Universities and institutes of Belarus. Establishment of enlightenment "Belarusian State Medical University

  • Region: Minsk region
  • population item::Minsk
  • Type of ultrasound: VNZ
  • Type of ultrasound: osvita
  • Addresses:

    220116, Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 83.

  • Phones:

    272-66-05, 272-61-96 (reception), 272-59-58 (reception commission)

  • URL: www.bsmu.by
  • Email: [email protected]

The Belarusian State Medical University is the supreme medical foundation of the Republic of Belarus, which has earned international authority and recognition.
The beginning of this history dates back to 1921, if it was announced about the speech of Belarusian state university, Before the warehouse of which at that time the Faculty of Medicine was included, which was seen in 1930 as an independent principal pledge.
On March 28, 2001, the Minsk State Medical Institute was renamed into the State Principal State Primary Mortgage “Belarusian State Medical University”.
At present, 6513 students, 68 graduate students and 286 students study at the university at 67 departments clinical resident. Of these, 808 foreign students and 74 foreign clinical residents.
The Belarusian State Medical University has 8 faculties: medical, pediatric, medical, stomatological, medical and preventive, medical faculty of foreign students, the faculty of pharmacy, the faculty of professional education and pre-university training.
The professorial and academic warehouse includes 888 lecturers, of which more than 64% are able to change their feet:
3 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus; 12 laureates of the State Prizes of the SRSR, BRSR and the Republic of Belarus;
12 Honors of the Children of Science of the BRMS (Republic of Belarus); 3 Honored Doctors of the BRMS (Republic of Belarus); 1 honors practitioner of the Republic of Belarus and 1 honors practitioner of the protection of health of the Republic of Belarus.
Over 350 specialists from clinical departments can find a new medical category.
One of the priority directions of activity of the Belarusian State Medical University is international development in the field of science and education. The basis of activity within the framework of international cooperation is:
the establishment and development of effective mutual partnership links with the leading primary and scientific foundations of the world, the preparation of rich programs of scientific education in the gallery of science, the enlightenment of culture; requesting to the university highly qualified foreign specialists for reading lectures, conducting consultations, scientific achievements, nadannya methodical help in a thorough system initial work at VNZ; development of propositions about the security of equivalence and recognition of documents about education; comprehensive consultation of patients with a diagnostic look, follow-up of medical operations. Promotion of the qualifications of graduate students of BDMU in partner universities and the completion of previous research projects, the completion of candidate and doctoral dissertations at clinical and laboratory bases of partner universities and foreign professors; vikladatsky and student exchanges.
Belarusian State Medical University is an associate member of the International Association of Graduates of the VNZ. Since 1990 the Belarusian State Medical University has become a member of the International Association of Higher Medical Education, the European Association medical universities(AMSE), sponsoring the All-World Organization for Health Protection, the All-World Association for the Protection of Creatures (WSPA), taking part in various international programs and projects (TEMPUS, TASIS and others).
Scientific achievements at BDMU are ranked within the framework of priority direct fundamental and applied scientific achievements, making an important contribution to the social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus. scientific robot over 800 candidates and scientific researchers are engaged.
The university is successfully training personnel for the most scientific qualifications. The middle school students and graduate students defend 3 doctoral and nearly 30 Ph.D. dissertations. There is an active student scientific partnership in the university. Let's speak with additional opinions at the meetings of the group, students hold a student scientific conference of the BDMU, for which they declare over 1000 additional contributions, take part in conferences in other medical universities and submit robots to the Republican survey competition. Traditionally, I take the part of the university at the competition large number robit against other medical universities.

MINSK MEDICAL INSTITUTE Ministry of Health of the Belarusian RSR. Utvoreniya 1921 r. yak honey. faculty of Belorussky holding un-tu. In 1930 seen in independent honey. in-t.

The attack of the German-fascist zagarbniks and the Timchas occupation of Belarus interrupted the activity of the institute. In 1943 p. Minsk honey. іn-t having renewed his work at Yaroslavl, and Zhovtnі 1944 r. turning back to Minsk. Until the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the in-tu 1971. vin awards with the Order of the Red Prapor of Labor.

In іn-ti 4 f-ti: likuvalny, stomatological (since 1960), sanitary and hygienic and pediatric (offended from 1964). Scholarship admission of students 800 osib. Since 1969, preparations have been made for the number of listeners of 100 people. Trainers are being trained from the lands of Asia, Africa, Latin America and others. Until 1979 In-volume prepared over 20 thousand. doctors

Student education is carried out at 53 departments; There are 470 professors and clerks, including 48 professors and doctors of sciences and 273 candidates of sciences (as of January 1, 1979). Sered vikladachiv іn-that acad. Academy of Sciences of the BSSR N. Y. Savchenko, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the BSSR T. V. Birich, G. I. Sidorenko and Corresponding Member. Academy of Medical Sciences of the SRSR M. S. Misyuk, Six Honored Children of Science of the BRSR.

Іn-t may have 4 main buildings. Є central scientific research laboratory, organized in 1962. Library 500 thousand friends alone. Yak base for a wedge, departments vikoristovuyutsya m_sk_ b-qi z l_zhkovy fund of sv. 5 thousand care, polyclinics, SES, dispensaries, women's consultations and others.

The most important scientific problems, over which they practice vcheni іn-tu, є so: the birth of multiple congenital vad people in ontogenesis; homeostasis in purulent surgical infection in children; development and implementation of the program of infusion therapy for purulent-septic diseases; development of methods for increasing resistance to ischemia of transplanted cadaveric brunch; diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation in case of collagen diseases; hron, nonspecific and specific disease of the leg, rehabilitation of ailments with legenevy pathology; complex treatment of ailments due to lack of blood supply; mechanisms of natural and natural immunity in acute and chronic diseases, infections, neurohumoral mechanisms of neurotropic diseases; cybernetic methods of diagnostics and biofeedback. For the first time, the institute established a center for transplantation of nirka in the republic; rozrobleno and provadzheno apparatus for assessing the viability of canned nirk. Also, medical and genetic counseling is organized more firmly in the republic.

For a cycle of work on the development of collateral innervation, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR D.M. was awarded the Sovereign Prize of the SRSR. For 1971 - 1978 36 monographs, 18 collections of scientific works have been seen by specialists in science.

Bibliography: Klyucharov A. A. and Shishko E. I. Minsk State Medical Institute, Minsk, 1967; W i w k o Є.І. Development and activity of the Minsk State Medical Institute (1921-1971), Minsk, 1971.

A. A. Klyucharov.