Im'ya imran in Islam. Imran meaning of the name in Islam. Detailed analysis of the name Imran

Im'ya people, open up the curtain of mystery. It turns out that it was given to people only so that it would not be ruined by being seen among the restless. However, a long time ago it was brought to light: whether I am to avenge the code of the share, about which people will not guess. From the statutes you know the meaning of the name of Imran, the honor, the character of the yogi and other. Adzhe is often called so lads, not only in the Muslim world, but also in the Russian one.

Mystery of the name

Let's start with onomatology. Tse malovіdoma region in science about language, de fahіvtsі occupied exclusively by vlasnyh names. Even if stinks carry their own energy, like human vibes, you can’t guess about yaks. It is necessary to think over the name of your little one himself.

It’s not for my skin to walk a singing person. It is important to give respect to such rubbish, like numerology, the month of the people, that number. Adzhe vіd tsogo lie down the future of your little one. Even rich old and forgotten names, yakі need to guess. Aje, maybe one of them is suitable for your child itself. Guess what the name Imran means. Vono is also old-fashioned, it is less common in Muslim culture.


Imran - the name of the Arab campaign. Even in the Qur'an it was thought about the prophet, who had spent a righteous life. The new bula had a pious family, yak lived without sin and prayed to all God. From that hour, there was a thought that I should name the boy after Im'yam Imran, growing old positive person.

in Islam

As a rule, the type of people is independent, courageous and generous. Imran often flickers in his body. Especially for a child's wife. Therefore, with these lads, you need to behave lower. Aje yakscho їх to cook chi punish, then the stench is very worried. That's why they are depressed, mental disorder, closedness, innocence.

In Islam, respect is given not so much to them in swearing, but in letters. There is a thought that the sounds themselves signify the character, the share of the mind of a person. Let's look at the meaning of the name Imran, as if deciphering behind the sounds.

What do the letters mean

The sound of the name of my name has a leathery sense, which is necessary to know. The first letter "І" means a split that z'ednannya. Tobto it is possible to affirm that the young man will get happiness in a special life. Tse Kokhannya that sex.

The letter "M" is a thinker. Tse means that Imran is a sensible person, like a child it is necessary to develop such qualities, like a memory, respect for that thought. Only then you can be calm for yoga rozumovі zdіbnostі.

The letter "R" - joy and peace of mind. It’s not worth talking about those people who have such a sound in their name, they will be calm and witty.

Letter "A" - independence. You can swear on such a person, be it a hvilin. Vіn zvik virishuvati be-yaku problem samostіyno.

Letter "H" - to talk about mutual assistance. Imran is no help to the people, as if to work on the її side of the bayduzhіst. Vіn dopomagaє only schirim that kind people, so be ready to pay with that coin.

Like a bachite, the skin sound of the name speaks about the songs of the likeness of a person. For this, it is necessary to earn respect for such rubbish. In this way, the meaning of the name Imran is fundamentally changed, as if orienting itself to the surrounding sounds.


The master of such a noble name, like Imran, never feels selfish. Particularly on the right is the special life of that kohannya. A new one always has a soul mate, even if you don’t hurry to tie your slut with bonds.

For the cob, Imran needs to be astonished to the girl, to understand and feel that little girl in general. By itself, you don’t make friends early. Ajeretelny vibir will require chimalih zusil.

I rob a girl from a squad of wines, as I know well, right up to її zvichok. Tse can be a friend of a childishness, a colleague or a classmate. For Imran, it is even more important that the girl (the future team) knew her partner well and could see him in totality.

It is important that the friendship did not only rouse the other half, but it was possible to understand both in roses and in hoardings. The girl of Imran has a cheerful and lifelike character. People love, if the other half of the whole hour is in a warm mood.


Pohodzhennya that meaning of the name of Imran mi looked. However, one more important factor is the summation. For example, it is better for Imran to choose a half for a friend with such names, so that a new one would have a sprinkling of such letters themselves, like a lad.

The maiden Fіruza miraculously pіdіyde. This name has six letters, and half of them are in the word "Imran". Tse means that the couple is ideally matched and does not have special differences between them.

As soon as a lad chooses, we need to cook, that they will not be all right in this. For there are less than two letters. Sim'ї will have some welding and rozbіzhnosti. Prote mostly through children.

Zulfiya is not suitable for Imran. A couple of letters are not the same in the names. Tse talk about different characters, look at the interests of life. So that Zulfiya and Imran lived happily, the squads needed to be absolutely pokirnoy and in all respects to their beloved.

Obov'yazkovo give respect to letters. Adzhe vіd them lie down not only the share of the people, but the well-being of the newly minted family.


At the article, we looked at the meaning of the name Imran for a boy, that boy in Islam. Do not forget that the father's child is called once and for all life. For that very reason, it is necessary to respectfully engrave the skin letter in the name, so that you can correctly name the baby and do not fool around.

Vlasnik of the name of the master of perfection. However, remember that it is the father's own life to lay down the cob life stage of sin. Everything else is to kill the child herself, just give him the opportunity and do not try to force yourself.

Nosіїv іmenі Іmran ob'єdnuіє tsіlespravovanіst, rich vnutrіshnіy svіt, garna vyav that gibberish іntuїtsіya. Sounds of stench to cope with the hostility of self-sufficient and self-inflicted people, but in truth they will demand that their vchinkiv be praised as otochyuchimi. Von pragvat vladi, exclaiming merit, praise. Having succumbed to difficulties, such people can put their hands down and move in the direction of the implementation of their plan. It is important for this, that people were close to them, so that they can support them and support them vashku khvilina.

Similar meaning

Linguistics, yakili joked about food, which means the name Imran, didshli visnovka, that it has an Arabic root and is translated by the Russian language like “life”. The name form is extended among Muslims, the oskіlki dvіchі are guessed at the Qur'an:

  1. Mar'yam's father was called Imran. In Christianity, Maryam is the Virgin Mary, and її father (did of Jesus Christ) is Saint Joachim.
  2. Amran was the name of Moses' father, Maryam and Aaron. It’s quite imaginative that Imran is a funny form of his name.

It is important that you call your son such a name, then you are surely a good and good person. Aje is another meaning of the name Imran in Islam – “correct, diligent”.

The synonyms of the name can be seen: Amram, Umran, Amran, Emran, Omran. Changing-motley animals: Imrik, Imranchik.

Among the names of the noses:

  • Chechen singer, composer and singer Imran Usmanov;
  • Islamic philosopher, specialist in international nutrition Imran Nazar Hossein;
  • Brunei diplomat Emran bin Bahar;
  • Austrian judoist Imran Borchashvili;
  • huge ta political fiend in the gallery of the illumination of Imran Akperov;
  • Kosovar football player Imran Bunyaku;
  • Azerbaijani writer Imran Ashum ogli Kasumov;
  • merits budіvelnik, practitioner of transport of the Azerbaijan RSR Imran Gyulmammadov;
  • French football player Imran Shamkhanov;
  • Russian sambist Imran Ayaz Javadov;
  • Pakistani cricket cricketer Imran Nazir.

Talismans and astrological characteristics

Before talismans and astrological symbols are seen:

  • patron planet - Jupiter;
  • metal - electrum, tin;
  • element - Povіtrya;
  • tuzhnya day - four;
  • totemic roses - lavender, chestnut, cinnamon, eucalyptus, jasmine;
  • stone-mascot - hyacinth, beryl, sapphire;
  • colori - blue, raspberry.

Astrologers are pleased to name them im'yam malyukiv, yakі were born in the period from 22 leaf fall to 21 breast, tobto under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. Tse suzir'ya is the most indicative of the boy's inner world.

The meaning of the name Imran for a boy

Among the children, Imran does not give the fathers a special trouble. Tse calm, feisty, thoughtful child, like a will to take the position of a third-party poster. Vіn deshcho secretive and closures, painfully reacting to criticism and respect, that the fathers do not have a trace of yoga in a strong suvorost.

Learning is given to wearing a name easily. Wines are seen from the number of singletons high level to intellect, kmіtlivіstyu, vihіdlіvіstyu, dopivіvіstyu. Often popovnyu ranks of vіdminnikov, taking part in the olympiads. Crimean school, the boy sees all the groups in that section. Navkolishny marvel, the stars are taken in the new style of energy, in order to achieve the same high results.

Іm'ya Imran means "correct", it is not surprising that a person is trying to fix things for troubles and try to reach the arbitrarily accepted norms of morality. Calls of wine cope with the enemy's shy, strange, emotionless people. Indeed, in the soul of a person, non-abyya passions boil. Vіn skhilny to introspection and self-analysis. Dovge perebuvannya on the self allows yoga forces and that energy.

Nosіy іmenі priymaє splkuvannya yak zakhіd zakhіd to reach the set goal. Ignorant of love to the point of adoption, I work in a bad way in a team, it’s easy to know the language of speech with otochyuchimi. Prote varto Imran was entrusted with a strong superman, as if I were going into the darkness.

Kohannya ta slub

Looking at the meaning of the name of Imran, one cannot but guess about the special life of one's nose. The lad may be successful at the opposite position, but it’s not easy to quickly tie your slub with bonds. Make friends with a mature person, rokiv up to thirty. Most of all, a woman becomes a woman, I know you well. For example, a friend of childishness, a classmate, a classmate, a sister of a friend's skinny.

Nosіy imeni zhadaє vіd obraznі і pnої vіddaї. Vіn vimagaє, sob the squad otchuchali yoga with respect and turbotoy, but he himself hangs the hour of consecration. It is even more important that Imran's squad is small for an easy and cheerful gift, the shards with the rocks of the people become gloomy and apathetic. Yomu will need someone who can inhale energy from him.

Robot that career

Imran, the meaning of the name of which we have declared, we have impersonal talents. You can reach success like a creative person, as well as in a scientific activity. The main secret of success lies in the fact that people can become a yoga profession. Otherwise, wine can be realized in a car'er.

A charismatic leader, a politician, a business coach, Imran's shards may have the gift of reconciliation, communication skills, being able to cope positively with foreigners. It is easy for you to know the language with your colleagues, but with the authorities you can blame the differences through the transcendent principle of a person.


In numerology, the meaning of the name Imran is determined by the number of chotiri. The person-“four” has a realistic look at life, does not hover in the dark and does not live in the world of illusions. Tse is a practical, pragmatic, feisty person, as if she had the will to secure her skin in advance. Vіdminnі risi yoga character - naіynіst i posіlіvnіst. Relatives may be able to support that support of a man-four for help.

From a lack of character, one can see emotional coldness, callousness, callousness, lack of maturity to the point of sympathy and empathy. Tse lad-robot, for some reason it can become boring. You should learn for the sake of life, do not be so scrupulous and principled. Otherwise, people - “Thursdays” will find it easy to evoke harmony with otochyuchimi.

The history of the march of the name of Imran

Cholovіche іm'ya Іmran maє arabske pozhennya. The meaning of the name Imran is “correct” or “like that, how can I be”. Tse old name guess at the head book of Muslims - the Koran. Imran (Amran) being a righteous man. Vіn buv didom of the prophet Іsi. Also, there is one more option to translate the name of Imran. It is said that it looks like the word "amr", as it means "life".

Imran is wider than the name of the Muslim world. In Europe and America, it is rare to get it right. Im'ya Imran can be different. Use options: Amran, Amram, Umran, Omran, Emran. Calling the son Imran, the fathers believe that he is guilty of a pious viroste, an orderly and righteous person.

The meaning of that characteristic of the name Imran

Imran - tse magnanimous, independent, independent, rich and courageous person. Imran is a lover of reason, and not of emotions, that is why it is blamed for being a rational, objective, striman that specific person. Vin wise and kindly illumined. Be right, Imran wins sumly. Vin is good-natured and may be richly friendly.

Imran - that sensible child is drinkable. Vіn talanovitiy she is trying to develop her creative zdіbnostі. Imran has a rich mind and reads a lot, love art and music. From the children I think that I can lose my trace in history. Imran to love the leaders among the same people, take the fate of different approaches. Vіn gravitate to knowledge and at school it is easy to comprehend these subjects. You should be the best, and the wines will always be the first to be the first, both in education and in sports.

Imran can have such a negative picture, like his own innocence and skritnist. Vіn can be closed and not like a comradely person. Imran can be indifferent to that emotional person. Welding with relatives and lives of negativity can become the cause of deep depression.

Imran can become a leading politician, a public figure or an artist. Yogo can get such a gallery of activity, like medicine, psychology, journalism. You need technical disciplines, so you can become a successful, practicing programmer, electronics engineer or designer. You can become a successor or a member of science.

Imran is a generous, lower and sensitive person, who tries to catch his emotions under the mask of sarcasm. Imran robs his companion of life to finish it stingily. Vіnіkoli do not hurry with the fun. You need to understand the sounds of that way of thinking of your future squad. Vіn shukaє zhittєradisnu, turbotlivo that gospodarsku dіvchina, yak razumіtime yogo i zmozhe razdіlit yogo zakhoplennya. Call Imran to make friends with the girl, you know for a long time. Tse mozhe buti yogo classmate, colleague in work, chi su_dka. Imran becomes a kind person and father.



Changeful-motley variant

Imranchik, Imrik



According to the church








Kamin talisman






totem creature


Draw character

nadіynіst, dotepnіst, comradeship

Number of name


Actors, celebrities, women, known and famous people with their names

Imran Ashum ogli Kasumov ((1918-1981) Azerbaijani writer, writing scripts for films), Imran Shamkhanov ((born 1991) French football player), Imran Gyulmammadov ((1913-1975) merits budіvelnik, radyansky gromadyanin, prats_kazіvnik main and main yoga practice for his country.Vlasnik of rich medals and honorary people.1994) Austrian judoist, champion of Austria)

Form the name Imran

Other variants of the name: Imranchik, Imrik.

Im'ya Imran with different words

It is clear that the sound of the name is written in Chinese, Japanese and other language: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 伊姆蘭 (Yī mǔ lán). Japanese: イムラン (Imuran). Kannada: Hindi: इमरान (Imarāna). Ukrainian: Imran. Yiddish: ימראַן (imran). English: Imran (Imran).

Podzhennya name Imran

The meaning of the name Imran

Imran - Name of the prophet

The nature of the name

Im'ya Imran is a symbol of supremacy. Lyudina knows exactly what she needs to work at once. Such people earn merits to instill authority in a young lady.

In the course of time, the individuality of the individual gains a clear straightness under the influx of the circumstances of life. Vibranium rіd diyalnostі staє the area of ​​​​reporting the possibilities itself like a person, you can bow to the yak zavzhdi. Some saving status goes to the physical and moral strength.

Basic rice

Dotepnіst, comradeship, self-sustainability, lestoshchi

Numerology Of The Name Imran

Masters of the number іmenі 4 сhilnі of exact sciences and scientific approach to the whole world. "Four" miracles of science, engineers, designers. The stench is stable, supple and sumly. Friends and colleagues respect them. "Thursdays" are rarely welded and are not strong enough to vorozhnechi. Prote sled ochіkuvati vіd "chetvіrok" kakihos nespodіvanih vchinkіv, іmprovіzatsіy, creative vyavіv character. All of their lives are insured for the fines and little can be done to replace them from the back of the planned plan. The stench is stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are superfluous and you can swear on them in any life situation. The stench is strict and navit suvori fathers and even hearing children.


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Povіtrya, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Colour: Maliy, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, Beryl, Hyacinth.
Roslini: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple tree, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, paradise apple, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, avtsya, lastivka, pelikan, chicken, pavich, dolphin.

Im'ya Imran yak phrase

І І (Union, Unite, Union, UNITY, Unity, Together, "Together with")
M Think
R Rci (Riki, Speak, Wislovi)
And I (I, Meni, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Our, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letter of the name Imran

I - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. The call of a person shows practicality like a screen for attaching a romantic m'yakoї nature.
M - dbayliva specialty, willingness to help, litter can be irritating. One hour ahead of the Vlasnik, who is guilty of a part of nature and is not guilty of calmness, "pull the carpet on yourself." Khyzhatsky stavlyachis to nature, vlasnik tsієї literi mischief yourself.
R - building is not deceived by visibility, but to delve into the essence; self-singing, exercising children, goodness. Crying, people are ready for a bad risk, and sometimes they are dogmatic in their judgments.
A - a symbol of the cob of the cob, the cob of the cob, the cob of the mind, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
H - a sign of protest, inner strength does not accept everything in a row, without parsing, hostile critical mind, interest in health. Zavzyaty pratsivnik, but not to endure "mother's practice."

The summation of the name of Imran, showing at the kohanna

Love for you is an impudent, needy necessity, an hour uninformed. That's why your relationship to a partner is overwhelmed by lowness, it is often tight, and dbaylivist, which at times is between obsessive dogidness. However, you perebuvayte in nepochitnі vpevnennostі, scho all rob correctly and vimagaєte adequate, in your opinion, the reaction to your vchinki - podyaki that zakhoplennya. Imran, You are easily sly, distrustful and sly, often come to the camp of slander for no apparent reason. For the trival presence of a partner "in the middle of reach" you seem to be zanedbanosity, innocence in the fact that you are happy. All that is really necessary for you is to know a person, who will be to the soul, and your ingenious, and your self-confidence. Todi union will be trival and harmonious.