Right for hands without dumbbells: pragnemo ideal forms. The right fit for slimming hands

Be it a girl, you want to feel like a lower and trendy card, created with an ideal sound and a rich inner light. And just as for the perfection of non-material essence, the concentration of spiritual forces is needed, then for the enchantment of the natural rices, it is possible to improve physically.

Bulo would be miraculous, yakby zayvі kilograms, which stuck to the stomach and stegon for a long winter, could be thrown off so easily, like a warm robe, scho nabrid. And to give firmness to the stomach and to the seats, to turn the relief of sagging arms, they can help more regularly and actively engage in sports while eating the right food. And if you didn’t succeed in getting elementary exercises, then don’t rely on the success of nutrition in a short term.

How to do it right

It is too great an ambition not to bring you close to the point at one time, and the consequences can be deplorable. Bіl m'yazakh not only not allow you to continue busy - you can hardly change your head. To that, only the steps of increasing the vanity, moving from simple to collapsible allow you to spend it with minimal expenses. In order to achieve the best results, the ambition can be reduced, rightly systematic, even if one support for the mother of an athletic figure is not enough.

Even better, as for the inspiration of your thoughts, you will win the service of the fitness club. At the sports mortgage, better for everything, you will master the programs of the mind of the whole body, including the number of hands. If you are more turbulent by the camp of your own fronts, lower by the camp of other parts of the body, do not forget to tell the instructor about you. Vіn rozrobivat you special right, directing itself to the improvement of these problem areas.

As for the sports club, you don’t have enough strength, if only one hour, you can reach the necessary effect on your own, the roblyachs are right at home. To start busy is by no means bad, it’s better to get ahead of yourself for a positive result. In addition, for such rights, folding sports equipment is not needed. The back can be done without dumbbells. Don't overdo it in training. Before that, as soon as possible, kindly warm up all the body, including the mud of the hands.

Complex of rights for hands

  • The most effective right for hands without dumbbells - tse vіdzhimannya. For those who haven’t been busy for a long time, it’s better to start off not in the wake of the logs, but in the sofa, or in the wake of the lift. With a single, unguarded mind, such a right can be suddenly lowered that lowering of the whole coat, and not just one or two parts. For clarity, sound the rahunok: one - lowered, two - raised. Repeat 5-6 times, eventually increase the number of repetitions to 10;
  • Sit on the table, spiraling with your arms on the seat. Tighten the triceps, it is enough for the muscles to lift the torso over the style. Let's turn around properly at the exit position. Do not forget to trim your shoulders in a lowered position. Get close to 20 repetitions. Tsya has the right to be as efficient as possible for the minimum speed and її vikonannya;
  • Stand up straight, open your arms, feet shoulder-width apart. Without bending the lines, paint with your hands the appearance of the stake - one strand on the skin side;
  • Stand up as crustaceans, placing your hands parallel to your shoulders, turn your fingers to the opposite sides. Reach for the bending of your hands so that the chest cage sticks out. Trimati straight on your back. Turn around at the exit position. Repeat right less than 8 times;
  • Lying on your stomach, open your legs. Follow along, so that the quilts will be strongly pressed to the fold. Bring respect to the valley. Straight fingers can be straight ahead. Raise the upper part of the toelub so that the arms straighten up. Fix the position for a few seconds, then turn around at the exit position. Repeat 8 times;
  • Even lighter, but more effective for the hands, you can pick up a sprat once a day. Sitting in the position of the Turkish Sultan, straighten your shoulders and fold your hands prayerfully in front of you. Follow, schob kut zginu lіktіv buv straight. Properly begin to press the arms between yourself, freeze at the maximum pressure point for 15-30 seconds. Relax your heart and repeat right back. For the hour of repentance, do not omit the lectures. Earn less than 4-5 approaches. Already for a sprat of tizhniv, you don’t only see the mud of your hands, but your breasts. For versatility, hands can also be clasped on the equal of the abdomen or above the head;
  • Outside camp - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. The corps is at the troch to a well-groomed stan. The arms are crossed in front of us, the arms are alternately turned uphill and down. Start 20-30 repetitions. Those themselves can be robiti without nakhil, crossing their arms over their heads. Don't forget to wrap the arms in different sides. If you have the right to energetically shake your hands;
  • The body of the troch of wounds is forward, the legs are bent in knees, the fingers are clenched into fists, drawn in front of them. Z visible zusillyam to bring hands back, then sharply turn to the outside position. Under the right hour, you can bend your fingers, wrap your fists. Repeat 10 times for the skin arm;
  • Standing straight, raise your hands to the level of your shoulders, palms forward. For Zusillam, lower the front of the head down - the palms of wonder back. More than 10 visits. Look, if the tension of my biceps is strong, do not relax. Keep the skin dry for a few seconds. If you have the right to relax your hands, then be afraid.

It’s right for hands to take away a little time, the stench is simple and not to waste big zusil. Beating them fast, you will become a hero of garnih biceps and embossed triceps. It is an insipid form to allow with pride to demonstrate the subtlety of smooth lines and the sexuality of bends. Vidkriti summer cloths and brightly worn sundresses will become your faithful companions for the whole summer, creating a Christmas mood and a fun, turbo-free atmosphere for a long time.

Reading hour: 10 min

I've been releasing a DVD with fitness programs, Mike also runs his own youtube channel, where he regularly uploads new videos. Good price high-intensity interval training, In which they promote a serious desire for all groups of m'yaziv. Such programs will help you to efficiently burn calories, slow down your metabolism and shape your body.

We offer you 10 workouts like Mike Donavanik, which will be practiced without cost on the yoga youtube channel. Persh nizh go to look around to take, rozpovimo about salient features of these videos:

  • All programs are built around the body without additional inventory.
  • Tse, yakі include intensive pliometric, aerobic and strength right.
  • The programs are more shocking and suitable for people without problems from the snow.
  • Videos are played without a timer and other additional information.
  • Acting video with a mix of four segments and other trainings by Mike Donavanik
  • Practically all activities are carried out without warm-ups and tricks.

Remember that training is necessary start with a draw, and finish with a stretch. Tse not only dopomozhe niknuti injuries, but yakіsno to carry out employment. Most of the presentations of video warm-ups and tricks are not clear, watch them all:


Training by Mike Donavanik can now be found only on his official website for a subscription: https://www.mikedfitness.com/ The video has been removed from the youtube channel.

10 trainings without equipment like Mike Donavanik

1. 15 Minute Lower Body HIIT Workout: Strong Sexy Legs

Tipova Plyometric training with intensive rights for m'yazіv nіg that day. The program includes 4 repetition rounds of the right with a focus on the lower part of the body. You are checked for zvichayny sidanya, svyadnya z postribuvannya, static pridannya, vypadi, vypadi z vystribuvannyam, position of the runner. Ideal for spitting fat and springy m'yazіv stegon and bed. Trivaє 15 khvilin.

2. 18 Quilin The Hardest Bodyweight Workout Ever

The price of intensive 18-hvilinne training with the vagary of the upper body includes 5 rounds out of 5 right skin round: Bad Bitch Pushups (right & left), Jumping Lunges, Jump Squats, Burpees. The skin is rightly beaten in 10 repetitions. Between rounds you check for a small break, but all 18 minutes you will work on your strengths.

3. 20 Minute Sexy Legs, Slim Thighs & Perky Butt Workout

One more training session for this day with Mike Donavanik, and then with more diverse rights. Crimium of plyometric (stribkovy) ambition to check on you is right for balance, diagonal and classic vipadi, pidyomi nig, mistok. The program is less intense behind the pace, lower in front, but even more so effective. Trivaє 20 quills. Give respect to Mike Donavanik's T-shirt in this video, as a reminder to us that the day is not even an important day.

4. 20 Minute Bodyweight Bootcamp: Abs Workout - Max Calorie Burn

Tse VІІT-training is also three times 20 whilins, but in this video main focus of ide on m'yazi bark. In the first half of the occupation, plyometric right checks on you, in which brother the m'yazovy corset is active: skelelas, horizontal big, burpee + superman, big in the position of the table, under the knee to the body. The other half of the time is to go to the kilimka and turn on the right for the black mud.

5. 30 Minute Explosive Tabata HIIT Workout Mashup

This is an intensive tabata-training for 26 minutes, at the hour of which you are unlikely to be able to take a breath. The program follows the standard tabati principle : 20 seconds is possible - 10 seconds is possible. This is a video with a mix of three different programs by Mike Donavanik, leather and rubber segment, of which they are repeated 2 times. It is right for you to check burpees, streaks in flats, vіdzhimannya, horizontal big, big with high raised knees, vipadi in stribs. There will be no great diversity of right, prote training will be hotter.

6. 30 Bodyweight Workout #FBLiveCalorieBurn

For speed and speed, one of the most accessible programs in my choice, prote check you richly functional and power rights. Mike Donavanik preaches vigilance, squatting, turning vіdzhimannya, tumbleweeds, as if your m'yazi burns. Burpee and plyometric haircuts will add a fat-burning pace, so in the end of the 35-minute occupation you will translate the breath.

7. 30 Minute Brutal Bodyweight HIIT Workout

This program is a classic version of high-intensity training for the whole body. You are being checked Shvidkіsne busy without any aerobic and pliometric rights practically in non-stop mode. In the rest of the program, Mike Donavanik prepared a small gift for you: an intensive segment of tabati 30 Minute Explosive Tabata HIIT Workout Mashup).

8. 30 Minute Brutal Bodyweight HIIT Workout You Can Do Anywhere

This is another variant of the brutal pivgodinny VIIT-training with the upper body. Won mix of segments from three other videos of Mike, moreover, one of the segments of the captures is better described by the program The Hardest Bodyweight Workout Ever. Vіdzhimannya, burpees, planks, haircuts, squats, vipadis - all in the best traditions of Mike Donavanik's programs.

9. 60 minutes HIIT Cardio and Abs Workout Fat Burning

One more training, like a compilation of other videos by Mike Donavanik. The program follows the interval principle: you are checked drawing cardio-segments and right on the bottom for the core. The skin segment is trivaє approximately 10-15 whilins: you spalyuvatimete fat and zmіtsnyuvatimete m'azovy corset. This video has a warm-up, a trick.

10. 18 Minute Killer HIIT Jump Rope Cardio Strength Interval Workout

It is also suggested to you a bonus training, if the trochs do not fit into the given dobirka, the shards for them you will definitely need a skipping rope. Ale, the shards of you are also set with the vag of the body of the body, and the videos will be here more ancient. In addition, you can train without a rope, imitating haircuts through it.

One of the pre-payers pid cim video feed Mike Donavanik, What is better for losing weight big or yoga training with a skipping rope (because big you don’t fit). To which Mike responded: "I don't like walking. It's all that is necessary for a robot and practice for you! Now you think about those that you can cherubate ... in that! Keep things fun and challenging!" . (It’s not better and not worse. To lay everything down only to see what suits you more and what works for you! How do you like it (training with a skipping rope) more, less big ... work harder!)

And it’s just as loud as it sounds - there are no ineffective or ultra-effective types of training. Choose your occupation, which suits you, yakі suffocate and suffocate you. Go for eating, take care of your favorite programs, promote a healthy way of life and you will definitely reach your goal.

M'yazi hands - tse tі sami m'yazi, marveling at yaki, you can put on a wild sports uniform of a person. Stretching those embossed hands with a flare right without dumbbells to visually shatter the figure richly athletic and, for the results of various experiments, grafted in the eyes of the opposite state. I, navpaki, v'yali, too late, or thinner hands can strongly express an impression about a figure. Shaking the mud of our hands, we become not only strong, but beautiful.

M'yazi hands

A hand looking at the її numerical functions can do the work. A person's hand is made up of a number of vіddіlіv:

  • The shoulder girdle is the upper part of the tip, the area is attached to the tunic. The main m'yazom of the shoulder girdle is the deltoid m'yaz - the thorny sluggish m'yaz, which is located above the loam of the shoulder. M'yaz dosit great and folded z kіlkoh bunchіv. The main function is to raise the arms uphill, kill and lower down that yoga ruh at the shoulder pad.
  • The shoulder is the entire upper part of the arm, as it is ruffled between the shoulders and the elbows. The shoulder is represented by one brush, as well as two main groups of m'yazyv:
    • zginachі - tse m'yazi, yakі vіdpovіdat for zginannya hands at the elbow suglobі; the group is represented by a double-headed tongue (biceps), cranium-brachial and brachial;
    • rozginachі - tse tі m'yazi, yakі povіdat for razginannya hands; tse triceps (or trigolovy m'yaz) of the shoulder and elbow m'yaz;
  • Foreward - the whole area of ​​kintsivka from the ulnar to the carpal loom. The m'yazi in front of them are also subdivided into two groups: m'yazi, which bend the hand, and m'yazi, like її spread at the elbow and carpal loins.
  • Penzlik - the whole part of the hand, as it is folded from the wrist, p'yastya that fingers. For the hands of the fingers, those hands at the carpal loom give chotiri worm-like m'yazi hands.

In bodybuilding, the main emphasis is on developing the muscles of the shoulder and the shoulder girdle. M'yazi in front of an indirect rank develop under the hour of vikonanny right for front of shoulders. And the rozvinenі m'yazi penzl zabezpechuyu athlete mіtsny grip. It is especially important for street sports and in crossfit, in robots on horizontal bars, crossbeams, and with a wet bag.

Efficiently right for the exercise of hands without dumbbells at home minds

The complex is right without dumbbells and the barbells are right, so that they lift up and clean up the sagging m'yazіv mi vikoristovuєmo vlasnu vaga. Before them, one can see the lifting, lifting and breeding, or lifting the hands with the special elastic stitches.

Vіdzhimannya - tidy up and pull up the sagging muscles of the arms

Vіdzhimannya - tse one of the basic rights to the development of a variety of rich groups of m'yazіv. Particularly good for the back of the shoulder girdle, the shoulders that front.

Technics vikonanny vіdzhiman:

  1. The back rests at the exit position: the emphasis is lying down, the scarves are on the bottom, the legs are together, the arms are three times wider behind the shoulders, the arms rest on the line of the shoulder folds, the arms are straight, the body is straight.
  2. On the breath we lower the body to the fold, bending the hands at the elbows.
  3. Rise at the exit of the position on the video.
  4. I repeat, I will need a lot of times.

Vіdzhimannya zazvichay robljatsya 15-20 times for 2 or 3 times. Varto instill your ability, as well as the method of training. For the development of vitrivality, you can work more repetitions. As it is necessary to build up the m'yazov mass, it is possible to work less and less, but to wink at the vicarious dodatkovu vag.

Lifting the biceps and the back of the shoulder - lifting with a narrow grip

Pіdtyaguvannya - tse folding is right for those who are stuck. Although it is possible for a skin person to grow up, then training is not so easy and requires singing physical training.

Stretch delti, biceps, triceps, as well as improve the grip and stretch the hands and fingers. Pulling up with the narrowest grip is more important than the development of the two-headed shoulder, that is, the biceps.

Wiping technique:

  1. Out of the camp: hanging on the horizontal bar, hands behind the shoulders with a straight or back grip.
  2. From the outward position, it is possible to see the body uphill, bending the hands in the elbows, the docks of the boarding do not rise above the horizontal bar, but by the crossbar.
  3. We go down at the exit position.

Rise up in style, skilki go out, but try to make more shows.

Zvorotni vіdzhimannya vіd lavi

Zvorotni v_dzhimannya vіd lavi - tse one of the effective ways to exercise triceps without special sports equipment. For a vikonannya, you may need lava or a simple steel.

Wiping technique:

  1. Exterior position: with your back to the lava, spiraling on it with your hands, legs straight, resting your heels on the foot. The pelvis is on one level with lava, the hands are stashed with a tulub.
  2. On the breath, we bend our hands in the elbows, lowering the pelvis and body down the doti, until the shoulders become parallel to the knees. It is important not to spread the words of the kill, bringing them back.
  3. At the sight, we open our hands, turning at the outer camp.
  4. Robimo needs a lot of income.

The vikonan has the right to children as they please, diligently completing the vikonann technique. It is right to be risky for drifts, which is especially respectful for the technique of following the stitch.

Zvorotni vіdzhimannya spar 15-20 times, 2 or 3 times.


Tse more prosynuty riven vіdzhiman, scho problyayet delti and triceps. Krіm tsyogo, vіn good develops balance and mіtsnuє m'yazi bark.

Wiping technique:

Wiping technique:

  1. Pochatkove position: emphasis lying on straight arms. The legs are narrower than the shoulders, the body is straight. Chest, pelvis and legs should become a straight line.
  2. Smoothly rise, bending the tongue, then turn at the exit position.
  3. We turn the toulub ubik, we spiral on one hand, and we raise the mountain to the other. The corps is turned around at the side of the hand, as if it were put in such a rank, so that the position of the body was guessing the letter T.
  4. Smoothly turn at the exit position.

Right hand complex with dumbbells and elastic stitch

An indispensable helper for the treatment of m'yazyv hands є different tight fitting, the most popular of these are dumbbells.

Right with dumbbells allow you to effectively squeeze, build up and pump up the hands.

Standing French dumbbell press helps to develop strength not only for men, but also for women.

It is right to do good opratsovuє so m'yazi:

  • triceps;
  • delti;
  • m'yazi posterior surface frontal.

Technique of the correct vikonannya:

  1. Pochatkovo position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms, trochs bent at the elbows, lifted above the head and trim the dumbbell, squeezing it into the lock from the fingers.
  2. On the inhale, smoothly lower the dumbbell behind the head, bending the arms in the elbows and concentrate on the sensations in the triceps area. M'yaz can be noticeably stretched out.
  3. On the video, it is enough to lift the hands from the dumbbell at the outer position.
  4. We need to know the number of arrivals.

Also, marvel at the video of the muscle contraction and how to properly pull up the sagging m'yazi for the help of the French bench press.

Video: French dumbbell press

Bench press with dumbbells lying down

Basic right for my hands, back and chest. Helps to reach the relief of triceps and delta-like m'yazyv.

Wiping technique:

  1. Outside position: lying down with dumbbells in your hands. Brushes on the rіvnі breasts, lіktі ubіk.
  2. In vidikha we raise our hands with dumbbells uphill, straightening our lungs.
  3. In the breath, turn at the outer position.
  4. I repeat the necessary number of times.

The bending of hands at the faces

Simple, but even more effective for the right biceps repair. It is easy to win over at home minds.

Wiping technique:

  1. Outside position: sitting on a lava or stool, back straight, arms bent at the elbows, elbows pressed to the toe, hands on the chest. At the skin hand on the dumbbell.
  2. On the breath we spread our hands, lowering the dumbbells to the bottom.
  3. We raise our hands in vidihu, bending them at the elbows, at the post position.

It is right to win at 8–16 steps, the weight of the dumbbell is equal to the level of physical training and it sounds to become 3 kg and more.

Hammer lifting dumbbells

Tsya is right, with all its simplicity and accessibility, effectively pumping the biceps, forming a miraculous relief.

Wiping technique:

  1. Pochatkovo position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms pulled up in a tuluba, arms with dumbbells flared with inner sides to stegon. The back is straight;
  2. In vidikha, we bend our right hand in the elbow, lifting the dumbbell to the shoulder.
  3. On the inhale we lower the dumbbell back.
  4. We change our hands with hands, bending that lowering our left hand.
  5. I repeat the necessary number of times.

For the best effect, you need to work close to 10 repetitions per skin arm 2 or 3 times.

Hand separation at the side with an elastic stitch

Tsya is right to emphasize the presence of a special elastic stitch or an expander with handles. And those, th іnshe you can come to the sports shop, choose to lie down according to your ability to be like that. If you don’t know each other at home, but at the gym, on hikes, on the road, you can train for additional elastic stitches. This projectile is light, but effectively helps to remove the dirt from the shells of the support material (photo).

It is right with the rise of hands to kill the victim simply and directly to the development of biceps, deltoid m'yazyv and krill. Choose the riven for the tightness of the line carefully in terms of physical training.

Wiping technique:

  1. Pochatkovo position: standing, stitch under the legs, feet stand on it shoulder-width apart. Hands trim the line by the tips and lowered down.
  2. Podolayuchi opіr lines, in front of you pull straight arms uphill above your head through your sides.
  3. On the breath, we drop our hands down.

It is right to work 20-25 times for 2-3 times. As if you were a newcomer, and if you didn’t shake your hands earlier, then it’s better to do less repetition, close to 10-15, so that the m’yazi do not clog up on the coming day. Ale, with a stretch of 4-5, take the varto step by step to move the number of steps that repetition to the level.

In order to pump up your hands more efficiently and more effectively, it is necessary to follow the next recommendations:

  • The most important rule is to give the m'yazam a break, so that the stench will inspire it to grow. Tobto hands trenuёmo once a couple of days, for a day to wind once a day.
  • At the same time, we train regularly, without missing out on the possibility of any training.
  • It is important to practice thoughtfully, listening to the sights and suvoro dorimuyuchis the master of vikonnannya.
  • Do not forget to work the basic right, in order to improve the burning camp and the tone of the body.
  • The main focus of the work is not on the biceps, but on the triceps, since the whole world is bigger than the world. However, I do not want to forget about the two-headed m'yaz.
  • Pratsyuvati over a set of zagalnoy m'azovoy masi. Okremo pump up your hands for all the trouble not to go into it. It is necessary to practice over the body zagalom.

By following these recommendations, you can actually increase your strength and build a more athletic figure. You can train like at home, so at the gym. It is possible to add a hoarding as a sports discipline, which transfers the development of hands, for example, workout or swimming. Ale navіt yakscho vy don't burn the bazhannyam to delve into a new area of ​​sports, just pump up the mud of your hands with the right approach to the right discipline not in the warehouse of heavy practice.

The list of rights for hands is free, as you can visit at home. The skin has the right to take revenge on the report technique of vikonnannya with photos and video instructions, and also, for the sake of the coach, how to correctly vikonuvat right for the hands of home minds, so that you don’t mischief m'yazam and take the maximum effect.

Vіdzhimannya in the position on the hands is a functionally complex right, which develops the strength of the shoulder girdle and arms and, in fact, imitates the vertical press above the head.

Negative pull-up on the horizontal bar - it’s right for the “lift-up” to win for the training of athletes in the classic pull-up technique or to improve the results from them.

Vіdzhimannya vіd pіdlogi - borderline natural, functional movement, which strains the muscles of the whole body. However, in fitness, the leading rank is the training of chest and triceps exercises.

Lifting with an additional load is a more complicated version of traditional lifting without tightening, which is practiced by athletes, with the prospect of aiming at gaining weight or improving strength performance.

Larger folding version of the classic wigman. Vіdmіnno zmіtsnyuє kor tuluba and razvitiє chest m'yazi. Vimagatime to you the boundary concentration for saving the balance. Technics vikonanny Vihіdne pozit...

Pulling up with a wide grip on the head kindly develops great round mud, as well as the widest mud of the back. Effectively embeds on the brachial biceps, brachial and pleural effusions. The moment when...

Vіdzhimannya on the beams - can be seen as complex, functional ruhіv, the main participants of such trigolovі and chest m'yazi, as well as kіlka suglobіv.

Pulling up with a back grip is one of the variations in the basic right, which can be used to train the back (and the widest) and biceps. Vikonanny technique

A good physical form is not only a guarantee of health and longevity, but also of Danina's current way of life. However, on the way to the reach of success in fitness, the rich have a barrier: in the free hour, that lack of pennies. With similar problems, the skin is a fan of a healthy lifestyle. But there are no other options for effective fitness training, which does not depend on the provision of gyms with special facilities. You can pick up the complex right to borrow from the apartment, on the subway, take a break for an hour on the job.

Vlasna vaga pіd hour vykonannya fitness-right to play the role of supplementary tightness, effectively navantazhuyuchi m'yazi. Obviously, the presence of a horizontal bar, a dumbbell, a kettlebell or a barbell makes home fitness more intense. Vikoristannya close-fitting for an hour of training always gives a good result. Ale, with a vlasnoy vagoy, may have low obvious pluses:

  • it is not necessary to provide expensive fitness training, or to buy special exercise equipment;
  • you can do fitness at any good hour and in any place;
  • so you have the right to step by step turn on all the groups of m'yaziv in the robot, which is pleasantly indicated on the self-perceived that development of a harmonious sports relief;
  • As a rule, it’s important for athletes-primarily “siloviks” to be rich with their own weight, without seeming to be about supplementary vags.

Postiyni training without tightness can mothers and deacons nedolіki:

  • after a few months of regular training, the obvious ambition becomes insufficient. Early chi pizno vinikaє the need for a complicated right;
  • the presence of a cross-bar is negatively signified on deyaky m'yazah, shards of lifting - an indispensable fitness right for the harmonious development of muscles.

The best option for training on the cob of a sports track is that the whole complex is right in its own right. Step by step, you can add the right with additional vantage, put together a combination of fitness training. So the adaptation to the non-primary physical needs will go smoothly, and you will have the opportunity to take up fitness without any additional materials.

The butt of a fitness-exercise shanuvalnik of a healthy lifestyle with your own vag

Such fitness training can be carried out on a daily basis, as you can see the gym every day. Tse complex is right, in some harmonically sound minds. For sports equipment, you need a horizontal bar.

Whether any fitness is guilty of starting to play the m'yaziv, tobto from the warm-up. Sound the rozіgіv folded from stribkіv on skakaltsі or bіgu on one place. Such a warm-up is carried out by stretching 3-5 strands until an accelerated heartbeat appears.

After the warm-up, you can change the position of the main block to the right. An hour, which is necessary to see on the skin condition, to lay down in your sports training and may take 0.5 to 2 minutes. For a change between the approaches, try to see the minimum number of hours. Pochatkіvtsy are allowed to rest until the full renewal of the breath, and even though the physical form allows, to work short intervals between the rights (no more than 10 seconds). Efficiency of fitness training is related to the intensity.

Otzhe, the main right:

  • Classic lifting (great grip). To give respect to the fastening of the horizontal bar - we can be sure of fixing it.
  • Pulling up with a back grip, to turn the wrist next to yourself.
  • Zvichaynі vіdzhimannya z stop, lying on the bed. Kіlkіst repetition to lay down in the form of physical training. Even though this kind of climbing is hard for you, it’s hard to work for relief option: rest not on your feet, but on your bent knees.
  • For more prepared athletes in the future, it’s a good time, if you’ve got one before the other.
  • I sat down with a stribkom. Exterior position: standing straight, three feet wider behind the shoulders, hands at the seams. Squat down to the parallel with a stegon from a flat and sharply stretch, after a small tuck at the position of the squat.
  • "A bike". This type of twisting is more brown for all types of press, back and foot.
  • Vipadi. From the vertical position, along the skin leg, rush a wide crochet in front, and offended legs bend in the knees of a straight kut.
  • Hanging on the horizontal bar, lift the bent knees up to the stomach.

From the repaid rights it is possible to put together an effective home fitness training. Skin fitness is guilty of ending with a non-trivial stretching of the muscles and dichal gymnastics.

So that sports activities brought real mischief, a small memorable result and called out positive emotions, follow the simple rules:

  • Fold the training in such a way that all groups of m'yaziv were hit. Don’t varto attach all training to less vidzhimannya. To take a sprat is right for the m'yaziv of the upper half of the body (by one type of pulling and pulling), the right to press for nig (sit down and wip with streaks).
  • For an effective increase in stress, join the strengths of the fitness right with the cardio rights.
  • Do not use a sports tool. Bring the main sports equipment. It doesn't mean that as long as you don't have dumbbells or barbells, you can't train. You can easily manage without additional inventory.
  • A smut rule for beginners is to increase the pace of training step by step, realistically evaluate your strengths, increase your ambition evenly. For the first 2-3 months, be engaged in a sparing regimen. So you can avoid injuries and tension, and smoothly get involved in an intensive training process.
  • Competent training can take at least 1 year, develops from warm-ups and exercises of m'yazyv and agglomerations, the main block of power and cardio exercises, stretching. Don't be fooled by these stages!