Short youths welcome to the party with their mothers. The most beautiful and warmest welcome at the party with mothers

For Donka, I was a kohan mother,
And the axis of today's day is already
I became your one,
Who can call a son-in-law in the soul!

Happy fun, my dear children!
I bless you well!
Remember the habits of hvilini,
Stink dear for the money!

Let love mutually virue!
Let the whole ocean be happy!
Let nothing be said in the world!
І spovneniy stіl your guts!

Mi s donkoy boules, like girlfriends,
І axis today at Vesillya day
I want boules one for one
With a man there is no light that darkness!

Zavzhd one one add one!
Love generously!
And never forget
What are the fates of the union!

Let it shine brightly for you!
Let it be joyful day after day!
Bring on the success of life,
As long as you live together!

Until recently there was a child,
And the axis is already two years old!
Named - the best of all girls
The best squad became the first synovі!

Happy Happy Day I soar
Let me have a good day for you, like a benket!
With a wide heart of great love, I pray,
So that you have obscured the entire world!

I bless life to the long and happy,
I hope there are no more bright, clear days!
Let's be moody greylivim
At my son's and my bride's!

Today is a bad day for you,
See now one sіm'ya vіdteper!
Heaven sent you a chance
I axis today for such a reason,

Like a mom, I fly from Wesily you!
Live less friendly family!
Appreciate the skin and skin year,
What a delay for love!

Come on, don't be on the path of negativity!
Let it shine just happiness that hope!
Let the Lord protect you!
I will be happy to be honest!

For mami, the joy of sina is a joy!
Aje tse means that in one place
I have lost my favor for the young,
What a mustache happened to my children!

Shchascha bulo forever bezvzhdi!
Schob kokhannya vystachalo for two!
Sob you only appreciated, like before,
Batkiv of his old ones!

May God give you more beautiful things!
Let the share of zavzhd vberezhe!
Live together, dear, more!
Sim'єyu be long-term!

I want to say something for Donka,
What is the worst hour of life,
She could give me a little titmouse,
What a son-in-law, having already become at once!

At the Day of fun, I want to be addicted,
Shchob kokhannya traplyalos skin mith!
So that there was a lot of joy and happiness
I your bedroom suite success catching up!

Let there be more inspiration in life!
Let your eyes shine!
Come on, be sure to popovnennya soon
Let heaven always protect you!

Until yesterday, I was a mother for Donka,
And the axis of this year's mother for sіm'ї!
I want to believe me more than ever,
How happy you will live together!

Let's have fun today!
Let us bazhayut good luck!
I want so much that life could turn out
And at once it was more beautiful, lower school!

Love, respect and value!
Multiply love a hundred times!
I will save one for one, -
There's a price for all the earth's hedges!

Like a mother, I'm glad for the donka!
And on this bright day I want to bazhati,
Sob your love will be a single city,
Yaku needs to be saved!

I'm living in Wesillam today
I donechku that son-in-law!
I only with the permission of the Lord
I wish you more and more!

Let it be rich in life!
Let me be happy just without a kintsa!
Let me not use my respect
This is the hand of the great Creator!

There is no greater happiness for mami,
Chem bachiti happy children.
With joy, I fly you,
Together, you became strong.

Let your family fire burn
І heart flutter at the breasts.
Worthy bazha, dear,
Let it be difficult for you to pass.

Specially for the site

Mother's heart triumphs
Today, marvel at you.
Let them circle you for a long time
Friendship, quivering waltz.

Let it be kohannya, rozuminnya,
Let children please us.
And remember - less in tandem
Make sure you succeed.

Specially for the site

Bathing with mami
Accept children.
On the great planet.

Crisis rock you carry
I love the kohanna.
Happy life for you
I bless.

Specially for the site

Cry your mother, children,
I'm over happy for you.
There is no suffocation that beautiful,
We began to see sim'єyu at once.

I beg you patience
Sims can't do without it.
Well, welding high mustache
At the bedroom, the vapour is warm.

Specially for the site

From the holy place, my relatives,
Mom is in.
Nіzhnostі, patience
Kind of a soul.

I want you to understand
You zavzhda one of one,
Sob your houses were around
A strange twist.

Specially for the site

Love mine! Today has become a miraculous podia - you have become a man of that retinue. Live forever in love, peace and prosperity, and remember that you are now one goal. I wish you an increase in your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and commitment to your future fates. And it will be important, my, fathers, let us help you with a kind word and a lady of good pleasure. Be happy! Dear youth! With a big heart, I want to help you, so that your love lived in style, skilki and in yourself, and your life was just as inexcusable as your kohannya. Let good luck close that kokhannya, like those kiltsya, that you dressed one to one on a finger today. Bless you, my dears!

Well, recently you led your little child to the garden, and today the child has grown up to stand on the threshold of the creation new sim'ї! Shukaєte wider pazhannya until what day? At the heading of our site with congratulations and good luck with mothers, you are guaranteed to be able to pick up the original prose, which will replicate your jokes. But take it to hand mobile phone and send a funny raffle and a fun song to the gift.

Vchora sche zovsі child bov,

Today - the lad of us marvelously,

Handsome, intelligent, talented, not lazy,

Be sure to be friendly and have a warm mood.

Sinok, today, having grown an important croc,

Do not intercede in the road, do not perish,

Take care of your family, your fire,

Be gentle with your squad, laugh.

Let the angels save yours

From zazdroshchiv, from grief, from confusion.

On a little lower, make you rich,

It's like a whole day, if you got screwed!

Today I want to welcome my son,

Love is happiness in life,

Today, the lad, my son, has grown his own,

І for her, youmu now vodpovidati.

Sinok is dear, let life be rich

Harny days, unstriking nights,

And the kohanny will have no rest,

Vaughn with the rocks let the lower become.

Let the bright day be with your people,

Start talking about those

Yak began to reach the heights of happy convergence

Two loving hearts that beat in unison!

Love and tenderness, happiness is success,

Let me be with you, my son, forever,

Have a day of your wedding I want with all

Good luck to you on the right side of the heart.

Hay, we will be calm and quiet,

Lizhko zavzhd will be warmer and more sensitive,

Be forever indispensable for the squad,

Hai team will be beautiful forever.

Let your joy multiply by two,

And dashing to divide into small parts,

Sinku, remember, you are in this head,

Well, your squad is a pledge of warmth that good luck!

Congratulation at the vіrshah vіd mami for the donka on the day of the wedding

Donechko dear, I’m winding,

You are already a husband's squad,

Good luck, I thank you,

Be respectful and gentle with a person.

Let your eyes not know tears and confusion,

Let the kohannya be with you,

Let the share, leading by the hand, do not let

No money for you - no money, no charge.

Let your children be born without a bar,

Don't let the man be carried in your arms,

Let the greens burn in the light

On the road of life under the name "Mriya"!

Donechka is sweet, donka is a kohana,

I give you

You have such a garna in the spring cloth,

Chi is not a girl - just a dream.

Let your life be a straight road,

Without kaluzh, without viboins, without holes,

Let your share be generous, not strict,

Let me go happily along the p'yatah.

Be with a man, live the lower one,

Turbo yoga otochi,

Be a druzhina, be a gidnoy, gospodarkoy srazkovaya

Grant the I son to you!

Today's day is created for joy

Be the Creator, to please everyone,

All the day my Donechci has been seen,

Become a retinue, so that you could do it without pereshkod.

My girl, I fly

With holy light we shine on you,

Be a beautiful gentleman,

Live with a kohanoy retinue and kokhayuchi.

Take my mother's pleasure,

To live a happy life from a human life,

Only with a laugh in a soft lie.

Grant affection and turbota to your husband,

Delicious is the supper of that sinful insult,

Be shaky, zustrichayuchi with robots,

The axis is such a motherly pleasure!

Vitannya with a day of fun with mami at the prose

Dear children! Today your hearts have come together in one whole. Today you have budded new history- History of your family. The power of maternal love is boundless and I bless you, my relatives, with the skin of my heart: love and tenderness, happiness, goodness, prosperity. Love one alone, appreciate. Be generous with the words of the kohanny and always think of one alone. I bless you on a good path! Girko!

Do not scribble words, scribble words, how I love you, children! I want to indulge you in the form of a mother’s heart, happiness, that love to heaven, a penny more guts, a healthy mіtsnogo, laughter of a child, tedious weekdays, and cheerful saints! Let your hearts beat in unison, and let your eyes be amazed at the same beat. Do not let your hands alone, neither in the mountains, nor in joy. Let all your life be light and sweet! Girko!

Our dear young people, my beloved children! I take you out of the day of your fun. I, like a mother, would like to give you light povniy kokhannya that lower. Say what motherly prayers to reach the Lord faster, for all of us are closer to God for one gathering. I bless the Creator for your happiness, I ask the new one for your health and prosperity. Let the angels of heaven protect you all your life, let them carry you in their arms at important moments, and let them have fun with you in joy. Be tolerant one to one, respect one to one, give up. Let the first cry of your child and the spread of light about your happiness. Be always indispensable one for one and necessary one for one. Bless you, my love!

Short bath with an afternoon of fun with mami

Today we want to tell you:

Live, relatives, you are happy, at the kohanna,

Bring your songs to you, the nightingales sing to you!

Our dear, young,

Vyak two charіvnі and fresh flowers,

Let love drag you at the distance of blakitnі,

Let your two souls bleed into one!

Today you have become a squad of that person,

Today is your day and your deeds,

I'm your mother's pleasure, children, ladies

Read one by one in your eyes!

Eyes do not fool and do not win

All those who save your hearts.

Love one alone, value forever,

I will not be afraid of you!

Mother's loving heart

I promise, my relatives,

Know in the country happy door for you,

De kohannya bestows happiness on two.

De mute zazdroshchiv, form tears,

De fun, turbo, success,

De vіtayut kokhannya less fluidi

І lunaє childish radio laugh!

Zhartivlivivі vіtannya z day veіllya vіd mami

Have fun dancing, sleeping,

People have fun, walk that p'є,

Today, my sons will be friends with virishiv

I in our dim I will name by requesting.

The girl is beautiful, the figurine is what is required,

Mi s tatom sinok for you, for the sake of it,

Now for you, our sinku, borzhok.

Granny with a didus, destroy us, friend!

Mendelssohn today giving you

At the light of the kokhannya is green light,

It's good to go by the hand,

Taking your budget off the road.

Don't turn left

There, even though it’s bright and bright,

All trampled paths,

Everything has long since faded.

Do not go to the right,

Get rid of wickedness,

Well, now I'll tell you

Who is right, and who is wrong.

You're going straight ahead

I will go to quiet places,

De kokhannya live and be happy,

І in'zhzhayte to your pіїzdu!

Youth, you love

You cheerfully became friends.

It would be better not to know the receiver,

Sob іz tatom wept.

Well, lads, be offended,

Be your life now

According to the vuha, it is spovnannya,

How do you open the light of happiness at the door?

May you learn

Like one to give in to one,

Like the state does not linuetsya,

I to whom I had to sleep.

Yak turboti diliti is required,

Like children of their people,

Hide like troubles

How to praise the budget.

Zagalom, I give you children

Mother's order:

Go to everything in the world

Way of love, kindness and kindness!

Congratulation on the day of the wedding of mothers may be especially important for young people. Aje mama is the nearest i native person in the life of a skin child, to grow up and ready to create vlasnu sіm'yu. Mother's favor is always wide and warm, the stench is ruthless and outrageous. Mami, wipe away the tears of joy and let your children out of the charming day of fun. Give them oceans and kokhannya and waterfalls of lowlands. Wish you a majestic happiness, and you will surely know them and cover them with your invisible curtain, weaving from faith, love and hope. Aja mother's word is holy!

It's simpler
I want to give you children:
Sim'ya - tse holy,
The best in the world.

You take care
Yak bi was not folded,
Be patient
І compromises also.

I inspire in other speeches
Understand one by one,
So that there was no super spicy liquid,
Act wisely.

Kokhannya own great
Drink and save.
І smut, what am I checking,
Grant me grandchildren.

Chocolates and kviti -
We have passed the second stage.
Vіdnosiny swirled
I gathered at the family.

We want to help you
Live together, do not hesitate.
So that one with one did not weld,
There were no problems.

Let the problems do not lie,
Tilki feel a little zmіtsnyuyut.
live happily ever after
And save one!

I take you, dear children, with your joys, with the holy laying of the mother's ties. I promise you, dear ones, to hold hands all your life and start fighting one about one. Let your family life be kind and prosperous, happy and beautiful, let your love be smart to go through all life experiences and save your great strength.

Dovgoochіkuvany day come,
Anu guests all at the table!
Radium naming, flower named,
Be happy together!
І accept from the mood
Look at mami's bath!
Happiness, let it be without bounds,
And love will not be lower,
Respect one one
Understand and forgive
Help and appreciate
Strongly - strongly protect.
It's loud to shout everything,
Well, I already check onukiv!

What day are you making friends.
Me for the joy, one for one for happiness.
What will be wrong with life,
Don't care what's wrong.

It is necessary to accept vdyachnistyu,
I garne, and bad luck.
The value of life cannot be understood,
The one who brings joy and does not cry.

І for your super girls
You do not give respect.
Love one, love one,
I often one of one farewell!

Dear children, I fly
We are light, we are kind in the afternoon.
I live in love until old age,
Be in the bіdі and in the joy of the two!

Weasel, tenderness, simply rozuminnya
I will be with you the skin of the year.
Let the sound of love sound,
Bringing you happiness shoraza!

Let more God give patience,
Be wise and kind people.
Let's get around the dash, shock,
Tsiliy Rik sing you nightingales!

Mother's my order
At the cheerful fun,
We sound sweet
Be the best.

Children! Liquorice to you Share,
Happiness unskinned,
So that you lived together,
The one with eternal love.

Schob without welding and without worries,
With lower and caress
They were a family pobut,
They lived like a Kazakh.

Today is the day of love reminders.
Your souls are united today.
I tell you, dear children,
I will give you a good cup.

I am a mother, and I bless!
I bless you life without bіd,
I will help you, I promise you
I can give you joy.

I bless grace and prosperity,
Patience, support, children to you.
Live peacefully, licorice,
Share all the dreams navpіl.

Take care of mami,
On the day of fun, I wish you good,
About the whole day they dreamed like that for a long time,
I axis came a miracle time,
You exchanged coins and in the registry office
They said "Yes!" with a smile one to one,
I wish you patience, prosperity,
Kokhannya, warm squads and squads!

Young people, God bless you,
Union so that your evil does not strike anyone
I have a day of fun, let me drink
All your life is grіє, and without zayvih slіv
If there is a conflict, it’s easy to make it clear,
Brighten up your days with happiness
I believe that rock is less stronger
Everyone became a little more cheerful
I lived shob holy - leather day shob bov,
Calm at the house
І without a bar, children, for fun laughter
Sounding at the booth, let the check on you succeed!

I wish you the majestic ocean,
You bathed at the radio mitts,
Let love take you, like a talisman,
I believe that your dreams have been called!

Let the gift of life sleep warmly,
I pray for harmony stosunkiv!
Hai budinok by your side to bypass evil,
So that your life will not be hvilyuvan!

At the hot stream spring urochistnosti I pay special attention to the care of mothers. At this urochisty, the noise of merry people at the holy spring table is being locked so that young people can feel the parting words from the very close people. Who, if not won, know the best and most important help in order to reinforce the importance of podії, what is expected. Who, if not won, to hang their schiru joy for the newly cleared tract. Mom's spring hospitality to sound love, kindness, that tears of happiness.

Tilki їy vіdі vіdі all trembling naії її chіdіnі її її schaslivu schaslivu family life. Talking about your blessing, you will sound your own joy, your youth and your hopes for future friendship happiness. From the height of your knowledge, a woman can give wise advice to a young couple, as more than once they are guessed by the prostration of their long and happy sleepy life.

Spring farewell words from mami

Vitaemo naming
I give such a joy:
Live together in kohanni and happiness
I do not know negarazdіv ta bіd!
Honor, appreciate one of one,
Never forget
(Navit how it will be tight),
Kiss and hug!

Tse vesіllya gave
World new family,
Two hands z'ednala,
Gave one call.
Your mother is living
You are today in the soul
I, obviously, bazhaє,
Sob children were born.
Huge smіh i blіt nіzhok
What can be more beautiful?
Well, mom will help you
Bude babysit come.