙n/2; 2) S n \u003d (2a 1 + (n-1) d) ∙ n / 2

geometric progression.

Designated geometric progression.

Numerical sequence, skin member of this, starting from another, older than the previous one, multiplied by the same number for this sequence q, called geometric progression. Number q called the sign of geometric progress. In a geometric progression (b n), then in a geometric progression b 1, b 2, b 3, b 4, b 5, ..., b n, ... for the appointments: b 2 = b 1 ∙q; b 3 \u003d b 2 ∙q; b 4 \u003d b 3 ∙q; …; b n \u003d b n -1 ∙q.

Formula of the n-th member of the geometric progression.

b n \u003d b 1 q n -1.

The dominance of geometric progression.

Formula sumi firstn terms of geometric progression.

The sum of infinitely slow geometric progression.

Unlimited periodic decimal fraction is more expensive than the grand fraction, in the numeral book, there is a difference between the last number after the Komi and the number after the Komi before the fractional period, and the banner is made up of “nine” and “zero”, moreover, “nine” styles, the number of numbers in the period, and “zero” stilks, skіlki digits after the Komi to the fractional period. Butt:

Sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of the acute cut of a straight-cut tricot.


May: sinβ=cosα; cosβ=sinα; tgβ=ctgα; ctgβ=tgα. Oskilki β=90°-α, then

sin(90°-α)=cosα; cos(90°-α)=sinα;

tg(90°-α)=ctgα; ctg(90°-α)=tgα.

The co-functions of the kutivs, which complement one another up to 90 °, are equal to each other.

Addendum formulas.

9) sin(α+β)=sinα∙cosβ+cosα∙sinβ;

10) sin(α-β)=sinα∙cosβ-cosα∙sinβ;

11) cos(α+β)=cosα∙cosβ-sinα∙sinβ;

12) cos(α-β)=cosα∙cosβ+sinα∙sinβ;

Formulas of subvariant and subvariant arguments.

17) sin2α=2sinαcosα; 18) cos2α=cos 2 α-sin 2 α;

19) 1+cos2α=2cos2α; 20) 1-cos2α=2sin 2α

21) sin3α=3sinα-4sin 3α; 22) cos3α=4cos 3 α-3cosα;

Formulas for converting sumi (retail) on TV.

Formulas for the transformation of creativity in the bag (retail).

Half Argument Formulas.

The sine is the cosine of whatever kuta.

parity (non-parity) of trigonometric functions.

Of the trigonometric functions, there is more than one pair: y=cosx, three trigonometric functions are unpaired, so cos (-α)=cosα;

sin(-α)=-sinα; tg(-α)=-tgα; ctg(-α)=-ctgα.

Signs of trigonometric functions behind coordinate quarters.

Values ​​of trigonometric functions of deyaky cutivs.


1) 1 radian - the value of the central kuta, which spirals onto the arc, the length of which is equal to the radius of the given stake. 1 rad.≈57°.

2) Conversion of the degree setting of the kuta to the radian.

3) Converting the radian world kuta to degrees.

Guidance formulas.

Mnemonic rule:

1. Before the hovered function, put a sign to hover.

2. If the argument π/2 (90°) is written an unpaired number of times, then the function is changed to a cofunction.

Return trigonometric functions.

The arcsine of the number a (arcsin a) is the cut from the gap [-π/2; π / 2], the sine of which is more expensive a.

arc sin(- a)=- arc sina.

The arccosine of the number a (arccos a) is called the cut from the gap, the cosine of any other a.

arccos(-a)=π - arccosa.

The arc tangent of the number a (arctg a) is the cut from the interval (-π / 2; π / 2), the tangent of which is more expensive a.

arctg(- a)=- arctga.

The arc tangent of the number a (arcctg a) is called the cut from the interval (0; π), the cotangent of any other a.

arcctg(-a)=π - arcctg a.

Verification of the simplest trigonometric equalities.

Zagalnі formulas.

1) sin t=a, 0

2) sin t = - a, 0

3) cos t = a, 0

4) cos t =-a, 0

5) tg t =a, a>0, then t=arctg a + πn, nϵZ;

6) tg t = -a, a> 0, then t = - arctg a + πn, nϵZ;

7) ctg t=a, a>0, then t=arcctg a + πn, nϵZ;

8) ctg t = -a, a> 0, then t = π - arcctg a + πn, nϵZ.

Private formulas.

1) sin t =0, then t=πn, nϵZ;

2) sin t=1, then t= π/2 +2πn, nϵZ;

3) sin t=-1, then t= - π/2 +2πn, nϵZ;

4) cos t=0 then t= π/2+ πn, nϵZ;

5) cos t=1 then t=2πn, nϵZ;

6) cos t=1 then t=π +2πn, nϵZ;

7) tg t =0, then t = πn, nϵZ;

8) ctg t=0 then t = π/2+πn, nϵZ.

The solution to the simplest trigonometric irregularities.

1) sint

2) sint>a (|a|<1), arcsina+2πn

3) cost

4) cost>a (|a|<1), -arccosa+2πn

5) tgt

6) tgt>a, arctga+πn

7) ctgt

8) ctgt>a, πn

Straight on the flat.

  • Higher straight line: Ax+By+C=0.
  • Alignment of the straight line with the apex coefficient: y=kx+b (k is the apex coefficient).
  • Hostry cut between straight lines y=k 1 x+b 1 and y=k 2 x+b 2 follows the formula:

  • k 1 \u003d k 2 - mental parallelism of lines y \u003d k 1 x + b 1 and y \u003d k 2 x + b 2.
  • Umov perpendicularity of these lines:
  • Alignment of the straight line, which can the apex coefficient k i pass

through the point M (x 1; y 1), you can see: y-y 1 \u003d k (x-x 1).

  • Alignment of a straight line to pass through two given points (x 1; y 1) and (x 2; y 2) may look like:

  • Dovzhina v_drіzka M 1 M 2 with kіntsy at points M 1 (x 1; y 1) and M 2 (x 2; y 2):
  • The coordinates of the point M (x o; y o) - the middle of the vіdrіzka M 1 M 2

  • The coordinates of the point C (x; y), which should be divided by the given reference point M 1 M 2 between the points M 1 (x 1; y 1) and M 2 (x 2; y 2):

  • Move from the point M(x; y) to the straight line ax+by+c=0:

Equal stake.

  • Circle from the center to the cob of coordinates: x 2 + y 2 \u003d r 2, r - the radius of the stake.
  • Circle with center at point (a; b) and radius r: (x-a) 2 + (y-b) 2 =r 2 .


Reworking (construction) of graphs of functions.

  • Function schedule y=- f(x) exit from the graph of the function y=f(x) to the mirror image in the abscissa axis.
  • Function schedule y=| f(x)| to appear as a mirror image in the abscissa axis of the part of the graph of the function y = f (x), so as to lie below the abscissa axis.
  • Function schedule y= f(| x|) go out of the graph of the function y = f (x) in an offensive order: fill a part of the graph right-handed in the axis of ordinates and display this part symmetrically to the axis of ordinates.
  • Function schedule y= Af(x) go out of the graph of the function y = f (x) stretching A times vzdovzh ordinate axis. (The ordinate of the skin point of the graph of the function y=f(x) is multiplied by the number A).
  • Function schedule y= f(kx) exit from the graph of the function y=f (x) with a k-fold squeeze at k>1 or a k-fold stretch at 0
  • Function schedule y= f(x-m) exit from the graph of the function y = f (x) parallel to the transposition on m single vertices in the abscissa axis.
  • Function schedule y= f(x)+ n exit from the graph of the function y = f (x) parallel to the transposition on n single vertices of the y-axis.

Periodic function.

  • Function f call a periodic function with a period Т≠0, akscho for whatever the scope of the assigned value of the function in points x, T-xіT+ x equivalence, so that equivalence wins : f(x)= f(T-x)= f(T+ x)
  • What is the function f periodic and may period T, then the function y= Af(kx+ b), de A, kі b fast, and k≠0 , is also periodic, moreover, її the period is long T/| k|.

Between the increase in the function to the increase in the argument, with the remaining value down to zero, is called a similar function in this point:

  • Function of the form y=a x, de a>0, a≠1, x - be it a number, name display function.
  • Appointment area display function: D(y)= R - impersonal current numbers.
  • area value display function: E(y)= R+-anonymity of all positive numbers.
  • Display function y=a x grows when a>1.
  • Display function y=a x changes at 0 .

Fair all the power of the static functions :

  • and 0 = 1 Whether it be a number (krіm zero) in the zero step of a better one.
  • a 1 = a Whether the number in the first step is dear to yourself.
  • a x∙ay=ax + y With multiple steps with the same foundations, the foundation is overlaid with a lot, and the displays are added up.
  • a x:ay=ax-y In case of subdividing the steps with the same foundations, the foundation is overlaid with a lot, that way, from the indicator of the step of the divided one, the indicator of the step of the dilnik is taken.
  • (ax) y=axy When you add a step to a step, the foundation is filled with it yourself, and the ostentatious people are multiplied
  • (a∙b)x=ax∙by When the creation is brought to the feet, the leather from the multipliers is brought to the feet.
  • (a/b)x=ax/by When raising the shot to the step, raise the number and banner of the shot at each step.
  • a -x = 1/ax
  • (a/b)-x=(b/a)x.

The logarithm of a number b on a stand a (log a b) name the step indicator, in which it is necessary to call the number a, to take the number b.

log a b= n, like a n= b. Apply: 1) log 2 8 = 3 , Because 2 3 = 8;

2) log 5 (1/25) = -2 , because K. 5 -2 \u003d 1/5 2 \u003d 1/25; 3) log 7 1 = 0 , Oskilki 7 0 =1.

Under the sign of the logarithm can only be positive numbers, Moreover, the basis of the logarithm is the number a≠1. The value of the logarithm can be a number.

The value of the value is evident from the assignment of the logarithm: the scales of the logarithm are the indication of the step ( n), then, zvodyachi in the whole number a, take the number b.

logarithm on base 10 call the tenth logarithm and the hour of writing omit the base 10 and the letter “pro” from the written word “log”.

lg7 = log 10 7, lg7 - Decimal logarithm of the number 7.

logarithm on base e(Neper number e≈2.7) is called the natural logarithm.

ln7 = log e 7, ln7 - The natural logarithm of the number 7.

Power of logarithms fair for logarithms, whatever the base.

log a1=0 The logarithm of one is equal to zero (a>0, a≠1).

log a a=1 Logarithm of a number a on a stand a old ones (a>0, a≠1).

log a (x∙y)=log a x+log a y

The logarithm of the total sum of the logarithms of the multipliers.

log a(x/ y)= log xlog a y

The logarithm of the private profit margin of the logarithm of a given trader.

log a b = log c b / log c a

Logarithm of a number b on a stand a take the logarithm of a number b from a new foundation h, divided by the logarithm of the old base a from a new foundation h.

log a b k= klog a b step logarithm ( b k) dobutku indicator step ( k) to the logarithm of the base ( b) which stage.

log a n b=(1/ n)∙ log a b Logarithm of a number b on a stand a n donut shot 1/ n to the logarithm of a number b on a stand a.

log a n b k=(k/ n)∙ log a b The formula is a combination of two forward formulas.

log a r b r = log a b or log a b= log a r b r

The value of the logarithm does not change, as if substantiating the logarithm, that number should be known to the logarithm in that very step.

  • The function F (x) is called the first row for the function f (x) for a given interval, so for all x from the first interval F "(x) \u003d f (x).
  • Whether it is primary for the function f (x) on a given interval can be written in the form F (x) + C, where F (x) is one of the first rows for the function f (x), and C is quite constant.
  • The sum of all primary functions F (x) + C of the function f (x) on the analyzed interval is called an insignificant integral and is assigned ∫f (x) dx, where f (x) is the integrand function, f (x) dx is the pi integral virase, x is the change integration.

1) (∫f(x)dx)"=f(x); 2) d∫f(x)dx=f(x)dx; 3) ∫kf(x)dx=k ∫f(x)dx;

4) ∫dF(x) dx=F(x)+C or ∫F"(x) dx=F(x)+C;

5) ∫(f(x)±g(x)) dx=∫f(x) dx±∫g (x) dx;

6) ∫f (kx+b) dx=(1/k) F (kx+b)+C.

Table of integrals.

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A step function is called a function of the form y = x n (it is read as y is more expensive x at step n), where n is a given number. Private types of state functions are functions of the form y=x, y=x 2 , y=x 3 , y=1/x and many others. Let's talk about the skin of them.

Linear function y=x1 (y=x)

The graph is a straight line that passes through the point (0; 0) from the point 45 degrees to a positive straight line on the Ox axis.

The chart is shown below.

The main power of line functions:

  • The function is growing and is assigned on the entire numerical axis.
  • Do not have a maximum and a minimum value.

Quadratic function y=x2

Graph of the quadratic function of a parabola.

The main power of the quadratic function:

  • 1. When x = 0, y = 0, i y> 0 at x0
  • 2. The minimum value of the quadratic function reachable at its vertex. Ymin at x=0; Also note that the maximum value of the function does not exist.
  • 3. The function changes to intermittent (-∞;0] and increases to intermittent)