Decorate for fun with your own hands from paper. DIY garlands for the party, master class, fresh ideas, photo instructions

IN stay rocky decorated with paper tickets is becoming more and more popular.

And there is nothing marvelous in it, as if to heal, that there is interest in the so-called eco-fun and other "environmental" tracts that enter the skin day. It seems to you that the paper decor looks cheap and it won’t help you to create in a right way chic sacredly, which is forgotten, you will be greatly merciful.

Naturally, what to create a high-class design with great paper quilts will cost you much cheaper, lower similar decor, for example, from living trojans or pivony. But the axis of beauty will not be done by the rest.

Okremo varto tell about those that the creation of the colors themselves wimagai chimalih zusil decorators. We must vibrate and propagate the idea to the clients, and choose it, realizing the idea of ​​life. Today, the decoration of the wedding with paper tickets is relevant literally everywhere. Let's take a look at some of the options.

Decorated with paper towels of the spring arch

To finish with a widened appearance of the merry decor є vikoristannya embellished arches. Such a decoration of the wedding with quilts and paper looks superbly stylish. Paper elements can be successfully combined with fabric details, stitches and vibrant colors.

Spring bouquet from paper flowers

Vivochayuchi food about the spring decorated with paper quotes, you can often say that such piece elements of vicory are spun at the bouquet of the appointed. For the help of a double paper bouquet, you can take away the best memory of Friendship Day. You can bring a bunch of living tickets, and add yoga with such an analogue. Tim is bigger, but the prices for the rest of the available ones are not high.

If you are looking for a unique props for a fun photo session, choose one great card with paper or izolone. Vin can contrast sharply with yours holy days. In addition, you can bring a few pieces of piece tickets and for your requested guests - certificates, relatives and closest ones, like taking part in a professional photo session.

Decorating the walls and the background of the weighing room with paper towels

Today, the design of the walls with papers can be as good as it is. The great popularity of the variant of the creations of the photo wall. At this point, there is a need to embellish the background, which is in the zone of respect at the urochist - behind the backs young and young. In addition, you can decorate the background of the dessert table or the scenes of musicians - different options. Contemporary decorators create the floorings of the uniquely decorated living room with paper towels, which is simply impossible to see.

If you want to expand the colors by the hall, then the selection is left behind for you. You can buy great paper tickets for the decoration of the hall and create not the usual spring decorations, but the world of science fiction and fantasy - a flower kazkovy fox.

Letters from the paper give scope for fantasy. They are robbed for embellishment of some elements of the village and other tracts. Often they embellish the tables and tables, the entrance area, put them on the table runner or decorate a cake for them. And in a casual mood, the decor of the wedding with paper quilts looks original and stylish.

Analogues of decorating the wedding with paper tickets

How to impress you with the decoration of the banqueting hall with piece-by-piece quilts, otherwise you have chosen to choose lively compositions, contact Fleur Artdan. We will offer you, among other things, large suits with izolone and panels with suits for photo shoots, which will exude their name-bearing beauty and striking art.

Become familiar with the proponated assortment and embellishments with butts, and you will understand, how can your design be holy. You can keep your sacred truth unforgettable and save a part of your fortunes about the new one.

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What's a party without tickets?

Well, even if the living room is too boring for you, it’s not expensive - there are no other options, which can be replaced.

Today, we are told, as if we were growing majestic letters from paper. Not only unimaginative, but universal and yet simple embellishment.


You need:

  • 2 sheets A4
  • corrugated paper
  • olive
  • scissors
  • floral drіt
  • floral tape.

How to make a gigantic paper ticket

Krok 1

Paint stencils for future colors. You need to prepare two views like in the photo. You want to take advantage of the great wealth you want to take as a result. We wanted to grow giants, so the pellusts of vicor were embroidered to A. If you want more money, change the size of the stencil, it’s necessary for skilki.

Krok 2

From otrimanih stencils, cut blanks for a future card.

Krok 3

Transfer stencil to corrugated paper. Need 6-8 pellets of the first type and 16-18 pellets of the other.

Krok 4

Cut along the contour of all the pellets.

Krok 5

One by one, take the skin pad along the cheek and carefully fold it from the skin side. Tse nadast zagotіvl_ form of a right pellet.

Krok 6

Pelyustki povinnі nabouti slightly ugvіgnutoy form.

Krok 7

Take an olive and twist the skin of the pellets around the corner.

Krok 8

Now the pellet is becoming similar to the right one.

Krok 9

Add pellusts ubik and take floral tape and drіt.

Krok 10

Wrap the drіt with adhesive tape, so that you become a wife and mіtsnіshim. This will be the stem for our flower.

Krok 11

Start shaping the ticket: take a small size pellet, apply it to the stem and wrap it with tape. Nadiyano fix it and give the step a pelust. Go on, the docks will not run out of all the small-sized pellets.

Proceed to the great pelyustok.

Krok 14

Go on, the docks do not beat all the pellusts. Rest to close especially resolutely, in trimatme the whole structure.

Krok 15

Hooray! Your giant paper ticket is ready! Vіn dosit great, schob vikoristati solo, but you can grow 2-3 more and weide a gigantic bouquet!

Acceptance of preparations for that fluffy fun!

Greetings to all, great readers! Today, I am preaching to see the classics and the troch of blasphemy. Already hooked? Hi, I do not propagate the scourge of the suprawichine. "What about todi?" Ask V. I will tell you. Today, I will tell you about those original ones and we can clean them up, but we can decorate the wedding with great colors.

Indeed, this decor in the design has become popular not long ago, earlier such embellishment could be done on the theatrical platforms. However, to my knowledge, I have many faceless weights, embellished with such a rank. I will tell you that it looks even more beautiful, like in a photo, so in life. So let's make a report.

Stylish, original and voluminous

I’ll tell you once again that if you want to choose such an embellishment, being able to reduce the cost of decorating, then it’s not for you. And if you want to amaze your guests with originality, writing and exclusivity, then exactly the ones you need. Feel free to choose the design of the hall or arches for visa registration great kvitami and hoden the guest is definitely not to be left with baidujim.

And why are you zmaistruvati

Great tickets. There are not so many options, why you can work them out. Put the food on the skin “And what about the food?” abo "Which will stink important?". But it’s true that there is evidence on the skin supply, even if there are options for the material, from which you can create such a paper design. To inspire the most high-minded young people with great fortune can reach. Father!


The lightest and not the brightest option is embellishments with paper. The tickets come out large, light, airy and perfectly suitable for decorating a banquet hall. This option is suitable for both florists and skin lovers who want to make decor with their own hands.

And if you were decorated with great paper tickets, then I will know you from a small master class.


Quotes from fabrics are a smaller phenomenon, shards of the preparation of such colors are already a labor worker of a robot. Therefore, more florists give priority to more durable and stable materials. We will talk about them once and for all.


Izolon. Wonderful word. And for sure, this meaning will never be combined with the lower flower zmist. But all the same, it’s summous. Oh yes! Forgetting to say that izolon is nothing else, like a heater. Same way. Such rough material in the gentle hands of the master transforms into a miracle card, so that you can design it in a spring style.


Well, the axis and one more unreasonable name. Of course, for lovers of handicrafts, the word is familiar, but for all other valuable materials, resistant to weather minds. With such characteristics, foamiran is wonderfully suitable for preparing large colors, like for banquet bays, and in the first black, spring tracts.

And maybe a few more great colors?

Well, we've designed your banquet hall with colorful voluminous colors. Ale, don’t think about what we end up with. Zdivovani? Don't forget to leave your ideas in the comments, and I'll continue for now.

Actually, there are still no options for decorating with quilts. For example:

  1. Ornament background for the young. Looking urochisto-rich, lower and more sacred;
  2. Photozone coloring. Ob'emnі vouchers, something like paper, or izolone, become miraculous helpers in a decorated photo zone. The stench will add a photo of brightness, pishnist and create an unimpressed romantic atmosphere.
  3. Great suites in spring bouquet, cake, or be it some other food, necessary for the cleanliness of the city. You can embellish the backs of the guests' styles with such a rank, and the names of the stars are young from the lower and beautiful colors. Volumes of tickets look even more original and not intrusive.

Well, first of all, we always knew everything about the tickets, and yet they looked like they were getting new, fashionable and unique. And if you wished to embellish your wedding with such decorations, then on the site of specializations you have distributed them by florists, as they will help you to prepare your decorations as beautiful, bright and unforgettable. But if you still want to try and decorate it yourself, then I won’t advise.

Preparing a letter to finish a little bit of the robot, prote tse duzhe tsikavy that spiritual process. The skin ticket will come out unique and broken in soul. For those who are willing to try, I add one more master class.

The axis is such a twisted article with us. Great kvіti look effectively and just fill up the reception of unforgettable feelings about such a tract and a happy day.

And I say goodbye to you for a while, so that I will rejoice you with a new article. I guess! Do not forget to leave comments, add photos and share information with friends. One should be called to the decoration of the wedding with great quilts. Todi obov'yazkovo check on your photo. And for the time being, let me say goodbye. DO NOT suck! To hell!

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter.

My best friend and I vyrіshili robit veіlnі embellish with your own hands. For my sake, if you can pick up with the girls and work for the right garne. Respect for the smallest details is our speciality. A friend is a generator of ideas and ideas, and I am the one who inspires them ... we are just a marvelous working team.

Do-it-yourself creation of spring embellishments

We used to be at the girl’s evening of її sisters, and, although I looked like I was ideal, we realized that we couldn’t get away ... and then we stepped into the cigar’s papyrus. For the help of all that is more than paper, that trishka is patient, we have created wonderful paper forms, which will help to decorate the hall to the wedding.
... ІІІІІІІІ axis yak I zrobila tse!

Krok 1. Tools and materials

What do you need:

A pack of cigar paper. You need about 20 arches (they are different colors and cool colors look good on the paper. I made one arch with the teeth of a dog and it looked marvelous ... but in which direction, we choose to try the classic white).

Tonka drit...

Lace to hang suction cups



Partner (robity is better with a friend)

Krok 2. Paper preparation

This one may be easy, but I know for sure that it is one of the most important. If you open a pack of cigar-coloured paper, change your mind, what you straightened and twisted the arkush so kindly, as far as possible.

The presence of folds on smooth sheets should be crushed with the correct folds, with which you will close in the coming crocks.

Krok 3. We twist

Place 2.5 - 3 cm paper on the edge and fold it along the line.

Reconsider that the fold was beautiful and readable and pressed hard, so that the fold appeared on all 20 balls of paper.

Let's turn the stack over and put it back together. You may have an accordion.

Krok 4. Robimo beauty

Fold the entire papier to the end in such a manner as described in the front crochet.

You may have excess excess on the edges, as it is, they need to be cut.

Razgornіt everything and once again propasit all the folds, sob perekonatisya, so the stench will be beautiful.

Krok 5. Pull the paper with a dart

Tie a thin dart around the center of a folded cigar paper. Don't tie Yogo too tight or too loose. Having bound the papers too tightly with a dart, it will be easy for you to cremate the arches one by one, which will confuse you and tear that throw. And if you bandage it weakly, the whole structure will fall apart. I have to change the bandage in the middle, so that the papyrus is trimmed, and at one hour it is free to disperse.

As soon as the whole papyr will be bound, zirzhte zayvu drіt.

Krok 6

There are two ways to cut the edges... I cut the rounded edges, but you can cut the sharp edges.

Cut and round the edges of all folds to the end of the work. The stench is not guilty of being dogged.

Zrobit so z both kintsiv ... and voila!

Krok 7. Breathe into a new life ...

Open the accordion, stretching the center, tying with a dart.

Then let's take a cord and tie it around the dart.

Cross over, you have tied the cord well, shards, just as you are starting to distribute the arch paper, then it is important to know the cord at the center of the dart.

Then, carefully fold the balls of fabric one by one... starting from the very top, and right down to the bottom.

Paper is easy to tear, so try to get yoga yakomoga closer to the center of the dart.

Krok 8. Now about the next book

I figured out that my hands are so tired, because I can m'yazi. That's why I would like to know the door, otherwise, on what I can put a cool and finish the work with the other half. You don't want to put yogo on the table;

After that, as you did yoga... continue watering the balls!

Krok 9. Masterpiece!

TA-dah! everything is ruined!

For the rest of the season, a new trend appeared in the wedding decor - decorating the wedding with paper details. The paper spring decor was introduced earlier, but with the development of trends, there appeared already a lot of new types of such design. Today's paper embellishments on the beach have become the favors of rich bridesmaids, and this season is just a trend. Decorator Katerina Shkirenko told Nashe Vesillya portal about the peculiarities of paper decor.

Let's take a look at what paper decor is.


Most often, the arch is propagated from the paper colors of the white color. For example, the singing color of the wedding - add a sprig of colors from the wedding palette. Kviti in artsy ring out three vistas - so the arch was built richly.

It is possible to change paper colors with fabric draperies. All fall in vіd pobazhan named and fantasії decorator.

Ale, the main umova rozkishnoї arches - the apartments can be crushed perfectly. It is not possible, if the paper was dented, the glue could be seen, or the staples were erased from the stapler. Kvіti due to marvel evenly, and the paper's paper can be on high.

Vіdmitimo, scho vіdomy designer Karl Lagerfeld loves decorating with great colors on paper. In 2009, the roci wines for the first time designed a fashion show Chanel Couture runway show in such a technique, which was used for the decor of 7000 white paper colors. manual robot. Wiyshlo just roskіshno!

That's why the decor is still called great paper quilts paper decor Chanel".

screen background

The stepping main warehouse paper decor on the veil is a screen that creates a young background, that completes the spring decor of the banquet hall. Є k_lka options for screens from paper colors:

The screen is actually made from paper colors;

Screen, combined with fabric and paper towels;

Screen made of pompons.

Paper pompon

Without a doubt, everyone already knows these stars of decor, yak can vryatuvat whether it’s a non-ostentatious place, we’ll spit it and barve it. Paper pompon shy to be-yak_y colors that other rozmіrіv.

The pomponi has round tassel edges. I look at the stench in a different way.

The optimal size of a pompom is 20-22 cm. More popular size pompons are 50 cm in diameter. Їx “spread out” with a maidan for decoration, as well as vicorist for a photo session. Before speech, about photo shoots ...

Paper tickets for a bright photo session

Another butt of the paper decor is the great flowers, prepared for a spring photo session. The ticket can be from a pivmeter to a pіvtora meter. Call pіvmetrovі kvіti vykoristovuyut for zjomok on walks. Bazhano, so that they are so beautiful, so that they can be seen in the photo.

With five-meter colors, as a rule, they decorate a photo zone. There can be no less than five such flowers, in order to create the effect of the "kingdom of flowers".


Forgive me, but as a garnish decor on a wedding, it can also be paper garlands. stink different forms: round, square, tricots, hearts, quotations, stars. Sound so the garlands are made from a colorful design cardboard on a thread or a hair.