Sochasnі zasobi rororobki programs. Features of the distribution of software agents

For the optimal development of the software environment, it is necessary to combine different programs, so that the skin from them directs them to achieve the goals of the task. Like, for example, a bunch of PHP commands allow you to create a whole Web-side, but in practice, you can start the script together with HTML, and sound the script text to avenge a large number of rows. Ale, don't be surprised at the price, you should note that PHP code can be found in any part of the HTML document, the protein is not necessarily responsible for hacking HTML. It is more necessary to ensure that the PHP code is converted to the correct HTML code, which will be correctly displayed by the Web browser.

HTML is a hypertext language of markup, as a challenge for creating documents on the Internet. Behind the help of the new, the necessary structure is being created, that grid of the side, the old look like a far-reaching CSS and JavaScript. At the moment, the remaining version is HTML5, which is an overhaul of HTML4.01. More Web-resources based on the language of the movie.

On the HTML 4 view, which has 3 validators, HTML 5 has only one validator:. HTML 5 supports MathML and SVG.

New tags: section, article, aside, hgroup, header, footer, nav, dialog, figure, video, audio, source, embed to embed content with plugin(s), mark, progress, meter, time, ruby, rt, rp , canvas, command, details, datalist, keygen, output.

New input types: tel, search, url, email, datetime, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, range, color.

New attributes for tags: ping media attributes for a and area just.

There are some tags that can be replaced by CSS: basefont, big, center, font, s, strike, tt, u.

Formation of frames through a negative injection on the whole side

The existing tags, which were replaced in the updates of the specification, are more relevant: acronym(abbr tag), applet(object tag), isindex, dir.

Some attributes of tags are not supported due to the following requirements: rev і charset і link і a, shape і coords u a thinly.

Some attributes of tags are not supported through those that, when using custom CSS, the best effect is achieved: align for all tags, alink, link, text, vlink for body and so on.

New API: drawing 2D images from a real hour; control over the processing of media files; collecting data from the browser; editing; drag-and-drop; work from a mesh; MIME new elements in the DOM.

CSS is a formal language description of a good-looking document written for the help of a language markup. CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is the style code that defines the rendering of HTML documents. For example, CSS works with fonts, colors, margins, rows, height, width, background images, positioning of elements and other speeches. HTML can be used to design Web sites, but CSS is more powerful and precise. CSS for today is supported by all browsers.

HTML is written for structuring in place of the side. CSS is twisted to format this structured one in place. With the development of the Web, designers began to explore the possibility of formatting online documents. In order to please the needs of the helpers, browser makers (such as Netscape and Microsoft) found new HTML tags, such as, for example, , as if they looked like the original HTML tags, that the stench showed a real look, but not a structure. It also led to the fact that the original structural tags, such as

, have become more stagnant for the design of the sides; replace the structure of the text; , supported by only one browser "You need browser X to review your side" - such a video has become a prominent phenomenon on Web sites.

CSS was created to improve the situation by giving web designers the ability to accurately design, as supported by all browsers. At the same time, I filed the submission of the document, which signifi- cantly asked the robot.

The advent of CSS has revolutionized the Web design world. Specific CSS perks:

Managing multiple documents for an additional one style sheet;

Precise control over the outer look of the sides;

Different notices for different information carriers (screen, friend, skinny);

Folding that tehnіka opratsovana design.

Іsnuyuvat ways to inject CSS rules to an HTML document.

Method 1: Inline/In-line (style attribute). CSS can be hung up to HTML with the help of the HTML style attribute. The red color for the background can be set like this:


This is a red page

Method 2: Internal (style tag). Another way to insert CSS codes - HTML tag