When did the Ukrainians show up? Why was Ukraine called Ukraine? History of Ukraine

The food about the journey of the Ukrainian nation is one of the most controversial and super eloquent. The historians of "Self-Most" argue that the root of the Ukrainian ethnos was found in Europe, and in other lands they are encouraged to speak out.

"Autochthonous" Ukrainians

Today, in the Ukrainian spit, more and more often and boldly, hypotheses are expressed, which may lead to some kind of history of the Ukrainian ethnos. Recognize our pvdenny judges seriously looking at the version, zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno ukrainian ethnos becoming the basis for the appearance of the Great Russian and Belarusian peoples.

Київський журналіст Олесь Бузіна з приводу цієї гіпотези іронізував: «Тобто, за логікою її послідовників, якийсь пітекантроп, вивівшись з мавпи в Африці, прийшов на береги Дніпра, і тут потихеньку переродився в українця, від якого походять російські, білоруси та інші до індусів» . [S-BLOCK]

Ukrainian historians, as if in defiance of Moscow, try to make their roots more ancient, forget that by stretching more than a thousand lands from the Don to the Carpathians, they recognized the invasion of Sarmatians, Gunivs, Goths, Pechenigivs, Polovtsians, Tatars, and repeatedly formed siv. Thus, the wasteful Mongol conquest of the other quarter of the XIII century littered a large number of inhabitants of the Dnieper region. “Most of the people of Russia, slaughtered and taken into captivity,” wrote the Franciscan Giovanni del Plano Carpini, who saw the land.

For the last hour, many territories of the Kiev princedom are in social and political turmoil. Until 1300, the stench was found at the warehouse of the Nogai ulus, from the XIV century they consumed the rule of the Lithuanian princedom, and after two centuries, the Commonwealth came here. More recently, the militant element of the old Russian ethnos has been revealed in a ground manner.

In the middle of the 17th century, Cossack rebellions against the Polish panuvannya were fired, as if they were the first samples of the renewal of national identity. Їhnіy pіdsumok - "Hetmanate", scho became a butt p_vdennoruska autonomy under the Cossack administrations.

First self-name

Until the middle of the 17th century, the term "Ukrainian" was not used as an ethnic concept. Tse vyznayut navitt founding historians of "Nezalezhnoy". Natomist in the documents of that hour, other words are spoken - Russians, Rusyns, Little Russians, and Navit Russians.

The “Protestation” of 1622 to the fate of the Kiev Metropolitan Iov Boretsky has the following lines: “to the skin similar to the piety of the people of the Russian people ... to all the pious churches, the blessing of the great people of the Russian be-yakoy become the spiritual and holyness of people.” [S-BLOCK]

And the axis is a fragment of a sheet dated 1651 to the fate of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky to the Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV: "... and all of Russia, as it lives here, as it is with the Greeks alone in the world and in the sight of them there is a cob ...". Before the speech, at the recording of the kobzar from the Chernigiv region, Andriy the Jester thinks: “Well, we have Hetman Khmelnitsky, Rusyn.”

Archpriest Simeon Adamovich of Nizhyn was more specific to the list of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich: “... and from my quiet labors for the mercy of your tsar, I didn’t want to live in Moscow, knowing the inconstancy of my brothers of the Little Russian inhabitants ...”.

The word “Little Russia” as the name of the sub-Dnipro lands was first recorded in 1347 in the envoy of the Byzantine Emperor John Kantakuzin.

marginal people

With the term "Ukraine" for the first time we stick with 1213 roci. This is the date of the literal report about the return of the Russian cities by Prince Danilo Galitsky to Poland. There, zokrema, it is said: “Danilo went with his brother and Priya Berestii, Ugrovesk, Stovp, Komov and all Ukraine.”

Such an early riddle about a debatable term is often called out as a proof of the ancient Ukrainian nation. However, in the literary context, in vlasne, as in the context of the thієї epoch, “Ukrainians” were called different borderlands, outlying lands in the Muscovite kingdom (“Siberian Ukraine”) and the Commonwealth (“Polish Ukraine”). [S-BLOCK]

Pismennik Volodymyr Anishchenkov seems to say: “The science of ethnology does not slander such a people as a “Ukrainian” right up to the 19th century. Moreover, Poles, then Austrians and Germans, began to be called “Ukrainians” among the inhabitants of the city. The svіdomіst malorosіv tse naming vprovadzhuvalos kіlka stіlі. Starting from the 15th century.

On the other hand, among the Cossack elites there is a single ethnos that lives on the territory of Little Russia, having become a vodokremlyuvatsya and opposes the suds even in the other half of the 17th century. Zaporizhsky otaman Ivan Bryukhovetsky wrote at the time of the death to hetman Petro Doroshenko: “Having taken God to the rescue, beat your enemies to Moscow, then Muscovites, do not dream of friendship with them anymore. destroy the checks, but to themselves and the entire Ukrainian people, to the driven by the fall, they did not bring mali to themselves.”

Before the inhabitants of the Western regions of Ukraine, yakі entered the warehouse of the Austro-Ugric region, the term "Ukrainians" came to the last - on the cob of the XX century. "Westerners" traditionally called themselves Rusyns (in the German version, "ruthenians").

“Mughal! Moghuls!

Tsikavo, that Taras Shevchenko sings the pride of the Ukrainian nation in his own creations without getting used to the ethnonym “Ukrainian”. His envoys to fellow countrymen have such lines: “Nimets say:“ You could. "Mughals! Mogul! “Golden Tamerlane they are naked.”

In Berlini in 1925, Rotsіkhurі “Ukrainian Rukh” Rosіyki Emigant, Pubblezist Andriy Storzhenko, wrote: “Stirlesting over the snakes of the rash, they are in the offensive of the same nation. an ancestor of someone else's blood. Familiar with the children of the Ukrainian movement, beginning in 1875 not with books, but in living images, we were hung up with admiration that “Ukrainians” are the same individuals, as if they had shrunk in the form of a Russian-born type in the ancestors of foreign Turkic blood.”

Adzhe is one of the most popular images of Ukrainian folklore - “Cossack-litsar Mamai” - a direct confirmation of such an admission. Are the sounds of the character of folk pictures pure Tatar? What are the faults of the beklarbek Mamai, whose caps were worn by the cossacks in Ukraine? [S-BLOCK]

In the translation of the Turkic language "Cossack" - tse "rozbіynik", "vignanets". This is how they called themselves in the armies of Genghis Khan, they didn’t tell the despot, they settled in the steppe regions of the lower Ukraine. The middle Polish chronicler Jan Dlugosh wrote about the Crimean Tatars, who attacked Volin in 1469: “The Tatar army was stockpiled with vtikachiv, zdobuvachiv and vignantsiv, they call them Cossacks with their stench.”

The results of archeological excavations at the site of the Battle of Berestechka (1651) give rise to thoughts about the Tatar roots of the native Ukrainian nation: it appears that the Zaporizhian Cossacks did not wear their own crosses. Archaeologist Igor Svіchnikov confirmed that the statement about Zaporizka Sich as a stronghold of Christianity was greatly overstated. Nevipadkovo the first church near the Zaporizhian freemen appeared only in the 18th century, after the Cossacks praised the Russian piddanstva.

What do geneticists say

It is impossible not to respect the ethnicity of the population of present-day Ukraine. Ethnographers confirm that the livers, Polovtsy and Tatars played an important role in the molding of the "wide" Ukrainians, as well as the Rusyns, Poles and Jews.

Genetics in a flash confirms the same admission. Similar studies were carried out by the Laboratory of Population Genetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, vicarious genetic markers of the Y-chromosome (which are transmitted along the human line) and mitochondrial DNA (female lineage).

On the one hand, the results of the study showed a significant genetic similarity between Ukrainians and Belarusians, Poles and residents of the Sunset of Russia, and on the other hand, they showed a significant difference between the trio and internal Ukrainian and clusters - Western, Central and Western. [S-BLOCK]

One more researcher, already an American student at Harvard University, analyzed more closely the division of Ukrainians into haplogroups. It turned out that 65-70% of Ukrainians have haplogroup R1a, which is typical for the steppe peoples. For example, among the Kyrgyz it is common in 70% of the population, among the Uzbeks - in 60%, among the Bashkirs and Kazan Tatars - in 50%. For porіvnyannya, in the Russian regions of the pivnіchny entry - Novgorod, Pskov, Arkhangelsk, Vologda Oblast - group R1a lie 30-35% of the population. The other haplogroups of Ukrainians were divided as follows: just three of them - R1b (western European), I2 (Balkan), N (Finno-Ugric) may account for approximately 10% of the representatives, another one - E (Africa, Western Asia) for approximately 5%.

The Great Anti-Russian Project There are two main parts to the creation of the Ukrainian people and the state. This is the creation of a false history of the unknown Ukrainian nation and the endowment of the її with the vlass, the dictatorship in the form of a historically taman Russian language.

Let's marvel at how the myth about the foundation of the Ukrainian nation and some subtleties of the past might have come to light for whom.

Let's put a nutrition: if and how did they come up in the first place, so understood - "Ukraine" and "Ukrainian"? How did the new “Ukrainian nation” “swim”?

Let's get to our analysis of historical facts.

A review of historical facts has brought us, as we would rather lower, down to the arch of the visnovki, and allow us to understand the nature of today's wines of Russia and Ukraine, as well as to predict their further development.

Let's go back to the ancient history of Russia of the epoch 9-13 centuries.

Zagalnovіdomі litopisnі dzherel zіstoriї 9-13 ct, tobto. For the 5th century, to name the population of Russia, they used a number of terms: “Rus”, “Russian rіd”, “Russian”, “Rus”, “Rosi”, “Russian people”. But in the basis of all of them there are two key words - "Rus" and "Russian". This is how the inhabitants of Russia self-originated themselves in that hour far from us. They didn’t call themselves “small Russians”, “great Russians”, “similar words”, “pivdennoruska narodnistyu”, but “pivnіchnaya”, “Russians”, and even more “Ukrainians”. All these terms are the fault of the new hour and from the scientific point of view, the dawn does not have the same right to retrospectively in the past era. Therefore, in order to recreate the objective picture of the past, maybe once and for all, let's see terminological speculations on the subject of liberal-communist and Ukrainian historiography as pseudo-science and anti-historical. In lithographs, the term “Ukraine” is used, but the meanings “cordon”, “cordon region”, “outskirts” are used in chronicles. The toponym "Ukraine" is not in the old Rus'! Try the "Ukrainians" retroactively to stick to them, to obvious falsehoods and falsification of real historical facts. Tobto. neither in the ethnic nor in the cultural plan, Ancient Rus did not allow anything "Ukrainian" in itself, and it no longer aroused the riddle about the "Ukrainians" as such an ethnic group.

At the same time, the names “Little Rus” and “Bila Rus”, as well as “Great Rus” are called. Tsei subdued the territory, and not the Russian people, into the “ethnos” with the sights of “Ukrainians” and “Belarusians” supported by political podias. From the 14th to the 18th centuries, the Russian people were divided between two powers: the similar Muscovite kingdom and the western one, where the Poles and the Lithuanians ruled. For the purpose of identifying the territories that are known under the rule of the Poles and Lithuania, the names “Little Rus” and “Bila Rus” were zastosovulysya. Neither in the chronicles, nor in the historical documents of that hour, neither "Ukraine", nor "Ukrainians", nor "Belarus", nor "Belarus" are mentioned in the same row.

The Polish-Lithuanian occupation of Little and White Russia, inhabited by the Russians, was shaped by the Russian language, the culture of those people. The Russian language was filled with a singing world: a lot of Polish words were consumed in it, and more and more it began to transform into a “mova”, it began to vitiate Russian enlightenment. The other classes of Little Russia begin more and more often to align with the Poles, speak Polish, some of them go over to the Catholic faith, give their children to the Polish primary mortgage, “transform” into the Poles, the Daedals are more reoriented to Zahid.

However, in the other half of the 16th century, the "Polish language" of the words of the Yanorsk language did not go too far - the "Ruska Mova" of that Russian language was even less pronounced. I in Kiev, and in Moscow, the language was taught at the same time according to the same assistant - “Gramati” by Meletiy Smotrytsky.

Tobto. the assimilation of the “upper” in Little Russia did not lead to the assimilation of the “lower”, even though here they recognized significant losses, ahead of cultural development. Prote people, as a whole organism, without spending their “Russian nature”, saved the Orthodox faith, native language, batkiv traditions, which marked the nationally voluntary war against Poland in 1648–1654. that historical decision of Pereyaslavskaya For the sake of the resurrection of Little and Great Russia.

Після возз'єднання південної та північної Русі в 1654 р., коли вплив польської мови припинився, почався зворотний процес поступового витіснення всіляких полонізмів під загальним впливом загальноросійської літературної мови, у створенні якої вирішальну роль, між іншим, зіграли якраз вихідці з Малоросії: Мелетій Єпіфаній Slavinetsky, Arseniy Satanovsky, Semion Polotsky, Feofan Prokopovich and others, to speak about the principle of ignoring them “movie” as a piece of art and non-life. Before the speech, at the Grand Duke of Lithuania until 1697. the Russian language was victorious as an official sovereign language.

The Russian people were separated by sovereign cordons as a way to preserve their national unity, and prepared spiritual, material, military changes of mind for the liquidation of the foreign panuvannya over the Little Russian state and the rise of the nation. The Russians are a self-determined people who live in the White Russia.

Not "Ukrainians", but the Russians fought for six years against pansky Poland, shaming themselves with glory, which did not fade. Not “Ukrainians”, but Russians stood for faith, freedom, the right to be themselves, and not the half-life Polish “claps”. Sending to Bogdan Khmelnytsky: near the red 1648, rushing to Lviv, the hetman gave the bagmen a place: “I come before you as the savior of the Russian people; I will come to the capital city of Chervonoruska land to free you from Polish captivity.

And the axis of the wedding of another contemporary, from standing against the camp - the Polish hetman Sapieha: “Against us, not protecting the savilniks, but the strength of the whole of Russia is great. All the people of Russia from forces, forces, small towns, places, tying bonds of blood and blood with the Cossacks, threatening the vikorinity of the gentry tribe and bringing the Rich Commonwealth from the face of the earth. As you can see, there is less to talk about the Russian people. Not for "independent Ukraine" was the struggle, but for the resurrection of two parts of Russia, the unification of Russians in one state.

As far as “Ukrainian” (tobto the outskirts), then the term, as before, stagnates in the dzherels to other territories. In the Polish villages of the 16th century, the word “Ukraine” is often used (with a voice in a different warehouse and with a small letter), in view of which, in two centuries, Little Russian independents will lead their fantastic country “Ukraine”, inhabited by the same fantastic “Ukrainian people”. Even if the Poles were close to “Ukraine”, they were small on the borders, but they did not tie the borders to any specific territory. It is not for nothing that the synonyms of “Ukraine” in Polish language were the words “Ukrainian”, “borderline”.

The Polish king Stefan Batoriy, for example, writing in his universals: “To the elders, the elders, the rulers, the princes, the panamas and the liquor, in Ukraine, the Russian, Kiev, Volyn, Podolsk and Bratslav live” or “to all our old people in the winter”. The Polish historian Maciej Strijkowski (born in 1582), the author of the “Chronicle of Polish, Lithuanian, Zhmudian and All Rus”, mentions the following passage: “Albrecht, the king’s nephew, heading zbitkiv in Ukraine (tobto on the cordon) Polish land. “The pennies were seen from the treasuries of the cinema and writing captains in Ukraine, Moscow and Tatar”, - tobto. on the cordon with Russia and the steppe.

In chronicles and documents of the tsієї epoch, the terms “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian” are also not used. The people who inhabit Little Russia, almost feel like calling it like “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian”.

In the middle of the 17th century, more than a part of the territories of Little and White Russia came to the Muscovite kingdom, and another part of the territory moved to the same warehouse, for example, in the 18th century, before the hour fell to Poland.

Idemo gave, the 18th century. Katerina Velika took away the share of the Western Russian lands, most of which lay in the 18th century of Poland. Polish nutrition was tied to us by the rights of the Orthodox population in Poland and Lithuania - their rights were infringed upon the greed of the Uniate Church. The Prussian King Friedrich "Zidysnyuvav defender of the rights of Protestants in Poland." The Polish Sejm was inspired by the recognition of the rights of the non-Catholic part of the population (that is, Orthodox and Protestants, moreover, Poland itself had a confrontation between different parties of the Polish nobility), Russia, Prussia and Austria intervened, and on the right ended under the role of Poland in 1772. Prussia occupied Zahidna Poland, as it was populated by the Poles, Austria took over Galicia, inhabited by Poles and Russians, Russia occupied Polotsk, Vitebsk and Mogilov, inhabited by Russians. If so, it would be fair to say that those Russians, like they inhabited Galicia at that hour, spoke the Russian-Polish dialect of Russian language, and those who went to the Russian region - the Russian-Polish-Lithuanian dialects of the Russian lands (signed) .

In 1791, the Polish Sejm, having praised the new constitution, turned over the vast Polish state with weak centralized power. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was formally included before Poland, which for Lithuania and Western Russia meant a strengthening of the colonization policy. The publication of the constitution provoked a civil war in Poland. Dissatisfied with her, the conservative stakes of the Polish nobility were waiting for Katerina to speak. Russia made the rules of the war and paid for Warsaw. Another division of Poland occurred in 1793. Russia took away a significant part of the minority of Belarus and Ukraine - Minsk, part of Volyn and Podillya. Prussia occupied Posen.

In 1974, the rebellion broke out near Warsaw, and it was organized by Polish patriots on behalf of Tadeusz Kosciuszko. A Polish revolutionary order was formed, which voted for the war of Russia and Prussia.

Katerina hung the best military on choli from Suvorov, after which Poland ceased to exist as an independent power. In 1795, the third division of Poland took place, as a result of which Prussia took Mazovia at once from Warsaw, Austria took Mala Poland from Krakow, Russia - Courland, Lithuania and the western part of Volin (the territory was populated by ethnic Russians, Lithuanians and Latvians).

As a result of the subdivision of Poland, Russia turned its back on its own land near the western-western Russian lands, the Crimean Holm, Galicia, Carpathian Rus and Bukovina. Later, until the 19th century, the Russians were raised to a single state, but the stench continued to be abandoned by the Russians.

For the time being, there were no everyday riddles about the origin of new ethnic groups - "Ukrainians" and "Belorussians" - they did not know such words and did not get used to them.

Navіt is written like the 18th century “History of Rusіv” does not know the current “Ukrainians”, even if the position of the author is stovіdsotkovo ukraїnsk. And even though we don’t know anything about the background of the “Ukrainians”, we don’t need to try to show their presence in the epic earlier than the 19th century, in the forties the stench already loudly declares about itself. But if you don’t overdo the galas, raising them like the first witnesses (to convince yourself) of the “Ukrainians”, but if you go as far as the purely arithmetic joke of the prepared Ukrainian forces, then you’ll show up, you’ll go about the callos, in the presence of the forces of thousands of people!

The period of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.

The exact date of the appearance of the first "Ukrainians" is the end of the 18th-ear of the 19th century. At the same time, in one of his robs, Count Jan Pototskyy won the name "Ukrainians". The Ukrainian ideologist who came after him, also the Pole Count Thaddeus Chatsky, having unraveled and destroyed this Russophobic myth, voiced that “Ukrainians look like Ukrainians, especially Ordi, as they came to the city of Ukraine through the Volga near the 7th century.” In fact, such an order never happened. The type of Ukrainians is Ukraine, the type of Ukraine is “Ukrainians” – this is how Chatsky propagated the scheme for the ethnogenesis of the “Ukrainian people”. The thoughts of Jan Pototsky and Thaddeus Chatsky about the non-Russian adventures of the “Ukrainians” were transferred through these places to the soil of the left bank of Malorosiya and Slobidskoy Ukraine, and here they knew much more. If Russians appeared in small Russia, then “Ukrainians” appeared, it’s not like nationality is special.

Vtіm, the phenomenon is not a trivial, theoretical one. In fact, the number of "Ukrainians" at that time was counted by hundreds of Russophobic Little Russian marginals, and a dozen incompetent authors of works in Russian-Polish surzhik. Знадобилося дві сотні років невпинної підривної роботи цієї спільноти етнічних мутантів, підкріпленої щедрою фінансовою, моральною та політичною підтримкою найбільших держав світу, катастрофа кількох революцій та воєн з нещадним антиросійським терором у Малоросії, щоб зробити від цих кількох сотень пару мільйонів особин, з певною часткою визначено can be classified as "Ukrainians". Ale and this year, like two hundred years ago, the union is not a nation, but a political party.

Mykola Ulyanov writes: “The Poles rightfully can be venerated by the fathers of the Ukrainian doctrine… So, the use of the words “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian” began to be inculcated in the literature for the first time… Poles did not rule over “Malorosiya” or “Malazhen Rus”… »Charked for Oleksandra I, Kolya," sobbing "Kyiv, having shifted the entire pyvdeniyad of a denser extent of his own lifes, sleeping Poland Uonvertet from the Harki Uniberta, the Poles of the rotes, the Poles, edge Vіdomy istorik Kostomarov, who was a student of Kharkiv University in the 30s, having recognized the new trends of propaganda.

Not someone else, like the historian M.I. Kostomarov (1817-1885) in the middle of the 19th century introduced the concept of "great Russian people". Kostomarov himself denounces the inhabitants of Great Russia and Little Russia as "two Russian nationalities." Calling the people no nonsense, and replacing the Russian "great people", Kostomarov, like the other founders of "Ukraine", robbed nothing else, like an application for the transition of Old Russia from the recessions of the "Ukrainians", resting on those that the "great people" were formed richly 9-12 century.

The very first category of bad luck and woe is the “three eagles” of the Russian people: “little Russians”, “great people”, “white-haired people” - “nationality”, which they did not deprive of their daily traces of their activity in historical dzherel. The reason is rather banal: such ethnic groups never existed. Name some of the names of the skin "gіlki" - Mala, Velika, Bela Rus - be it if they carried ethnic, national zmіsta from their own, serving only the territory, the population of the Russian people, who were slandered after the Tatar heap and the Polish conquest of the powers in the republics .

The concept of the "three Russias" that appeared in the 14th century - Great, Small and White - was in use for a long time, right up to 1917. Ale is less at the 19th century. They began to be "inhabited" by three different nationalities, moreover, including among the illuminated people. The people understand about it not maw. Forgive me people, like in the hours of Kievan Rus, for their national identity they victoriously singled out a single ethnonym - "Russians". Moreover, it is typical for all Russians, they didn’t live in the stench: in Maliy, Whitey chi Great Russia.

Even at the turn of the 19-20th century, the concept of "Russian" meant Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians at once. In this sensi yoga, both representatives of the Russian intelligentsia (for example, P. Struve), and the “Ukrainian” (P.A. Kulish) took root.

N.I.Ulyanov, a legacy of Ukrainian separatism, writes: “...“Great Russia” is the birth of the mentality of the 19th-20th centuries.” Showing faults and forces, zatsіkavlenі in the expanded tsієї piece, anti-historical terminology: Ukrainian separatism and liberal-revolutionary movement: Among the assistants of geography, the type of “great Russian” appeared - bearded, in bast shoes, in self-styled time and skin, and women in colorful sarafans, kokoshniks, and underwear. On the same common folk types, the ethnography of “little Russians” and “Belorussians” was developed. Respect was accentuated in front of us on the vіdmіnnosti pobutі, zvichai, regional dialects. And with these regional authorities, there was the appearance of a large number of nationalities, the woeful three of them. It was not those who sank, but those who roared that rose.

The famous Little Russian falsifier of history Mykhailo Hrushevsky (who is considered the founder of “Ukrainian” history) introduces the example “skhidnі” one hundred and fifty times the word “words”. For a while, he himself was inspired by “similar words”, replacing them, consciously, with “Ukrainians”. From 1897 to 1901, the first 4 volumes and future 10-volume "History of Ukraine - Russia" appeared.

For example, in the 19th century, the "Ukrainian" and "Belarusian" intelligentsia were founded ruhi, so that they could protect their special mov in the grip of the Russian. Moreover, the development of these ruhіv was sown ... by the Russians themselves. The academic world is being put up to Ukrainian propaganda absolutely tolerantly. Vіn vdavav, scho do not commemorate її. Having established the law, the right to lie was recognized as the right for the independents. Vikrivati ​​їх was respected as a sign of a filthy tone, right "reactionary", for which a person rizikuvala took away the title of "high-ranking gendarme" or "general of history". One word of such, for example, giants, like M. A. Dyakonov, S. F. Platonov, A. S. Lappo-Danilevsky, was enough to turn Grushevsky’s cunning gossip into gunpowder. Natomist Hrushevsky calmly wrote his political pamphlets at St. Petersburg under the title "History of Ukraine". Liberals - so, like Mordovians at the “St. Petersburg News”, Pipin at the “Visnik Evropi” separatists were stealing more independence, less separatists themselves. "Visnik Evropi" looked like a Ukrainian-language magazine.

Tim, for an hour, the appearance could not be called innocent. Hrushevsky's "practices" played a great role for "Ukrainian historiography". Sergiy Rodin writes in his book “Sounding in the name of Russia”: “From the host of “Ukrainian historians” Grushevsky, maybe, like no one else in support of Gogol’s character Nozdrov. Moreover, it didn’t appear there with an important rank, but with a literal similarity, for it’s a lie. Having deceived in a spirited way and without a litter of rags, wanting to go to the vіdmina of a Volodar, they killed horn-colored suits and ribs of an unblemished size, far from being rude ... Starting wine modestly. Having acquired the name of the old Polish Rus “Ukraine” to the spokonvichnoy and having taken away the fantastic country “Ukraine-Rus” in such a rank, Grushevsky settled in it with such a fantastic “Ukrainian-Russian nationality” (just like that!). Ale on Kostomarov’s view, not succumbing to what he had achieved, not trying to reconcile himself with that seal of “Russianness”, as if his people had no inventions. As one of the means of ignoring Russians from Russia and Little Russia wines, scrounging for the term "skhіdnoslovyanskі narodnostі" with the method of vanishing, for the best knowledge, » i, nareshti, «Russian» in the meaning of Ukrainian(!).

Juggling with terms didn’t help much: the “Ukrainians” were not seen in any way by the comrades of the Russians and did not show themselves in any way on the territory for them in the recognized era, with devilish cunning masquerading as ... Russians! The zatiya became hopeless, but here the “father of Ukrainian historiography” shone more brilliantly for its simplicity of solution: now, using the terms “Russian”, “Rus”, “Malorosiya”, automatically replacing them with the words “Ukrainian”, “Ukrainian” "…. As a result of this simple operation, the Ukrainian professor, having spent many years arranging “a thousand years of Ukrainian history”, having secured the self-styled “historical roots”, without some kind of stench looked not just impostors, but people who were not in their own right. Grushevsky himself spoke the essence of his “voidkrittya” in a remarkably short and accessible way: the rogue in terms of the “Ukrainians” thought about the pivdenny Russia and the Russian population “firmly and boldly accept the name “Ukraine”, “Ukrainian” ... "

In such a simple way, the Russians were “created” from Kiev and Lesser Russia, and the “Ukrainians” were transformed into її undivided rulers. Technology firing the enemy Primitive: the whole of the most so -the -line Material of Yogo Popular “Ilyustini Istoriya Ukrainians” forget on “Movi”, the sloppy custody in the PIDSVIDOMOSTISKYASKY, SHOBISHISHISHISHIS, SHOSTISHITS, SHOSTISHITS, SHOTISHITS, SHOTISHITS, SHOS , showcases from bilin є in different periods the development of "Ukrainian culture". The trick of repaying those who read is a deep fool, I’m just, hopelessly stupid and lazy, or I want to be short-sighted and not able to parse Greek and words of Jansk, write on these coins, seals, and letters. Axis on side 77 images of coins, under them is the text of Grushevsky: “Save the coins of Volodymyr with his portrait”, and on the coin itself it was written: "Volodymyr is on the table, and this is his silver", then. The Russian writing in the Ukrainian version, according to the author's idea, gives the right to honor Prince Volodymyr not as a Russian, but as a "Ukrainian"! The daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, being the Queen of France, is signed "Ana" clearly before her Russian name - Hanna, and the author's text under the facsimile is sung, which is the signature "Ukrainian prince Hanni" (p. 89). Under the facsimile of the contract of Lubart and Casimir, laid in 1366 p. the one written in the purest Russian language, Grushevsky’s signature, which explains that the agreement was written in the “old Ukrainian language” (page 145), then. etc. stretching out the entirety of the book: cheeky, shameless nonsense, zdatna perekonati hiba scho povnih idiotiv. "Ukrainian historian" is the least likely to say the truth, vin is the creator of myths, and not a swindler of truth, an ideologist, not a doctrine, a direct representative, who is not a hundred years old before science.

The first axis of the “robot” itself lies at the basis of all “Ukrainian” historiography.

The Great Anti-Russian Project There are two main parts to the creation of the Ukrainian people and the state. This is the creation of a false history of the unknown Ukrainian nation and the endowment of the її with the vlass, the dictatorship in the form of a historically taman Russian language.

Let's marvel at how the myth about the foundation of the Ukrainian nation and some subtleties of the past might have come to light for whom.

Let's put the food: if and how they started up in the future, such understandable people appeared - "Ukraine" and "Ukrainian"? How did the new “Ukrainian nation” “swim”?

Let's get to our analysis of historical facts.

A review of historical facts has brought us, as we would rather lower, down to the arch of the visnovki, and allow us to understand the nature of today's wines of Russia and Ukraine, as well as to predict their further development.

Let's go back to the ancient history of Russia of the epoch 9-13 centuries.

Zagalnovіdomі litopisnі dzherel zіstoriї 9-13 ct, tobto. For the 5th century, to name the population of Russia, they used a number of terms: “Rus”, “Russian rіd”, “Russian”, “Rus”, “Rosi”, “Russian people”. But in the basis of all of them lie two key words - "Rus" and "Russian". This is how the inhabitants of Russia self-originated themselves in that hour far from us. They didn’t call themselves “small Russians”, “great Russians”, “similar words”, “pivdennoruska narodnistyu”, but “pivnіchnaya”, “Russians”, and even more “Ukrainians”. All these terms are the fault of the new hour and from the scientific point of view, the dawn does not have the right to win retrospectively from the past era. Therefore, in order to recreate the objective picture of the past, maybe once and for all, let's see terminological speculations on the subject of liberal-communist and Ukrainian historiography as pseudo-science and anti-historical. In lithographs, the term “Ukraine” is used, but the meanings “cordon”, “cordon region”, “outskirts” are used in chronicles. The toponym "Ukraine" is not in the old Rus'! Try the "Ukrainians" retroactively to stick to them, to obvious falsehoods and falsification of real historical facts. Tobto. neither in the ethnic nor in the cultural plan, Ancient Rus did not allow anything "Ukrainian" in itself, and it no longer aroused the riddle about the "Ukrainians" as such an ethnic group.

At the same time, the names “Little Rus” and “Bila Rus”, as well as “Great Rus” are called. Tsei subdued the territory, and not the Russian people, into the “ethnos” with the sights of “Ukrainians” and “Belarusians” supported by political podias. From the 14th to the 18th centuries, the Russian people were divided between two powers: the similar Muscovite kingdom and the western one, where the Poles and the Lithuanians ruled. For the purpose of identifying the territories that are known under the rule of the Poles and Lithuania, the names “Little Rus” and “Bila Rus” were zastosovulysya. Neither in the chronicles, nor in the historical documents of that hour, neither "Ukraine", nor "Ukrainians", nor "Belarus", nor "Belarus" are mentioned in the same row.

The Polish-Lithuanian occupation of Little and White Russia, inhabited by the Russians, was shaped by the Russian language, the culture of those people. The Russian language was filled with a singing world: a lot of Polish words were consumed in it, and more and more it began to transform into a “mova”, it began to vitiate Russian enlightenment. The other classes of Little Russia begin more and more often to align with the Poles, speak Polish, some of them go over to the Catholic faith, give their children to the Polish primary mortgage, “transform” into the Poles, the Daedals are more reoriented to Zahid.

However, in the other half of the 16th century, the “Polish language” of the words of the Yanorsk language did not go too far - the “Ruska Mova” of that Russian language was even less pronounced. І in Kiev, and in Moscow, the language was taught at the same time according to the same assistant - “Gramatsі” by Meletiy Smotrytsky.

Tobto. the assimilation of the “upper” in Little Russia did not lead to the assimilation of the “lower”, even though here they recognized significant losses, ahead of cultural development. Prote people, as a whole organism, without spending their “Russian nature”, saved the Orthodox faith, native language, batkiv traditions, which marked the nationally voluntary war against Poland in 1648–1654. that historical decision of Pereyaslavskaya For the sake of the resurrection of Little and Great Russia.

Після возз'єднання південної та північної Русі в 1654 р., коли вплив польської мови припинився, почався зворотний процес поступового витіснення всіляких полонізмів під загальним впливом загальноросійської літературної мови, у створенні якої вирішальну роль, між іншим, зіграли якраз вихідці з Малоросії: Мелетій Єпіфаній Slavinetsky, Arseniy Satanovsky, Semion Polotsky, Feofan Prokopovich and others, to speak about the principle of ignoring them “movie” as a piece of art and non-life. Before the speech, at the Grand Duke of Lithuania until 1697. the Russian language was victorious as an official sovereign language.

The Russian people were separated by sovereign cordons as a way to preserve their national unity, and prepared spiritual, material, military changes of mind for the liquidation of the foreign panuvannya over the Little Russian state and the rise of the nation. The Russians are a self-determined people who live on the territory of Lesser Russia.

Not "Ukrainians", but the Russians fought for six years against pansky Poland, shaming themselves with glory, which did not fade. Not “Ukrainians”, but Russians stood for faith, freedom, the right to be themselves, and not the half-life Polish “claps”. Sending to Bogdan Khmelnytsky: near the red 1648, rushing to Lviv, the hetman gave the bagmen a place: “I come before you as the savior of the Russian people; I will come to the capital city of Chervonoruska land to free you from Polish captivity.

And the axis of the wedding of another contemporary, from standing against the camp - the Polish hetman Sapieha: All the people of Russia from forces, forces, small towns, places, tying bonds of blood and blood with the Cossacks, threatening the vikorinity of the gentry tribe and bringing the Rich Commonwealth from the face of the earth. As you can see, there is less to talk about the Russian people. Not for "independent Ukraine" was the struggle, but for the resurrection of two parts of Russia, the unification of Russians in one state.

As far as “Ukrainian” (tobto the outskirts), then the term, as before, stagnates in the dzherels to other territories. In the Polish villages of the 16th century, the word “Ukraine” is often used (with a voice in a different warehouse and with a small letter), in view of which, in two centuries, Little Russian independents will lead their fantastic country “Ukraine”, inhabited by the same fantastic “Ukrainian people”. Even if the Poles were close to “Ukraine”, they were small on the borders, but they did not tie the borders to any specific territory. It is not for nothing that the synonyms of “Ukraine” in Polish language were the words “Ukrainian”, “borderline”.

The Polish king Stefan Batoriy, for example, writing in his universals: “To the elders, the elders, the rulers, the princes, the panamas and the liquor, in Ukraine, the Russian, Kiev, Volyn, Podolsk and Bratslav live” or “to all our old people in the winter”. The Polish historian Maciej Strijkowski (born in 1582), the author of the “Chronicle of Polish, Lithuanian, Zhmudian and All Rus”, mentions the following passage: “Albrecht, the king’s nephew, heading zbitkiv in Ukraine (tobto on the cordon) Polish land. “The pennies were seen from the treasuries of the cinema and writing captains in Ukraine, Moscow and Tatar”, - tobto. on the cordon with Russia and the steppe.

In chronicles and documents of the tsієї epoch, the terms “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian” are also not used. The people who inhabit Little Russia, almost feel like calling it like “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian”.

In the middle of the 17th century, more than a part of the territories of Little and White Russia came to the Muscovite kingdom, and another part of the territory moved to the same warehouse, for example, in the 18th century, before the hour fell to Poland.

Idemo gave, the 18th century. Katerina Velika took away the share of the Western Russian lands, most of which lay in the 18th century of Poland. Polish nutrition was tied to us by the rights of the Orthodox population in Poland and Lithuania - their rights were infringed upon the greed of the Uniate Church. The Prussian King Friedrich "Zidysnyuvav defender of the rights of Protestants in Poland." The Polish Sejm was inspired by the recognition of the rights of the non-Catholic part of the population (that is, Orthodox and Protestants, moreover, Poland itself had a confrontation between different parties of the Polish nobility), Russia, Prussia and Austria intervened, and on the right ended under the role of Poland in 1772. Prussia occupied Zahidna Poland, as it was populated by the Poles, Austria took over Galicia, inhabited by Poles and Russians, Russia occupied Polotsk, Vitebsk and Mogilov, inhabited by Russians. If so, it would be fair to say that those Russians, like they inhabited Galicia at that time, spoke the Russian-Polish dialect of the Russian language, and the regions that went to the Russian region, - the Russian-Polish-Lithuanian dialects (signed ).

In 1791, the Polish Sejm, having praised the new constitution, turned over the vast Polish state with weak centralized power. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was formally included before Poland, which for Lithuania and Western Russia meant a strengthening of the colonization policy. The publication of the constitution provoked a civil war in Poland. Dissatisfied with her, the conservative stakes of the Polish nobility were waiting for Katerina to speak. Russia made the rules of the war and paid for Warsaw. Another division of Poland occurred in 1793. Russia took away a significant part of the minority of Belarus and Ukraine - Minsk, part of Volyn and Podillya. Prussia occupied Posen.

In 1974, the rebellion broke out near Warsaw, and it was organized by Polish patriots on behalf of Tadeusz Kosciuszko. A Polish revolutionary order was formed, which voted for the war of Russia and Prussia.

Katerina hung the best military on choli from Suvorov, after which Poland ceased to exist as an independent power. In 1795, the third division of Poland took place, as a result of which Prussia took Mazovia at once from Warsaw, Austria took Mala Poland from Krakow, Russia - Courland, Lithuania and the western part of Volin (the territory was populated by ethnic Russians, Lithuanians and Latvians).

As a result of the subdivision of Poland, Russia turned its back on its own land near the western-western Russian lands, the Crimean Holm, Galicia, Carpathian Rus and Bukovina. Later, until the 19th century, the Russians were raised to a single state, but the stench continued to be abandoned by the Russians.

For the time being, there were no riddles about the origin of new ethnic groups - "Ukrainians" and "Belarusians" - they did not know such words and did not get used to them.

Navіt is written like the 18th century “History of Rusіv” does not know the current “Ukrainians”, even if the position of the author is stovіdsotkovo ukraїnsk. And even though we don’t know anything about the background of the “Ukrainians”, we don’t need to try to show their presence in the epic earlier than the 19th century, in the forties the stench already loudly declares about itself. But if you don’t overdo the galas, raising them like the first witnesses (to convince yourself) of the “Ukrainians”, but if you go as far as the purely arithmetic joke of the prepared Ukrainian forces, then you’ll show up, you’ll go about the callos, in the presence of the forces of thousands of people!

The period of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.

The exact date of the appearance of the first "Ukrainians" is the end of the 18th-early 19th centuries. At the same time, in one of his robs, Count Jan Pototskyy won the name "Ukrainians". The Ukrainian ideologist who came after him, also the Pole Count Thaddeus Chatsky, having unraveled and destroyed this Russophobic myth, voiced that “Ukrainians look like Ukrainians, especially Ordi, as they came to the city of Ukraine through the Volga near the 7th century.” In fact, such an order never happened. The type of Ukrainians is Ukraine, the type of Ukraine is “Ukrainians” – this is how Chatsky propagated the scheme for the ethnogenesis of the “Ukrainian people”. The thoughts of Jan Pototsky and Thaddeus Chatsky about the non-Russian adventures of the “Ukrainians” were transferred through these places to the soil of the left bank of Malorosiya and Slobidskoy Ukraine, and here they knew much more. If Russians appeared in small Russia, then “Ukrainians” appeared, it’s not like nationality is special.

Vtіm, the phenomenon is not a trivial, theoretical one. In fact, the number of "Ukrainians" at that time was counted by hundreds of Russophobic Little Russian marginals, and a dozen incompetent authors of works in Russian-Polish surzhik. Знадобилося дві сотні років невпинної підривної роботи цієї спільноти етнічних мутантів, підкріпленої щедрою фінансовою, моральною та політичною підтримкою найбільших держав світу, катастрофа кількох революцій та воєн з нещадним антиросійським терором у Малоросії, щоб зробити від цих кількох сотень пару мільйонів особин, з певною часткою визначено can be classified as "Ukrainians". Ale and this year, like two hundred years ago, the union is not a nation, but a political party.

Mykola Ulyanov writes: “The Poles rightfully can be venerated by the fathers of the Ukrainian doctrine… So, the use of the words “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian” began to be inculcated in the literature for the first time… Poles did not rule over “Malorosiya” or “Malazhen Rus”… »Charked for Oleksandra I, Kolya," sobbing "Kyiv, having shifted the entire pyvdeniyad of a denser extent of his own lifes, sleeping Poland Uonvertet from the Harki Uniberta, the Poles of the rotes, the Poles, edge Vіdomy istorik Kostomarov, who was a student of Kharkiv University in the 30s, having recognized the new trends of propaganda.

Not someone else, like the historian M.I. Kostomarov (1817-1885) in the middle of the 19th century introduced the concept of "great Russian people". Kostomarov himself denounces the inhabitants of Great Russia and Little Russia as "two Russian nationalities." Calling the people no nonsense, and replacing the Russian "great people", Kostomarov, like the other founders of "Ukraine", robbed nothing else, like an application for the transition of Old Russia from the recessions of the "Ukrainians", resting on those that the "great people" were formed richly 9-12 century.

The very first category of bad luck and woe is the “three eagles” of the Russian people: “little Russians”, “great people”, “white-haired people” - “nationality”, which they did not deprive of their daily traces of their activity in historical gerels. The reason is rather banal: such ethnic groups never existed. Name some of the names of the skin "gіlka" - Mala, Velika, Bela Rus - be it if they carried ethnic, national zmіsta from their own, serving only the territory, the population of the Russian people, like they were slandered after the Tatar heap and the Polish conquest of the powers in the republics .

The concept of the "three Russias" that appeared in the 14th century - Great, Small and White - was in use for a long time, right up to 1917. Ale is less at the 19th century. They began to be "inhabited" by three different nationalities, moreover, including among the illuminated people. The people understand about it not maw. I'm sorry people, like in the hours of Kievan Rus, for their national identity they victorious one ethnonym - "Russians". Moreover, it is typical for all Russians, they didn’t live in the stench: in Maliy, Whitey chi Great Russia.

Even at the turn of the 19-20th century, the concept of "Russian" meant Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians at once. In this sensi yoga, both representatives of the Russian intelligentsia (for example, P. Struve), and the “Ukrainian” (P.A. Kulish) took root.

N.I. Ulyanov, a legacy of Ukrainian separatism, writes: “...“ Great Russia ”is the birth of the mentality of the 19th-20th centuries.” Showing faults and forces, zatsіkavlenі in the expanded tsієї piece, anti-historical terminology: Ukrainian separatism and liberal-revolutionary movement: Among the assistants of geography, the type of “great Russian” appeared - bearded, in bast shoes, in self-styled time and leather, and women in multicolored sundresses, kokoshniks, and warriors. On the same common folk types, the ethnography of “little Russians” and “Belorussians” was developed. Respect was accentuated in front of us on the vіdmіnnosti pobutі, zvichai, regional dialects. And with these regional authorities, there was the appearance of a large number of nationalities, the woeful three of them. It was not those who sank, but those who roared that rose.

The famous Little Russian falsifier of history Mykhailo Hrushevsky (who is considered the founder of “Ukrainian” history) introduces the example “skhidnі” one hundred and fifty times the word “words”. For a while, he himself was inspired by “similar words”, replacing them, consciously, with “Ukrainians”. From 1897 to 1901, the first 4 volumes and future 10-volume "History of Ukraine - Russia" appeared.

For example, in the 19th century, the “Ukrainian” and “Belarusian” intelligentsia were founded ruhi, so that they could defend their special mov in the grip of the Russian. Moreover, the development of these ruhіv was sown ... by the Russians themselves. The academic world is being put up to Ukrainian propaganda absolutely tolerantly. Vіn vdavav, scho do not commemorate її. Having established the law, the right to lie was recognized as the right for the independents. Vikrivati ​​їх was respected as a sign of a filthy tone, right "reactionary", for which a person reckoned to take away the title of "high-ranking gendarme" or "general of history". One word of such, for example, giants, like M. A. Dyakonov, S. F. Platonov, A. S. Lappo-Danilevsky, was enough to turn Grushevsky’s cunning gossip into gunpowder. Natomist Hrushevsky calmly drukuvav at St. Petersburg his political pamphlets under the title "History of Ukraine". Liberals - so, like Mordovians at the "St. Petersburg News", Pipin at the "News of Europe" separatists stole independence more, less separatists themselves. "Visnik Evropi" looked like a Ukrainian-language magazine.

Tim, for an hour, the appearance could not be called innocent. Hrushevsky's "practices" played a great role for "Ukrainian historiography". Sergiy Rodin writes in his book “Sounding in the name of Russia”: “From the host of “Ukrainian historians” Grushevsky, maybe, like no one else in support of Gogol’s character Nozdrov. Moreover, it didn’t appear there with an important rank, but with a literal similarity, for it’s a lie. Having deceived in a spirited way and without a litter of rags, wanting to go to the vіdmina of a Volodar, they killed horn-colored suits and ribs of an unblemished size, far from being rude ... Starting wine modestly. Having acquired the name of the old Polish Rus “Ukraine” to the spokonvichnoy and having taken away the fantastic country “Ukraine-Rus” in such a rank, Grushevsky settled in it with such a fantastic “Ukrainian-Russian nationality” (just like that!). Ale on Kostomarov’s view, not succumbing to what he had achieved, not trying to reconcile himself with that seal of “Russianness”, as if his people had no inventions. As one of the means of ignoring Russians from Russia and Little Russia wines, scrounging for the term "skhіdnoslovyanskі narodnostі" with the method of vanishing, for the best knowledge, » i, nareshti, «Russian» in the meaning of Ukrainian(!).

Juggling with terms didn’t help much: the “Ukrainians” were not seen in any way by the comrades of the Russians and did not show themselves in any way on the territory for them in the recognized era, with devilish cunning masquerading as ... Russians! The zatiya became hopeless, but here the “father of Ukrainian historiography” shone more brilliantly for its simplicity of solution: now, using the terms “Russian”, “Rus”, “Malorosiya”, automatically replacing them with the words “Ukrainian”, “Ukrainian” "…. As a result of this simple operation, the Ukrainian professor, having spent many years arranging “a thousand years of Ukrainian history”, having secured the self-styled “historical roots”, without some kind of stench looked not just impostors, but people who were not in their own right. Grushevsky himself spoke the essence of his “voidkrittya” in a remarkably short and accessible way: the rogue in terms of the “Ukrainians” thought about the pivdenny Russia and the Russian population “firmly and boldly accept the name “Ukraine”, “Ukrainian” ... "

In such a simple way, the Russians were “created” from Kiev and Lesser Russia, and the “Ukrainians” were transformed into її undivided rulers. Technology firing the enemy Primitive: the whole of the most so -the -line Material of Yogo Popular “Ilyustini Istoriya Ukrainians” forget on “Movi”, the sloppy custody in the PIDSVIDOMOSTISKYASKY, SHOBISHISHISHISHIS, SHOSTISHITS, SHOSTISHITS, SHOTISHITS, SHOTISHITS, SHOS , showcases from bilin є in different periods the development of "Ukrainian culture". The trick of repaying those who read is a dense fool, I’m just, hopelessly stupid and lazy, or I want to be short-sighted and not able to parse Greek and words of Jansk, write on these coins, seals, and letters. Axis on side 77 images of coins, under them is the text of Grushevsky: “Save the coins of Volodymyr with his portrait”, and on the coin itself it was written: "Volodymyr is on the table, and this is his silver", then. The Russian writing in the Ukrainian version, according to the author's idea, gives the right to honor Prince Volodymyr not as a Russian, but as a "Ukrainian"! The daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, being the Queen of France, is signed "Ana" clearly before her Russian name - Hanna, and the author's text under the facsimile is sung, which is the signature "Ukrainian prince Hanni" (p. 89). Under the facsimile of the contract of Lubart and Casimir, laid in 1366 p. the one written in the purest Russian language, Grushevsky’s signature, which explains that the agreement was written in the “old Ukrainian language” (page 145), then. etc. stretching out the entirety of the book: cheeky, shameless nonsense, zdatna perekonati hiba scho povnih idiotiv. "Ukrainian historian" is the least likely to tell the truth, vin is the creator of myths, and not a swindler of truth, an ideologist, not opinions, a direct representative, who is not a hundred years old before science.

The first axis of the “robot” itself lies at the basis of all “Ukrainian” historiography.

On a number of less dramatic occasions in Ukraine, there are a lot of residents of Russia to set up legal nutrition as a whole - the stars here, on the territory of the fraternal land, did such a Russophobia come from? Aje to give respect to us before the leaders of the Euromaidan, having come to power, they took up not the nourishment of the economy, not the problems of the real improvement of the life of people, but the derusification of their country. Here, the law “On the foundations of the sovereign state policy” has already been discussed, which allowed the regions to introduce the Russian language as a sovereign state. Russian language on the official level may become a law in Ukraine! The woeful "Right Sector" from the first drive came out with a simply significant statement:

"Our attitude to the Russians is the same, as it is to other representatives of national minorities, as a whole it fits into the methodology advocated by Stepan Bandera."

Let's guess that the Banderivtsy near the fates of the war were engaged in ethnic cleansing, hundreds and thousands of so-called "non-Ukrainians". Also, the prospects for the Russian future in Ukraine have been dubbed by the new government as “privabli”.

It turns out that the roots of Russophobia followed in the historical past, if the Poles, like to hate Russia, came up with the idea of ​​splitting the united Russian people, having come up with a piece of “Ukrainian nation”. Because of this I have published material, which we have kindly given the publication "Russian World of Ukraine".

Five columns at the royal court

The honor of Ukrainian wine belongs to the Polish writer Jan Pototsky, who in his work “Historical and geographical fragments about Scythia, Sarmatia and words”, seen in Paris by the French in 1795, formulating a concept about those who are Ukrainians in the Russian people, we that one can be absolutely independent. Chastkovo's hypothesis of Pototsky was based on the Sarmatian theory, which was popular at that time in Poland, for which the Poles were direct descendants of this legendary tribe, one of which the author recognized Ukrainians. There was no small amount of science writing, I realized, but there was a propagandistic opinion on the Polish border. The thought, as if trying to obstruct the author, was straight forward: the Ukrainians can’t live for the Russians, neither culturally, nor historically, then there are no historical rights on earth to cross the Dnieper. Propaganda tsya bula, zrozumіlo, rozrakhovan on zahidny chitach, which may be weakly reported about the similar European ethnography.

Having creatively rethought the Ukrainian concept, another Polish playboy is a publicist, historian, bibliophile Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Chatsky. In 1801 p. Vіn having written a pseudo-scientific work “About the name “Ukraine” and the origin of the Cossacks”, in a way that brought Ukrainians into view, ordi Ukrainians, like nibito, moved near the 7th century. through the Volga. The activities of these Polish "enlighteners" are not of a scientific nature, but rather of a good political nature. On the right in the one on the Russian throne since 1801. sidіv Oleksandr I, such a sobi Gorbachev of the 19th century. Naygіrshe, that the emperor was suffering from polonophilia and dyshov in them to such an extreme, that he recognized the minister of outward rights of the inveterate Russophobe Adam Czartorysky, who was in the future, during the hour of the Polish rebellion of 1830–1831, to distinguish the order of rebellion.

Behind Oleksandr, the doors of that state were literally stuck with the Polish gentry, as if with rapt fired love to their Russian conquerors. Ale, behind ostentatious conformism, wanted to take revenge on Russia for the first handy fluke. The whole phenomenon is born after taking away its name - valenrodism.

In 1828 p. Adam Mickiewicz, having written his most famous poem "Konrad Wallenrod" with an ambiguous plot. The main hero of the creation is the Lithuanian Walter Alf after that, like a cross-bearer, they drove Yogo Batkiv, drag him into the face of the castle, de Yogo to be a Christian. Ale, an old wydelot (Lithuanian folk spivak, similar to the Scandinavian skald), who lives in a castle full of love, instills in you love to the unwilling fatherland and hatred to the cross-bearers. At the first battle, Alf will switch to Lithuanian, settle with the Lithuanian prince Keistut and make friends with his daughter Aldone. However, do not bachachi the way to defeat the onslaught of the enemy, the wines flood the family and penetrate to the lavas of the cross-bearers, de pіd іm'yam Konrad Valenrod to rob the strimka kar'єra, having become vreshti-resht the grand master of the order. Gave wines, zrobivshi low zrad, direct the order to death. A similar doctrine was adopted by the gentry as kerіvnitstvo to dії.

Jan Chatsky, who was vikonuvav under the Czartorysky diplomatic entrustment to the Russian order, in 1806. honored as a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Yogo brother, a prominent freemason Severin Chatsky - a chamberlain, a member of the Sovereign's sake, a de facto secret guardian. Pole Adam Czarnotsky became the first Little Russian ethnographer, who at one time deserted from the Russian army and entered the service before Napoleon (taking part in the invasion to Russia). Turning around at 1819 p. to Russia, vin, hovayuchis under the name of Zorian Dolenga, having gained the emperor's whim. Oleksandr I punished zarahuvati Czarnotsky to the warehouse of the Ministry of National Education and see you 3000 rubles each. srіblom on rіk on zdіisnennya yogo "more expensive", moreover, the governors of those other local authorities were punished to give the Czarnotsky lord a blessing.

The great, mayzhe absolute influx of the Poles at the system of illumination of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny region. In the field of “people's education”, Thaddeus Chatsky, the founder of the Kremenetsky lyceum, was appointed as a protégé of Czartorysky, a former pikluvalnik of the Vilensky district (including also Kiev, Volyn and Podilsk provinces). How to write in the drawing "Ukrainian Movement" Andriy Storozhenko, “In the first quarter of the 19th century, a special “Ukrainian” school of Polish poets and poets appeared, which gave superbly talented representatives: K. Swidzinsky, S. Goshchineky, M. Grobovsky, E. Hulykovsky, B. Zalesky and a lot of others. Інші continued to develop cobs, mortgages gr. I. Pototsky and F. Chatsky, and prepared that ideological foundation, on which the life of modern Ukraine was established. To all its roots, Ukrainian ideology has grown into the Polish soil.

Kremenetsky (later Volinsky) lyceum became the right nursery for the full-time intellectuals, born in 1831. after the defeat of the Polish rebellion, it was closed down, then it was transferred to Kiev and turned into the University named after St. Volodymyr. Kharkiv University has become another strong center of the Polish influx, which is not surprising, as it is a lie, that Severin Pototsky became the first pikluvalnik, which was a new professor's warehouse. I explain those that the marginal ideas of Ukrainian Pototsky and Chatsky took root in the middle Russian intelligentsia. Kharkiv University became the right forge of Ukraine in Russia. From the same walls fluttered into the will of the middle of Ukraine's children Petro Gulak-Artemovsky, one of the founders of Ukrainian literature, historians Dmytro Bogaley and Mykola Kostomarov.

A sanctuary for the Russian family

The rest of the night is a portrait of a typical Ukrainian of that hour. Mykoli Ivanovich's fathers were Russian, he himself was born Russian, but he was also a Ukrainian writer and historian. “Ukrainian language” was already in vivchiv in a mature age and began to write on a new verse and p'esi, meanwhile, in the middle. The russophobe Kostomarov adapted the vchennya of his Polish opponents about the sustenance of the Ukrainian people's efforts for the internal, so to speak, living, hanging the thesis about the two branches of the skhidnoslovyansk people - the little Russians and the great Russians. At once, from Kostomarov, the whole of the Polish suspense-historical thought was straightened out, which crossed the words of the Russian people’s journey, that there was no Finno-Turkic journey. The shards of turning into someone else were very important, vindicating another mystical concept, which postulated the presence of two poles in the world of words and the Janskian world - the Poles (collective Christ) were the bearers of metaphysical goodness, and the Russians, naturally, were deafened by the collective influx of that evil-nosed devil shkidlivy. and sinful.

Before Kostomarov, no one even thought of dividing the united Russian people on the edge of the sea, wanting about the dialectical peculiarities of different speeches written by Lomonosov, who saw in the Russian language three roman suffixes - pivnichne, moscow and malorosov. At that time, Mikhailo Vasilyovich pidkreslyuvav, scho between Russian dialects, regardless of the vastness of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsettlement of the people, significantly less, lower, among German dialects. Ale, not respecting the great vіdmіnnosti between the Upper Rhenish and the similar Prussian dialects, the Germans today are rooted in a single literary language, and the single Russian language is in the XX century. Bulo cut into three pieces. Before Kostomarov, the understanding of the Great Russian was respected as a matter of geography, denoting the native inhabitant of 30 Great Russian provinces.

So, with the help of the efforts of the Ukrainian historian Kostomarov, in the “scientific” one, a piece scheme was introduced to subdue the people on a twig, and then the phrase “Little Russian nationality” was step by step, but it was directly replaced by the Ukrainian intellectual people with the “Ukrainian people”. However, the concept did not take away the hopefully rooted in mass evidence, it was officially promoted only for radian hours.

Vzagali, in the Russian Empire, the Ukrainian intelligentsia founded the familiar okremo of the folk masses, boiling in the wet juice. That kind of connection of the mother with the indefinite Ukrainian people of the Russian people for the adventures of Kostomarov, or the same Russian founder of the Ukrainian historical "science" Mykhailo Grushevsky, who speaks Ukrainian without learning, but even writing in Ukrainian phrases without pіvlіtri horіlki zrozumіti impossible? To create the founder of the Ukrainian literary movie Taras Shevchenko, thinking Russian, and Russian, having robbed the long life of intimate student records, so it was not necessary to pretend to be a Ukrainian. The Ukrainian "George Sand" Marko Vovchok was also born Russian Marya Vilinskaya, but she became Ukrainian, having become a Ukrainian philanthropist Opanas Markovich.

Vtim, regional Little Russian literature of the other half of the 19th century. before the Ukrainian language may be farther away, because the Ukrainian language and the Ukrainian alphabet did not yet exist, and the enthusiasts of the peasant dialect of Malorosia were more importantly Russian alphabet, experimenting with legal writing systems. The Austrian Ukrainians of many of their Russian colleagues could not stand the spirit, but they tried to export Polished Ukrainian movies from Galicia in bagnets. The official language of today's Ukraine is proclaimed to be called new Ukrainian. Taras Shevchenko's language is already shifted, more for the second century, not only the Ukrainian grammar, but also the lexical basis of the language, has already been confused. It is important for us, the Russians, to learn such a stream of the view of the Ukrainian language, even if for us it’s not only the language of Pushkin, but also the language of Lomonosov is already in no way archaic, and the people, who know the Church Slavonic, easily read the ancient writings.

Garmatne meat for Polish ladies

The first Russian Ukrainians were the Poles. Oleksandr Karevin in his miraculous book “Non-Russian Rus (as the language of the river was born)” describes the beginning of the Ukrainian revolution in this way:

“The 19th century passed in Ukraine under the sign of the struggle of two cultures - Russian and Polish. The commanding vision of the Polish patriots was the revival of the independent Commonwealth. Nova Polshcha roamed it not otherwise, like “from the sea to the sea”, from the warehouses of the Pravoberezhnaya (and, as it were, to go - the Livoberezhnoy) warehouse of Ukraine and Belarus. Ale, it was impossible to live without the shelter of the local population. І kerіvniki polskogo Rukh returned respect for the Little Russians.

They simply wanted to polish their heads. For whom, in the pansky gardens, special schools for kripakiv began to open up, for rural children they were inspired by the Polish language and the Polish soul. In Polish literature, the Ukrainian school is called the so-called Ukrainian school, the representatives of which settled in Ukraine, seeing under each її bagmen for the particularity of the Polish nation. Appearing to develop a special term - "the third union". On the thought of the ideologists of the Polish movement, following the first, the sovereign Lublin University 1569 p. (which Podnala that Lithuania with included under the Little Russian lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania without intermediary to the warehouse of Poland) and another, the Church of Brest University 1596 p. (which destroyed a part of the population of Little Russia) of Belarus in the Orthodox Church and put that part under the control of Catholicism), the “third union” is small to tie to Poland (naturally, with one-hour intervening in Great Russia) Ukraine (Malorosiya) in the sphere of culture. Zusil and Pole officials reported directly to the police officer (at that time they served in Ukraine, especially at the Ministry of Education).

Although it’s marvelous, but the government did not repair such an undisguised, poignant activity. They simply did not know what a "psychological war" was. And the Poles did not cry out until the rebellion until the singing hour; they didn’t bark at the tsar, then they didn’t get into trouble with their duties.”

Ale, the project of the "third union" was dead on the cob, the shards for the Polish panіv їhnі rosіyskі lackeys were beadles, and they were not chosen to recognize them equally. That villagers could not bring in their own novirnih and inshomovnyh lords. That was why the concept of Ukrainian Pototsky-Chatsky came up. The Polish intelligentsia, which borrowed a dominant camp in the Pivdenno-Zakhidny region, began to propagate the idea that Ukrainians are the people, the Russians were forced to do so. To support the Russian colonization, the stench called out to the Russian culture and to expand their own literary language.

Ale y y yy right, the results were slightly reconciled. Karevin writes:

“Utvorennye little Russians with all their hearts loved folk sounds, songs, talks, but with it, regardless of the zusilla of the Ukrainians, they were abandoned by the Russians. New ideas were slacked off by the loners. “Now in Kiev we have no more than five stubborn khokhlomanivs from natural Little Russians, and then (and) all the Poles, like the most dbali about the expansion of Little Russian books, - having reminded the prominent Little Russian gromadsky K. Golovatsky. - The stench themselves, having changed clothes with a suvoy, hung around the villages and scattered books; I’ll live with my right mind if I’m called for such feats.” Those that later on were called “Ukrainian national-volitional movement”, at the first stage of their development were considered to be more important than Poles (V. Antonovich, T. Rilsky, B. Poznansky, K. Mikhalchuk and others), supported by small Russians.

The leading theoretician of the doctrine of Ukrainian nationalism also became the Pole Franciszek Dukhinskiy, who veered along the line in the Uniate School of the Basilian Order near the city of Uman in the Kiev province. The teachers (perceptively, the Poles) reminded young Francis that Russia is beyond the Dnipro, and here is Ukraine, inhabited by a special population of the Polish people - Ukrainian. Under the hour of the Crimean war, serve in civilian settlements in the English army in Turechchina, all the coming fates of life, roaming Europe, propagating radical anti-Russian doctrines.

Contributing to the racial trend in history, Dukhinskiy categorically encourages the Russians (stinks are representatives of the Turanians - non-povnotsіn peoples, who can stand against the Aryans) at the right to vvazhatsya words, stverzhuyu sho Indo-European Christians. The stench will be abandoned by nomads until the end, and will be abandoned by nomads forever. Vin, it seems, is the first in the three-volume book "Fundamentals of the history of Poland and other words of the Russian lands and Moscow" (1858–1861), having expressed the thought that the name "Rus" was stolen by Muscovites into Ukrainians, as the only one to have the right to new. Although the technical details of this “stolen” wine are not revealed, all the advances of “svedom” historians invariably base their concepts on this thesis. So, vvazhat yourself with the Aryans, it’s already acceptable.

Duhinsky’s follower, terrorist Mykola Mikhnovsky, having raised the ideas of Ukrainian nationalism to the most radical fascist forms, having voted out: “Ukraine is for Ukrainians. Otzhe, visions get out of Ukraine from foreigners-spoilers! The wording of this call was in the “Ten Commandments of the Ukrainian People’s Party” in 1904, if there were no such things in Ukraine, even after looking at those that Mikhnovsky stormed from the Carpathians to the Caucasus, the scale of the transferred ethnic cleansings of the enemy. However, at the sight of his baptized father, who propagates the role of the young brother of the Poles to the Ukrainians, Mikhnovsky is already introducing the Poles to the place of another enemy of the Ukrainians after the Muscovites. Nadal Ukrainian nationalism, having become a floor of a clearly pronounced anti-Polish character, that “svіdomі” during the period of the Other World War tried to move to a practical solution to the Polish problem and the way of the physical adoption of the Poles (the largest large-scale rally of Volyn).

The Ukrainian national anthem “Who Ukraine has not died” is a kind of tracing-paper from the Polish anthem “Sche Polskani perished” and writings ahead of the gentry rebellion of 1863. a group of Poles on a choli with Pavel Chubynetsky. With a propaganda method, Taras Shevchenko was voted the author of the Ukrainian anthem. The Poles in one of the variants of the anthem are stunned by the brothers of the Ukrainians:

“Oh, Bogdane-Zinoviyu, our hetman drunk,

Why are we selling Ukraine to the Muscovites?

To turn his honor and glory, let's lie down with our heads,

We call Ukraine the true sons.

Our brothers-words took up the zbra,

Not good enough, so that we are left out of the way!

So, with no warm feelings for the "Aryan" brothers, the Poles nurtured Ukraine. The stench was already robbing you of what you support in the anti-Russian rebellion. To put it simply, the Poles already demanded garmat meat. Dukhinsky himself voted: “Rus is the strongest and most brilliant Poland, and the Polish rebellion will not be successful, so it will not grow in Russia.” Russya wines, obviously, having named Ukraine, they stole their natural name in a certain Muscovite.

The leader of the Polish rebels, General Ludwik Mieroslavsky, spoke more specifically:

“Incompetent demagogues need to open a cell for a polot for the Dnipro. Let them spread the Cossack Haidamachy against the priests, the officials and the boyars, singing the muzhiks, that the stench is smeared against the kripatstv. It is the fault of the mother in full readiness that the stock of troubles and the will to yogo to burn, set on fire already in the guts of Moscow. Let all the agitation of Little Russianism be transported beyond the Dnipro ... Axis veil Polish Hercenism! Let them help the Polish willfulness from afar, tormenting the secrets of tsarism ... Let yourself replace the vzdovzh and against the anarchy of Russian tsarism, in view of which, come, call and purify the judgment of us, the Muscovite nationality. Let yourself be comforted by the motto that this radicalism will serve "for our and your freedom." The transfer of yoga in the borders of Poland is worthy of the health of the vicinity and punishable by death like a sovereign evil ... "

The infection was not rooted out

But neither in Lithuania, nor in Volin, the peasantry did not come to the aid of the Poles, and a few Ukrainian intellectuals were ready to give more moral support (we didn’t call the stench of being idiots), otherwise they showed a bait to the gentry. Moreover, in the Russian provinces, the villagers often managed with the gentry, which rose up, with powerful forces, and in Poland itself, after the fact that the land of the rebels was the villagers, the villagers began to see the power of the rebels with enthusiasm. After the failure of the gentry's slaughter, Ukrainian society in Russia is going through a crisis, the Poles are not up to it. Not a lot of sovereign cholovіkіv razumіl nebezpeku polskoї propaganda, but the chief head of the Pіvnіchno-Zahіdny region Mikhailo Mikolayovich Muravyov її її svіdomlyuvav і dіyav z usієyu rіshuchistyu. Inheriting the simple principle of “beating a wedge with a wedge”, the wine was absolutely straightforward: “If you don’t finish the Russian shtick, finish the Russian school.” Usy, for two years, succeeded in firmly establishing Polish cultural hegemony in the territory entrusted to him.

The famous Russian philosopher and writer Ivan Solonevich assessed Muravyov's depolonization in this way:

“The land,” it was recently announced that the Russian peasant had come to the empire and the population. There was nothing in the Crimea of ​​a Russian peasant. Our Belarusian nobility has easily sold both the faith of their fathers, and my people and the interests of Russia... The people are left without a ruling prosharka. Without the intelligentsia, without the bourgeoisie, without the aristocracy - build without the proletariat and the artisans. Departure from the cultural elites of the Polish nobility. Count Muravyov is no less than vishav. Vіn rozkriv to the Byelorussian muzhik the way would be used by the lower prosharki of the intelligentsia "...

Kyiv governor-general Dmytro Gavrilovich Bibikov, who occupied this town in 1837–1852, also saw in full the threat that would be seen as a force at the edge of the Polish nobility. He was divided into inventory rules, appointed vidnosiny villagers from helpers. It is a pity that there was no fight against Ukrainians, although the advancing Governor-General Mykola Mikolayovich Annenkov and reported the susil for the adoption of the so-called Valuyevsky circular. The circular of the titles on the name of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire, Pyotr Oleksandrovich Valuyev, was not mav, but addressed to the Censorship Committee for the most part, protecting the first, political and religious literature of Ukraine.

Valuev in his note, indicating that “The deep Russian language was so self-conscious for the Little Russians, as it was for the Great Russians, and navit richly understood, now it is composed for them by the real Little Russians, and especially the Poles, this is the name of the Ukrainian language. Especially that group, which it is possible to bring unacceptable, more of the Little Russians themselves are in separatist plans, fortune-telling to Russia and ruinous for Little Russia. The appearance is more summarily and meritorious for respect, that it zbіgaєtsya with the political ideas of the Poles, and that they do not goiter for their own adventures, judging by the manuscripts, that they went to censorship; and to that; that most of the Little Russian creations can rightly be found among the Poles.

The protege of the fence was half-and-half and small, the shards of directing were no longer used for the sake of Ukrainian language for political purposes, but the other “refined literature” and the distribution of literary Ukrainian language were not attached.

Be-yakіy ideas may have their own martyrs. Ukrainian tezh є. The Great Martyr's Martyr is celebrated by Ukrainian mythology to Taras Shevchenko, who was nailed by the accursed Muscovites (figuratively, sonic), but simply martyrs can be venerated by one of your colleagues from the Cyril-Methodian brotherhood. “Svіdomі” is sacredly singing that the repressions of the accursed tsarist regime fell on the head of the holy “kobzar” only through those who were Ukrainians. But the judgment is fundamentally wrong. The Cyril-Methodian Brotherhood, created with the initiative of Mikoli Kostomarov, was a secret political organization of the most radical directing. The main points of the program were as follows:

The freedom of the words of the Yan peoples from the vlady of the foreign tribes (zokrema branch of Ukraine in Russia);

Organization of them in the republic for the establishment of a federal link between them (at the same time, Ukraine was independent, it was thought that it was not the center of the federation);

The aggravation of the security law;

Saying of becoming privileges and advantages;

Religious freedom and tolerance;

For the complete freedom of all beliefs, the adoption of the single word of the Jansk language in the public worship of all the essential churches;

How free is the freedom of thought, the scientific development and the crafted word, and the introduction of all the words of the Jansk slang and їhnёї literature in the initial mortgages of the sykh words of the Yang peoples.

To see how many ideas and ideas were pierced by anti-state pathos, let's look at an analogy with the realities of today. If radical nationalists and religious fanatics vote for the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbringing Chechnya under Russian oppression and creating the Caucasian Caliphate from the zvilnenih z-pіd of the Christian yoke of the peoples, then the bulk of the one-flock pіdtremuє went out in a sort of "Irіt!" and vsilyako praises the kilim bombardment and cleansing of the Samoshkin style. Isn't the tsarist government too small to marvel at the grumbling activity of the national separatists of the republican shtib?

The situation was aggravated by an even more ovni-political aspect of the forces of the Ukrainian-republicans, who encroached, let’s say in words, on the territorial integrity not only of Russia, but of the Austrian Empire. Emperor Mykolaj Bov, as if apparently, was taken as a guardian of the Holy Union of the Three Powers, directed to the inviolability of the European cordons, and I didn’t laugh at you, that the purchase of pharmaceuticals discredited yoga in the international arena. Possibly, many times before the last time, the government marveled at the intelligent-carbonarists with a crooked finger, but 1847 p. if taєmne suspіlstvo was liquidated, seeing as it was tense. At 1846 p. in the Austrian Galicia, the Poles committed a stabbing, a kind of oppression for the active participation of the Russian population, and the Ugrian revolution suddenly swelled, as if it didn’t put a fat cross on the Habsburg empire. Yakby is not Russian bagnet, then it happened so, maybe. I, obviously, it is very important to sympathize with Austria, that already not too long ago they chose Shevchenko and Kostomarov, in order to stir up revolutionary activity.

Reprisals against cyrillo-methodists were small and symbolic in nature. Kostomarov, one of the creators of the arts, spent all his time at the Petropavlovsk Fortress and stayed for a long time at the intruder, and not in Siberia, only in Saratov, but far away calmly occupied himself with his beloved Ukrainian culture without any litter. Kulisha, having repented, was replaced by a prison sentence and sent to Vologda by two months of rebuking in the prisoner's department of the Viysk hospital, and Tula was appointed as the sentry. Gulak provіv v'yaznitsa, following three fates, but it's even less so for the one who was inspired to give a wedding, after which he went to five rokіv at the Permian settlement. Taras Shevchenko suffered the most - he served 10 years as a soldier in the Orenburg regiment. But the reason for such a “suvoroy” cari bula did not take part in the taєmnomu suspіlstі, and moreover, not Ukrainian philology, but found at a new hour a verse about the empress of an imaginative character, which at that hour was a serious evil.

At that very hour, in 1849. schodo іnshoy taєmnogo suspіlstva - a group of Petrashevites near St. Petersburg were zastosovani zastosovanі come in significantly more - 122 people perebuvali under investigation, їх 21 sentenced to strati. The convicts were already standing in front of the formation of soldiers on Semenivsky Square, if he had shot the replacements for them. Why does no one fall for the thought of voicing all these reprisals against the national strangled Russian people from the side of the German blood of the royal dynasty.

Nation from a foreign test tube

The whole distant history of Russian Ukrainian philosophy is practically not to go beyond the middle of the intelligentsia. Going to the people dressed in bloomers and embroidered students, as if they were attached in such a rank to the village dialect and the rural folklore, looked more like a fun for the major young people, but there could not be anything to wake up in the masses of the “Ukrainian self-confidence”. One of the Podikhu Polskoye izpulsu all the most fucked in the wings of the Ukrainian -nanniyvs, Politskoye Poliytizna Ukrainians, Bilsh, the Mira has a closer to the Pershotovsky, the General Staff of the Devyagi. The Ukrainians stink to spit their agents, and the Ukrainian doctrines are trying to spread the splintering of separatism.

In 1906, a large-scale action of the so-called cross-country campaign in Malorosia was launched, organized by Vdniy. In the largest places of the Pivdenno-Zahidny region, like mushrooms after the board (golden!), Numerical Ukrainian sightings appear, the stars are not taken, hundreds of propagandists turn to the turns of the “native movie”.

The movement of the Christian bearers is ragingly hovering between the socialists and the liberals, cherishing that logic, that everything that is straightened against the king is better. And yet the crossroads will end in a new failure, because the Austrian version of the Ukrainian language, which is rudely planted in the Polonization of Galicia, appears to the unreasonable little Russians.

As stated in his brochure "The First Ukrainian Mass Political Newspapers of Podniprovya" (New York, 1952) “Krim of that little cola of Ukrainians, yaki vm and read the pissy of Ukrainian, for the bagatomilioned settlement of the decoration of the appearance of the appearance of the Ukrainian, the Masosu is also frightened by the novelty boule -boumos, it is not the same. that twist."

For the witnesses of Sirogo, the most recent sighting of the cross-bearers of the "Ridny Krai", there were only two hundred payers. Maybe, we used to be the Ukrainian-Austrian cross-bearers themselves, Russian Ukrainian-Ukrainians slandered the fact that the press read the cross-bearers without a dictionary (Ukrainian-Ukrainian?) not in the mind. The Galician newspeak disparaged the great number of vigadans - "forging" words, piece-created replacements for Russian words. Against the attempts of the christ-bearers, Nechuy-Levytskyi, angrily speaking out of the classics of Ukrainian literature, stood up for the creation of Ukrainian literary language on the basis of Little Russian dialects, and not Polish for the Galician dialect. Chi varto say that the masses of the common people, from the Ukrainian-Austrian volyapyuk, sighed with a flicker. A lot of small Russians, having succumbed to some kind of insanity, you can bring a try to mova on the basis of a spacious rural dialect, started a visnovka about the inconvenience of such experiments, becoming addicts of the only literary Russian movi.

Nothing marvelous for that, who did not go into 1918. Українська народна республіка під протекторатом Берліна навіть незважаючи на те, що «національний український уряд» - Верховну Раду очолював австрійський агент та германофіл Михайло Грушевський, який оспівує у своїх статтях німецько-українську расову спорідненість та політичних цілей Занадто величезна прірва поділяла народ і прогерманську українську верхівку . Replacement at the quarter 1918 The occupying power of the pro-government order of Grushevsky, who was stoked by the Austro-Nimets agents on the Lubkov-Ukrainian regime of Hetman Skoropadsky, also did not bring much success. Like only the Germans after the leaf fall revolution of 1918. Kiev, Skoropadsky (the axis is a nickname, scho to say!) were deprived of being thrown down by the hangers of the Directorate. Vlada Petlyura was German, yogo Viysk was bagatorazovo beati and white, and chervonim, and Makhnovists. The power of the Directorate became a purely nominal nebara and did not spread far behind the carriage, which had the “Ukrainian ranks” dangling around, constantly roaring in the air. In folklore, during quiet hours, the significant order “At the wagon is the Directory, under the wagon is the territory.”

Zhodin from the Ukrainian-nationalistic regimes during the period of revolution and mass war without demonstrating the signs of life. The Verkhovna Rada and the Hetmanate were German puppets, Petlyura, on the basis of his political kar'єri, was the leader of the Poles, generously distributing to them the territory of the "native Ukraine" the deputy of support of his day in the state. Hoffmann, commander of the German military front, wrote in his memoirs: “Ukraine is on the right of my hands, but it’s not the result of all the activity of the Russian people.” Before the speech, the Ukrainian sovereign idea itself was filled with concreteness in Nimechchyna. Creator of the German Empire von Bismarck, born in 1877 having voted: "We need to create a strong Ukraine for the transfer of the maximum amount of Russian lands." Everything is correct, it was impossible to create Ukraine for the sake of the Ukrainian lands because of the presence of such people, and the chancellor to work on the land of the friendly Austro-Ugric region was wrong. Navіt near Galicia, de “titular nation” formally became 60% of the population (following from my memory, there was no unity between Ukrainians and Rusyns, and that there were hundreds of Ukrainians, ymovirno, lower), and Poles were less than 25%, the republic did not really spend a few days, although formally the hour of six months is counted.

3 leaf fall 1918 near Lvov, the Ukrainian National Rada voted for the decision of the national power, but already on the 6th of the fall of the leaves, the Poles controlled over half of the city. 21 leaf fall of the regular part of the Polish army, which came, cleared Lviv and the unit of the ZUNR big to Stanislav (Nin_ Ivano-Frankivsk). In an hour, Rumuniya paid back Bukovina, and the Czechoslovak parts occupied the territory of Transcarpathia. The new army of Galicians lost control over the territory of the ZUNR. At the Lipnya, born in 1919 the offensive of the Galicians on Lviv ended in failure.

Ale of the Gorodyaks, the Austi, was stored with their halitsky Ukrainians, Partni Sіchovikh Pilziv (Maychi on the respect for the colonialization of Little), and the Ukrainian was filed for the exaggeration of the firmly sophistication. United, purely formally, obviously, the UNR and ZUNR on September 22, 1919. handed over to the hands of Russian Ukrainians the resources of 50,000 nationally "svіdomih" Galician bagnets. With one more force, the Ukrainians spiraled on the yak, the Austrian Ukrainians were filled, like they played in the 1917–1920s. the role of the vanguard of Ukrainian forces. At the same time, the susillas of the Galicians at the Galuzia of the State Budіvnitska were remembered by the moderns of the Khіba with the attempts to Ukrainian the Kiev viviskis.

Too obvious is the absence of a "independent" path to the development of today's Ukraine. U sichni 1992 республіка Україна була ядерною державою (!) з розвиненою авіакосмічною та військовою промисловістю, найпродуктивнішим з усіх 15 колишніх радянських республік сільським господарством, потужною вугільно-металургійною базою, найсильнішою науковою школою та центрами високотехнологічними підприємствами (досить комп'ютер у Європі було створено 1948 р. at Kiev). Ukraine has little access to cheap Russian gas and oil, did not know any serious conflicts on its territory. The Ukrainians did not lose a cent of their money from the rich and billions of famous countries in the SRSR. So start thinking for the economic development and occupation of the countryside of the spring in the European and light table of ranks in Ukrainians are significantly more friendly, lower in other allied republics, including the RRFSR.

20 years have passed, for yakі Ukraine got into the Borg by the throat and caused a terrible self-destruction of its economy. In less than an hour, the Germans lifted from the ruins of Nimechchina and robbed them of the European leader after the program of the Other World War. The Japanese, for the quiet minds, created a more economical marvel. And Ukraine, being in the minds of a truly vigilant mind, showed the absolute mediocrity of its own (what is its own?) sovereign elite. Today, the Ukrainian press is already expressing the idea of ​​a bordered sovereignty, for which the United States should take the country under its official protectorate, giving it some economic preferences. Tse means, persh for everything, that America is continuing its policy of transforming "independent" Ukraine into an anti-Russian foothold.

Oleksiy Kungurov, Russian World

Tse need to know Bodai until the 20th century independence

How and when did the word "Ukraine" appear? "Oukraini" ("Ukraine", "Ukraine") from the XII to the XVII centuries called the various border lands of Russia. In the Іpatiїvsky litopis n. In the I Pskov Chronicle No. 6779 (1271) - there is a description of the villages of the Pskov "Ukraine". The Russian-Lithuanian treaties of the 15th century include "Ukrainian places", "Ukrainian places", "Ukraine that place".

Smolensk, Lubutsk, Mtsensk rose under them. The treaty of two Ryazan princes in 1496 named "our villages in Mordovian in Central Ukraine". Before the Moscow-Crimean cordon from the end of the 15th century, it was said like this: "Ukraine", "Our Ukraine", "our Ukrainian city".

In 1571, a copy was compiled of "A painting for watchmen from Ukrainian places in Polish Ukraine along the Pine, along the Don, along the Mech and along other rivers." A number of "Tatar Ukrainians" were also called "Kazan Ukraine" and "German Ukraine". Documents of the end of the 16th century tell about the "Ukrainian service" of Moscow service people: Sovereign of Ukraine, and the sovereign having punished buti in the foremost in the Ukrainian regiment.

The Russian legislation of the 17th century often suggests "Ukraine", "Ukrainian places", "State Ukraine", "Our Ukraine", "Ukrainian/Ukrainian places of the wild field", Ukraine". The concept is very broad: "... Siberia and Astrakhan and other far Ukrainian places are near". However, at the turn of the 15th-16th century, the Muscovite State also established Ukraine in a narrowly comprehensible word - okska Ukraina ("Ukraine beyond the Eye", "Krimska Ukraine"). The Russian legislation of the 16th-17th centuries repeatedly lists such places in Ukraine: Tula, Kashira, Kropyvna, Oleksin, Serpukhov, Torusa, Odoev. A number of them were founded by Slobidskaya Ukraine of the Moscow State.

For example, in the XVI - I half of the XVII century, the word "Ukraine" in a narrow sense of the word also began to mean the lands of the Middle Dnieper - the central region of modern Ukraine. At the Polish dzherelakh (royal and hetman's universals) "castles of that place of ours Ukraine", "the place of that place of Ukraine", "Ukraine of Kiev" are conjured. In the Russian legislation of the 17th century, the figures "Ukraine Malorosijska", "Ukraine, as if called Little Russia", the right bank of the Dnipro was called "Polish Ukraine". Little Russia and Slobidska Ukraine in the Russian legislation clearly shared: "Little Russian places of the inhabitants come to the Moscow state and in Ukrainian places ...".

What was the name of the inhabitants of the cordon Ukrainians? In the Іpatiїvsky litopisі pіd 6776 (1268), the inhabitants of the Polish borderland are guessing fate - "Lyakhovo Ukrainians" ("... and for the news they gave them Lyakhovі Ukrainians"). In Russian-Lithuanian treaties and embassy documents of the middle of the XV - I third of the XVI century, "Ukrainian people", "Ukrainian our people", "Ukrainian servants", "Ukrainian people", "Ukrainians", that is, residents of Smolensk, Lyubutsk, Mtsensk, are called. Polish documents from the end of the 16th century have the words "Our old age of Ukraine", "Lord of the leaders and old age of Ukraine", "people of Ukraine", "inhabitants of Ukraine", "Cossacks of Ukraine", "Ukrainian senators". Such a name has no ethnic identity. The documents also say "Ukrainian warrior people" and "Ukrainian places" of the Crimean Khanate.

The inhabitants of Russia, like before, called themselves Russians, so they themselves were called by foreigners. At the same time, Polish and Russian dzherels call "Russian churches" in Lutsk, "Ruska's clergy" and "religion (religion, faith) of Rus", as well as "our Russian people" (immediately - "inhabitants of Ukrainian Ukrainians"), " Rusin", "Russian People", "Russian People". The text of the Hadiatsky treaty of Ivan Vigovsky and Poland talks about the population of Ukraine, like the "Russian people" and "Russians". The followers of the Moscow state were called so: "Russian people", "your great sovereign's warrior people, Ruski and Cherkasy".

Where did the word "Ukrainians" get used more firmly? In the Muscovite state, "Ukrainians" were called the Ukrainian people (priordonniki), as they served in the ox Ukraine - in the Upper and Middle Poochchi - against the Crimeans.

At the birch tree of 1648, the Moscow Duma Dyak Ivan Gavrenev wrote a note at the Razryadniy Nakaz about the preparation to the additional low right, at the yakіy, zokrem, under the sixth paragraph, it was briefly said: "Ukrainians, who are now alive, do not trim and let them in." The word "Ukrainians" was not dubiously explained, obviously, in Moscow it was on the ear and did not require explanation. What it meant, became clear from the coming documents. In the spring of 1648, the fate of the zv'yazku zі sensitively about the possible attack of the Crimeans on the Moscow cordoni was voiced by the selection of the Ukrainian people of the Ukrainian cities - Tuli, Kashiri, Kozlov, Tarusi, Beleva, Bryansk, Karachova, Mtsensk. At the order to the voivods Yuri Buinosov-Rostovsky and Miron Velyaminov on May 8, laid down for the additional charge of the dyak Gavrenev, zokrem, it was said: "... At that place, the voivods were signed, so that the voivods of the children of the boyars and nobles sent all kinds of serving people to the sovereign's service it's negligible to them." Little Russian Cossacks were already formed in the service of the Moscow state in 1648, but they were called not "Ukrainians", but "Cherkasy" (they are also mentioned in Gavrenev's notes).

The adoption of the word "Ukrainians" in the Moscow State was not earlier than the second half of the 16th century, it can be seen from the fact that in the Ryazan payment books of 1594-1597, Ukrainians - the nobles of the Kam'yansky camp of the Pronsky district - are guessed. At the letter of 1607, the fate was served by a man Grigoriy Ivanov, son of Ukrainians, who took care of the appearance of Tsar Vasil Shuisky on the Ryazsky district (now the Ryazan region). Dobre vіdomiy dumniy dyak Omelyan Ukraїntsіv (correct: Ukrainian, 1641-1708), who signed in 1700 the Constantinople peace treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. In 1694, the roci Omelyan of Ukrainians slaved for the Razryadny mandate of the clan of Ukrainians, apparently, to some extent, the Ryazan nobleman of the middle of the 16th century, Fedir Andreev syn Lukin on the honor of Ukrainians, was the founder of the title. Yogo father called "premises in Ryazan", that is the place for the deception of the fortune-telling places of okska Ukraine, after which the name "Ukrainets" could be blamed, and then the nickname "Ukrainians". Greater for everything, Fedir Ukrainets was not a mythological specialty: the very same onuks were guessed at the books of 1594-1597, and the great-grandson - at the letter of 1607.

Okska Ukraine itself was molded for defense in the form of orders and nabula of special significance from the cob of the 16th century. have a connection with partial raids of krimtsiv. 1492 year "Totars came to Ukraine for Oleksin's towns". "Lead the Ukrainians, those people" who successfully imagined the Crimean raid "for the Grand Duke in the region of Tulsk" are already guessed at the letter of 1517. Against the Crimeans in 1507-1531, at Tula, Kashira, Zaraisk, Kolomna, forts were built, postings of garrison posts, Ukrainian noblemen were lulled. In 1541-1542, active battles erupted at the junction - under Pronsk (in the Ryazan region), which could lead to the transfer of part of the Ukrainians there.

In the second half of the 17th century, the service people of okskoy Ukraine - "Ukrainian children of the boyars" and "Ukrainian nobles" - are often guessed at by Russian legislation. In the Story about the Sea of ​​Azov, "Ukrainians" are thinking in the same sense ("You are the sovereign people of Ukrainians", "lead the sovereign people of Ukrainians", "You are the sovereign people of Russian Ukrainians"). The rank book, rewritten in the second half of the 17th century, read: "And the tsar came to the Crimea before him on another Thursday on the great days, and broke on the Thin Waters, and let the Ukrainians let go of the murz two or three with small people we got about the tsar and they called the Grand Duke." Inhabitants of Little Russia were not called "Ukrainians".

In the world, the word "Ukrainians" is pushed out to the front of the Russian cordon. In 1723, the rotation of Peter the Great created "Ukrainians of Azov and Kiev provinces" - Ukrainians, including those from Slobidskoy Ukraine. At the same time, it is clear to see the spirit of the "Little Russian people". In 1731, the Ukrainian line began to form in Slobozhanshchina, as it protected Russian cordons from Crimea. Anonymous author of "Notes about those people, I remember about the Crimean and Tatar walks", a participant in the campaign of 1736 against the Crimeans, writing about those, like the Tatars stuck with "our light troops (Zaporozhians and Ukrainians)". For Єlizaveta Petrivnya from the "Ukrainians" regiments of the Slobidskaya landmilitsia were formed. In 1765, the Slobidsk Ukrainian province was founded here (this was the name of the Kharkiv province in 1765-1780 and 1797-1835). In 1816-1819, at the Kharkiv University, the very popular "Ukrainian Bulletin" was seen.

If the word "Ukrainian" in the past began to get used to Little Russia? In the first half - the middle of the 17th century, the word "Ukrainian" (Ukraińców) was implanted by the Poles - this is how the Polish gentry were called in Ukraine. Mykhailo Hrushevsky quotes from 2 report of the crown hetman Mykola Pototsky in 1651 to the fate of the translation from Polish into the modern Ukrainian language, in which the hetman lives the term "panove ukraintsy" for the designation of Polish helpers in Ukraine.

The Poles did not in any way spread yoga on the Russian population of Ukraine. Among the villagers of the village Snyatinka ta Stare (Ninі - Lviv region) in the Polish document of 1644, some of the special names "Ukrainets" (Ukrainiec), as well as "son-in-law of Ukraine" (Ukraińców zięć) are guessed. Pokhodzhennia of such a name is not entirely clear, but it is obvious that the reshta populated by "Ukrainians" did not have such a rank. From the middle of the 17th century, this term disappeared from Polish documents.

In the 2nd half of the 17th century, the Moscow piddans began to get used to the word "Ukrainians" like the Little Russian Cossacks. The Moscow ambassadors Afanasy Pronchishchev and Almaz Ivanov, sent to Warsaw in 1652, indicated that six messengers of Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the middle of God, "Ondrei Lisichinsky from Volyn, Ukrainian, are alive," were sent to the Polish capital. Other representatives of Khmelnytsky were natives of the central left-bank Ukraine. It is noteworthy that only one Lisichinsky was named "Ukrainian" in the middle of the last century. In such a rank, Pronchishchev and Ivanov were small on the street, because Lisichinsky was a great Polish gentry, so they were corristled with Polish terminology.

Croatian Vihіdets Yury Krizhanich at his practice, written in Tobolsk sent in 1663-1666 (it was published only in 1859), the word "Ukrainian" is used as a synonym for the word "Cherkasy". Krizhanich wrote his own practice, which later took away the name "Politics", in the Latin script of the piece of eclectic mine - sumish of church-slovak, common Russian and literary Croatian. The word "Ukrainian" Kryzhanich could be easily constructed from Russian language and independently constructed: born in Bikhachi, not far from the Extreme, where the Ukrainians lived (they were Horutans, abo-Slovenians).

In the last third of the 17th century, the word "Ukrainians" is like Cossacks, so it is also used by the slobid Ukrainians in the part of Little Russia, which reached the Russian state, - among the Promosk stakes of the Cossack elders and the clergy. The most important document for whom we should note in vvazhat "Restorer of Ukraine" (1669) - a journalistic treatise, writings, more for everything, punished by the Kiev colonel Vasil Dvoretsky. "Ukrainians" the author calls the Cossacks of the Right-Bank Ukraine, which is how the message is addressed (as synonyms for the victors are also "Cossacks", "Panov Cossacks", "Viyska Cossacks", "Ukrainian people"). Why should the entire Little Russian population zastosovuyutsya understand "the people of the Russian (s)", "Christian Russians", "Rus" (twist: "Moscow and Rus"; in other words, the understanding of "Rus" and "Rus" expands to the Moscow state). The author of the text demonstrates good knowledge of the situation in the middle of the Russian state. "Restorer" was revealed in the XIX century at the warehouse of the Dvoretskys' handwritten collection; prihilnik prorosіyskoї orientatsiї Dvoretsky repeatedly came from Moscow and took away the nobility there, in 1669 he himself was arrested from hetman Peter Doroshenko, having arrived to the Russian capital, de mav єnієnantsіyu from the king, and turning to the tsar, and turning to the tsar. "Perestoroga" could have been written entirely in Moscow, the style of the document itself is similar to the drafting of Dvoretsky's promo, handwritten by him near the Russian capital.

Once the word "Ukrainians" (among the meanings of the Cossacks) is embedded in "Crowns about the land of Poland" (1673) by the hegumen of the Kiev-Mikhailiv Golden-Domed Monastery Theodosius Sofonovich, a kind of buv knows about "Perestrorogia". In the leaf of Archimandrite of Novgorod-Siversky Monastery of the Savior Mikhail Lezhaysky to the boyar Artamon Matveev in 1675, it was said: and in the night of light to the great sovereign; be kind, so that in such visits the leaders were unsafe and such unseemly signs were not made and the Little Russian troops were not embittered; unsafe, so that in the small spark the great fire did not ignite. It is quite obvious that the archimandrite lives on understanding, is well known at home in Moscow, and may be taken away by the cordial military people (cossacks) of Ukraine.

At the verses of the Little Russian poet Klimenty Zinov'ev, who wrote during the hours of Tsar Peter and Ivan Mazepi, the only time they guessed "Ukrainian breed of Little Russian" (at the chosen sensi), that was introduced clarification, about some very slobid "Ukrainians" went into . The chronicle of Samuil Velichka (stored between 1720 and 1728) includes a document of a summative trip dated 1662 by rock - a list of Zaporizhians to Yuri Khmelnitsky. There are offensive phrases at the document: “Do not forget that we, the grassroots constipation, will not hesitate to attack you, and together with us, stand up and all the usual Ukrainians, our brother, and many others are afraid to avenge you for the image of that wickedness. for some time and from some side to fly on you a tuft and drink and see you from Chigirin, you yourself don’t know, and the Poles and Tatars will be far away from your defenses. "Ukrainians" called the Cossacks on both banks of the Dnieper. Cossack-Russian people". In the Lizogubivsky litopis (after Volodymyr Ikonnikov - 1742) they said "dniestrians and zabuzhani and other Ukrainians"; in such a rank, "Ukrainians" here were called the Cossacks - the Viysk people of the various outskirts of Little Russia.

Yakiv Markovich (1776-1804), a descendant of a native Little Russian family, wrote in his "Notes about Little Russia, and the Meshchantsy" (St. Chernigivshchyna) "under the names of Ukraine, Styopa and Poliv, why even local Meshkans are called Ukrainians, Stepoviks and Poleviks". Markovich also called them "steppe Little Russians" and appreciated that they stink like Russians or Polovtsians, as if they adopted the Cossack way of life. The Polish King Stefan Batoriy set out against the Crimean Tatars "near both banks of the Dnieper". "The Ukrainians looked like Kozaks, like they laid us in front of the Little Russian military: the leftovers of it are the essence of the Cossacks; but the stench is no longer a warrior, but a rural citizen," - Markovich baldly. Vіn also said that the “Ukrainians”, although they began to settle in the Katerynoslav and Novorossiysk provinces, became special camps and did not mock with the Little Russians.

If "Ukrainians" began to call all the population of Ukraine-Little Russia? Prominent military engineer Major-General Oleksandr Rigelman (1720-1789) - Russified German, who served in 1745-1749 in Little Russia and Slobidsky Ukraine - settled in the city of Chernigovo, writing letters vzagali "(1785-1786). As it was already said, Cossacks lingered in the Chernigiv region, for some victors the name "Ukrainians" was called. "Ukraine" and "Little Russia" were also celebrated by him as the same. , Stepan Lukomsky and in.) the word "Ukrainians" in such a meaning is not victorious.

The Polish count-emigrant, a Russian official, Jan Pototsky (1761-1815) saw in 1795 in Paris my French anthology of urivkiv from ancient and early middle writers under the name "Historical and geographical fragments about Scifia, Sarmatia". At the beginning of the navіv list of words of the Yan peoples, among them were "Ukrainians" or "little Russians" - a lot of "Russian" words of the Yan people, which for a long time had been divided into 4 tribes: glades, drevlyans, tivertsіv and siveryans. Pototsky stubbornly (episodically) vikoristav the word "Ukrainian" as an ethnonym. It means that it appears only 3 times, but once in two forms of writing (les Uckrainiens, les Ukrainiens). Like the thought of the Polish count, the Russian people, resembling the Slovenes of Novgorod, and the Krivichi, Dregovichi and Buzhans, merged into the warehouse of the Ukrainian, Russian and partly Polish peoples. "The tribes of Galicia and Volodymyr" (Galicia and Volin) were vibrated by Pototsky in the form of Sarmatians. The author did not turn any further to Ukrainian themes, and the concept itself did not take off the development in Pototsky’s other works, nor any of the contemporary ones.

Prote repair Rigelman and Pototsky were not adopted. The word "Ukrainian" in literary and political creations continued to take root in many meanings until the middle of the 19th century. The Kharkiv writer Illya Kvitka, the Odessa historian Apollon Skalkovsky, and also Oleksandr Pushkin (imovirno, following Markovych and Kvitka) called the Little Russian Cossacks "Ukrainians". At the drama "Boris Godunov" (1825), Grishka Otrep'ev says to himself: "I came from the cell of the big city / To the Ukrainians, in the riotous smoking, / To lead the horse and learn the sword ..." (scene "Nich. Garden. Fountain ") You can see that the Russian version has a little voice in a different warehouse ( Ukrainian), the same as in Polish (according to the rules of the Polish voice) - in front ( Ukrainian).

There was a lot of Peter's meaning of the word. The Decembrist Pavel Pestel (1792-1826) in his "Russian Truth" divided "the people of Russia" into five "intelligences", which are divided, in one thought, only "in the manner of their management" (that is the administrative system): "Russians", "Bіlorutsіv", "Russnakіv", "Little Russians" and "Ukrainians". "Ukrainians", like having named Pestel, inhabit Kharkov and Kursk provinces. Kharkiv playwright Hryhoriy Kvitka (Osnov'yanenko) (1778-1843), in a small drawing "Ukrainian" (1841) he wrote: "The people who inhabited the ninth Kharkiv province, the best Ukrainians and the little ones. ale from the hour of their settlement, they significantly grew up among them until the litter of the litter ... "

Expanding the interpretation of the vicorist could be done in a vipadkovo way. Kindratiy Rilєєv in his writings sing "Nalivaiko" (1824-1825) writing: "... Pole, Jew and Uniate // Without a turbo, riotously banquet, // All glad to cheer; // Some Ukrainians sum up...". Tsey urivok ("Spring") was the first to be published less in 1888. In 1834, a group of young botanist Mikhailo Maksimovich, having seen "Ukrainian folk songs" near Moscow, wrote in comments to some extent: "Ukrainians or Little Russians make half of the Pivdenny or Black Sea Rus, which is in its middle, the blessed city of Kiev." However, later, having taken up the study of the history and culture of Little Russia, Maksimovich sounded the understanding of "Ukrainians": on the other hand, this is how the fields of the meadows were called - the Cossacks and the inhabitants of the Middle Podnіprov'ya. Maksimovych, without respecting the "Ukrainians", is distinguished by the ethnos.

If under the "Ukrainians" began to understand the language of the word "Yan people (ethnos)"? At the turn of the 1845-1846 years in Kiev, with the initiative of a young professor at the University of St. Volodymyr Mikoli Kostomarov (learned by Maksimovich) called "Cyril-Methodian Brotherhood", as he set himself the task of fighting for the creation of the words of the Jansk Federation, where Ukraine is small and free. At the Statute of the Brotherhood, Kostomarov wrote: "It is accepted that when the skin of the words is established, the tribe can mother its own independence, and such tribes are known: pivdenno-Rusiv, pivnichno-Rus with Belarusians, Poles, Czechs from (slo) vinces, Luzhans, Iliro-Serbs with Hurutans and Bulgarians". In this rank, the author of the Statute took the word “pivdenno-Rus” for a piece, compared to him “pivnіchno-Russians with Belarusians”. Kostomarov's pribinik Vasyl Bilozersky, having written an explanatory note before the Statute, had the following phrase: "Today, from the words of the Yan tribes, I can't help the world to practice self-property and zbudzhuvati іnshih brethren, yak mi, Ukrainians". From this document itself, one can trace the history of the introduction of the word "Ukrainians" into the ethnic understanding.

Bilozersky, Chernigivsky native and great scholar of history, did not know Rigelman’s manuscript, which was taken from the Chernigiv county marshal Arkady Rigelman, and historians, who were actively victorious. His brother Mykola Rigelman (an official of the office of the Kiev Governor-General, a spokesman for the Timchasov committee for the analysis of ancient assets) was a comrade among the members of the Cyril-Methodius Brotherhood. In 1847, the manuscript was handed over to Moscow by Osip Bodyansky, another good friend of them. After Bilozersky’s notes appeared, Kostomarov wrote his proclamation “Brothers of Ukraine”, which said: “... We accept that all words are to blame for themselves. others; so, for the skin of the people mav their language, their literature, their own suspіlny way.<...>Axis brothers Ukrainians, bagmen of Ukraine on both sides of the Dnieper, we give you all your thoughts; read it with respect and don’t hesitate to think, how to reach it, and how to do it better ... ". The phrase "offended the sides of the Dnieper" often got used to Rigelman's practice, that he suffocated Bilozersky and Kostomarov.

This is also the evolution of the adoption of the word "Ukrainians" in another participant of the "Brotherhood" - Panteleimon Kulish. In 1845 Kulish (in the same spelling: Kulesh) started publishing his novel Chorna Rada in the journal "Suchasnik". In the original version (Russian language), "Little Russian people", "Little Russians", "Pivdenno-Russian people", "Ukrainian people", the dominant "spirit of Russia", and it was also said that the inhabitants of Ukraine - "Russians". "Ukrainians" in the novels, as was customary from the end of the 17th - 18th centuries, the Little Russian Cossacks were called. This word was also used in the early works of Kulish. For example, in the story "The Fire Serpent" there was such a phrase: "A folk song for Ukraine can have a special sensation." Opovid bula was tied with the town of Voronizh near Glukhov (the fatherland of Kulish itself) - on the cordon of Slobozhanshchina, that nearby town, where the Cossacks settled behind Markovich. It is important to note that in the other practice of Kulish the very "Cossack songs" were praised.

The appearance of Kulish, in such a rank, was close to looking at Maksimovich. Prote same from 1846 to the fate of Kulish reminded the word "Ukrainians" with a different light. Because of this fierce fate (that was immediately after the appearance of Bilozersky's notes) I began to write my "Tale about the Ukrainian people" at the St. Petersburg magazine "Zirochka". They figured "the people of Pivdennorosіysky, or Malorosіysky" and "Pivdennorus, or Ukrainians". The author naming what kind of special word is the Yang people, who live in Russia and Austria, and the “pivnіchnorussians” are considered “my, cloak, sound like that sound”, and the history of yoga began with Prince Askold. Tsikavo, that in the rest of the paragraph of his practice, Kulish nevertheless stated that "Cossacks-villages, the covers of the local Cossacks... are resplendent among other Ukrainians with the purity of the folk type." Prote the introduction of the word "Ukrainians" into the ethnic sense in the middle of the 19th century was vipadkovym and the floorings were piecemeal, like the understanding of "pivdennorus". Offending people who understood the same world did not respect self-names.

The word "Ukrainian" as an ethnonym for a wide walk did not come up at this hour. It is noteworthy that one of the most radical participants in the "Brotherhood" Taras Shevchenko did not use the word "Ukrainians" in any way. Since the 1850s, Kulish has been living yoga in his historical works with "Little Russians", "Pivdenny Rusichs", "Polish Rusichs". At the same time, the representation of "Ukrainians" as an ethnic group was taken into account, and he wrote this: "Pivnichny and Pivdenniy Russian people are one and the same tribe." In private listings, "Ukrainians" were clearly identified as "Galicians".

Having looked at his own number, Kostomarov wrote in 1874: "In the popular promo, the word "Ukrainian" did not get used and does not get used to the senses of the people; it means only a bag of land: be a Pole, a Jew - it's all the same: you're a Ukrainian, if you live in Ukraine "; however, as, for example, Kazan and Saratovites means a resident of Kazan and Saratov." Neither in Little Russia, nor in Great Russia, the word is not less ethnographic sense, but not enough geographical. in other words, they were partly "pivdennorusivs" or "little Russians", which would be more correctly called "Rusyns".

In the same way, the statement of the end of the 17th - 18th centuries about the Cossack etymology of the word "Ukrainians" was saved. In the verse of Pavel Chubynsky (1862), which was the basis of the modern anthem of Ukraine, it was said: "Neither glory nor freedom has died in Ukraine, Yet we, brothers of Ukrainians, will laugh our share!<...>And it is shown that we, brother, are of the Cossack family.

Descho later in the magazine "Kyivska Starovyna" was published a verse by an unknown author "Vidpovidi malorossiyskikh kozakiv ukrainskim slobozhans [Satire on slobozhan]", in which the word "Ukrainian" figured for the recognition of the kozakіv. The text was not known to the deaf archivists of the Little Russian Collegium, it was not dated, but it seemed to be an old one. The prototype of the original text of "Vіdpovіdі" is not unknown, as the style allows you to judge what really happened not long before publication. Varto signify that Kostomarov zokrema, having taken into account the presence of the word "Ukrainian" in the old texts of the old Little Russian songs, is one of the signs of refinement.

Historian Sergiy Solovyov in 1859-1861 coined the word "Ukrainians" for the designation of the Meshkants in various Russian outskirts - both Siberian and Dnipro. Count Oleksiy Tolstoy in his satirical "Russian history from Gostomisl to Timashev" (1868) wrote about Katherine II, as if spreading kripatstvo on Little Russia: "... I stuck it in my throat / Ukrainians to the earth." In view of such a similar wording, the radical publicist Vasyl Kelsiev was able to understand them for the recognition of the Galicians-Ukrainophiles.

At the turn of the 19th-20th century the word "Ukrainians" sounded not in the ethnic, but in the geographical sense (followed by Rigelman and piznim Kostomarov), denoting the population of Ukraine. The geographic meaning of "Ukrainians" began to actively win over the robots of the hromada dyach Mikhail Dragomanov (1841-1895), which were published from the 1880s. Spersha Drahomanov, having distinguished "Ukrainians" ("Russian Ukrainians", "Ukrainians-Russians") and "Galician-Russian people" ("Galicians", "Rusyniv"), gave them an account of "Rusyn-Ukrainians". The ancestors of the "Ukrainians" Drahomanov vvazhav polyan.

It didn’t happen there, until the cordons of the “Ukrainian Land” it included the territories of Malorosiya, Novorosiya (without Krim), Don and Kuban regions, Polissya, Galicia and Pidkarpattya. The niece of Drahomanov, the poet Larisa Kosach-Kvitka (1871-1913, pseudonym - Lesya Ukrainka) also distinguished between "Ukrainians" and "Galicians" ("Galician Rusyns"), but respected them as one people. Tsikavo, what is the master translation of my German Hamlet monologue "To be or not to be?.." (1899) In other words, L. Kosach-Kvitka understood her pseudonym not in ethnic, but in geographical sense (a resident of Ukraine). Ivan Franko, who wrote about the united "Ukrainian-Russian people", calling himself "Ruthenian".

At the periode of Pershovoi, the Rosіiska Vіsykovo, the authorities of the Rusiniv (Galichan) that "Ukrainians", Rosumiychi PID VISHIMOVIKOVIVEV LEKHINOVIKOVAYA RULITAS (SAS) BROKELOKA 2 There are two hundred Ukrainians of Sichoviks on the heights, where some officers have planted their wives."

When did the word "Ukrainian" become more actively used in the current ethnic meaning? Professor of the Lemberg (Lviv) University (in 1894-1914), the head of the Ukrainian Central for the sake of that academician Mikhailo Grushevsky (1866-1934) in his "History of Ukraine-Rus" (10 volumes, the word was seen in 1898-1934) " Ukrainians" in ethnic meaning. Hrushevsky actively introduced the concept of "Ukrainian tribes" and "Ukrainian people" into the historiography of Old Russia and the pre-powerful period. At one time, in this "Istoria" the word "Ukrainci" ("Ukrainian") gets used quite a bit until the 17th century, very rarely. Under this circumstance, the terms "Russian" and "Rusyn" are often used as synonyms for those in Hrushevsky's speech and the concept of "Ukrainian". In their political activity, Grushevsky and those of one mind actively promoted this word in the newspaper "Ukrainian News" (published in 1906 in St. Petersburg) and the journal "Ukrainian Life" (published in 1912-1917 in Moscow). Only at the beginning of the 20th century, it is beginning to be written to understand "Ukrainian" and "little Russian".

Less than after the victory of the Lute Revolution of 1917, the word "Ukrainian" gradually began to become commonplace in Russia. In official documents, as before, it was rarely victorious - in the station wagons of "Central Radi" it appears only two, moreover, it is rather victorious, the world is changing the political situation. At the 2nd Universal (3 limes of 1917) "Ukrainians" are understood by the geographic sensation: "The citizens of the Ukrainian land.<...>Що стосується комплектування військових частин, то для цього Центральна Рада матиме своїх представників при кабінеті Військового Міністра, при Генеральному Штабі і Верховному Головнокомандувачу, які будуть брати участь у справах комплектування окремих частин виключно українцями, оскільки таке комплектування, за визначенням Військового Міністра, технічного боку можливим without destroying the military capacity of the army". III Universal (7 leaf fall, 1917), after slaughtering the power in Petrograd by the Bilshoviks, slapping the word "Ukrainians" with an ethnic meaning: "Ukrainian people and all the peoples of Ukraine!<...>Before the territory of the People's Ukrainian Republic, there are lands settled near the majority by Ukrainians: Kyiv region, Podila, Volyn, Chernigiv region, Poltava region, Kharkiv region, Katerynoslav region, Kherson region, Tavria (without Krim)".

In the ethnic sense, as a self-name, the word "Ukrainians" on the official level remained rooted only in the creations of the URSR. In Galicia, it became less important to enter the її territory to the warehouse of the SRSR / Ukrainian SSR in 1939 roci, in Transcarpathia - in 1945 roci.

1. Spopchatka (since the 16th century) "Ukrainians" were called cordial service people of the Moscow state, who served according to the Ots against the Crimeans.

2. In the other half of the 17th century, under the Russian influx, the concept of "Ukrainians" expanded to include the Slobozhans and the Little Russian Cossacks. At this hour, step by step, they began to get used to the very Little Russia.

3. Until the end of the 18th century, first try Russian and Polish writers to get used to the word "Ukrainians" for the entire Little Russian population.

4. The use of the word "Ukrainian" in the ethnic sense (for the meaning of the word "Janian ethnos") began in the middle of the 19th century among the stakes of the Russian radical intelligentsia.

5. "Ukrainian" as a self-name took root only for radian hours.

... In this manner, having vindicated the late 16th century and gradually expanding from Moscow to Transcarpathia, the word "Ukrainians" has completely changed its sense: the word "Ukrainians" has changed its sense: a handful of people who served on the cordon of the Moscow state, there, zreshtoyu, has taken on the meaning of a specific word...