Akathist of the Healer Great Martyr Panteleimon about the Health of the Ill. Akathist to the Great Martyr Panteleimon about the health of the sick Akathist to Saint Panteleimon about healing and dressing

In detail: an akathist to panteleimon the healer - s u s s v d kritih dzherel and rіznyh kutochkіv svіtu on the site site for our shanovanyh chitachіv.

Kondak а҃.

І҆́kos а҃.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak v҃.

Bache the aphids into the voice of the speakers and revitalize, having loved your goodness at home. You zapozichuєte Solodkіst Slov'yan, Slov'yan-Slov'yan, I walked along the mꙋ-ᲂу҆҆ҧ, ᲂ҆҆ ᲂу҆҆҆ҧ, ᲂ҆ѧzdvizhnoy Muzitsі, and nathnenny: A҆llіlꙋꙋї.

І҆́kos v҃.

To say BG҃Одꙋhnovnoye ҆Mѣѧ, ѽ Vashl-waiter Panteleimon, I҆҆mil ҆҆sì Tsar MAѯѯMIAN GUY DOSHì ì ạ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҇ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ТАГ. Tim, praising your mind, saying to you:

Radish, threaten the lane of contempt: radіsny, more glad than the godless are not rooted.

Radiation, implantation of the true God-worship: Radice, vikorinenі demenskogo degree.

Radian, inconsistency of multiples and vichituvachu: radio, ideal, give to the lower.

Radisny, disorganization of godless cathedrals: radisny, change of time to nbna.

Radisny, svіvrozmovnik intangible agggelіv: radisniy, glorious rich-suffering old.

Radish, and inspire Satan to shame: Rіd, and hrhtotos glorified.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak Mr.

Vyshnѧgѡ силою, дарованої tebѣ, i҆ krѣpkim terpѣnїem tvoim ѡ҆bezsilil є҆sѝ mꙋchitelevꙋ зухвалість mꙋzhestvenny pobѣdonosche: ѻ҆gnѧ, ѕvѣrey, колеса не ᲂu҆boѧvsѧ i҆ Мехем ᲂu҆sѣchen в glavꙋ, vѣnets pobѣdy prїѧl є҆sѝ ѿ hrⷭ҇ta bg҃a, vzyvaѧ є҆mꙋ: A҆llilꙋїa.

I҆́kos g҃.

҆M.The Chief of Your Chief, BG҃omꙋDy Passionerpiece, ꙗ҆kѡ Ploty Treasure, Joy Joys Outputs ѡ҆ Seis and Majo, I Possing Dannu Tebrѣ ѿ BG҃a Blgⷣt ҆Stzѣyyyy

A radiant, no-comedy lamp of all light: a radiant one, which is not suffocating.

Radishiy, dezhe cold godless: gladdeer, dezh vіkom є pіznannya.

Radiation, holy passion-bearers glory: radio, radio orthodox chunnya.

Radisny, good healing dzherelo: radisny, talents of great places.

Radisny, zapashne peace, џ҆bl҃gogahakhayuche dōshi: radisny, sho helping the calling tіm.

Radisny, blind zir darovy: radisny, chromium nearest fret.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak d҃.

Navkolishna nature, wicked king, Smatisѧ, ᲂu҆vidѣv ѿ zadrіsny doctor to you, ꙗ҆kѡ ѧ̑ ѧ̑kїѧ Nerist but naked Tslishi and and and and and and the truth is more severe. Well, with merriment more glorious than the wondrous god in you, wolf ymgolov: Allilgala.

Іkos d҃.

Слы́шавше нїкомиді́йстїи лю́дїе ѡ҆ вели́комъ сострада́нїи твое́мъ къ стра́ждꙋщымъ и҆ ѡ҆ безме́здномъ врачева́нїи ѿ всѧ́кихъ болѣ́зней, ᲂу҆стреми́шасѧ всѝ къ тебѣ̀, съ вѣ́рою во врачꙋ́ющꙋю блгⷣть, въ тебѣ̀ сꙋ́щꙋю, и҆ прїе́млюще ско́раѧ и҆сцѣлє́нїѧ ѿ всѧ́кихъ болѣ́зней, прославлѧ́хꙋ бг҃а и҆ тебѐ велича́хꙋ, всемлⷭ҇тиваго цѣли́телѧ своего̀, Call those:

Radish, anointed with the world of the near: welcome, temples of life.

Radishiy, great godly glory: radio, firm, which the walls strive for.

Radishiy, m'yadrich perevagoy razny: radisny, virnih egyptian thought.

Radishy, ​​homely darunkivs and richly brimming with us millions of local historical gerels: a cordial, swedish pomіchnik.

Radishy, ​​scho pick up the headstock: Radisny, misguided mentor.

Radish, ailing doctors: radio, school and historical dzherelo.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak є҃.

Cholo to the most glorious create for you where, when, through the servant of your yermol, they call to your inner world. Є҆хідноу bo velієyu ᲂugriously froze ѐҏtrochà on your death until хрⷭ҇тҙтља а҆бії Їzhdzhіvi і vsvav zdra Having known the nature of life of all truths, with a firm faith in alcohol

І҆́kos є҃.

Ozrіly svіt sіpiy, є s s krikannyam іm'ya christianity having reached the new one, glorious. Irmolaєm more the presbyter of consecrations, Ґrіnchenov etґetske rich of God, having adopted є mother of piety, and also this day for the sake of you, glorious word and bdzhіyu and zhodnom doctor, we click:

Radish, to the great rachennya of names: Radisny, gaudy life of love.

Radiant, dying successor of the ruined old yrmolaa: Radiant, inheriting for the sake of your mother.

Radish, who gave everything to you, she kept brehil: glad, love to the world of love.

Radio, like a place of licorice to the world for the sake of the suffering one

Radius, peremozny over usima predilections: Radius, beautiful blissful impassions.

The Radiant, the victors of joy, which are poured up to you: the Radiant, who has decayed all the cartilage.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak ѕ҃.

Propovѣdnik i҆stiny ꙗ҆visѧ prosvѣschenny тебе tѣlesnѣ i҆ dꙋshevnѣ slѣpets: podobnѡ бо є҆ѵⷢ҇lskomꙋ slѣptsꙋ, derznovennѡ ПЕРЕД vsѣmi i҆spovѣda svѣta i҆stinnagѡ hrⷭ҇ta, prosvѣschayuscha vsѧkago chelovѣka, nechestivagѡ ж tsarѧ i҆ богів ꙗ҆zycheskїѧ ᲂu҆koriv, ​​через mechnoe ᲂu҆sѣchenїe Вознесіння кб nemertsayuschemꙋ svѣtꙋ на nb҃sѝ pѣti bg҃ꙋ: A҆llilꙋїa.

І҆́kos ѕ҃.

Svitlich Lesyam represented by Odilisha Tsarevꙋ, Gorelovn, calling ҆҆SE, melted, everything is in ᲂ҆ Lishan: all the power of the m ҆҆ glory ҆҆st i-stainy bg҆҆st i-stainy bgrҿkѥvl- v ‚‚ ‚after the one is the same.

Radiant, sonorous loud-voiced bzhkhthkhrtkhtov: the next honey-dweller, the living yogi of home life.

Radishiy, great translation of the words: for the sake of the current piety.

Radiant, licorice faith pipe: radio, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy.

Radish, we have a happy marvelous death ahead of us: Radisny, to repair the death after death.

Radiy, glyadachevi of the glory of the Christian: Radius, the successor is quiet, to pray to you.

Radiy, giver of mercy quietly, what they demand: gladly, I go for the blessings of your memory.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak sp.

Mѵrѡ i҆zlѧѧsѧ on dꙋshꙋ your, bg҃omꙋdny tsѣlebnich, ѿ ᲂᲂtѣtѣtelѧ dh҃a: tѣmzh death honestly ѡ҆stki ѡ҆ ѡ҆ ѿ ѿѿraї

I҆́kos z҃

҆҆Gda ᲂu҆zRѣSh І҆DѡLSLE-ktiteli Multi-zelablaned, MLCTVEY, TWO, TWO, ENTERTAGE ТА ІНШИЙ ГОТЕЛЬ, MNOSY ᲂU҆TOVIE IN HRTA: Священики того ж BѣnѡSEVOVA на день фавориту, Warving theday, Warving Тебе ᲂу҆̀бо нещадні за хрⷭ҇та̀ стрҏҏжжемъ і Ѿ҆палѐ́ѐ́мъ було, з думкою :

Radisny, contemptuous earthly contempt: radisny, the blessings of speech movements.

Radish, that everything is the best in the world today, having said:

Radish, non-numerous perebuvatiy fishing for veliaru: radisny, the help of the townspeople kuta.

Radish, not merciful for the life of his life: dear, the heavy enemy of the flesh.

Radishiy, rich of God's latitudinal natural: radio, by the power of life Ideli is right.

Radish, the most powerful arrow, which is the guardian of the enemy: the radiant, the representative, the defender of the leader.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak i҃.

Strangnolѣpnѡ ꙗ҆vlѧshesѧ tebѣ gd, ѡ҆bodrѧѧ та спостереження за ѧ ѧ ї ҆mѧ ҆҆ho: у ѡ҆Brazѣ bo pravtorator ҆҆rmola, бульбашка ѻ҆lovo, в ніжному довірі була ҆҆с, ѡ҆hladѝ, а в Морі ѿrѣShiv Vousyiy ѿ vyiii ѿ ѿ ҆ ҆ востерный. Tee, while standing before the king, the urochisty spіv є hrihthtshhlbg: Aґlіllhoia.

І҆́kos і҃.

The whole ᲂu҆mnѣ on the NB҃SI Vodoprovodѧ, and the bottom on the earth, nі ѡцTershav, gnoblennya Alloperty's head.

Radish, perevagi zhittєvih i vykonany: radish, promiscuity brіd His taєmnichiy us.

Radiance, theological sympathy: joy, blue-loving thoughts of fun.

Radisny, holy khritt bead: radisny, sacred doshka and body.

Radishiy, at the courts of the first-born in the NBS, the universe: Radisny, in blessed hellish devils.

Radish, the light of a trio of gliders: a radiance, in my eyes, to a warm warmness, we are a representative.

Radisny, consecration of the doshas to give: radisny, mournful hearing of the lower.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kontakion ѳ҃.

Everything is ҆҆u ᲂu҆divizѧ, Panteleimon, output Cѧѧ in the tebt bⷣti ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ґіdhroyu, ґіlo-pink-pink-pink-pink, ґіlozhuy, ґіlosa ґіlozh. A҆llilꙋꙋꙋꙋї.

І҆́kos ѳ҃.

Vitȋѧ multi-ѧ not a post-praise, dear kindness, but such a glorious appearance of their own, yak ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆Susonnoy voyage ҆ ҆҆dѡlskꙋyu. Mi f, zdivavani i vikonani, zvem ti:

Radisne, radisne vision of Aґґrell: radisne, big thought of people.

Radish, shelter for chrіttya іsliky and in death savtsya: radish, body for the new urinary death

Radyanske, rule of law: Radyanske, good warrior king.

Radish, dark power of persomance: Radisny, overcoming your nebshchny and earthly joys.

Radishy, ​​littoral light to the blessed man: rіd, old svіt vіlny mandrіvnik.

Radisne, tree, adorned with the fruits of blessed gifts: dearer, bearing good virtue.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak i҃.

SostravdanїѧІspaluy, ꙗ҆kѡ І҆҆҆҆҆҆҆҆҆а а sledvach muffler MLTⷭ҇TI ГДⷭ҇a, honestly endure, Panteleimonomion, ІСІ, I’m ordering, I’m delivering ҆҆СЬ, to the bottom of TEBLІY, Merciful Yuzh, Merciful.

І҆́kos і҃.

Stѣnꙋ tѧ tverdꙋ ѡ҆brѣt mꙋchitel, nikіimi ж mꙋkami pobѣdimꙋ, pokꙋsisѧ sokrꙋshiti krѣpost ваш zꙋby̑ ѕvѣrey i҆ ѻ҆strїѧmi колесо mꙋchilischnagѡ, ѡ҆bache i҆ до сем незначною ᲂu҆spѣ: сила бо hrⷭ҇tova лютість ѕvѣrey ᲂu҆krotѝ, a҆ жахливий Коло, на кого ми ѡ҆braschaemo bѣ tѣlo tvoѐ, a҆bїe sokrꙋshisѧ . You ᲂu҆̀bo are unbearable.

Radisny, honestly Christian and weapons: Radisne, immaculate gods of blessing.

Radish, firm adamant of the Church: Radiant, indestructible stovp, dosіzany to nbrese.

Radiant, visible to the animals, crunchy: radiant, dragons in the invisible mourners.

Radish, what is your backbone for Christ's blood with a variety of savts: Radisny, non-domy receiving crown.

Radiation, joy of causal aggil and people: rіd, glorification bromine on earth and on earth.

Radisny, celestial, lycodnist s martyrs: radisny, nasichuvany chrita є the most beautiful.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak а҃і.

PROSN IT to Tikh, hto a provce for htre to chrⷭ҇t, at Ninerogіdnishi in the blood Mileon, ѿ Tebє, Great, and ҆ Maslichin, Pid Amorters, ᲂu, bouv ҆҆s і ҆҆҆҆҆҆҆ ҆ ҆ol. ҆ ᲂ ᲂ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆҆ Tim same hrit, the one who glorifies the glory of yoga, in a warm voice: Allilga.

І҆́kos а҃і.

Svetozarnaѧ Lꙋcha bula ҆҆s, bg҃omꙋdre, at the temryavі bagatookoї, pudoy ѧ Kul prodtsꙋ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҡ ҆ ѣ ҆҆ц

A radiant, blessed sight, shining on the firmament of thought: a radiance, a lighter, a luminous light for people.

Radisny, taєmnichiy Biblical ѿ sluts khrⷭ҇t̀: to the dear, thoughtful earth ѐҪbtekay.

Radisny, the settlement of the garne of the prestorog: radisny, vіdpovіdno important, waving and wall.

Radiation, treasures of treasures: joy, mercy, change the names.

Radisny, tsrttvy nbib҇naggy spadkoєmets: radisny, eternal glory of the communicant.

Radish, the representative of the bіdnim in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife: radiant, bezsribny, help tim, who call you with faith.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak v҃i.

Nearby belines come, treble, according to your great love to Christ. So it’s still dead with a rich dzherel, a boundless doctor, like rejoicing in ailments uphill.

І҆kos в҃і.

Navkolyshni Multi-Strain Others' Feeds for HDT, Nice Passionerpiece, Dolvorerth, ᲂU҆bl҃zhuychnyiyyiyi, I will be honored with a great number of pampering, strokes of ours and ҆ Tsѣlitel, I praise: you call you:

Radіnnya, piety triobobo are near: radi, sword, touch wickedness.

Radiant, planing on the tree for the rozpovsudzhennogo rіdtsya on the tree khrestnіshim: Rіdshiy, shche th bastard.

Radish, your enemies are arcane: radio, your blood and idelsky crooked and rich.

Radisny, in boiling tin thrown for khrittta: radisny, zanureniya for im'ya yoga in the waters of the sea.

For the sake of the industry, the neushkodzhenih at tsikh perebuvayushchy: glade, through those who are soft.

Radical, vitrimuvaniya nevycherpnі strict merciful vіrnim: radіsny, filthy doctor, healing the sick.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak g҃i.

Ї richly suffering and foreseeing the passion-bearer of Khritts and healer our Panteleimon! Mayuchi is small ѿ vіd us to confidentiality, ѿ Multi-matented N.Agѡv і saving us і victims of saving the visible and invisible і ҆ЧНѡ Mꙋꙋꙋꙋѧ I҆zbavitisѧ mi GDⷭ҇a ᲂes.í҇a ᲂ

І҆́kos а҃.

A҆gg҃la zemnagѡ i҆ nbⷭ҇nagѡ chelovѣka vѣmy tѧ, славний Пантелеімон: a҆gg҃lskoyu бо neporochnostїyu i҆ mꙋchenichestvom ᲂu҆krashen, preselilsѧ є҆sѝ ѿ zemlѝ на nb҃o, i҆dѣzhe з a҆gg҃ly i҆ vsѣmi st҃ymi predstoѧ prⷭ҇tolꙋ слава gdⷭ҇a, molisѧ ѡ҆ НАН України, zemnyh, pochitayuschih tѧ zvȃnїi Сімі:

Radiation, light of piety: Radiation, glorious lamp of the church.

Radisny, m'yaznikiv of the most beautiful farbuvannya: radisnyh, virnih in the unforgetable patience of firmness.

Radiant, youthful contempt of praise: rider, fighter of Christs, in indisputable.

Radish, growing in the world, premier: dear, but in the flesh, outweighing mortals.

Radish, celestial god of all: radio, zhittennago raznomistki.

Radish, to the one who will have faith: radiance, and prudence will be thrown off.

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Kondak а҃.

The election of passion-bearing Christ and the blissful doctor, to that tribute to negainnym іstlelennyam, we praise with songs. Well, scho can be great vіdvagu to quiet, whoever bіd and more vilny on us, love you

Radishiy, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.


Ѽ the great chrⷭ҇tov ᴂу҆гоDNichе and the glorious healer, the great panteleimon! Дꙋше́ю на нб҃сѝ прⷭ҇то́лꙋ бж҃їю предстоѧ́й и҆ трїѷпоста́сныѧ є҆го̀ сла́вы наслажда́ѧйсѧ, тѣ́ломъ же и҆ ли́комъ ст҃ы́мъ на землѝ въ бжⷭ҇твенныхъ хра́мѣхъ почива́ѧй и҆ да́нною тѝ свы́ше блгⷣтїю разли̑чнаѧ чꙋдеса̀ и҆сточа́ѧй, при́зри ми́лостивнымъ твои́мъ ѻ҆́комъ на предстоѧ́щыѧ лю́ди, честнѣ́й твое́й і҆кѡ́нѣ ᲂу҆ми́льнѡ молѧ́щїѧсѧ и҆ просѧ́щыѧ ѿ тебє̀ цѣлє́бныѧ Help and button up: stretch to ours, your warm death and nourishment to our lives. Се́ бо мы̀, за беззако́нїѧ на̑ша не смѣ́юще возвѣстѝ ѻ҆чеса̀ на̑ша къ высотѣ̀ нбⷭ҇нѣй, нижѐ вознестѝ гла́съ моле́бный къ є҆го̀ въ бжⷭ҇твѣ̀ непристꙋ́пнѣй сла́вѣ, се́рдцемъ сокрꙋше́ннымъ и҆ дꙋ́хомъ смире́ннымъ тебѣ̀, хода́таѧ ми́лостива ко влⷣцѣ и҆ мл҃твенника за ны̀, грѣ̑шныѧ, призыва́емъ, ꙗ҆́кѡ ты̀ прїѧ́лъ Є blg ⷣt ѿ negѡ̀ weeks ꙋ̑gi іяstelіti and passions gonetі. It’s reasonable for you: do not anger us, unworthy, be quiet, so pray to you and your help is quiet, what they require. Bꙋdi Нама до pechaleh ᲂu҆tѣshitel, до nedꙋzѣh lyutyh strazhdꙋschym ЛІКАР, napastvꙋemym раннього покровителю, ѻ҆chesem nedꙋgꙋyuschym prozrѣnїѧ дарувальник, ssꙋschym i҆ mladentsєm до skorbeh gotovѣyshїy predstatel i҆ i҆stsѣlitel: i҆skhodataystvꙋy vsѣm vsѧ̑, ꙗ҆zhe до sp҃senїyu polєznaѧ, ꙗ҆kѡ та до gdⷭ҇ꙋ bg҃ꙋ ml҃tvami polꙋchivshe blgⷣt i҆ MLL , I will glorify Pancakes Amen.

Born in the city of Nіkomіdії in the name of the noble pagan Yevstorgiy and the names Pantoleon. Yogo mother Evvula was a Christian. Vona wanted to writhe her son in the Christian world, but she died, if the future Great Martyr was a young young man. Batko enrolled Pantoleon in a pagan language school, graduating as a young man, having studied medicine with the famous physician Euphrosin in Nicosia and becoming the guide of Emperor Maximian (284-305), who wanted to have yoga in his yard.

At one time, the Hieromartyrs Presbyter Yermolai, Yermipp and Yermokrat taemno lived near Nikomidії, yakі after sleeping 20,000 Christians near the Nіkomіdіyskіy church near 303 roci. St. Yermolai repeatedly bachiv Pantoleon, who walked up and down the porches. As if the presbyter called the young man at his place of residence and spoke about the Christian faith. On this day Pantoleon saw the Hieromartyr Ermolai.

Like a young man, having bobbed a dead child on the street, bitten by a viper, as if there was a bail. Pantoleon began to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for the resurrection of the dead and the dead of the blasted reptile. Vіn firmly vіrishiv, scho at the time of vikonannya yoga prayer become a follower of Christ and accept Baptism. The child came to life, and the echidna flew into pieces in the eyes of Pantoleon.

After the miracle of Pantoleon, baptism to Saint Ermolai for the name of Panteleimon (all-merciful). Roaming with Єvstorієm, St. Panteleimon prepared it for the adoption of Christianity, and if the father shook, like a synergy of the blind invocation of Іm'ya Jesus Christ, then he believed in Christ and was christened at once іz we saw the blind.

After the death of the father, Saint Panteleimon dedicating his life to the suffering, ill, wretched same marriages. Vіn free of charge likuvav usіh, who turned to the new, zlіluyuchi їх ім'yam of Jesus Christ. Vіn vіdvіduvav vіdvіduvav v'yaznitsy v'yaznіv, especially christians, yakim boulevnі vіznіnі vіznіtі, iіkuvav їх vіd wounds. Nezabar a bit about the gracious doctor spread throughout the place. Having run out of other doctors, the inhabitants began to go as far as St. Panteleimon.

From the zazdroshchiv, the doctors reported to the emperor that Saint Panteleimon rejoiced in the Christian victories. Maximian urged the saint to make a denunciation and offer sacrifice to the idols, but Saint Panteleimon recognized himself as a Christian and, in the eyes of the emperor, healed the weakened Name of Jesus Christ. Zhorstoky Maximian was a healer, who glorified Christ, and blessed St. Panteleimon to the greatest torments.

The Lord appeared to the saint and stood before the sufferers. They hung the Great Martyr Panteleimon on a tree and tore it with claws, scorched it with candles, then pulled it on wheels, threw it into tin, which was boiling, threw it into the sea with a stone on its neck. At all katuvannyahs, the great martyr lost his innocence and victoriously victorious emperor.

At the same hour, presbyters Ermolai, Ermip and Yermokrat stood before the court of the pagans. All three firmly confessed their faith in the Savior and were decapitated (26 limes were posted about them).

At the order of the emperor, the Great Martyr Panteleimon was thrown to the wild animals at the circus to be ripped apart. But the animals licked Yogo's feet and shoved one another, pushing the saint's hands with their hands. The gazers looked up from the mist and began to shout: "Great God of the Christians!" The resolution of Maximian punished the soldiers with swords of all those who glorified the Name of Christ, and the great martyrs Panteleimon shattered their heads.

They brought the saint to the strata and tied it up to the olive tree. If the great martyr prayed, one of the warriors hit him with a sword, but the sword became soft, like a whisker, and did not give a wound. The saint finished the prayer, and felt the Voice, which called the passion-bearer on him and called the Kingdom of Heaven. Feeling the Voice from Heaven, the warriors fell on their knees before the holy martyr and asked for remission. Kati moved to continue the stratum, and then the Great Martyr Panteleimon punished the viscounts by the order of the emperor, saying that otherwise they would not stink with him of a part of the future life. The warriors with tears said goodbye to the saints, kissing Yogo.

If the martyrs saw their heads, milk flowed from the wound. The olive tree, until the binding of the saints, at the time of its death was covered with fruits. Many people present at the Strati believed in Christ. The body of the saint, thrown into a bagattya, was deprived of the fire by the unshakable and was buried by the Christians († 305). The servants of the great martyr Panteleimon Lavrentiy, Vass and Provian bachiled the stratum and chuli Voice from Heaven. They wrote a poem about the life, suffering and death of the holy great martyr.

The holy relics of the Great Martyr Panteleimon scattered in fragments throughout the entire Christian world: honestly, the head of Yogo Nin was transferred to the Russian Monastery of Athos in the name of the Great Martyr Panteleimon.

Enthronement of the holy martyr in the Russian Orthodox Church already in the 12th century. Prince Izyaslav, at the baptismal Panteleimon, the son of Saint Mstislav the Great, the image of the Great Martyr Panteleimon on his sholom. With the spade of the holy wine, we live by the war of 1151 fate. On the day of commemoration of the great martyr Panteleimon, Russian soldiers won two naval victories over the Swedes (1714 at Gangauzi, 1720 at Grengas).

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon
The Great Martyr Panteleimon roams at the Orthodox Church as a holy saint, patron of warriors. This side of the movement is rozkrivaє yogo first of the name Pantoleon, which means “a lion for everything”. Another of them, given at Christening, is Panteleimon, who is "all-merciful", revealing himself as a great martyr as a healer. Among foreign Christians, he is considered the patron saint of doctors. The link between the two patrons of the saint is well seen from the fact that the wars, as they most often take away wounds, most require a healer-healer. To the very same, Christians, as they lead a spiritual like, so go to the holy one with the healing of the soul.

The name of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon is invoked at the consecration of the sacrament of Holy Consecration, the consecration is led in prayer for the German.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon
Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in the Russian Monastery on Athos, the temple saint. Before the holy day, they begin 8 days before the holy day, in the evening after the evening prayers of the canon are sung for 8 voices, and for the skin day there is a special canon. Another day is holy - ktitorsky day. On the very day of the holy day, after the vechirnі vechіrnі sobornі, panakhida is celebrated for the peaceful buddіvniki and benefactors of the monastery, consecrated and moonlight number (kutija). On the 9th song, sing the canon of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon from the handwritten Athos service of instructing in the “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate” (1975 No. 3, pp. 45-47).

Akathist to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Kondak 1

Іkos 1

Kondak 2

Ikos 2

Kondak 3

Іkos 3

Kondak 4

Іkos 4

Kondak 5

Іkos 5

Kondak 6

Ikos 6

Kondak 7

Ikos 7

Kondak 8

Ikos 8

Kondak 9

Ikos 9

Kondak 10

Іkos 10

Kondak 11

Іkos 11

Kondak 12

Ikos 12

Kondak 13

Іkos 1

Angels of the earthly and heavenly people of thee, glorious Panteleimon: for the angelic purity and martyrdom of embellishments, thou hast settled on the earth in Heaven, dressed with Angels and all the saints standing before the Throne of the Lord, glory, pray for us, earthly, pious pious; Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church. Rejoice, martyrs of the most beautiful color; Rejoice, steadfastness of the indestructible steadfastness. Rejoice, praise of youth is not abyssal; Rejoice, champion of Christ, masculinity is not exhaustive. Rejoice, that you are growing in the world, you are humble; Rejoice, angel in the body, turn the mortals over. Rejoice, all-blessed celestial; Rejoice, host of the divine rose. Rejoice, for the faith has risen; Rejoice, for you must throw yourself off. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 1

Vibranium, the passion-bearer of Christ and the gracious healer, give the sick healers, with songs we praise you, our intercessor. Well, for you can be merciful to the Lord, in the presence of all kinds of sickness and sickness, you will cry out to you with love: Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Prayers to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

persha prayer

O great saint of Christ and glorious healer, great martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in Heaven to the Throne of God, check and thrіїpostasnі Yogo glorify you, with the body and face of the saints on earth in the Divine temples, rest and give you the grace of grace to exude miracles; prayers and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins. God, for our iniquity, do not dare to call our eyes to the heights of heaven, lower the voice of prayers to Yogo in the Godhead of impregnable glory, broken heart and humble spirit to you, merciful trouble to the Lord and the prayer book for us, sinners, we cry like you grace in the New ailments heal and addictions heal. We ask you: do not anger us, the poor, that we pray to you and your help. Be a comforter to us in sadness, a sick doctor to sick people, we will give you a swedish patron, a visionary giver of sight to those who are ill, a representative and a healer to those who are in grief: let us cry out all, even until the end of time, kohanna mercy, glorify all the good of God Dzherel and giver in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit of Nina and all the time and forever and ever. Amen.

A friend's prayer

O most glorious martyr and good warrior of the Heavenly King, Panteleimon the all-blessed, the merciful God of succession, having graciously commended Christ on earth, and having recognized the New torment for the New, having accepted ignorance in Heaven,! All sinners come to your Christ-like sympathy for God, and we wholeheartedly pray to you, a warm intercessor and our representative: do not stop looking after us, which is rooted in needs and mournful circumstances, and your prayerful help and help with all your will . Having accepted Thee, holy, inviolable grace of healing in the sight of our Savior Jesus Christ for your firmness until the New Faith, with a clean and immaculate life, carbed with martyrdom and richly enduring your death, in a way that, according to the grace and names of Christ Pantel, dear to you rushes to you in sorrows and ailments. For whom you are leading a merciful caretaker and healer, with faith we are before you: feel us and your God-receiving troubles, give us all that is useful in this life and is necessary to eternal salvation. To your martyr’s side, the goodness of the merciful God, do not have mercy on us sinners and unworthy for Your great mercy, do not allow us to pardon us, the flood, the fire, the sword and all righteous anger and rebuke, promptly moving us to the cleansing and propitiatory bounty of His ears, do not give us bezbіdne, quiet and charitable life, but the Orthodox will overcome all the enemies and well-being, and all of us in the thieves of the visible and invisible do not save the grace of Your own and the insurmountable militias of His Angels, with whom we enclose and instruct in penitential, purity that in creation charitable rights; let us be worthy of your warm intercession to improve the Christian demise painless, peaceful, unshakable, get away from the steps of the conquered princes with drink and eternal torment, and be the fall of the unbounded, all-blessed Kingdom. Їy, the saint of God! Don’t stop praying for us, sinners, that your troubles of Timchas and eternal bіd will do, magnify you, our intercessor and prayer man, and eternally glorify the sleeping Vladik and our Lord Jesus Christ, Yom should be glory, honor and worship to the Beginningless Yogo and all the time and for ages and ages. Amen.

Prayer of the third of His Grace Jeremiah (Samitnik)

Holy Great Martyr and Healing Panteleimon! Pray to God for us and do not let these ailments get in us, which hurt our soul and body! Ztsili tі virazki and scabs, yakі zavdani us with our addictions. Pain with my nights and relaxation - ztsili us. With a heavy pull and passion for earthly objects - healing. Pain, O Saint Panteleimon! It hurts to forget: about the right of salvation, about our sins and weaknesses, about our shoes - no. We are sick of zlapam'yattu, anger, hatred - zcili, about the healing of St. Athos and the all-worldly. Bolіmo zazdrіstyu, pride, pride, magnificence, for all the vigilance and indecentness - ztsili us. It hurts richness and different attacks of tiles: gluttony, unstriking, richness, voluptuousness - zcili. Painful drowsiness, richness, marnoslivism, condemnation - no matter what, about St. Panteleimon! To hurt our eyes with sinful glances, to hurt our ears with hearing marnosliv'ya, likhosliv'ya, naklepiv - zcili us. To hurt the hands of unpretentiousness to the prayerful infusion and to the merciful mercifulness - zcili nі. To hurt our feet, it’s urgent for us to go to the temple of the Lord and pragnenny to walk on the stacks and to see the worldly houses - zcili nі. To hurt, to hurt our tongue, our mouth: empty words, marnosliv'yam, dashing words, turning into prayers and glorifications, or weaving them nedbalo, rozsiyano, without respect, without understanding - no, about mercifulness ! From the head to nіg it hurts me: to hurt our mind with incompetence, insensibility and madness; we have the will to hurt, turning into the eyes of the saints to occupy and pragnuchi the right of shkidlivih and ungodly; to hurt our memory, forget our sins and avenge our own sins and image our neighbors; to hurt us awake, not to sleep and not to lively show us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, God's wrath, the hell of Christ's suffering, Yogo rozp'yattya - no, O Saint Panteleimon! All of us hurt. Weakness and our soul is all with strength and strength. We are weak and our body is our mustache members. Heal neither, O Saint Panteleimon, the unmercenary and noble Likar, the servant of the Most Holy Theotokos, and do not leave our contriteness in the face of ailments and in the face of infirmity: let us heal with your grace, I will glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father in service to them, who sends sickness, and such yours, O Saint Panteleimon, who heals the saints for ever. Amen.

Prayer Four

O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and healers of rich mercy, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, feel my stogin and zoik, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, give me healing in the face of my rotten ailments. Receive the blessing of sin greater for all people. See me with grace. Don’t get sick of my sinners, anoint me with your olive mercy and heal me: so, healthy in soul and body, I decide my days, by the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and God’s grace and I will be able to accept the good end of my belly. Їy, the saint of God! Pray for Christ God, let your representation grant me a healthy body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Prayer p'yata

Holy Great Martyr, healer and wonderworker Panteleimon, all-round servant of God and prayer book of the fresh Orthodox Christians! Worthy of the names Panteleimon, who is all-merciful, more, having accepted the grace of God to pray for neither and the ailment of health, we give you a lot, we are surging up to you, the cost of health and all up to the life of the timchas and to the order is necessary: ​​for this and we are unworthy Your mercy, while in front of your holy icon I come to you, and glorifying you, as a generous saint of God, our faithful prayer man and healer, diligently giving you all the blessings of the Lord our God about the great blessings, for the New you we have many. Accept, mercifully, a small prayerful prayer of ours, for not imams, but for the richness of yours, and for the last hour of our belly do not spare us, the Germans and sinners, your help and prayerful clamor from the Lord our God, to whom all glory, Dyaka, Father i Sinu i Holy spirit, ninі i povyakchas і for ever and ever. Amen.

Shosta prayer

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, the merciful God of succession! Look kindly and smell us, sinners, before your holy icon praying diligently. Ask us from the Lord God, Yomu and the Angels are in heaven, free of sins and our sins. For the sicknesses of the soul and the mortal servants of God, who are remembered, here are the future and all Orthodox Christians, to your intercession. Bo mi, for our sin, we are fiercely obsessed with ailments and do not help them and in silence, we come to you, for you will give grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every ailment. Grant us all, with your holy prayers, health and well-being of the soul and body, success in faith in that piety and all up to the life of Timchas and for salvation. So, having been honored by you with great and rich mercies, we will glorify you and grant all blessings, wondrous in the saints, our God, Father, Sin, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Troparion, tone 3

Passion-bearing saint and healing Panteleimon, pray to the Merciful God, give that sin to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 5

The successor of the Merciful, and healing grace in the New received, passion-bearing and martyr of Christ God, with your prayers, our spiritual ailments were healed, in the fight, calm down the crying out true: save us, Lord.


We magnify you, passion-bearing holy great martyr and healing Panteleimon, and we honor your suffering, that you recognize you for Christ.

One of the most powerful intercessors of people and a great healer is the Orthodox Great Martyr Panteleimon. Vіn dopomogaє in case of any illness, mental and physical ailments. Akathist to Panteleimon the Healer bring rejoicing in case of various illnesses, helping to strengthen the spirit and health.

The meaning of the akathist to Panteleimon the Cilitel

In ailments and difficulties, with problems and ailments, people go to the help of St. Panteleimon. The Akathist for this honor is the whole laudatory speech that is made up of kondakiv and ikosiv, in the last number 25 pisen. It is especially important to pray and read an akathist, if your fathers, close people, and relatives are suffering from your own ailments.

Before the great divine power, which is the endowment of Panteleimon, come forward like medical laws. Sometimes you can tell the doctors that it is impossible to explain what you are seeing: the patients are healing miraculously. To the holy healer, they pray themselves, sometimes in special situations they turn to the priests, so that they read an akathist about health at the temple.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon was born at Nicodemia. Yogo father became a pagan and woke up the son of his soul in his faith. The lad began to learn the art of jubilation. As if the holy martyr Yermolai consecrated the lad to the Christian faith, and the young man started to take care of him.

The gift of healing was revealed raptly: Panteleimon, after pumping the child, yak died from the bite of an echidna. Vіn having turned to the Lord, for the sake of grabbing the boy and the poor animal. When you think that everything will turn out like this, if you ask wine, then you will become a follower of Christ and go through the rite of Baptism. The child was resurrected, and the echidna broke into small pieces. After that, Panteleimon became a servant and ztsilyuvav Christians.

The emperor-pagan Maximian, having prepared terrible torments for Panteleimon, was left indifferent by all the saints. If Yogo was thrown at the lions, the creatures caressed and licked Yogo's feet. If youmu was punished to cut his head, the swords did not hear the kativ. Holy pishov is less for the call of the Voice from Heaven. And from the yogo wound, at the sight of the head of the olive tree, milk flowed. The holy relics did not burn at the fire, they were taken apart by faith and spread throughout the whole world.

Panteleimon next to pray:

  • about the likuvannya of serious ailments;
  • for relief of suffering;
  • with mental experiences and traumas;
  • about the dressing of the soul and body;
  • they don’t talk about health, young people and young people, grown-up believers.

Akathist to read about your clothes, about the healing of mothers and tata, the other halves and ditlakhiv. It doesn’t matter who is ill, smut, ask for a poryatunok that is healthy for dear people.

Learn the rules of how to behave when reading an akathist:

  1. Next, stand in front of the icon of Panteleimon at the church at home.
  2. Sitting is allowed only if we weaken and we are seriously ill.
  3. Light a candle and trim it in your hands - її lightly allow your neighbors to be close to the holy great martyr and continue in a prayerful way.
  4. Before the akathist, read a prayer to the Savior and the Mother of God.
  5. The words are guilty to go into the heart and be matched with the breadth of that faith.

If you are sick at home, put an icon of a healer for a sick person and read an akathist in order to him.

Panteleimon in the Orthodox Church is considered the patron saint of warriors, a terrible defender and a strong healer. The Holy One feels that she helps everyone who is going to hell. It is important not to take sin in case of someone, but rather to ask for forgiveness from God. The power of the akathist is increased by a few times, so that you can read yoga for 40 days.

Video "Prayer and akathist to Healer Panteleimon"

In this video you can listen to the audio akathist to the Healer Panteleimon.

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Vibranium, the passion-bearer of Christ and the gracious healer, give the sick healers, with songs we praise you, our intercessor. Well, for you can be merciful to the Lord, in the presence of all kinds of sickness and sickness, you will cry out to you with love: Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Angels of the earthly and heavenly people of thee, glorious Panteleimon: for the angelic purity and martyrdom of embellishments, thou hast settled on the earth in Heaven, dressed with Angels and all the saints standing before the Throne of the Lord, glory, pray for us, earthly, pious pious; Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church. Rejoice, martyrs of the most beautiful color; Rejoice, steadfastness of the indestructible steadfastness. Rejoice, praise of youth is not abyssal; Rejoice, champion of Christ, masculinity is not exhaustive. Rejoice, that you are growing in the world, you are humble; Rejoice, angel in the body, turn the mortals over. Rejoice, all-blessed celestial; Rejoice, host of the divine rose. Rejoice, for the faith has risen; Rejoice, for you must throw yourself off. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Having served you Vladik, I will pick up the vessel, love your souls for your kindness. Bo the earth all the malt and the glory of znehtuvav, the martyr’s crown zazhil thou art adorned with divine love, and intently sing: Alleluia.

Rozum of God's light, about valor to the warrior Panteleimon, calling Tsar Maximian to your courageous soul and words, and boldly proclaiming You Christ. Tim, praising your guard, we say to you: Rejoice, threaten Maximian the unimportant; Rejoice, for the joy of the godless disobedient. Rejoice, planting of the true God-worship; Rejoice, victor of the demonic service. Rejoice, wickedness of the tormentors of Vikrivacheva; Rejoice, give the bollynik an idol. Rejoice, destroyer of the godless assembly; Rejoice, you are long in Heaven. Rejoice, interpreter of non-verbal angels; Rejoice, trinity of richly suffering saints. Rejoice, for Satan has quarreled; Rejoice that Christ is glorified. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

By the power of Cherry, bestowed upon you, and your patience, having overcome your tormenting praise, the male overcome: fire, zvirіv, the wheels were not afraid and the sword of contraction on the choli, the crown of victory, having accepted the form of Christ God, calling Yoma Alleluia.

Your abode is possible, dear to your head, God-wise passion-bearer, more great treasures, joys are remembered about you, lovingly giving you the grace of healing in the form of God, crying out to you: Rejoice, Nikomidії luminary of the all-bright; Rejoice, for you will be guarded by the watchful abode of the abode. Rejoice, for the godless one becomes cold; Rejoice, for you are in the knowledge of God. Rejoice, glory of the passion-bearers; Rejoice, radiance of Orthodox hearing. Rejoice, healer of grace; Rejoice, gift of great mysteries. Rejoice, store the world, soul, that the soul is choking; Rejoice, for you help them, who is more called to you. Rejoice, we blind the zir of gifts; Rejoice, lame beneficence of the ruler. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

In a storm of thoughts of God's obsession, the godless tsar became embarrassed, chuckling in the eyes of doctors, who teased you, for all sorts of unfortunate ailments of the king in the name of Christ. Well, for the joy of glorifying the wondrous God in you, Volaemo Yomu: Aliluya.

Feeling nіmіdіystії people about your great spіvchutya to the suffering and about the free likuvannya in the case of all kinds of ailments, striving everything to you, with faith in the likuvalna grace, in you I exist, and it’s nice to be healed in the case of all the ailments: I’m happy, glorifying God anointing with peace of grace; Rejoice, temple of the God of consecration. Rejoice, great pious glory; Rejoice, hard embittered wall. Rejoice, you turn the wise with your mind; Rejoice, enlighten your thoughts. Rejoice, friend of divine gifts and various mercies of the Lord dzherelo; Rejoice, for the savior of the suffering. Rejoice, for you are overcast with a buttock; Rejoice, deceitful mentor. Rejoice, healer of sick tunis; rejoice, you exude clear healing. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

A most glorious miracle, the Lord, will do for you, if through His servant Yermolai we call out in His miraculous light. For the vile greatness of the abominable young man died for your prayer to Christ, abi come alive and get healthy. Knowing the Life-Giver of all the True God, with firm faith calling Yoma: Aliluya.

I saw the light of the blind, and I, from calling on the Name of Christ, bumped into you, glorious. Irmolaєm more the presbyter of consecrations, having seen the batkіvske rich of God, having adopted the mother of piety, like the father enlightened єsi. Why for the sake of you, the glorious saint of God and the wonderful healer, Volaemo: Rejoice, God is great blessing; Rejoice, for ever-burning the fire of Divine love. Rejoice, novice novice of the sacred priests of Yermolai; Rejoice, follow the joy of your mother Yevvuli. Rejoice, for having distributed all of you, you have come to Christ. Rejoice, love to the light of God's love of strength. Rejoice, for the vicissitudes of the licorices of the world for Christ have taken fierce suffering. Rejoice, for the soul has become the Passion of Christ. Rejoice, for triumph over usim passions; Rejoice, for you will adorn yourself with grace-filled fearlessness. Rejoice, conquer the joys that flow to you; Rejoice, thou heal us with the grace of Christ. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

The preacher of the truth appeared to be illuminated by you, the mortal and soulful blind: like the Evangelical blind, mercifully before the mustache the Light of the True Christ, who enlightens every human being, the impious king and the gods of the Gentiles, through the sword

With a bright face, presenting to the court of the tsar, boldly calling to You, most blessed, for the sake of all: my strength and glory is Christ, the true God, Lord of all, resurrect the dead and heal every ailment. For such a message, pleasing to you, with the verb: Rejoice, loud mouth of the Divinity of Christ; Rejoice, yazichche honey, proclaim Yogo home life. Rejoice, steward of the greatest theologian; Rejoice, wise siyachevi piety. Rejoice, malt-sounding nozzle; Rejoice, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, for revealing marvelous to death; Rejoice, for after death the robish is wondrous. Rejoice, looking at the glory of Christ; Rejoice, quiet hearing one who prays to you. Rejoice, for you will require an old age of your mercy; Rejoice, for we are the intercessor of good things, we are praising your memory. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Peace poured over your soul, God-wise healer, in the form of the Comforter of the Spirit; to them, after death, honestly, your remains, with the plows of your addictions, dashingly, heal, serve those who cry out to God with faith: Aliluya.

If bachish idolstії chitachі bogatorіchna is relaxed, by your prayer, holy, sporadic and walking, richly believed in Christ; zhertsі godlessness, zadrosti їdyat, pushing the king to the fury. You are merciless for Christ, the guardian and the scorched colossus, with the cry of rozchulennyam: Rejoice, salt the earthly unimportant; Rejoice, blessing of the speeches. Rejoice, for you have placed all the red light in the world. Rejoice, for you destroy the glory of Shvidkoplinn for yourself. Rejoice, for the imperceptible catch of Veliar, who is resting; Rejoice, overpowering tormentor of accessibility. Rejoice, for you did not spare your life for Christ; Rejoice, the enemy appeared to the flesh. Rejoice, O rich God's latitude; Rejoice, straighten the shares by divine power. Rejoice, O gostra strіla, infuriating the enemy; Rejoice, intercessor, intercede in faith. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

The Lord appeared marvelously to you, pidbadyoryuchi and tormented in torment for Im Yogo: in the image of presbyter Ermolai, like a squeaky tin, into which you are thrown, cool, and in the sea, having breathed a great stone into yours, the star is unshkodzhena to the earth. Thee, as if standing before the king, urochisto spіvav Ty to Christ God: Aliluya.

Settling down in Heaven, and below on earth you do not deprive us of your all-honored head, great passion-bearer of Christ, accepting the sight of the Lord and giving enlightenment and sanctification to those who weave you like this: Rejoice, wisdom of the Divine vicons; Rejoice, God provide for us secretly. Rejoice, God's minds of malt; Rejoice, God-loving souls rose. Rejoice, blessed Christ's beads; Rejoice, consecration of the soul and body. Rejoice, for you have settled in Heaven with the two first-born; Rejoice, for the devils are in snowboarding bags. Rejoice, light of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, for in prayers to God you are warm for us. Rejoice, give enlightenment to souls; Rejoice, for you comfort the sorrowful. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Rejoice in all of you, Panteleimon, sing in your grace and wealth of honesty: your angel-like purity, your great masculinity in fierce suffering, mystical love for Christ and richly singing to people, in which you create glorious, in a loop: Alleluia.

Vetiya batomovnі not be able to praise your struggle for wealth, glorious virtuous victory, more by the unstoppable power of God, the youthful litter of the ancient and peaceful foe and rubbish idol beauty. Well, zdivuvannya vykonanny, klichemo: Rejoice, gladisne seeing Angels; Rejoice, reverent zdivuvannya of people. Rejoice, thou who wilts the blood for Christ, and in death has been laid bare; Rejoice, body for the New Martyr's death. Rejoice, rule of guidance; Rejoice, for the war is better than the King of kings. Rejoice, thou mightest power of darkness; Rejoice, overcoming your heavenly and earthly affections. Rejoice, blessed light of the girsky world; Rejoice, long light of the wise mandrivnik. Rejoice, tree, blessed with the fruits of grace-giving gifts; Rejoice, you wear good-natured chicks. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Spivne spontaneity, like a true successor Giving the mercy of the Lord, honest sufferer, Panteleimon (si є, all-merciful) in the New name of Thou, for all the mercy that clings to you, waving, to the south and we are inexhaustible to exude, about you crying to God: Allila.

I’ll overcome the wall of the tormentor, I’ll overcome it with no torment, try to crush your fort with the teeth of the beasts and the winds of the tormenting wheel, by the way, I caught it in no need: for the power of Christ’s ferociousness of the beasts was stolen, and it’s a terrible stake, on which the beast was dead. To the unstoppable passion-bearer we cry: Rejoice, honesty of Christ's repentance; Rejoice, impeccable plow of God. Rejoice, adamant of the firmaments of the Church; Rejoice, innocent stovp, reach for Heaven. Rejoice, tidy up the visible beasts; Rejoice, dragons in the invisible jury. Rejoice, thou who didst burn thy blood for Christ, which was made by a bastard; Rejoice, for the princes are unfailingly accepted. Rejoice, joy is given by the Angel and the people; Rejoice, glorification of God in heaven and earth. Rejoice, undeity, triumph o martyrs; Rejoice, enjoy the sweetness of Christ's juveniles. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

We bring a song of departure to your holy zakolinny for Christ, in which at once with the blood of a milky one weaves in front of you, the great martyr, and an olive tree, under it the truncation of the bosom, filled with jubilant fruits. The Tim of Christ, who marvelously glorifies the Slavs of Yogo, the warmth of the wave: Aliluya.

Svіtlozor promnіnnya bulo, God-wise, in the darkness of the rich god, what to sit, what to see off until the Sun of the Truth of Christ God, pray to Yoma, at the light of the commandments of Yogo, every now and then, to us, it’s a joy to bring you: Rejoice, blessed dawn, on the mislennі; Rejoice, I will change, to shine with the people of Christ. Rejoice, for the mystery of burning in the sight of the Son of Christ; Rejoice, wisely round the earth. Rejoice, dwelling place of the red of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, beautiful vessel, wiggle healing. Rejoice, purity of belongings; rejoice, merciful names. Rejoice, the Kingdom of Heaven is falling; rejoice, eternally glorify the communicant. Rejoice, zhittestem, what is famously in the sea; Rejoice, bezsribny, help them, who call you with faith. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Grace to the great number of accepting you, trebless, for the great number of your love to Christ God. And reveal you as a richly healing dzherel, who freely exulted spiritual and bodily ailments, who cling to you with faith and God, who shout: Alleluia.

We sing your richly suffering deeds for Christ, glorious passion-bearer, praise your long-suffering, bless the martyr's death, we honor your sacred memory, our intercessor and healer, and cry to your praise: Rejoice, pious trumpet; Rejoice, swordsman, seek godlessness. Rejoice, planing on the tree for the outstretched hand of Your hand on the horseradish tree; Rejoice, for it is scorching for Nyogo, put on the furnace, having extinguished thee. Rejoice, with your arms the enemies of conflict; Rejoice, dry stream of your blood. Rejoice, throwing tin in boiling water for Christ; Rejoice, for zanureniya for Im'ya Yogo at the waters of the sea. Rejoice, for by God's providence there are no ears for those who perebuvany; Rejoice, for through the fire and water of the torment, you enter the calm of Heaven. Rejoice, weave the inexhaustible streams of mercy to us; Rejoice, kind-hearted doctor, give healing grace. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

O richly suffering and foreseeing passion-bearer of Christ and our healer Panteleimon! Graciously accepting just a few offerings to us, in the face of various ailments, you didn’t save your presence in the thieves of the visible and invisible and eternal torment, the Lord will be good to us, that in the Kingdom of Yogo the guilt will be apprehended: Aliluya.
(This kontakion is read three times).

Angels of the earthly and heavenly people of thee, glorious Panteleimon: for the angelic purity and martyrdom of embellishments, thou hast settled on the earth in Heaven, dressed with Angels and all the saints standing before the Throne of the Lord, glory, pray for us, earthly, pious pious; Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church. Rejoice, martyrs of the most beautiful color; Rejoice, steadfastness of the indestructible steadfastness. Rejoice, praise of youth is not abyssal; Rejoice, champion of Christ, masculinity is not exhaustive. Rejoice, that you are growing in the world, you are humble; Rejoice, angel in the body, turn the mortals over. Rejoice, all-blessed celestial; Rejoice, host of the divine rose. Rejoice, for the faith has risen; Rejoice, for you must throw yourself off. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Vibranium, the passion-bearer of Christ and the gracious healer, give the sick healers, with songs we praise you, our intercessor. Well, for you can be merciful to the Lord, in the presence of all kinds of sickness and sickness, you will cry out to you with love: Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

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Troparion and Kontakion to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon

Prayers to the Holy Great Martyr PanteleimonAkathist to the Holy Great Martyr PanteleimonThe Magnificence of Panteleimon

Troparion and Kontakion to the Holy Great Martyr PANTELEIMON

Troparion, tone 3

Passion-bearing saint and healing Panteleimon, pray to the merciful God, give that sin to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 5

The successor of the Merciful and the healing grace of the New received, the passion-bearer and martyr of Christ God, with your prayers, our spiritual ailments were healed, fighting calmly in the struggle against the crying out: save us, Lord.


persha prayer

O great saint of Christ and glorious healer, great martyr Panteleimon! Душе́ю на Небеси́ Престо́лу Бо́жию предстоя́й и триипоста́сныя Его́ сла́вы наслажда́яйся, те́лом же и ли́ком святы́м на земли́ в Боже́ственных хра́мех почива́яй и да́нною ти́ свы́ше благода́тию разли́чная чудеса́ источа́яй, при́зри ми́лостивным твои́м о́ком на предстоя́щия лю́ди, честне́й твое́й ико́не уми́льно моля́щияся и прося́щия от тебе́ целе́бныя help me intercede: stretch your prayers warm to the Lord our God and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins.
Behold, we, for our iniquity, do not dare to raise our eyes to the heights of heaven, lower the voice of prayer to His in the Godhead of unapproachable glory, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit to you, an intercessor of mercy to the Lord and a prayer book for us, I call you, a sinner Thou hast the grace to heal New ills and addictions to heal.
We ask you: do not anger us, unworthy, to pray to you and your help, to help. Wake up in a subscription, the comforter, in the ails of the people with the suffering enemy, attacked by a seduced patron, counting the distinction of the distinction, the tangent and the young man, a skillful representer and the healing let us glorify all the good Dzherel and the Gift of God, the One in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit of Nina and forever and ever. Amen.

A friend's prayer

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, the merciful God of succession! Take a good-hearted look and feel us, sinners, before your holy icon, be quiet, to pray. Ask us (names) from the Lord God, Yomu s angels check in heaven, the abundance of our sins and sins. Ztili ailments of the soul and bodily servants of God (names), that they are remembered, here are the future and all Orthodox Christians, to your intercession. Bo mi, for our sin, we are fiercely obsessed with ailments and do not help them and in silence, we come to you, for you will give grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every ailment.
Grant to all of us (names) with your holy prayers, health and well-being of the soul and body, success in faith and piety and all before the life of Timchas and for salvation. So, having been honored by you with great and rich mercies, let us glorify you and the Giver of all blessings, wondrous in the saints, our God, Father and Sin and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer three

Until you, like a free doctor, a comforter of the mournful, a savior of the impossible, vbigaemo mi nin, Saint Panteleimon. Having learned the wisdom of the worldly and mystical medicine well, having believed you in Christ, in the New gift of healing, free of charge sick people. Wealth is all its evil, miserable, distributing to orphans and widows, at the kaidans Tomimikh vodvіduav, holy martyr of Christ, and likuvannyam, the conversation that merciful vtіshav їх.
For faith in Christ, having recognized the torment, on the choli with a sword of absurdity, and before your death, Christ appeared, calling you Panteleimon, you are all-merciful, giving you the grace to have mercy on everyone who rushes to you in some circumstances and sorrows . Feel us, with faith and love, quietly, who come to you, holy great martyr, for in the sight of the Savior Christ himself, we are all-merciful of names, and in your earthly life alone, mercifulness, another mercy, mercilessly giving to you, not letting anyone in yourself incompetent. So, don’t look out and don’t leave us, Saint Panteleimon, but listen and hurry to help us; in the face of all sorrow, that ailment, zlіku that, in the case of those misfortunes, let it go, and in our hearts shed the divine breath, so that badiori, being in body and spirit, glorified us the Savior Christ for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer Four

Oh, the great saint of Christ, the passion-bearing and likarevі richly merciful Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, feel my stogin and zoik, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, grant me healing from ailments, less rotten.
Receive the blessing of sin greater for all people. See me with grace. Don’t steal my sinners, anoint them with the face of your mercy and save me, that one is healthy in soul and body, I decide my days, the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and please God and I will be able to take a good end of my life.
Їy, the saint of God! Pray for Christ God, let your representation give me a healthy body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Prayer p'yata

Holy Great Martyr and Healing Panteleimon! Pray to God for us (names) and do not let the ailments get stuck in it, which hurt the soul and body! Ztsili te virazki and scabs, yakі zavdani us with our addictions.
Pain with my nights and relaxation of health. With a heavy pull and passion for earthly objects of health. Pain, O Saint Panteleimon! It hurts to forget: about the right to salvation, about our sins and weaknesses, about our obov'yazki zcili. We are sick of zlapam'yattu, anger, hatred of the sky, about the healing of St. Athos and the all-worldly. Painful of zazdrostі, pride, pride, magnificence, with all the wretchedness and indecency of us. It hurts richness and different attacks of the tile: gluttony, unstriking, richness, voluptuousness of the whole. Painful drowsiness, richness, marnoslivyam, condemnation of health, O Saint Panteleimon!
To hurt our eyes with sinful glances, to hurt our ears with the hearing of idleness, dashing, hardening of health. To hurt the hands of unpretentiousness to prayer day and to merciful healing. To hurt our feet, it’s urgent for us to go to the temple of the Lord and pragnonny until walking on the haystacks and to the sight of the worldly zcili. To hurt, to hurt our tongue, our mouth: empty words, marnosliv'yam, dashing words, turning into prayers and glorifications, but weaving them away, roaring, without respect, without understanding, about mercifulness!
From the head to nіg it hurts me: to hurt our mind with incompetence, insensibility and madness; we have the will to hurt, turning into the eyes of the saints to occupy and pragnuchi the right of shkidlivih and ungodly; to hurt us with the memory that we forgot our sins and to avenge our own sins and image our neighbors; to hurt us awake, not in awe and not to lively show us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, God's wrath, the hell of Christ's suffering, Jog rozp'yattya healed us, Saint Panteleimon! All of us hurt. Weakness and our soul is all with strength and strength. Weakness and our body with mustache yogo members.
Heal none, O Saint Panteleimon, Tsilebniche the unmerciful and merciful Likar, servant of the Most Holy Theotokos, and do not leave our repentance in the face of ailments and in the face of weakness: let your grace be healed, I will glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Father in the service of those who send ailments, and yours, O holy Panteleimon, healer. Amen.

Prayer to St. Panteleimon (for healing)

Holy Great Martyr, healer and miracle worker Panteleimon, all-round saint of God and prayer book of the fresh Orthodox Christians! Worthy of the names Panteleimon, who is all-merciful, having accepted the grace of God to pray for us and the ailment of health, we give you a rich amount, which is surging up to you, the cost of health and all up to the life of the Timchas and to the order of the need. To that and we, unworthy, having been honored with your mercy, while before your holy icon, I come to you, and glorifying you, like a generous saint of God, our faithful prayer-worker and healer, diligence for you and giving us all the blessings of the Lord our God of the New .
Accept, mercifully, the little one of our prayers, our prayers, not mothers, but for the riches of yours, and for the last hour of our belly, do not spare us, the Germans and the sinners, your help and prayerful murmurings from the Lord our God, to Yoma, to name all glory, such worship , Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, ninі i povyakchas і for ever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Great Martyr and Healer PANTELEIMON

Kondak 1

Іkos 1

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 2

Having served you Vladik, the court of vibrations, love the souls of your kindness. You know all the earthly licorice and the glory of the znevag, yearning for martyr's crown to be adorned with divine love, and intently appeared: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The rozum is inspired by God, about the victory of the warrior Panteleimon, having inspired Tsar Maximian with the courage of your soul and words, boldly preaching Christ. Tim, praising your mind, saying to you:
Rejoice, threaten Maximian the contemptuous; Rejoice, do not be shy for the joy of the godless.
Rejoice, implantation of the true shanuvannya of God; Rejoice, victor of the demonic service.
Rejoice, more martyrs of vikrivachevi; Rejoice, give idol's reproach.
Rejoice, persecution of the godless assembly; Rejoice, change of the temporal to the Heavenly.
Rejoice, angel of unspoken angels; Rejoice, glorifying the richly suffering saints.
Rejoice, for Satan has quarreled. Rejoice, for Christ is glorified.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 3

By the power of Vishny, bestowed on you, and your mite patience, you were able to overcome the tormenting praise, the man’s remembrance: fire, beast, the wheels were not afraid of the sword.

Іkos 3

12 I maesh great donate your head, God-wise passion-bearer, like a great belongings, joys of victorious about tse, lovingly sleeping given to you in the form of God of grace.
Rejoice, Nicomedia, all-luminous lamp; Rejoice, for you are unfailing guardian of your abode.
Rejoice, O holone godless. Rejoice, for you are the knowledge of God.
Rejoice, Holy Passion-Bearers Glory; Rejoice, orthodox chunnya.
Rejoice, healer of grace; Rejoice, gift of great places.
Rejoice, store the world; Rejoice, for you help them, who is more called to you.
Rejoice, we blind the dawn of gifts; Rejoice, lame well-arranged arrangements.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 4

Possessed by a storm of thoughts of the rich God, the godless tsar of znіyakovіv, poachivshi in the form of doctors, who teased you, like strengthening the unfortunate ailments of the people of Christ. Mi, with the joy of glorifying the wondrous God in you, shouted to Yomu: Aliluya.

Іkos 4

Слы́шавше никомиди́йстии лю́дие о вели́ком сострада́нии твое́м к стра́ждущим и о безме́здном врачева́нии от вся́ких боле́зней, устреми́шася вси́ к тебе́, с ве́рою во врачу́ющую благода́ть, в тебе́ су́щую, и, прие́млюще ско́рая исцеле́ния от вся́ких боле́зней, прославля́ху Бо́га и тебе́ велича́ху, всеми́лостиваго цели́теля своего́ , cry more:
Rejoice, anointing with peace of grace; Rejoice, temple of the God of consecration.
Rejoice, great pious glory; Rejoice, hard embittered wall.
Rejoice, thou overestimating the wise with thy mind; Rejoice, primordial thoughts.
Rejoice, friend of divine gifts and rich mercies of the Lord for us; Rejoice, for a quick helper to the suffering.
Rejoice, for you are overcast with a buttock; Rejoice that you have mercy on your mentor.
Rejoice, for you are ill on the tuna, that you rejoice; rejoice, you exude clear healing.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 5

O Lord, do a most glorious miracle for you, if through the servant of Your Yermolai they called into the wonderful Holy Light. By a vicious command, the young man died for a long time for your prayer until Christ, he was alive and well. having known the Life-Giver of all the True God, with firm faith calling Yoma: Aliluya.

Іkos 5

Having swayed the light of the blind, to you, by the call of the name of Christ, you have reached the city, more glorious. For Yermolai the presbyter of consecrations, having seen the rich of the gods, having adopted the mother of piety, the old man enlightened you. For whom you, the glorious saint of God and the miraculous healer, we exclaim:
Rejoice, for the writings are great before God; Rejoice, for the fire of Divine love will burn.
Rejoice, active servants of the sacred people of Yermolai; Rejoice, follow the gladness of your mother Yevvuli.
Rejoice, for having given you everything, you have come to Christ. Rejoice, for love to the world of God's love is possible.
Rejoice, for the substitute for the malt of the world for Christ, the fierce suffering of accepting Thee; Rejoice, as the creator has become the Passion of Christ.
Rejoice, for you triumph over your passions; Rejoice, be blessed with grace-filled fearlessness.
Rejoice, conquer the joys that flow to you; Rejoice, thou heal us with the grace of Christ.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 6

The Preacher of Truth appeared as the Enlightened Toboa and the son of the blind: Like more to the Evangelical Spav, merciful before us to keep the light of the truths of Christ, waving like a people, dishonoring the king and the gods parana, krіz smіh smіhu of the City until the Holy of Univol.

Ikos 6

With a bright face, setting the judgment seat of the king, boldly calling thou, most blessedly, on the minds of all: “My all-powerful strength and glory - Christ is, For such a confession pleases you, saying:
Rejoice, loud mouth of the Divinity of Christ; Rejoice, yazichche honey, proclaim Yogo home life.
Rejoice, resurrection of theology; Rejoice, radiant of wise piety.
Rejoice, malt-sounding wind of the nozzle; Rejoice, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy.
Rejoice, for before death, having revealed the wondrous; Rejoice, for you perform a miracle after death.
Rejoice, looking at the glory of Christ; Rejoice, hearing quiet, who prays to you.
Rejoice, to that which is merciful, which you help; Rejoice, for the Hodja is blessed with the care of your memory.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 7

Peace poured over your soul, God-wise healer, in the form of the Comforter of the Spirit; Then, after death, honestly your remains, with my arable land I will addicted to recklessness, to give healing to those who cry out to the faith of God: Aliluya.

Ikos 7

If the idolstії chanuvalniks of the bagatolіtnya slacken, by your prayer, holy, shrunken and walking, richly believing in Christ; zhertsі vіsnostі, zadrіstyu їdyat, the feat of the king to fierceness. You are merciless for Christ, the chipped and singed colossal, with a cry of exaltation:
Rejoice, contemptuous of the earthly gloom; Rejoice, the blessing of the words of the great one.
Rejoice, for all is beautiful today, no matter what I have set. Rejoice, for you destroy the glory of Shvidkoplinna with yourself.
Rejoice, for the imperceptible catch of Belial; Rejoice, helper of the cunning martyr.
Rejoice, not sparing your life for Christ; Rejoice, the enemy appeared to the prophets of the flesh.
Rejoice, heavy breadth of God's richness; Rejoice, by the divine power of the share of the right.
Rejoice, O gostra strіla, infuriating the enemy; Rejoice, representative, stand in faith.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 8

It is marvelous that the Lord was thee, pidbadyoryuchi and cherished by the martyrs for him Yogo: more in the form of presbyter Yermolai, screeching tin, in the new bov virny, You, as if standing in front of the king, urochisto sing to the Christ of God: Aliluya.

Ikos 8

Hang your mind in Heaven, settling down, and below on earth you don’t deprive those who are, perebovaya with us with your all-honored head, great passion-bearing Christ, having accepted the form of the Lord and glorifying
Rejoice, ancient wisdom of God; Rejoice, for God's thoughts about us are hidden.
Rejoice, God's minds of malt; Rejoice, merry God-loving souls.
Rejoice, blessed Christ bead; Rejoice, consecration of the soul and body.
Rejoice, dwell in the courts of the first-born in Heaven; Rejoice, living inhabitants.
Rejoice, Light of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, for in prayers to God you are warm for us.
Rejoice, give sanctification to souls; Rejoice, give comfort to the mournful.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 9

All of you, Panteleimon, sing in you the grace and wealth of honesty: your angel-like purity, your great man in fierce suffering, mystical love before Christ, and

Ikos 9

Vitya Bagatomovní cannot praise your struggle for a lifetime, glorious virtuous one, as by the unstoppable power of God, the youthful years of the ancient and peaceful enemy. Well, hello to vikonannyam, we call you:
Rejoice, radiant sight of angels; Rejoice, reverent awe of people.
Rejoice, shelter for Christ is voluptuous and in death the milk of exudates; Rejoice, body for the New Martyr's Death.
Rejoice, blessed rule; Rejoice, for the good warrior of the King of kings.
Rejoice, temryavі derzhavetsya peremozhets; Rejoice, having overcome your heavenly and earthly things.
Rejoice, blissful meshkants of the girsky world; Rejoice, wise wise mandriving man.
Rejoice, tree, adorned with the fruits of grace-giving gifts; rejoice, wear good things.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 10

Speechfully calm, like a true successor Giving the mercy of the Lord, honest sufferer, Panteleimon (si є, all-merciful) like New renaming, to those who

Іkos 10

Stina Tu mіtsno to fight with the tormentor, nikkey borosno zdolaє fortetsyu to the teeth creatures and places Mustilish Wheel, Obachech and in Sem. Plivaє: on the strength of Bo Christ, the creatures of Zolokta and more terrible than Kolo, on the unfortunate. To thee, unbearable passion-bearer, we call:
Rejoice, honestly Christ's deception; Rejoice, impeccable plow of God.
Rejoice, firm Adamant of the Church; Rejoice, innocent stovpe, reach for Heaven.
Rejoice, tidy up the visible beasts; Rejoice, destroy the invisible dragons.
Rejoice, you have warmed your blood for Christ, powdered with milk; Rejoice, unrepentant princes.
Rejoice, joy of commanding the Angel and the people; Rejoice, glorification of God in Heaven and on earth.
Rejoice, celestial god, joy of the martyrs; Rejoice, enjoy the vigilance of Christ the licorice.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 11

The song of death is brought to your sake for Christ, to the sacred, in which, at once, with the blood, the wind was poured on you, the great martyr, and the olive tree, under the truncations of the bov thou art, ispol. To the same Christ, who marvelously glorifies Yogo, with a warm voice: Aliluya.

Іkos 11

I was lightly blessed, O God-wise, at the darkness of the rich God, to sit, the wayfarer of the Son of the Truth of Christ God, pray to Yomu, at the light of Yogo commandments, bringing
Rejoice, blessed dawn, shining on the holy firmament; Rejoice, for me, to shine on the people of Christ.
Rejoice, thou who is the secret of the burning in the sight of the Son of Christ; Rejoice, round the sensible earth.
Rejoice, beautiful place of the Most Holy Spirit; Rejoice, vessel of curses, bring healing.
Rejoice, purity of belongings; Rejoice, change thee favors.
Rejoice, Kingdom of the Heavenly heir; Rejoice, glory to the eternal partakers.
Rejoice, that you linger, that you linger by the sea. Rejoice, bezsribny, help them, who call you with faith.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 12

Grace to the great number of you, blessed, for the great number of your love to Christ God. And having shown me a richly healthy dzherel, faceless, that rejoicing spiritual and bodily ailments, that cling to you with faith and shouting God: Aliluya.

Ikos 12

Singing your richly suffering deeds for Christ, glorious passion-bearer, praise your long-suffering, appease your martyr's death, shan and holy memory of yours, intercede ours

Rejoice, pious trumpet melodious; Rejoice, sword, seek wickedness.
Rejoice, planing on the tree for the outstretched hand of Your hand on the tree of the Cross; Rejoice, like a scorching fire for New;
Rejoice, with your arms the enemies of conflict; Rejoice, dry currents of your blood.
Rejoice, boiling tin of castings for Christ; Rejoice, bored for Im'yam Yogo in the sea waters.
Rejoice, for God's indulgence is not in the minds of these people; Rejoice, for through the pit that water of torment brings You into the calm of heaven.
Rejoice, weave the inexhaustible streams of mercy to us; Rejoice, kind-hearted doctor, I give healing grace.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 13

O richly suffering and foreseeable passion-bearer of Christ and our healer Panteleimon! We will graciously accept the little offering from us, in the presence of bugomaniacal ailments, or your representation, in the sights of the visible and invisible and eternal torment, we will be spared.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Іkos 1

Angel of the earth and heaven of a human being, Mily Panteleimon: An angelic boy immaculate and martyrs of embellishments, a sign from the earth to heaven, an ideal of the sight of angels and all saints to the throne of the Lord Glory, pray for us, earthly, shaniyuchih
Rejoice, Lord of piety; Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church.
Rejoice, martyrs of the most beautiful well-being; Rejoice, stronghold of the indestructible steadfast.
Rejoice, youth is contemptible praise; Rejoice, divine Christ, unhealthy in courage.
Rejoice, that you have risen in the world, appearing reconciled; Rejoice, Angel in the body, overturning mortals.
Rejoice, all-blessed celestial; Rejoice, place of the divine mind.
Rejoice, for you will rise in faith. Rejoice, more like throw off.
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 1

Vibranium, the passion-bearer of Christ and the likarevі of grace, giving the unsound healing to the tun, we praise you with songs, our intercessor. Well, scho maєsh vіdvagu before the Lord, vid all sorts of bіd i bolіsnyh deviate us, love you cry:
Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Icon of the Mother of God Neopalim Kupina (prayer, greatness, text of the akathist)

The heavenly patron of healers and ailments Panteleimon helps people after death, as they seek help in prayers and akathists. A gentle hymn to you heals the soul and helps to overcome the difficulties that have been brought down.

Now to read

Even for life, Panteleimon became famous as a great healer, for whom the strength was to fork, whether it be ailments. Until the New Year and today, they seek help in especially important situations, if the doctors are less likely to raise their hands for help, we are surrounded by heavenly forces, there is no one else to ask.

Varto signify that as if it were another prayer, the akathist to Panteleimon is not a conjuration, but only one of the ways to purify the soul, even if it seems to be like a believer: , to the fact that not all ailments occur naturally and trap with us, either due to the wrong way of life, or due to other speech cobs, in some fluctuations, like bachimo, in some cases, the basic medical science, but often ailments are superimposed on on us, sob sponkati to the beast.

When it is accepted to read

In private, the akathist to the healers of Panteleimon can be read on any day of fate, the children of the vines are less for the Great Day of the Great Day, if it is better to replace the akathist to the readings of the Gospel or the Great Canon of the Great Day. Ale, especially strong prayers will be on the day of remembrance of the saint on the 9th sickle.

Read Akathist to Panteleimon

Kondak 1

Vibranium, the passion-bearer of Christ and the gracious healer, give the sick healers, with songs we praise you, our intercessor. Well, for you can be merciful to the Lord, in the presence of all kinds of sickness and sickness, please us, call you with love:

Іkos 1

An angel of the earthly and heavenly people, glorious Panteleimon: for the angelic purity and martyrdom of embellishments, you have settled on the earth in Heaven, clothes with Angels and all the saints standing by the Throne of the Lord, glory, pray for us, earthly, chan

Rejoice, light of piety; Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church.

Rejoice, martyrs of the most beautiful color; Rejoice, steadfastness of the indestructible steadfastness.

Rejoice, praise of youth is not abyssal; Rejoice, champion of Christ, masculinity is not exhaustive.

Rejoice, that you are growing in the world, you are humble; Rejoice, angel in the body, turn the mortals over.

Rejoice, all-blessed celestial; Rejoice, host of the divine rose.

Rejoice, for the faith has risen; Rejoice, for you must throw yourself off.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 2

Having served you Vladik, I will pick up the vessel, love your souls for your kindness. Bo the earth all the malt and the glory of znehtuvav, the martyr’s crown zazhil thou art adorned with divine love, and intently sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Rozum of God's light, about valor to the warrior Panteleimon, calling Tsar Maximian to your courageous soul and words, and boldly proclaiming You Christ. Tim, praising your mind, we say to you:

Rejoice, threaten Maximian the unimportant; Rejoice, for the joy of the godless disobedient.

Rejoice, planting of the true God-worship; Rejoice, victor of the demonic service.

Rejoice, wickedness of the tormentors of Vikrivacheva; Rejoice, give the bollynik an idol.

Rejoice, destroyer of the godless assembly; Rejoice, you are long in Heaven.

Rejoice, interpreter of non-verbal angels; Rejoice, trinity of richly suffering saints.

Rejoice, for Satan has quarreled; Rejoice that Christ is glorified.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 3

By the power of Cherry, bestowed upon you, and your patience, having overcome your tormenting praise, the male overcome: fire, zvirіv, the wheels were not afraid and the sword of contraction on the choli, the crown of victory, having accepted the form of Christ God, calling Yoma Alleluia.

Іkos 3

Your abode is possible - the road to your head, God-wise passion-bearer, more great belongings, joys are told about you, love is given to you in the sight of God, the grace of healing, you cry out loudly:

Rejoice, omnipotent luminary of Nicomidia; Rejoice, for you will be guarded by the watchful abode of the abode.

Rejoice, for the godless one becomes cold; Rejoice, for you are in the knowledge of God.

Rejoice, glory of the passion-bearers; Rejoice, radiance of Orthodox hearing.

Rejoice, healer of grace; Rejoice, gift of great mysteries.

Rejoice, store the world, soul, that the soul is choking; Rejoice, for you help them, who is more called to you.

Rejoice, we blind the zir of gifts; Rejoice, lame beneficence of the ruler.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 4

In a storm of thoughts of God's obsession, the godless tsar became embarrassed, chuckling in the eyes of doctors, who teased you, for all sorts of unfortunate ailments of the king in the name of Christ. Well, for the joy of glorifying the wondrous God in you, Volaemo Yomu: Aliluya.

Іkos 4

Feeling nіmіdіystії people about your great spіvchutya to the suffering and about the free-of-charge rejoicing in the presence of all kinds of ailments, striving all to you, with faith in the likuvalna grace, in you I exist, and it is acceptable to have a blessing in the presence of all kinds of ailments, glorifying God:

Rejoice, anointing with peace of grace; Rejoice, temple of the God of consecration.

Rejoice, great pious glory; Rejoice, hard embittered wall.

Rejoice, you turn the wise with your mind; Rejoice, enlighten your thoughts.

Rejoice, friend of divine gifts and various mercies of the Lord dzherelo; Rejoice, for the savior of the suffering.

Rejoice, for you are overcast with a buttock; Rejoice, deceitful mentor.

Rejoice, healer of sick tunis; rejoice, you exude clear healing.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 5

A most glorious miracle, the Lord, will do for you, if through His servant Yermolai we call out in His miraculous light. For the vile greatness of the abominable young man died for your prayer to Christ, abi come alive and get healthy. Knowing the Life-Giver of all the True God, with firm faith calling Yoma: Aliluya.

Іkos 5

I saw the light of the blind, and I, from calling on the Name of Christ, bumped into you, glorious. Irmolaєm more the presbyter of consecrations, having seen the batkіvske rich of God, having adopted the mother of piety, like the father enlightened єsi. For whom you, the glorious saint of God and the miraculous healer, we will:

Rejoice, for you have great blessings; Rejoice, for ever-burning the fire of Divine love.

Rejoice, novice novice of the sacred priests of Yermolai; Rejoice, follow the joy of your mother Yevvuli.

Rejoice, for having distributed all of you, you have come to Christ. Rejoice, love to the light of God's love of strength.

Rejoice, for the vicissitudes of the licorices of the world for Christ have taken fierce suffering. Rejoice, for the soul has become the Passion of Christ.

Rejoice, for triumph over usim passions; Rejoice, for you will adorn yourself with grace-filled fearlessness.

Rejoice, conquer the joys that flow to you; Rejoice, thou heal us with the grace of Christ.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 6

The preacher of the truth appeared to be illuminated by you, the mortal and soulful blind: like the Evangelical blind, mercifully before the mustache the Light of the True Christ, who enlightens every human being, the impious king and the gods of the Gentiles, through the sword

Ikos 6

With a bright face, presenting to the court of the tsar, boldly calling to You, most blessed, for the sake of all: my strength and glory is Christ, the true God, Lord of all, resurrect the dead and heal every ailment. For such an appeasing message, we say:

Rejoice, the voice of the Divinity of Christ; Rejoice, yazichche honey, proclaim Yogo home life.

Rejoice, steward of the greatest theologian; Rejoice, wise siyachevi piety.

Rejoice, malt-sounding nozzle; Rejoice, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, for revealing marvelous to death; Rejoice, for after death the robish is wondrous.

Rejoice, looking at the glory of Christ; Rejoice, quiet hearing one who prays to you.

Rejoice, for you will require an old age of your mercy; Rejoice, for we are the intercessor of good things, we are praising your memory.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 7

Peace poured over your soul, God-wise healer, in the form of the Comforter of the Spirit; to them, after death, honestly, your remains, with the plows of your addictions, dashingly, heal, serve those who cry out to God with faith: Aliluya.

Ikos 7

If bachish idolstії chitachі bogatorіchna is relaxed, by your prayer, holy, sporadic and walking, richly believed in Christ; zhertsі godlessness, zadrosti їdyat, pushing the king to the fury. You are mercilessly for Christ to the hardened and scorched colossal, with the cry of rozchulenny:

Rejoice, earthly nastiness is contemptuous; Rejoice, blessing of the speeches.

Rejoice, for you have placed all the red light in the world. Rejoice, for you destroy the glory of Shvidkoplinn for yourself.

Rejoice, for the imperceptible catch of Veliar, who is resting; Rejoice, overpowering tormentor of accessibility.

Rejoice, for you did not spare your life for Christ; Rejoice, the enemy appeared to the flesh.

Rejoice, O rich God's latitude; Rejoice, straighten the shares by divine power.

Rejoice, O gostra strіla, infuriating the enemy; Rejoice, intercessor, intercede in faith.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 8

The Lord appeared marvelously to you, pidbadyoryuchi and tormented in torment for Im Yogo: in the image of presbyter Ermolai, like a squeaky tin, into which you are thrown, cool, and in the sea, having breathed a great stone into yours, the star is unshkodzhena to the earth. Thee, as if standing before the king, urochisto spіvav Ty to Christ God: Aliluya.

Ikos 8

Settling down in Heaven, and below on earth, you do not deprive those who are, perusing with us with your all-commendable head, great passion-bearer of Christ, accepting the sight of the Lord and giving enlightenment and sanctification to you who are like this:

Rejoice, for the wisdom of the Divine vicons; Rejoice, God provide for us secretly.

Rejoice, God's minds of malt; Rejoice, God-loving souls rose.

Rejoice, blessed Christ's beads; Rejoice, consecration of the soul and body.

Rejoice, for you have settled in Heaven with the two first-born; Rejoice, for the devils are in snowboarding bags.

Rejoice, light of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, for in prayers to God you are warm for us.

Rejoice, give enlightenment to souls; Rejoice, for you comfort the sorrowful.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 9

Rejoice in all of you, Panteleimon, sing in your grace and wealth of honesty: your angel-like purity, your great masculinity in fierce suffering, mystical love for Christ and richly singing to people, in which you create glorious, in a loop: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetiya batomovnі not be able to praise your struggle for wealth, glorious virtuous victory, more by the unstoppable power of God, the youthful litter of the ancient and peaceful foe and rubbish idol beauty. Mi, zdivuvannya vykonanny, klichemo:

Rejoice, gladiance of the vision of Angels; Rejoice, reverent zdivuvannya of people.

Rejoice, thou who wilts the blood for Christ, and in death has been laid bare; Rejoice, body for the New Martyr's death.

Rejoice, rule of guidance; Rejoice, for the war is better than the King of kings.

Rejoice, thou mightest power of darkness; Rejoice, overcoming your heavenly and earthly affections.

Rejoice, blessed light of the girsky world; Rejoice, long light of the wise mandrivnik.

Rejoice, tree, blessed with the fruits of grace-giving gifts; Rejoice, you wear good-natured chicks.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 10

Spivne spontaneity, like a true successor Giving the mercy of the Lord, honest sufferer, Panteleimon (si є, all-merciful) in the New name of Thou, for all the mercy that clings to you, waving, to the south and we are inexhaustible to exude, about you crying to God: Allila.

Іkos 10

I’ll overcome the wall of the tormentor, I’ll overcome it with no torment, try to crush your fort with the teeth of the beasts and the winds of the tormenting wheel, by the way, I caught it in no need: for the power of Christ’s ferociousness of the beasts was stolen, and it’s a terrible stake, on which the beast was dead. To the irresistible passion-bearer cry:

Rejoice, honestly Christ's deception; Rejoice, impeccable plow of God.

Rejoice, adamant of the firmaments of the Church; Rejoice, innocent stovp, reach for Heaven.

Rejoice, tidy up the visible beasts; Rejoice, dragons in the invisible jury.

Rejoice, thou who didst burn thy blood for Christ, which was made by a bastard; Rejoice, for the princes are unfailingly accepted.

Rejoice, joy is given by the Angel and the people; Rejoice, glorification of God in heaven and earth.

Rejoice, undeity, triumph o martyrs; Rejoice, enjoy the sweetness of Christ's juveniles.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 11

We bring a song of departure to your holy zakolinny for Christ, in which at once with the blood of a milky one weaves in front of you, the great martyr, and an olive tree, under it the truncation of the bosom, filled with jubilant fruits. The Tim of Christ, who marvelously glorifies the Slavs of Yogo, the warmth of the wave: Aliluya.

Іkos 11

Svіtlozor prominnya bulo, God-wise, at the darkness rich of God, to sit, scho to lead to the Son of the Truth of Christ God, pray to Yomu, at the light of the commandments of Yogo, every now and then, to us, to bring you a facial radіsna:

Rejoice, blessed star, which shines more brightly in your thoughts; Rejoice, I will change, to shine with the people of Christ.

Rejoice, for the mystery of burning in the sight of the Son of Christ; Rejoice, wisely round the earth.

Rejoice, dwelling place of the red of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, beautiful vessel, wiggle healing.

Rejoice, purity of belongings; rejoice, merciful names.

Rejoice, the Kingdom of Heaven is falling; rejoice, eternally glorify the communicant.

Rejoice, zhittestem, what is famously in the sea; Rejoice, bezsribny, help them, who call you with faith.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 12

Grace to the great number of accepting you, trebless, for the great number of your love to Christ God. And reveal you as a richly healing dzherel, who freely exulted spiritual and bodily ailments, who cling to you with faith and God, who shout: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing your richly suffering deeds for Christ, glorious passion-bearer, praise your long-suffering, bless the martyr's death, we honor your sacred memory, our intercessor and healer, and we cry to the praise of your mother:

Rejoice, pious trumpet melodious; Rejoice, swordsman, seek godlessness.

Rejoice, planing on the tree for the outstretched hand of Your hand on the horseradish tree; Rejoice, for it is scorching for Nyogo, put on the furnace, having extinguished thee.

Rejoice, with your arms the enemies of conflict; Rejoice, dry stream of your blood.

Rejoice, throwing tin in boiling water for Christ; Rejoice, for zanureniya for Im'ya Yogo at the waters of the sea.

Rejoice, for by God's providence there are no ears for those who perebuvany; Rejoice, for through the fire and water of the torment, you enter the calm of Heaven.

Rejoice, weave the inexhaustible streams of mercy to us; Rejoice, kind-hearted doctor, give healing grace.

Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Kondak 13

O richly suffering and foreseeing passion-bearer of Christ and our healer Panteleimon! Graciously accepting just a few offerings to us, in the face of various ailments, you didn’t save your presence in the thieves of the visible and invisible and eternal torment, the Lord will be good to us, that in the Kingdom of Yogo the guilt will be apprehended: Aliluya.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1

Troparion to Panteleimon

Troparion, voice 3

Passion-bearing saint and healing Panteleimon, pray to the Merciful God, give that sin to our souls. Kontakion, tone 5

The successor of the Merciful, and healing grace in the New received, passion-bearing and martyr of Christ God, with your prayers, our spiritual ailments were healed, in the fight, calm down the crying out true: save us, Lord. value

We magnify you, passion-bearing holy great martyr and healing Panteleimon, and we honor your suffering, that you recognize you for Christ. Prayer

O great saint of Christ and glorious healer, great martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in Heaven to the Throne of God, check and thrіїpostasnі Yogo glorify you, with the body and face of the saints on earth in the Divine temples, rest and give you the grace of grace to exude miracles; prayers and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins. God, for our iniquity, do not dare to call our eyes to the heights of heaven, lower the voice of prayers to Yogo in the Godhead of impregnable glory, broken heart and humble spirit to you, merciful trouble to the Lord and the prayer book for us, sinners, we cry like you grace in the New ailments heal and addictions heal. We ask you: do not anger us, the poor, that we pray to you and your help. Be a comforter to us in sadness, a sick doctor to sick people, we will give you a swedish patron, a visionary giver of sight to those who are ill, a representative and a healer to those who are in grief: let us cry out all, even until the end of time, kohanna mercy, glorify all the good of God Dzherel and giver in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit of Nina and all the time and forever and ever. Amen.

Rules for glue reading akathist

According to a long tradition, all akathisti are accepted to be read standing up, and prayers are performed independently: in a booth or in a church. Vinyatki shy less for ailments and German paraffians.

At the link with tim, that in most vipadkivs akathisti are read at the same time with early and evening prayers, it is not necessary to read additional prayers. The akathist is read at such a time before the prayer “Gidno isti”.

Since the akathist is read in the same way as the rank order of the evening prayer rule, then the following prayers are first prayed: Peredpochatkov's prayer

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

Holy Spirit Prayer

King of Heaven, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who everywhere perebuє and all the same, Sacrifice of blessings and life Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, Good, our souls.

Instead of prayers on Easter until the Ascension, three words are read: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and bestowing life on those in the tombs”; in the Ascension until the day of Holy Pentecost (Trinity) this prayer is not read by zovsim, it is read by Trisvyat.


Holy God, Holy Mitzny, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy God, Holy Mitzny, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Read with a cross and explain with a bow.

Prayer of the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Vladiko, our lawless probationer; Holy One, see our weaknesses, for the sake of Thy Name.

Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy.

Glory to the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, and ninth, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, what is in heaven! Let Thy name be holy; hai come thy kingdom; hai be Thy will and on earth, like in heaven; give us our daily bread today; and probach us our borg, as if we were forgiven to our borg; and do not bring us in at peace, but let us see the evil one.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, for Thy great mercy, and for the abundance of Thy bounties cleanse my iniquity. Nayomishy less iniquity, and in the sight of my sin, cleanse me; for I know my lawlessness, and my sin is before me as a fault. You will do thee the only sin and evil before You, for let me be true in Your words, and overcome You. For in the lawlessness of conceptions, I am, and in sins give birth to me, my mother. Bo istu having fallen in love with Ty; weightless and taєmna your wisdom having revealed to me. Sprinkle me with sop, and I will be cleansed; Omish me, and I will see more snow. Give my hearing joy and joy; heal the brushes of humility. Open Your face to my sins and cleanse all my iniquity. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and make the spirit right in my womb. Do not see me in the sight of Your face, and do not see Your Holy Spirit in the sight of me. Give me the joy of Your salvation and confirm me with the sovereign Spirit. I will teach the lawless path of Yours, and godlessness will turn to You. Help me in the blood, O God, God of my salvation; my goodness is your truth. Lord, sleep in my voice, and my mouth speaks of Your praise. For if you wanted to make sacrifices, then if you gave them: you don’t feel like burning. The sacrifice of God is the spirit of destruction; broken heart and humble God does not belittle. Bless, O Lord, Thy favors to Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be awakened. Todі bless the victim of truth, the offering of that tsіlopalyuvanu; then put your calf on the altar.

Wiri symbol

I believe in the one God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

I in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who saw the Old Man of the people before us; Svіtla vіd Svіtla, God is true, like God is true, people, uncreated, one-in-essence Batkovi, like the whole bisha.

For us, for the sake of man and for our sake, for the sake of salvation, who rose from heaven and entered into the presence of the Holy Spirit and Mary Devi, and fell in love.

Well crucified for us under Pontijstem Pilati, and suffered, and buried.

І Sunday third day for Pisannyam.

I of the one who ascended to heaven, and sitting by the rule of the Father.

And yet come with glory to judge the living and the dead, Yogo Kingdom will not end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who saw the Father, who was worshiped with the Father and Sin, and be glorified, as the prophets said.

Into the Holy One, the Cathedral of that Apostolic Church.

I know one hell of a lot of sins.

I tea the resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century. Amen.

Then the akathist itself is read (when the akathist is read from the canon, the akathist is read after the 6th song) and after the final prayers:

It is worthy of truly blessed Theotokos, Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. I will honor the Cherubim and glorify the Seraphim without equal, without the recognition of God the Word, who people, the Mother of God, You are majestic.

On the Great Day until the Ascension, the zamіst tsієї prayers are read after the irmos of the 9th song of the Easter canon: “The angel shouted Blagodatnіshe: Pure Divo, rejoice! And one more thing: rejoice! Tviy Sin has risen triday in the form of a thug and dead arguing; people, have fun! Shine, shine, new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has shone on you. Rejoice now and be glad, Sione. You, Pure, show off, Mother of God, about the rebellion of Your Rizdva.

Glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. І now and forever and on wiki and wiki. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Trichi)

Lord, Jesus Christ, Sin of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Holy Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

In the Old Believer churches, before the reading of the akathist, they feed the blessings, turning the “seven-worshiping ear”:

God, be merciful to me, a sinner. (Uklin)

God, cleanse me of a sinner and have mercy on me. (Uklin)

Create for me, Lord, have mercy on me. (Uklin)

Without a number of sinners, Lord, vibach me. (Uklin)

My mistress, Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner. (Uklin)

My holy Guardian Angel, save me from all evil. (Uklin)

Holy Apostle (abo martyr, abo reverend father, im'ya rik) pray to God for me. (Uklin)

And then we read the deposits at the time of the ears of prayer.


About healer Panteleimon

The Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon was born on the 275th year at Bіfіnії (Asia Minor). Yogo mother was a Christian, she wielded the son of her faith, but she ended her earthly life early. The father was a pagan and sent his son back to the pagan school, and then the doctor Evfrosin for the training of Panteleimon in the medical mystics.

Panteleimon, vying with redness, garneous behavior and beauty, and without a hitch, presented to Emperor Maximian, as if he had indulged Bachiti Yogo as a court physician. A few hours later, Panteleimon's son and presbyter Yermolai, who repeatedly sipped the handsome young man and sipped at the new dishes of God's grace, came and went.

Once Yermolai called Panteleimon to the house and viklav to you the foundations of a Christian faith. Panteleimon was filled with conversation and from that hour on the day he began to go to Yermolai to listen to yoga about our Lord Jesus Christ. Prote, having accepted the Christian faith only after that, as if, after babbling a child, as if she died from a snake bite, having resurrected Jesus through prayer until Jesus Christ. From which moment Panteleimon became a free doctor.

For his services, Panteleimon did not take a penny, healing ailments not so much with medicines, as with prayers, which called for the gratitude of other medical doctors. The rest reported on the new emperor, declaring that the saint was jubilant of Christian v'yazniv. Panteleimon was shoveled, given to zhorstok tortours, as if they didn’t take him, however, at the right time, and then they cut off his head, so as to get to the Panteleimon Monastery on Athos.

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Prayer of a friend to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon (for the ill, which is read in his guise alone) O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and healer of rich mercy, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, feel the stop and my cry, have mercy on the Heavenly One,

From the book Preserves of the Soul author Egorova Olena Mykolaivna

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, Most Reverend Jeremiah the Hermit, Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon! Pray to God for us and do not let these ailments get in us, which hurt our soul and body! Ztsili tі virazki i scabs, yakі

From the book Miraculous Power of Mother's Prayer author Mikhalitsin Pavlo Evgenovich

To the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon Tropar, voice of the 3rd Passion-bearer of the saints and healer Panteleimon, pray to the Merciful God to give our souls sins.

From the book of Prayers of the Russian my author

To the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, alone in the name of the ailing one reads About the great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and healer of rich mercy, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, feel the stop and my cry, the mercy of the heavenly, supreme Doctor

3 books by the author

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon about healing in case of sickness and sickness Tropar, voice of the 3rd Passion-bearer of knowledge and healing Panteleimon; pray to the merciful God; that grіhіv zashennya give to our souls. Kontakion 1 Vibranius the passion-bearer of Christ

3 books by the author

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer Holy Panteleimon the merciful, the sight of the Lord, who, having accepted the grace of Human incapacity, miraculously heals! Listen to the prayer of the diligent sinner. O passion-bearer and saint of God! Have mercy on me. About the unearthly unearthly drug, Yours

3 books by the author

Troparion and Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon Troparion, Tone 3 Passion-bearing Saint and Healing Panteleimon, pray to the merciful God, don't give sin to souls

3 books by the author

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon Kontakion 1 Vibranium, the passion-bearer of Christ and the likarevі of grace, give the sick healers, with songs we praise you, our intercessor. Well, for you can be merciful to the Lord

3 books by the author

Troparion and Prayers to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon Troparion, tone 3 Passion-bearing saints and healing Panteleimon, pray to the merciful God, forgive sin for souls

3 books by the author

Canon to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

3 books by the author

Prayers to the great martyr and healer Panteleimon Prayer first O great saint of Christ and glorious healer, great martyr Panteleimon! With soul in Heaven to the throne of God, glorify Yogo in full glory, in body and appearances of the saints on earth in divine

The greatest value is in life, yaku cannot be bought for a penny a day, but health. If it’s hard to come to the house, and the doctors shrug their hands shamelessly, you can’t waste your hope, for it’s holy in heaven, like to come to the rescue when praying to them and akathists.

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon - as a messenger of a healing healer, who all his life and inspire after death to serve people, helping miracles of healing.

Why do they turn to St. Panteleimon

Healer Panteleimon dedicating his life to the exaltation of the bodies and souls of people, propagating Christian values. The great righteous doctor is the patron saint of warriors, and doctors. Christians, like to lead spiritual warfare with the forces of the five, the warriors of Christ, the holy doctor is always ready to come to his aid for the hour of reading prayers and akathist.

Icon of Panteleimon the Healer

It is important among Orthodoxy that ailments are healed by the Lord not only as a test, but I will set them up.

Other articles about the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon:

Therefore, for the exaltation of the body, it is necessary to accept faces, and for the exaltation of the soul - read prayers and an akathist to St. Panteleimon.

Prayers will help to strengthen the faith and overcome difficulties in life.

The Healing Power of the Akathist to the Great Martyr Panteleimon

Reading the akathist of St. Panteleimon that accomplishment of his life is marked by the Orthodox faith.

Podyaka spiv is read in temples and at home, if it is necessary for the health of the body, the soul or the spiritual.

Read also articles about prayers for health:

The healing of the soul is often tied to the underwear of physical ailments.

Akathist to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Having served you Vladik, I will pick up the vessel, love your souls for your kindness. Bo the earth all the malt and the glory of znehtuvav, the martyr’s crown zazhil thou art adorned with divine love, and intently sing: Alleluia.

Rozum of God's light, about valor to the warrior Panteleimon, calling Tsar Maximian to your courageous soul and words, and boldly proclaiming You Christ. Tim, praising your guard, we say to you: Rejoice, threaten Maximian the unimportant; Rejoice, for the joy of the godless disobedient. Rejoice, planting of the true God-worship; Rejoice, victor of the demonic service. Rejoice, wickedness of the tormentors of Vikrivacheva; Rejoice, give the bollynik an idol. Rejoice, destroyer of the godless assembly; Rejoice, you are long in Heaven. Rejoice, interpreter of non-verbal angels; Rejoice, trinity of richly suffering saints. Rejoice, for Satan has quarreled; Rejoice that Christ is glorified. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

By the power of Cherry, bestowed upon you, and your patience, having overcome your tormenting praise, the male overcome: fire, zvirіv, the wheels were not afraid and the sword of contraction on the choli, the crown of victory, having accepted the form of Christ God, calling Yoma Alleluia.

Your abode is possible, dear to your head, God-wise passion-bearer, more great treasures, joys are remembered about you, lovingly giving you the grace of healing in the form of God, crying out to you: Rejoice, Nikomidії luminary of the all-bright; Rejoice, for you will be guarded by the watchful abode of the abode. Rejoice, for the godless one becomes cold; Rejoice, for you are in the knowledge of God. Rejoice, glory of the passion-bearers; Rejoice, radiance of Orthodox hearing. Rejoice, healer of grace; Rejoice, gift of great mysteries. Rejoice, store the world, soul, that the soul is choking; Rejoice, for you help them, who is more called to you. Rejoice, we blind the zir of gifts; Rejoice, lame beneficence of the ruler. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

In a storm of thoughts of God's obsession, the godless tsar became embarrassed, chuckling in the eyes of doctors, who teased you, for all sorts of unfortunate ailments of the king in the name of Christ. Well, for the joy of glorifying the wondrous God in you, Volaemo Yomu: Aliluya.

Feeling nіmіdіystії people about your great spіvchutya to the suffering and about the free likuvannya in the case of all kinds of ailments, striving everything to you, with faith in the likuvalna grace, in you I exist, and it’s nice to be healed in the case of all the ailments: I’m happy, glorifying God anointing with peace of grace; Rejoice, temple of the God of consecration. Rejoice, great pious glory; Rejoice, hard embittered wall. Rejoice, you turn the wise with your mind; Rejoice, enlighten your thoughts. Rejoice, friend of divine gifts and various mercies of the Lord dzherelo; Rejoice, for the savior of the suffering. Rejoice, for you are overcast with a buttock; Rejoice, deceitful mentor. Rejoice, healer of sick tunis; rejoice, you exude clear healing. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

A most glorious miracle, the Lord, will do for you, if through His servant Yermolai we call out in His miraculous light. For the vile greatness of the abominable young man died for your prayer to Christ, abi come alive and get healthy. Knowing the Life-Giver of all the True God, with firm faith calling Yoma: Aliluya.

I saw the light of the blind, and I, from calling on the Name of Christ, bumped into you, glorious. Irmolaєm more the presbyter of consecrations, having seen the batkіvske rich of God, having adopted the mother of piety, like the father enlightened єsi. Why for the sake of you, the glorious saint of God and the wonderful healer, Volaemo: Rejoice, God is great blessing; Rejoice, for ever-burning the fire of Divine love. Rejoice, novice novice of the sacred priests of Yermolai; Rejoice, follow the joy of your mother Yevvuli. Rejoice, for having distributed all of you, you have come to Christ. Rejoice, love to the light of God's love of strength. Rejoice, for the vicissitudes of the licorices of the world for Christ have taken fierce suffering. Rejoice, for the soul has become the Passion of Christ. Rejoice, for triumph over usim passions; Rejoice, for you will adorn yourself with grace-filled fearlessness. Rejoice, conquer the joys that flow to you; Rejoice, thou heal us with the grace of Christ. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

The preacher of the truth appeared to be illuminated by you, the mortal and soulful blind: like the Evangelical blind, mercifully before the mustache the Light of the True Christ, who enlightens every human being, the impious king and the gods of the Gentiles, through the sword

With a bright face, presenting to the court of the tsar, boldly calling to You, most blessed, for the sake of all: my strength and glory is Christ, the true God, Lord of all, resurrect the dead and heal every ailment. For such a message, pleasing to you, with the verb: Rejoice, loud mouth of the Divinity of Christ; Rejoice, yazichche honey, proclaim Yogo home life. Rejoice, steward of the greatest theologian; Rejoice, wise siyachevi piety. Rejoice, malt-sounding nozzle; Rejoice, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, for revealing marvelous to death; Rejoice, for after death the robish is wondrous. Rejoice, looking at the glory of Christ; Rejoice, quiet hearing one who prays to you. Rejoice, for you will require an old age of your mercy; Rejoice, for we are the intercessor of good things, we are praising your memory. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Peace poured over your soul, God-wise healer, in the form of the Comforter of the Spirit; to them, after death, honestly, your remains, with the plows of your addictions, dashingly, heal, serve those who cry out to God with faith: Aliluya.

If bachish idolstії chitachі bogatorіchna is relaxed, by your prayer, holy, sporadic and walking, richly believed in Christ; zhertsі godlessness, zadrosti їdyat, pushing the king to the fury. You are merciless for Christ, the guardian and the scorched colossus, with the cry of rozchulennyam: Rejoice, salt the earthly unimportant; Rejoice, blessing of the speeches. Rejoice, for you have placed all the red light in the world. Rejoice, for you destroy the glory of Shvidkoplinn for yourself. Rejoice, for the imperceptible catch of Veliar, who is resting; Rejoice, overpowering tormentor of accessibility. Rejoice, for you did not spare your life for Christ; Rejoice, the enemy appeared to the flesh. Rejoice, O rich God's latitude; Rejoice, straighten the shares by divine power. Rejoice, O gostra strіla, infuriating the enemy; Rejoice, intercessor, intercede in faith. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

The Lord appeared marvelously to you, pidbadyoryuchi and tormented in torment for Im Yogo: in the image of presbyter Ermolai, like a squeaky tin, into which you are thrown, cool, and in the sea, having breathed a great stone into yours, the star is unshkodzhena to the earth. Thee, as if standing before the king, urochisto spіvav Ty to Christ God: Aliluya.

Settling down in Heaven, and below on earth you do not deprive us of your all-honored head, great passion-bearer of Christ, accepting the sight of the Lord and giving enlightenment and sanctification to those who weave you like this: Rejoice, wisdom of the Divine vicons; Rejoice, God provide for us secretly. Rejoice, God's minds of malt; Rejoice, God-loving souls rose. Rejoice, blessed Christ's beads; Rejoice, consecration of the soul and body. Rejoice, for you have settled in Heaven with the two first-born; Rejoice, for the devils are in snowboarding bags. Rejoice, light of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, for in prayers to God you are warm for us. Rejoice, give enlightenment to souls; Rejoice, for you comfort the sorrowful. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Rejoice in all of you, Panteleimon, sing in your grace and wealth of honesty: your angel-like purity, your great masculinity in fierce suffering, mystical love for Christ and richly singing to people, in which you create glorious, in a loop: Alleluia.

Vetiya batomovnі not be able to praise your struggle for wealth, glorious virtuous victory, more by the unstoppable power of God, the youthful litter of the ancient and peaceful foe and rubbish idol beauty. Well, zdivuvannya vykonanny, klichemo: Rejoice, gladisne seeing Angels; Rejoice, reverent zdivuvannya of people. Rejoice, thou who wilts the blood for Christ, and in death has been laid bare; Rejoice, body for the New Martyr's death. Rejoice, rule of guidance; Rejoice, for the war is better than the King of kings. Rejoice, thou mightest power of darkness; Rejoice, overcoming your heavenly and earthly affections. Rejoice, blessed light of the girsky world; Rejoice, long light of the wise mandrivnik. Rejoice, tree, blessed with the fruits of grace-giving gifts; Rejoice, you wear good-natured chicks. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Spivne spontaneity, like a true successor Giving the mercy of the Lord, honest sufferer, Panteleimon (si є, all-merciful) in the New name of Thou, for all the mercy that clings to you, waving, to the south and we are inexhaustible to exude, about you crying to God: Allila.

I’ll overcome the wall of the tormentor, I’ll overcome it with no torment, try to crush your fort with the teeth of the beasts and the winds of the tormenting wheel, by the way, I caught it in no need: for the power of Christ’s ferociousness of the beasts was stolen, and it’s a terrible stake, on which the beast was dead. To the unstoppable passion-bearer we cry: Rejoice, honesty of Christ's repentance; Rejoice, impeccable plow of God. Rejoice, adamant of the firmaments of the Church; Rejoice, innocent stovp, reach for Heaven. Rejoice, tidy up the visible beasts; Rejoice, dragons in the invisible jury. Rejoice, thou who didst burn thy blood for Christ, which was made by a bastard; Rejoice, for the princes are unfailingly accepted. Rejoice, joy is given by the Angel and the people; Rejoice, glorification of God in heaven and earth. Rejoice, undeity, triumph o martyrs; Rejoice, enjoy the sweetness of Christ's juveniles. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

We bring a song of departure to your holy zakolinny for Christ, in which at once with the blood of a milky one weaves in front of you, the great martyr, and an olive tree, under it the truncation of the bosom, filled with jubilant fruits. The Tim of Christ, who marvelously glorifies the Slavs of Yogo, the warmth of the wave: Aliluya.

Svіtlozor promnіnnya bulo, God-wise, in the darkness of the rich god, what to sit, what to see off until the Sun of the Truth of Christ God, pray to Yoma, at the light of the commandments of Yogo, every now and then, to us, it’s a joy to bring you: Rejoice, blessed dawn, on the mislennі; Rejoice, I will change, to shine with the people of Christ. Rejoice, for the mystery of burning in the sight of the Son of Christ; Rejoice, wisely round the earth. Rejoice, dwelling place of the red of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, beautiful vessel, wiggle healing. Rejoice, purity of belongings; rejoice, merciful names. Rejoice, the Kingdom of Heaven is falling; rejoice, eternally glorify the communicant. Rejoice, zhittestem, what is famously in the sea; Rejoice, bezsribny, help them, who call you with faith. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Grace to the great number of accepting you, trebless, for the great number of your love to Christ God. And reveal you as a richly healing dzherel, who freely exulted spiritual and bodily ailments, who cling to you with faith and God, who shout: Alleluia.

We sing your richly suffering deeds for Christ, glorious passion-bearer, praise your long-suffering, bless the martyr's death, we honor your sacred memory, our intercessor and healer, and cry to your praise: Rejoice, pious trumpet; Rejoice, swordsman, seek godlessness. Rejoice, planing on the tree for the outstretched hand of Your hand on the horseradish tree; Rejoice, for it is scorching for Nyogo, put on the furnace, having extinguished thee. Rejoice, with your arms the enemies of conflict; Rejoice, dry stream of your blood. Rejoice, throwing tin in boiling water for Christ; Rejoice, for zanureniya for Im'ya Yogo at the waters of the sea. Rejoice, for by God's providence there are no ears for those who perebuvany; Rejoice, for through the fire and water of the torment, you enter the calm of Heaven. Rejoice, weave the inexhaustible streams of mercy to us; Rejoice, kind-hearted doctor, give healing grace. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

O richly suffering and foreseeing passion-bearer of Christ and our healer Panteleimon! Graciously accepting just a few offerings to us, in the face of various ailments, you didn’t save your presence in the thieves of the visible and invisible and eternal torment, the Lord will be good to us, that in the Kingdom of Yogo the guilt will be apprehended: Aliluya.
(This kontakion is read three times).

Angels of the earthly and heavenly people of thee, glorious Panteleimon: for the angelic purity and martyrdom of embellishments, thou hast settled on the earth in Heaven, dressed with Angels and all the saints standing before the Throne of the Lord, glory, pray for us, earthly, pious pious; Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church. Rejoice, martyrs of the most beautiful color; Rejoice, steadfastness of the indestructible steadfastness. Rejoice, praise of youth is not abyssal; Rejoice, champion of Christ, masculinity is not exhaustive. Rejoice, that you are growing in the world, you are humble; Rejoice, angel in the body, turn the mortals over. Rejoice, all-blessed celestial; Rejoice, host of the divine rose. Rejoice, for the faith has risen; Rejoice, for you must throw yourself off. Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Vibranium, the passion-bearer of Christ and the gracious healer, give the sick healers, with songs we praise you, our intercessor. Well, for you can be merciful to the Lord, in the presence of all kinds of sickness and sickness, you will cry out to you with love: Rejoice, great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Asking about the ailing can not only be relatives, but also close people, the hearts of whom believe.

Before reading the akathist, one should think about thoughts, not speak. A mechanical repetition of the text does not bring any relief.

Akathist to Panteleimon the Ciliate, Great Martyr

On the day of the people, Novy Rіk and other holy people bazhayut one to one zdorov'ya. The ailments, which impose on the body of a person, are addicted to medical treatment. In the case of an important transition, or mental illness, it is important to achieve positive results.

At the moment, if medicine is powerless, people do not waste hope. In today's world, severe ailments are young. Malicious swellings, mental disorders are often diagnosed in young patients. The reason for them is the current suspense from constant stresses. Children spend a lot of time in suffocating apartments playing games in virtual reality. With blessings about healing, otherwise the relief of suffering is brought to St. Panteleimon.

Life of Panteleon

At the III century the son of a shamanic pagan knew the joy of the people of the son of Panteleon - "the left of everything." Bulo tse at a small place Nikomidії on the birches of the Marmur Sea. The lad's mother espoused Christianity and was ready to teach sin the basics, but she died early in life.

Batko, who took up the teaching of Panteleon, introduced yoga to the pagan school. After the end, the young man received a medical certificate from the famous doctor in Nicosia. The emperor commemorated the successful young doctor and appointed him as a court doctor.

At 303 Rotis of the Nicholas Church, which was promoting Christianity, was burned down at once by tens of thousands of parathians. Miraculously, three priests were killed and lived in Ukrainian taemno, until the day Panteleon came home. As if the clergyman Yermolai asked the young man to visit and tell about Christianity. Zustrichi became regular. Christian faith, shanovan mother, bula to the soul of Panteleon, for the paganism.

Gift of Panteleimon the Healer

Having roamed the streets of the child, who is dying under the bite of an echidna, Panteleon is blessed about the resurrection of the child and the death of the reptile. Todі vіn himself having given obіtyanku, scho accept the rite of baptism, as if a prayer to you will help. Once the child began to give signs of life, and the echidna broke into pieces. At the baptism, the young man took the name Panteleimon - “all-merciful”.

Panteleimon did not hesitate to tell the father about the power of prayer and the Christian faith. He praised the rest of the decision of the wines, if he sighed the vision of the dazzling after the prayer of the son. Batko accepted Christianity and passed the sacrament of baptism. Having lived a short time. Panteleimon orphans.

The health of the healer Panteleimon zastosovuvav in practice. Vіn likuvav:

  • V'yaznіv prisons;
  • Zhebrakiv on the streets;
  • Reckless vagabonds.

Natovpi went to the new, not knowing other doctors. Zim vin calling on themselves famously - the doctors made a denunciation to the emperor about the exaltation of the sick by him at Christian prayers.

The emperor, calling out panteleimon, punishing to chat a little and perform an act of pagan sacrifice. Yunak, having become invincible in his faith and strength of the strong. The emperor immediately punished the guards of the healed one, acknowledging the terrible death of the wrong doctor and clergymen, as if he were healed in the fire.

The Lord appeared to Panteleimon and sang yoga in front of the sick cakes. Vіn zalishavshis neushkodzhenim, nezazhavuchi those who yogo:

  • They hung on a tree, smearing themselves with pink claws;
  • They threw tin at the melting point;
  • They were spitting;
  • Rozіrvats were making roses, stretching between the wheels of the chariots.

Not believing the miracles of Christ, the emperor gave an order to throw the healer into a cage before the circus creatures in front of the public. Instead of attacks, the animals licked the saint and did not bring evil to him. The audience was victorious and shouted words of praise to the Lord. Kozhen is such a boof.

Let's stop what the emperor wants in a moment , bula strata. Binding to the olive tree Panteleimon bless the Lord. Under the hour of reading a prayer yogo, hitting a kat with a sword, ale that rosem'yak. After the end of the prayers, the presence felt the voice of the beast, which is the cry of a martyr to the Kingdom of Heaven. Vartov fell to their knees, asked for a vibachennya from a young doctor, inspired by the strata. Panteleimon is not poignant, and asking them to prove their point and bring the virok to the diyu.

Milk flowed on the place of the appointed head of the blood. The olive tree bore fruit. People believed in the foundation of Jesus Christ, fell on their knees and began to pray.

Akathist about the health of the sick

On im'ya, given to the saint at the people , Panteleimon - defender of warriors. The stench recognizes the wound, and helps them to heal. Okrіm bodily wounds, vin zlіlyuє i mentally disturbed.

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon consists of 12 kosiv and 13 kondakiv. Kontakion 13 is repeated after 3 times, and the akathist ikos 1 and kontakion 1 are completed.

The text of the akathist is long, not the strength of the skin to read and carry through the soul. Russian writings, may be arranged in the voice of a skin word. Deyakі zratayutsya to the clergy from the prohannyam to read yoga about the health of the sick.

Akathist to Panteleimon the Healer help to be aware of mental and physical suffering. For non-violent ailments, the rest of the days feel better.

The 9th sickle is not marked as a great holy day in the Orthodox calendar. I believe to know that this day is the commemoration of the Great Martyr Panteleimon. At the church, read the troparion to Panteleimon the healer.

8 days before the day of commemoration of the shovechor, canons are sung in honor of the healer. At the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos, the head of the healer is taken. Pilgrims come to the holy relics. Go read the prayer of the healer Panteleimon Russian mine.

At the prayer book, a few prayers to the healer Panteleimon of Russia. I will need to choose a prayer for zmist and a step of ailment. Іsnuє prayers of prayer before the Holy Great Martyr for healing.