Wimogi currency control. How to transfer pennies across the cordon to a physical person - ways to transfer them across the cordon to cryptocurrencies

PROCEDURE FOR FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSFERS FROM THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND TO THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION WITHOUT OPENING CURRENT CURRENCY ACCOUNTS PROCEDURE CENTRAL BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION August 27, 1997 N 508 (E) 1. "Порядком здійснення переказів іноземної валюти з Російської Федерації та до Російської Федерації без відкриття поточних валютних рахунків" (далі за текстом "Порядок") встановлюються правила здійснення переказів в іноземній валюті без відкриття поточних валютних рахунків в уповноважених банках за дорученням фізичних осіб (резидентів ) and non-residents) from the Russian Federation, as well as the withdrawal by individuals (residents and non-residents) from the Russian Federation of foreign currency, translated into their value due to the cordon. The procedure is not extended to individual enterprises (residents and non-residents). Individual transfers of transfers of foreign currency from the Russian Federation and transfers of transfers of foreign currencies to the Russian Federation are only possible before the currency legislation through the flow of foreign exchange accounts, credits in upgrading banks. Порядок не поширюється на перекази фізичними особами іноземної валюти з Російської Федерації та отримання фізичними особами іноземної валюти, переведеної до Російської Федерації, якщо зазначені перекази, пов'язані зі здійсненням підприємницької діяльності, інвестиційної діяльності чи придбанням прав на нерухомість. The transfer from the Russian Federation and the transfer to the Russian Federation of foreign currency is subject to the Order through the transactional extension of the upgraded bank (name of the upgraded bank) (given behind the text "update bank"). 2. Transferredennya curi of the federal federal federal federal tumor of transferred to Rosіyska to the federal federation of the federal special (yogo representer) under the pre -navigan document, the navigan без громадянства) , якщо вони постійно проживають на території Російської Федерації, посвідчення особи військовослужбовця або військовий квиток для військовослужбовців Російської Федерації), подання доручення (заяви), інших документів у випадках, встановлених Порядком, а також довіреності при здійсненні або отриманні перекладу представником. 3. In the application for the transfer from the Russian Federation and the transfer of foreign currency transferred to the Russian Federation, the following are due: - name, name, according to the father, a document certifying the person (number, series, kim and if seen) of the payer ( transferred from the Russian Federation)); - a name, name, according to the father’s address and the address of the payment, a document certifying the person (number, series, name and number of sights) paying the payment (when transferred to the Russian Federation); - the sum of the order and the meta will be transferred in accordance with the Order; - date and signature of a physical individual. Under the guide (declared) to the translated federal federal federal federals, the federal federal federal curiosh of the federal federation is a special to rush the recording, the pyadfrika, the obligation of the fuel, is іz zdіysnennyam pіdpriєmnitskoї ї іyalnostі")). 4. When submitting physical special documents, which do not give the necessary documents to the bank, and also when submitting the necessary documents, the bank does not issue a transfer (exchange) of foreign currency. 5. Foreign currency, transferred to the Russian Federation at the expense of the minds, transferred by the Procedure, can be upgraded by the bank: a) seen by the bank; b) it is insured for the current currency account of the loan officer, credited to the approved bank. 6. In the event of transferring foreign currency upgrades, the bank shall provide a depository deposit, f. In case of tsomu in the division "Removed by the client" at row 7 "Amount (in words)" of the additional letter f. At the time of transferring foreign currency to the Russian Federation by a representative of a physical person, the completion f.0406007 is submitted to him in accordance with the procedure established by regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia. 7. Foreign currency, transferred to the Russian Federation, secured by the bank on the balance sheet 071 "Unpaid transfers due to the cordon". При неможливості виплати переказу у зв'язку з відсутністю платіжної інструкції банку-кореспондента або у зв'язку з неявкою переказоодержувача, іноземна валюта, переведена до Російської Федерації, повертається уповноваженим банком банку-нерезиденту після 6 місяців з дати зарахування іноземної валюти на балансовий рахунок 071 Z-z-kardona. "II. Transfer of the Earth Valyuti to Rosiyskoi federals in Rosіyska federal tunesion і to the cerebral of the fіzichiye-nerezigiv 8. Gotivkova іnozemannaya currency is possible. 9. at a time, as a non-resident earlier: a) having transferred foreign currency to the Russian Federation; b) having borrowed foreign currency from its in-line currency exchange, entered into an approved bank; Russia; p) importation of prepared foreign currency under the provisions of the international law the authorities of the Russian Federation; bud) by withdrawing foreign currency from the sale of payment documents in foreign currency to an approved bank in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank of Russia. 10. If you have converted a ready-made foreign currency to an upgraded bank, you may submit one of the following documents: a) finalizing f. subparagraphs) "a", "b", "c", "e" of paragraph 9 of the Order); b) registration by the competent authority of a document confirming the importation by a physical special non-resident of a prepared foreign currency (in the case specified in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 9 of the Procedure). The transfer of foreign currency from the Russian Federation is required up to paragraph 9 of the Procedure, within the limits of the sums designated in the document issued by the parliamentary authority, which confirms the importation by a physical special non-resident of the prepared foreign currency, or f.04.060 III. TRANSFER OF FOREIGN CURRENCY TO THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR THE FAVOR OF INDIVIDUALS-RESIDENTS AND FROM THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE INSTRUCTION OF INDIVIDUALS-RESIDENTS a special resident in his own name; - by a non-resident on behalf of a resident individual; - a physical resident individual on behalf of another physical resident individual. 12. При отриманні фізичною особою переведеної в Російську Федерацію іноземної валюти, не пов'язаної із провадженням підприємницької діяльності, а також інвестиційної діяльності або придбанням прав на нерухоме майно, у заяві на отримання іноземної валюти має бути зазначено підставу переказу (дарування, погашення боргу за position agreement, etc.). Although, prior to legislation, the legality is required in a written form, then in case of withdrawal of a physical special transfer of foreign currency to the Russian Federation for an additional supplement, prior to the application for the withdrawal of foreign currency, it may be necessary to submit official documents. 13. FISICHNI SPECIAL-SIDENTS IN PART 6 StATTI 6 Law of the Federal District Federal Property District ”About the currency regulatory control of“ I am the right to cross, Vyvision I transplanted, I was sent to the Migodena to the Rosiyachi, federal federal assigned to the declaration of another document confirming the transfer, importation or transfer of foreign currency to the Russian Federation. Subject to point 4 paragraph "d" of article XXX of the Articles of the International Monetary Fund, a resident individual may have the right to cancel the sum of private transfers on a daily basis. Such a transfer is not guilty of buti po'yazany іz provadzhennyam pіdpriєmnitskoї іyalnostі, as well as іnvestіtsіynoїї іyalnostі or pridbannyam rights on neruhome maino. This order cannot exceed 2000 US dollars or other foreign currency equivalent to this sum. For such a transfer, a physical person-resident submits to the approved bank a certificate f. Appointments can be ordered by a physical special resident no more than once for one operational day through an upgraded bank (name of the approved bank). 14. Transferennya of federal federal federation (otrimomannaya in Rosіyskiy federal) іnozemic currency on the tsili, pissing paragraphs 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 1.8, 1.9, 1.20 laying in the bank of the Russian Federation 24 KVITY 1996 N 39 "About the ZMINA of the Procedure for Rosiyskiysky View of the currency operations "(Zaretr. Miniystvo of the Justice of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Federals Autonomous Okrug 16th injury, register N 1087), can be a health -like bank without a fluid currency rakhunk when filed with a fuel of the rod. 39 and documents, referred to by paragraph 3 of the Order. IV. PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE BANK. TERMS OF COLLECTION OF DOCUMENTS 15. Trusts, which rely on physical persons to cancel instructions, seen behind the cordon, are due to be drawn up in the prescribed manner. The trust, issued by the Russian Federation, is issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 16. Copies of documents that are submitted to the approved bank in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Procedure, may be certified in the prescribed manner. У випадках, встановлених Порядком, до уповноваженого банку повинні подаватися оригінали оформлених митними органами документів, що підтверджують ввезення фізичною особою готівкової іноземної валюти, довідок ф.0406007, оформлених у порядку, встановленому Банком Росії, що є підставою для вивезення готівкової іноземної валюти. 17. Translate the documents in Russian language, which are submitted according to the Order, may be certified in the established order. 18. Documents that are submitted by a physical person to an approved bank in the bank, transferred by the Order, are placed until the cash documents of the day. In times, as for example, orders to be of a systematic nature (at least once a month in one upgraded bank or one branch), then for a physical person, a "Dossier of transfers of foreign currency, which is issued without the approval of a streaming currency report" ) Досьє повинно мати номер і дату відкриття При скоєнні валютної операції в касові документи дня повинні поміщатися підготовлені та завірені уповноваженим банком копії документів, що є підставою для здійснення переказів іноземної валюти з Російської Федерації та отримання переведеної іноземної валюти до Російської Федерації фізичною особою. Files are collected from the submission of physical special documents 19. Documents submitted to the bank are liable to be collected from the bank for at least 5 years from the date of the order. 20. Upovnovazhenie banks goitre to conduct "Journal of the form of transfers in foreign currency, which is carried out without filing a flow of foreign exchange transactions" (followed by the text "Journal") for the form of supplement No. 1 to the Order. All operations are subject to language review in the Journal on the day of their operation. It is allowed to conduct the Journal in electronic form with the forthcoming 1,000,000 handouts and brochures. 21. Quarterly (not later than the 10th day of the month following the summer quarter) a bank (yogo filiya) shall submit to the territory the Bank of Russia for the amount of money for an upgraded bank (yogo filya) 2 to order. It was established by the Order that the zvіtnіst is superseded independently and okremo (independently from each other) by the upholding bank and the branch of the approved bank by the territorial establishment of the Bank of Russia for the money of their rebuying. 22. Quarterly (not later than the 20th day of the month following the summer quarter) the territorial government shall submit to the Bank of Russia information about the obligations made by residents and non-residents of foreign exchange transactions under the form of supplement No. 3 to the Order. VI. ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЬ ЗА ПОРУШЕННЯ ВИМОГ СПРАВЖНЬОГО ПОРЯДКУ 23. За відсутність обліку валютних операцій, ведення обліку валютних операцій з порушенням встановленого порядку, непредставлення або несвоєчасне подання інформації, передбаченої розділом V Порядку, уповноважений банк відповідно до пункту 2 та валютний контроль" несе відповідальність у вигляді штрафу в between the sums, if it was not insured, it was insured by an improper rank, or for which the call was not filed at the inserted line. Bank of Rosia at the non -revision order. Pervisty intercessor of Golovy Central Bank of Rosiyskoi Fedetzikh S.V. Aleksashenko Dodatok N 1 to the order to the bank of the Rosіїi VID 27 Serpnya 1997 r. N 508 Magazine Oblikykh Most -Earth Currencies, Nastyuvyuvyvy without Vidpovydanni N | translation | Direct translation code I put | Code | sum | | p/n | abo on the melancholy of which the transfer was made | 1 - to the Russian Federation | currency | translation | | |__________________________________________| 2 - from the Russian Federation | | | | | P. I.B. | The document that you want to see | | | | | | | specialty | | | | |_____|_______________|__________________________|_____________________________|________|__________| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |_____|_______________|__________________________|_____________________________|________|__________| Note: 1. In column 3, statements about the presentation of the document are required: name, number, name, and if seen. 2. At the graph, it is indicated: 1 - when transferring foreign currency because of the cordon to the cost of an individual, as if it were being transferred to the territory of the Russian Federation; 2 - with the conversion of foreign currency from the Russian Federation to the cost of an individual, as if he was moving beyond the borders of the Russian Federation. 3. In column 5, the currency code must be specified up to the Zagalno-Russian Currency Classifier OK 014-94, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia on December 26, 1994; 4. In column 6, the amount of the transfer is indicated in the same currency. Addendum N 2 to the Order of the Bank of Russia dated April 27, 1997 N 508 ____________________________________________________ | Code | Registration | Date of force | |__________________| number | sound | | SOATO | DKPO | | | |_________|_________|_________________|_______________| | | | | | |_________|_________|_________________|_______________| ZVIT about transfers of foreign currency, which were exchanged without acknowledgment of the in-line currency account for the ___________ quarter of 199__ r. Kim introduces himself to __________________________________________________ name of the approved bank (name) ____________________________________________________________________________ To whom he introduces himself. Head Office (National Bank) ________________________________________________ of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation s __________________________. ________________________________________________________________________ for thousands of units of the same type of currency _________________________________________________________________________ | Group name | Name of currency: | | foreign exchange transactions |___________________________________________________________| | | US dollar German mark ... | ... | ... | ... | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | Currency code: | 840 | 280 | ... | ... | ... | ... | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ... | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | | | Partition 1. Currency transactions carried out by the bank on behalf of the commission | | physical residences-residents of the Russian Federation |_________________________________________________________________________________| | 1.1. Translation | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | 1.2. Otrimannia | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | | | Section 2. Currency transactions carried out by the bank on behalf of the commission | | of physical persons-non-residents of the Russian Federation |_________________________________________________________________________________| | 2.1. Translation | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | 2. 2. Otrimannia | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| Kerivnik ___________________________ /П.І.Б./ (signature) Chief Accountant ______________________ /П.І.Б./ (signature) М.П. Isp. __________________________ tel.: _____________________ (P.I.B.) Addendum No. 3 to the Order of the Bank of Russia dated 27 September 1997 N 508 __________________________________________________________________ | Code | Kіlkіst | Date | |________________________________| banks (filial) | amendments | | territories | DKPO | Local | yaki filed a call | sound | | by SOATO | | code GU (NB) | | | |____________|______|______|_____________________|__________| | | | | | | |____________|______|______|_____________________|__________| ZVІDNIY ZVIT about transfers of foreign currency, skoєnih without vodkrittya in-line currency exchange for __________ square. 199__ r. Kim introduces himself to __________________________________________________ name of the Main Directorate (NB) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ____________________________________________________________________________ To whom he introduces himself. Central Bank of the Russian Federation. ________________________________________________ Department of Foreign Exchange Regulation and Foreign Exchange Control. ________________________________________________________________________ for thousands of units of the same type of currency _________________________________________________________________________ | Group name | Name of currency: | | foreign exchange transactions |___________________________________________________________| | | US dollar German mark ... | ... | ... | ... | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | Currency code: | 840 | 280 | . .. | ... | ... | ... | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ... | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | | | Section 1. Currency transactions carried out by the bank on behalf of the commission | | physical residences-residents of the Russian Federation |_________________________________________________________________________________| | 1.1. Translation | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | 1.2. Otrimannia | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | | | Section 2. Currency transactions carried out by the bank on behalf of the commission | | of physical persons-non-residents of the Russian Federation |_________________________________________________________________________________| | 2. 1. Translation | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| | 2.2. Otrimannia | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________|________________|_____|_____|_____|_____| Head of the Department (in charge) of currency regulation and currency control _____________________ /П.І.Б./ (signature) Іsp. __________________________ tel.: _____________________ (P.I.B.) 15.04.16 Penny transfer and payments

I am a resident of Krimu, and in connection with zastosovannym to Krimu sanctions, my company can not save me pennies (dollars) directly to Krimu. In order for my mother to be able to take away pennies, I opened a bank account at the bank of Moscow and my company overpaid me a day (less than 2000 US dollars) sum. When I opened my bank account, I requested a depository bank, which could transfer the currency from one bank account to another in another bank. I was told that it is possible. Now, if the pennies came up, I tried to transfer the currency to the account of the Crimean bank, de in me also opened the currency account. And I declare to the bank that the repayment of funds between residents in the borders of Russia in the currency of the fence. So, I will understand what is between the residents, but the transfer of costs from one of my accounts to another, not the cost of the settlements between residents. Let me know who is right here and how to get out of the situation in order to change the currency in Crimea.

Suggestion: Pratsіvnik bank, speaking to you about those that "rozrahunki between residents in the borders of Russia in the currency of the fence" just resorting to inaccurate speech, voicing the law, ale blame maє ration in the head - such a fence is effectively used. Obviously, it’s nasty, that you weren’t immediately ahead of the problem, as you, in my opinion, can be blamed. posed to the problem formally.

I will start from the explanation of the situation. Article 9, clause 1 of the Federal Law “On currency regulation and currency control” dated 10.12.2003 N 173-FZ explicitly states that currency transactions between residents of the fence. The same operation between residents.

The axis was laid down by law N 173-FZ dated December 10, 2003:

  1. Currency transactions between residents of the fenced, for the vine: (and then 21 points are redeemed from the vines themselves)
I’ll give you just two out of 21 points:
Article 9. Currency transactions between residents

Be okremi articles, an explanation of an abyss, yaki, the resident of the resident of the healthy okay, the okrug of their own currency rachins, the law is notable for the law, and the law of the currency is possible for the skewers of the blitches (yak vinters) at paragraph 1 of Art. nine.

The appointment of “operations between residents” is up to you, and in your opinion, it’s not possible to go in the same world, but there is no other way to designate operations between the same resident in the law. There is a clearly obvious gap in the number of sticking in the formulation, which you can, obviously, try to clarify through the Constitutional Court, but there is no other reason for that.

Therefore, in the situation, if direct transfers from abroad to the Crimea are subject to sanctions, the same American payment systems Visa and MasterCard, which are practiced in Russia, support the sectional regime, and the law of the defense of foreign exchange transfers between residents in the middle of the country’s currency, Crimean. The bank is becoming extremely problematic.

Now about those that can be contacted in your situation through your bank. There is only one variant of the legal solution to the problem of the unprepared transfer of currency from one bank account to another, it is impossible to tell which bank, and you already know how many wines are available to you and realistic.

Otzhe, the currency can be transferred to the territory of Russia on the currency market, which is your squad (like it’s won!), Batko chi mother, brother chi sister. Such a vinnyatok is enshrined by law and laid down in paragraph 17 (Article 9 of the Federal Law N 173-FZ of December 10, 2003r), which you can get, but I guess, the security of the resident-otrimuvacha, I guess, will need to be documented by the bank-manager. In addition, an obliging bank can also be an approved bank. Order zdіysnyuyutsya without obmezhennya for the bag.

The axis was written about this operation in the same article to the law N 173-ФЗ dated 12/10/2003, which I already pointed out:

Article 9. Currency transactions between residents

1. Currency transactions between residents of the fence, Crimea:
1) operations referred by subparagraphs "g" and "h" to paragraph 9 of part 1 of article 1, parts 2 - 4 of article 12, part 3 of article 14 of the Law;
17) Perekaziv by the FISICIARY - residents of the IN -Earth curiosity of the same Rahunkiv, Vidkritikh in worn -out banks, on the core of the fizichny Osіb - resident, yaki ї ї sizhi, and troops. grandma) ), reciprocal and incomparable (mayut of the sleeping father or mother) brothers and sisters, adoptions and adoptions), on rahunki appointed osib, vіdkritі in upovnovazhenih banks or in banks, roztashovannyh outside the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation;

Before the documents confirming the dispute of the resident-holder of the currency order, you can add:

  • Certificates, seen by the authorities of the registry of civil status (about the school, about the people, etc.) and a copy;

  • The decision to the court about the establishment of the fact of family or native marriages, about the adoption (adoption), the establishment of fatherhood and other.

  • Documents that zasvіdchuyut person, in є є records about children, friend that notarized copy;

  • Certificate of change of name and other documents, submitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

I’m sorry for the reason why a resident can transfer the currency of the squad or fathers and can’t transfer it to their own currency account, only to another bank? Unfortunately, I don’t know how to charge the bank (and I don’t know how the bank is charged). On the websites of a number of great banks, it is said that “Transfer coins in foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation to your accounts in upovnovazhenie banks in the territory of the Russian Federation without exchange”. Tobto can!
So you can try the move, fill out an application for a penny transfer, transfer it to the bank’s operational block for the transfer of the transfer and the removal of the official authority for enforcing the law, or the transfer of the money (making the payment). For the transfer of money from foreign currencies to your account, bank statements, cash withdrawals on the territory of the Russian Federation, I think it is necessary to submit only a roster document and your passport. Well, you can still add a confirmation to the Crimean Bank about the availability of your currency account from the assigned details.

You can also try to issue an unprepared currency order from a resident's account to a non-resident's account, but for those of your close friends, you may be a non-resident, who permanently lives in Crimea, and may be able to give you additional help. This is a problematic and negligent option, if you want to transfer the residents of the Russian Federation in case of a payment on the cost of a non-resident of the Russian Federation in foreign currency, you will be charged without obezheniya. І takі order can spend pіd financial monitoring.

In addition, in order to apply for a non-prepared transfer in foreign currency at the expense of a non-resident, the Bank submits an “Application for a penny transfer (inserted loan) with obov'yazkovym dotrimannyam advancing minds:

  • The payment document is marked with an identity card, whether the holder is a resident or a non-resident.

  • The field “Assigned to the payment” contains information that reflects the economic nature of the operation (material support, purchase of valuable papers). When specifying the type of payment, which requires the submission of obstructive documents, the number and date of such documents shall be indicated in the field “Assigned to payment”.

Prote banks pay a penny for the account of one client in the currency of Russia. For which part of Article 3 14 of the Federal Law of December 10, 2003 N 173-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) "On currency regulation and currency control" is suitable:
Article 14
3. Investigations in the event of foreign exchange transactions are established by individuals - residents through bank accounts in upgraded banks, the procedure for administering and conducting such transactions is established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, for the reason of upcoming foreign exchange operations, which are enforced by the Federal law:
1) transfers by a physical special person - by a resident of currency values ​​from gifts of the Russian Federation, to a subject of the Russian Federation and (or) to municipal education;
2) giving currency values ​​to a squad and close relatives;
3) requests for currency values ​​or withdrawal of them for the right to fall;
4) giving and receiving a physical special - by a resident with a method of collecting single penny signs and coins;
5) translated by the FISICAL - as a resident of the federal federal federal federal federation in Rosiyskiy federal federal special, resident reeds without Vidkrittya Rakhunkiv, heds to be in the established Central Bank of the Federal Procedure, Yaki Peremozha, and there was a passing over the souns;
6) purchase from an approved bank or sale to an approved bank with a physical special - a resident of a prepared foreign currency, exchange, change penny signs of a foreign power (a group of foreign powers), as well as a recipient for collection in banks outside the Russian Federation currency;
7) repayment of physical expenses - residents in foreign currencies in unlimited trade shops, as well as in case of sale of goods and services to physical persons - residents of high transport costs in international transportation;
8) rozrahunkiv, which are registered by physical persons - residents, up to part 6.1 of Article 12 of the Law;
9) переведення без відкриття банківського рахунку фізичною особою - резидентом на користь нерезидента на території Російської Федерації, отримання фізичною особою - резидентом переведення без відкриття банківського рахунку на території Російської Федерації від нерезидента, що здійснюються в установленому Центральним банком Російської Федерації порядку, який може передбачати відповідно lest obmezhennya sumi perekaz that sumi otrimannya perekazu.

Vrakhovuchi tsyu statyu, the bank and is guilty of carrying out your operations, but before you try to find better ways to transfer the currency, you will once again be honored with the practitioners of both banks. It is possible for the stench to chant you more pleasantly. Good luck with your robots with banks.

Actual nіn_ at rich food: how to transfer your pennies for the cordon? For example, near the edge of the EU, USA and Canada and in. What problems can be overcome and what are alternative options?

I realized that the great sums of preparation to carry with you through the cordon are risky, that problem with legalization can be blamed on the locality.

From the other side, with unprepared orders for the cordon and currency control in Russia, not everything is so easy, but ...

Yak zrobiti currency orders for the cordon?

Let's say that the rahunok at the zakordonny jar was already opened (which by itself is not so easy).

Let me guess that the main problem for the Russians in this hour is the fact that in order to transfer coins in foreign currency to the government’s foreign exchange account at a foreign bank, it follows from article 24 of the Federal Law “On currency regulation and currency control”, stink goiter ' yazanі povidomiti podatkovі organi pro vіdkrittya rakhunkіv beyond the borders of Russia.

After transferring the money from your bank account to a Russian bank, you can only deposit it by giving the bank a notice of a taxable visa about accepting it to the house (appearance).

Also, our state recently slandered about us more than once, taking a decision about those Russians voicing before the tax authorities about the cost of pennies on their foreign rahunki, sternly giving assurances (to that number and notarially) of the conclusions from foreign banks. Irrespective of those, in times of timchas and financial vitrati koshtuvatime, such a sound to the skin Russian hairdresser of a foreign rahunka.

Together s tim, vyhid є i dosit forgiveness.

Federal Law "On currency regulation and currency control" dated 10.12.2003 N 173-FZ exchange on currency banking transfers between rahunka friends and close relatives.

The sum of retellings with whom does not intervene, but for them it is necessary to submit documents confirming the dispute (for example, a copy of the certificate about the school or the certificate about the people).

Article 9. Currency transactions between residents
1. Currency transactions between residents of the fence, Crimea:

17) Perekaziv by the FISICIARY - residents of the IN -Earth curiosity of the same Rahunkiv, vidkritikh in worn -out banks, on the core of the Fizichny Osіb - resident, yaki ї ї sizhi, and troops. grandma) ), reciprocal and incomparable (mayut of the sleeping father or mother) brothers and sisters, adoptions and adoptions), on rahunki appointed osib, vіdkritі in upovnovazhenih banks or in banks, roztashovannyh outside the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 17 was approved by the Federal Law of 05.07.2007 N 127-FZ, as amended by the Federal Law of 02.07.2013 N 155-FZ)
via www.consultant.ru/popular/currency/47_2.html

The Bank of Russia having issued a list of necessary documents: the client may need a certificate of the passport about the school, a certificate about the birth of children or adoption, a certificate about the change of the name of Illich and about the establishment of the fatherhood, too.

Deyakі banks in such cases can ask dodatkovo (with the authority of the initiative for pіdstrahuvannya), krіm іnshih dokumentіv nadat, for example, a document about the gift, position or etc., yakі mayut buti signed by the owner of the koshtіv.

Thus, I summarize:

A man opened a rahunok at a Spanish bank. Calling the squad, dictating details. The druzhina went to the bank with a certificate of travel and transferred 200,000 dollars of their currency account to a person's account in Spain.

Blue window opened at the bank of the USA. Forwarding the details of mom by email. Mom went to the bank with the currency and that certificate about the people, put the currency on her account, and transferred pennies to the US account.

You don’t get it, why don’t you get haemorrhoids in these lancers? That's right, that mother's team did not go to tax - the stench is not the goiter of the law. Dali, I think, the head of thought and the sound of your mind.

During the last month, the popularity of foreign currency in Russia is no longer growing. And it’s not surprising, as practice has shown for the last 25 years, people who saved their stipend in dollars never had mercy once.

It’s true, the rest of the hour is a bit of a walk, that the movement of the dollar from Russia can be fenced. For the time being, there are no serious legislative initiatives. Before that, Russian President Volodymyr Putin said recently that there are no plans to strengthen the currency regulation.

Liberal course - tse, zvichano, good. But don’t forget that the official penny unit in Russia is still a ruble. Therefore, for operations with dollars and euros, there are deeds of exchange.

This article will examine the main provisions of legislation in the field of currency control, the rules for making payments between residents and non-residents, as well as the mechanism for setting currency transfers.

Currency control in the Russian Federation

The main regulatory legal act that regulates foreign exchange transactions, є Law of the Russian Federation No. 173-FZ dated December 10, 2003 "About currency regulation and currency control". Currency regulation authorities up to є Bank of Russia and Department of the Russian Federation. And the agents of currency control are banks, and professional participants in the market of valuable papers.

Most of the citizens may develop hostility, which in Russia is in danger of foreign exchange control. In fact, the most popular transactions with currency are the purchase and sale of dollars and euros, as well as the withdrawal of deposits in foreign currencies. In the first stage of the operation, the citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to operate without delimitation (paragraph 3 of Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 173):

However, if you want to work, whether it be unprepared transfers from the currency in the middle of the country or across the cordon, as if you are suddenly stuck with a great number of difficulties. Depending on you, it is necessary to submit different supporting documents, make a payment order in English, before that, check the exchange of allowable sums of transfers, before that, on such an operation, the bank will charge a serious commission.

The residency of the participants in the transfers depends on the possibility of making currency transfers. About those who are considered residents and non-residents, it is written in article 1 of federal law 173-FZ. In short, residents are citizens of the Russian Federation, who are individuals who live in the Russian Federation and are living on the basis of residence permits, and navit legal rights, created before, and, in the power, the Russian Federation itself with its own subjects and municipalities:

Control of currency transactions for residents of the Russian Federation

1 Currency transfers between residents of the fence.

Vinyatkom - transferring the currency to friends, close relatives (on a straight line or a lower line: fathers, children, onuks), brothers and sisters, adopters and adopters. Moreover, the boundary at the sum of such a retelling is not like at the borders of Russia, and beyond the cordon. You will only need to send a document to the bank confirming the dispute.

Residents can carry out other foreign exchange transactions. Truth be told, the stench is more important than the fringed stake of the osib, so we won’t be reporting on them. For example, it is allowed to operate, tied with rozrahunka in the shops of the non-stop trade; operations that transfer repayments and transfers of currency for the purpose of diplomatic activity; operations for the payment and/or the cost of waivers due from official trips outside the inter-territories only). You can read about similar vinjatki in article 9 of the law of the Russian Federation No. 173-ФЗ “On currency regulation and currency control” dated December 10, 2003.

2 You can transfer currency to your bank accounts (for example, on the territory of the Russian Federation, and also for international borders) without border crossings.

It’s true, if you transfer pennies to your rahunok abroad, you need to give the bank a tax return for the living quarters, about those who you told me about the presence of such a zakordonny rahunka.

3 Foreign exchange transactions between residents and non-residents are carried out without oblezheniya:

It is true, it is necessary to submit to the bank confirming or obstructive documents about the currency transactions to be carried out:

Prior to such documents, documents are entered, for example, for navchannya, rіznі agree, іnvoisi (document, the seller’s vision of the purchase and mіstify the main characteristics of the product, what is delivered, understand the delivery, etc.), as well as documents confirming the transfer of non-residence. Moreover, you will need to make a translation of these foreign documents in Russian language. In other words, you need to give the bank a statement for your order.

And now we report on the mechanism of currency transfers.

Currency order. Swift system

Currency transfers, by analogy with the ruble international bank, can also be charged without intermediary from an affiliated bank, and for additional Internet banking.

Truthfully, the commission for such a transfer from any time is rich, lower for a ruble bank order. It's not surprising. Whether it’s a currency order (as in the middle of the country, so for the cordon) go for the help of the swift system (swift) through correspondent banks (banks, on the banks of which our credit organizations save their currency without preparation. For example, by the correspondent bank of Tinkoff Bank for USD, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., NEW YORK, NY US, while Sberbank has a correspondent bank for EUR, DEUTSHE BANK AG, Frankfurt AM MAIN).

S.W.I.F.T. (SWIFT) is an international system that ensures the transfer of financial data for the transfer of orders. The skin bank of a participant in the SWIFT system has its own unique SWIFT number, which is necessary for the exchange of information. The SWIFT code can be composed of letters or letters and numbers. For example, SWIFT "Alpha Bank" looks like this: ALFARUMM.

You can find out about the SWIFT code of the bank directly in the bank itself or on its website. And also the SWIFT code of the bank can be looked at Website of the Russian National Association SWIFT. Sumi rekazіv, yakі can zdіysniti for help SWIFT, obmezhuyutsya only by the legislation of the skin specific region. The application for translation must be filled in English. The axis looks like a form for currency transfer online "Alfa Bank":

The interface of the Internet Bank is intuitively intelligent. The field “assigned to payment” may have a record that clearly reflects the essence of your operation, for example “For hotel accommodation” - “For hotel accommodation”; "Gift to a relative" - ​​"Gift in favor of relative"; "Transfer of own funds" (transfer of own funds) - "Transfer of own funds". The most popular translations and translations into English can be viewed directly in the Internet bank Alfa Bank "Alfa Click":

Variety of SWIFT translations, commission

With currency transfers, we respect the varto buti, it is important to specify what to enter before the bank-appointed payment for transferring the commission of correspondent banks. Always need to choose the tariff: "All the bills of the client-manager (OUR)". If you select the function “Comission for the bank account holder (BEN)” or “Forfeit the bank for the bank account holder, withhold other banks for the bank account holder (SHA)”, then it means that the correspondent banks will charge an additional commission for the transfer and as a result to the address didde less suma, lower you overpowered.

Call the sum of the commission to be paid at the expense of the sum of the sums assigned from the minimum and maximum sums.
A more handy sign with a commission rozmіrom You can take a look at one of the forums on the banki.ru portal for the hour of swift translation management online. For bank transfers, foreign exchange orders will be more expensive:

As you can see from the signs, for small transfers, the most important thing is to win Avangard Bank - a commission of 0.2%, a minimum of 15 EUR and a maximum of 150 EUR. And the axis for currency transfers of large sums needs to be paid by Rosbank (there the commission is 1.3%, then the upper boundary is 65 EUR).

The Avangard bank itself is most often victorious for the withdrawal of foreign currency loans from Tinkoff Bank (which gives a bonus of 1% when the deposit is replenished by an interbank order). .

If you need to change the currency of a specific person on a regular basis, you can issue a supplementary card to your currency debit card (for example, with Tinkoff Bank or Alfa Bank) and just give it to the one you are giving money to. There will be no commissions at this time.

It’s true, the bank can simply block the card, referring to the “dumbness of operations” or set such limits on resending that reloading of the card (under the Tinkoff Bank agreement, you can change the limits on the authority’s judgment at any hour), so it will be handy to use the card.

Currency order. Transfer systems Contact, Western Union

You can also send a foreign currency transfer across the cordon, using the system of international currency transfers (Western Union, MoneyGram, Contact). The main advantages of this method of overpowering pennies are the need for the bank account, as well as the security of the order.

It's true, the commission for such a service for a distant abroad will be higher (3%, I'll transfer it by the SWIFT system for the next hour). At the edge of the near abroad, currency transfer through Contact or Western Union will not be so expensive. Axis, for example, tariffs of the Contact system:

As can be seen from the tables, the rebate, admittedly, up to Georgia sums over 2000 dollars, at a cost of 0.5%.

The maximum amount of money transfer from Vkazivka Bank of Russia dated 30.03.2004 N 1412-U “On the establishment of the amount of money transfer by a physical person-resident of the Russian Federation without bank account authorization” to become 5000 USD (or equivalent) for a day:

Varto also signify, according to the Law “On the prevention of legalization (removal) of income, taken away by a malicious way, and financing of terrorism”, the bank can advise you on the conducted operation, referring to the rules of internal control (as if the stinks themselves are spreading), and so the credit organization is responsible for squeezing you out of your bank account. For details about the new version of the “anti-drive law” (the rest of the changes gained rank recently, 10/31/2015) read the article