How to decorate a great window on NG. How to decorate the interior with a garland? In order to put a garland on the window, you need

The first electric garland was created especially for the decoration of the Christmas tree. It was customary for us to embellish the yalinka with right candles, igniting them for efficiency. Tse, obviously, it was rather unsafe. Virobnitstvo of electric garlands not only significantly reduced the lightness of the fire, but gave the Christmas tree a richly beautiful and shaggy look. In an hour, the light bulbs became rich and flashy - the banal light turned into magic.

Most of the festoons were self-conscious, unfinished on the right; Roman vowels can imitate them old look bringing more adapted aesthetics. Are you kidding the old lady at the window? Learn about the joys for your old house. The season will officially end with the new season. Go with yalinka, embellish it! If you don't have any ideas, you will know a lot of space. The deyaline is green and the candlesticks are expanding more and more calm moods, now they are foxes with plaits and unpretentiously empty. Vzimku nareshti spring still checks.

Winter decoration with bright colors and soft tones

We imagine the eternal winter decor - accessories and decorative items, so you can miraculously lift the hinged vent. Zagalom: yaskravі kolori and thin tones come out in the narrow places. Especially when the sun is low, white, creamy and pastel accessories keep the brightness from the booth. The stench recreates the winter landscape in front of the window and miraculously merges like with wood and with white furniture. Mix white porcelain with glassy accessories, the stench transmits damage to the ice in the middle of the snow. Use silver and stainless steel.

Before the speech, such electric garlands are called so - enchanting lights. Nevzhe kazka is more than river New river that Rizdvo? Obviously, no. Electric garlands began to embellish other holy days: for example, national days, graduation days, fun. Bulo vigadano bezlich different ways vikoristannya tsikh svіtlovih lansyukiv. Now, the garlands are not in vvazhayutsya exclusively yalink decor, and zastosovuyutsya everywhere.

Individual accents in dark colors ensure contrast, shards out in winter. On the vases, we would not want to wear a uzimka. You can rule over the miraculous difference of the heads of the people who see the tickets. For example, twists and turns are natural and do not overlook any embellishment. Azaleas and cacti are still blooming and bringing a simple color to the life landscape of the yaskravia. The result was a harmonious picture. Talking about the picture: Think about the embellishment of the wall. We, as a rule, take photographs - first - with fate.

We suggest to your respect a sprinkling of ideas, decorate the interior with enchanting lights.

Interior decor with an electric garland

Syuchy contour

The garland is hand-picked to describe the silhouette of various interior objects: furniture, mirrors, fireplaces, viscount and other.

Comfort, no matter how cold the colors are

Mozhlivostі raznomanіtnі. With original, albeit subtle motifs, stench with the first view of the room, without disturbing their savage style, embellish. Here it is necessary to look at the zayvoї embellishment and wear it in colors your winter decor. So it’s not too frosty, turbota, like i, not respecting the white winter decor of the region for comfort and warmth. Unite them with the top kilim. Especially, since you have a dark file of documents, you can give your room a different look.

Would you like to share your finished work with us and those other cohesive sides in our social networks? As shown by the visionary idea, a suitable embellishment for the table is now available. Zusilla vartі moreover, іyshli bright candles, yаkі brought a warm mood and a slight glare to the table. Necessary: ​​a white paper bag or a lower bag, a “colo” for motifs, a stable for crafts, a colorful seam paper, knives, empty jars for jam, tea lamps for a leather windbreaker.

What can we forgive? Just put the central part of the garland, for example, on the lid of the chest of drawers or the shafi and fill the edges freely. Or fix the garland on the back of the bed, curtain rods, and around the perimeter of the mirror.

Axis to fight like this: first, richly mini-kukhlіv virizani from a colorful seam paper. This is the best way to work, so you put a sprat of balls in paper one on one and punch them. In a different mood, this paper is too soft for a motive strike, and you don’t stack a stake with a proper rank, so you can hit it!

Note. I have sorted cola, sorted by color and divided in small bowls. In this way, you can enhance the even distribution of colors when gluing. Gently pull the skin around the glue and place it on a paper bag.

To roztashuvat wire with light bulbs without a middle on the wall, you can use clerical pins-carnations (like a wall, for example, drywall) or scotch tape.

A self-made garland, ale to shine

So you look just beautiful, if the color specks from the sides shine. As bags are too tall, they can be shortened for help with a knife to the beast. Now you can put a tea break near the skin of the jam jars, and Christmas lights can start 🙂.

Small tip: We picked up ts_ candles at once for National Day. With this method, a skin child could still abuse her in the middle of her bag with a signet on her bag and take her home like a guess! For the help of the template, you can now paint on the obgortkovy paper and on the old book sides of the great egg.

Wonderful Likhtar

To fill with a garland of candle light, or to open the window, to crystallize, to plastic (a vase, a jar, or to wind a dance).

For any design, a leather egg is required for the subversion. The inner sides, on which lines the olive can be seen on the edge, can be stitched one on one. Then, sew two halves of the paper at once with a large seam on the outer edge. Ready rims from the rim paper to create a natural look. It's your fault to think about the backside of your mind.

Accept, if you want to win eggs like a pendant for a great bush or vikna. As soon as you finish the necessary number of papers, punch the opening at the skin of the egg near the center of the opening. Now a metal ear is inserted into the skin of them and the riveting forceps are firmly pressed. Let's cut a piece of cord through the skin, open it and tie it together. Now go out on a couple of springy jacks or at the window. Ozdoblennya - unimaginable, but entirely natural embellishment!

Seeing this decorative element as an enchanting likhtar, in the form of a Kazkovi istoty, the fires are lit on our yalinkas.

Especially zruchnі for such a decor light garlands with microbulbs, battery-operated zocrema.

With us, we again picked up a piece of ragged jeans pants. So as I like the fabric of jeans, it's just too nasty to throw it away. It’s good that a bouquet of white koshenka stood by the vase and looked at the empty guts. The big day is just around the corner - why not sew a sprig of cute great pendants from torn jeans?

Necessary: ​​zippered jeans, fabric creed, woven fabric, or fabric excesses, perforated pliers, lace, riveting pliers, cord, sewing thread, fabric knives, sewing machine, hairpins, small wooden namistini, hot glue gun and glue cartridge.

How to decorate the houses with a garland? Sporudity magical lighter

Glow little ones

Vicorist electric garland, you can create a thematically real image - for example, "paint" a bud, a heart, a star or a yalinka.

For a sewn trailer, you will need two pairs of jeans. Always space the two halves of the rabbits one over one and sew them together in a row in a zigzag. The opening between the ear of a hare and a small metal eye is fixed in the opening at the sight of the pendant.

So the rabbit is still taking off the “spring dress” barviste, I have the lower part, embellished with a blue viscous fabric and sewn. In addition, you can also sew them, as a coat hanger for rabbits is liable to be washed. Now apply a piece of cord at the sight of smuga for slipping through the metal ear and tie the ends at once. Now you can embellish the pins at the vase, wicker up the window, or like a hanger for gifts at the Great Day, or grab it like a surprise for the Great Day!

Gomіchnі propozitsії - High Church of the Holy Mother of God - Novy Rіk. Manfred Stücker. Dear Christians-Christians, these words, as transmitted to us by Albert Einstein, led by a physicist and mathematician, madly, mourn their charm. And to the one who stretches out to the future, accept it, befits you tse chi nі, zavzhd z minulim, either negatively, or like a burden, or positively, like dosvid and wisdom. These topics have a lot of podia: these are the main points, as well as links with other flows, with other stories of life and shares.

Nobody lingers alone. І є also in these topics there are a lot of unexplained writhings and a whirlwind. All the problems, difficulties, moments that were thrown at us, suffering, unfortunate that bіl. These knots and knots are found in our special life. Ale vin is also used in the life of the church and the collections. The Church of the Holy Fathers of the Priests, in order to place the service of the priests among the masses for people in a great context, that Christ himself wants to be with us, share his life and lead us to God. I deakі the streams were brought to light, to create a border on the future.

How to decorate the interior with a garland? Paint on the wall a yalinka, a small cut of a star!

Imitation of fire

Miniature light bulbs are so similar to small fires that smolder. To create a decorative composition, vicorist stone, wood, or firewood. Put them on a tatsiu or in a yakus іnsh єmnіst і decorate with an electric garland. With this design, you can embellish a coffee table or a dilyanka with a Christmas tree.

Tse, insanely, foldable, an important vuzol. Kozhen moment of rozpovisti about the rest of the future of the past fate, as well as about the rozcharuvannya, as if they were not realized again. Hiba you don't want to throw it all over again? The new river gives a part of the hope: buti in the mind rozpochati again. So the new roci are still the same people. With our life thread at the hands. With yoga knots and handles. We would like to rob those who created the leader of the world Oleksandr the Great with the so-called Gordian knot, if you didn’t have a moment to swear it: you took the sword and just pulled the skewer.

Ale motuzka so passed. "Rizhuchy vuzol forever means a ruined thread", - signifies contemporary writer. Tse means that the thread of our life does not have a swedish radical solution. May we take the potik to the end, if we want mi tsogo chi. Sometimes, with patience, you will be able to fix the garchannya and turn the thread at the need of a dozhina. Often badly get other people. Bagato who got into the idea of ​​rozpochati new rock. It’s also worth the easing of our swindler’s fault, without violence, without cruelty, with sensitivity that at once without turbos.

What to wink for a new window dressing

Golovna, sho potik tsiliy. Only threads and skeins, yakі є qіlimi, can become a net, like they carry us. Vee is not a boring share! Some explanations show people how to pick up a folding vuzol: why not Alexander the Great with his sword, but horseradish with patient hands. Vaughn can virishiti the most complicated vuzli, more than that - the Mother of the Savior and the Mother of all people. When we enter before the new calendar date, mirobimo tse at light їх presence and їх klopotannya. Vaughn is an ash, our protector from Sinom Jesus Christ.

Merekhtlivy drapiruvannya

Pojdnannya krihіtnih light bulbs and napіvprozoroy fabric even more effective! Fabric decor, which shines, zastosovuyt for the design of accent walls - for example, or softly. Garlands complement and already present canopies and curtains. Tse I create in the inter'ieri in a right Cossack atmosphere.

New river and New river - the hour of a new cob and thought in the life of a person. We ask ourselves: what will New River bring us? Bagato can be: good and bad. Maybutne is absolutely hooked. Possibly, deyakі z us deshcho be afraid of the unknown future. On the other hand, from the other side, even more optimistic. Those that we have planned for ourselves will be completely imaginative, but to inspire the same intrigue can be crushed by an oblique record. However, with the strength of insignificance, we know for sure: God will be with us, He will accompany us with a long fate.

New embellishment of curtains with light garlands

Tsya vpevnіst can confuse us to be afraid of the unknown future. Therefore, it is reasonable and prudent to lay the New River at the hand of God and ask the merciful God for Yogo's blessing. Moving butt gives us the gospel pastor doctor. Otochenie good forces sumly that calmly. abductions and vtіshny.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer maw important r_k. Friends fell into wars, others were at the front, they tried at the belligerent's camp. He himself was imprisoned after hitler was beaten. Bonhoeffer was tried by the People's Court in Berlin. Vіn buv judgments before mortal curry. On which aphids we need to read the rows, like vin writing home.

Glittering textiles - a wonderful decor of the apartment and a booth with an electric garland

Photo gallery

Conducting light bulbs can be used as a primer for photographs. Stash the garland on the wall in a zigzag or fix it with curls. Pick up amazing photographs tied with the saints of past fates, then move them to a garland on pins.

The Svyatkov Gallery can be built not only with photographs, but also with snowflakes, leaflets or pictures that depict winter landscapes, deer, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and others.

Holy wreath

A festive wreath is formed from a solid frame, that braid, which can be used as an electric garland. The frame can be made from darts or wood. For the frame of the wreath of a non-standard form (for example, at the sight of a star), wooden slats are used.

Electric garlands were put on the cob for the decoration of Christmas yalins - the stench shone, shone with different colors and created a Christmas mood. The garland became a garland and a careless analogue of a right candle - earlier, yalinkas were decorated with splendid candles. The banal sublime step-by-step became the right magic and went far beyond the borders of the novelty-rіzdvyanoy paraphernalia.

Translation of active language garland means "charivni vogniki"- It's more symbolic. With their help they adorn the saints - the days of the people, that fun, graduation, and anniversaries. At the rich rozvazhalnyh mortgages, the vicarious likhtariki are instantly littered with tsilya rіk - and even the stench even looks beautifully at the navіvtemryavі, bewitching and creating a special atmosphere. But not everyone knows that garlands can decorate a booth with vicorist. Got stuck? Let's talk about unimaginable ideas, so that you can get stuck in practice.

Interior decor for the help of an electric garland

Effectively looking fleetingly shimmering contour from the garland - for whom it is victorious like a resurrected silhouette various items. Tse can be windows, mirrors, stones, pieces of furniture. Fill in the central part of the dart with a free one, and fix the extreme parts in any convenient way (if you want to ring out around the perimeter).

To attach the dryer to the wall, tap the adhesive tape or the buttons (the buttons are manually attached to the drywall).

Charming Likhtar

Even a beautiful light that shines can easily be made with your own hands. For whom to take a plastic gap, Krishtal, or I’ll curse the capacity (to wind up cans and buns). At the chosen container, place a garland, having closed the ring of the plug, to increase the socket. Increase the light, increase the light and enjoy the enchanting sight!

It is best to take a garland of light, a microlamp. These models are battery powered and will become your first choice.

Little one that shines

For the help of an electric garland, it is easy to create an image on the wall, be it a given theme - for example, a heart or a yalinka, a little flower, a budinochka, a vedmedic, a bag. To fasten the cord on the wall or furniture, use buttons or scotch tape, try not to damage the trellis. Like a garland pratsyuє vіd sockets, sіdkuyte, schob there was a little baby. No sockets? Choose a battery model.

You can arrange a garland near a budinochka above a lizhk, pіvmіsyatsya chi zіrka - a good option for decor.

Good fire!

Light bulbs that glow are similar to lights. Create like a fire in your own home, a vicarious garland and additional accessories. Better take a picture or another stand, decorate it with electric lights, dilute the composition with sticks, fireplaces, and needles. Such a design looks stylish and unusual, it can be installed white yalinka, a coffee table or a fake fireplace.

Merekhtlivy drapiruvannya

Krykhitni likhtariki can be worn out with transparent fabrics - it will be even more effective. The fabric decor is made of light-coloured victors for turning respect to the accent walls - behind the bed, above the table, near the center of the room.

Garlands can be hung on curtains and baldachins - it's easy to make, but the effect is blind.

Gallery with your photos

Vykoristovyte wire with light bulbs as a basis for attaching a photo. Attach yoga in a zigzag, with quills to the ruling court and fix it. Take a photo, how to grieve your soul, pinch and decorate a garland. If you don’t want to fight for the holy, you can take not only pictures, but pictures, leaflets, discounts, and link toys.

Holy wreath

For the creation of a rіzdvyany wreath, a miter frame and braiding to your liking is needed. Are you planning to create a beautiful composition? Take an electric garland as a braid. It can be wound up on a dart frame without any problems, so if you want to make a star, vikoristovyte for the creation of the base of a wooden slat.

Taska Vlasnoruch - it's simple!