How to transfer to the National Pension Fund of Russia. How to switch from a non-state pension fund to a sovereign pension fund

We showed at the postal screen a notification from the FIU that your application was satisfied with that pension savings transferred to non-state pension fund? Wee did not write daily applications? It’s entirely possible that shakhrai were killed for you. How to turn your pension savings, as if they were wrongfully transferred to the NPF?

If you took such notice of the PFR and indemnification, that your pension savings were transferred to the NPF wrongfully, or you were brought into Oman, you need to turn back to the PFR for a place of residence, or for the actual transfer. In addition, there are transfers of pension funds back to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or NPF to your choice.

You have the right to apply for a claim to the NPF, in which your pension savings have been wrongfully transferred. The text of the claim is added to the free form. NPF goitre to inform you on the basis of which your pension savings were transferred to the NPF. The NPF in obov'yazkovomu is guilty of the mother of the original contract with you about the transfer of pension savings.

You can write a scarga to the NPF, in which your pension savings are transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation through the online payment office, or by mail (119991, Moscow, Shabolivka St., 4, Office for the Work of Gromadyans). You can also get rid of the scarg and take advice from the distant ones at the “Consulting Center” on the PFR website by calling “ hot line» FIU at 8 800 775-54-45.

When the Pension Fund Russian Federation guess: your pension heaps will not disappear anywhere. These funds, as before, are listed on your individual special account in the system of obligatory pension insurance.

What can you doHow was your savings transferred wrongfully?

In order to transfer the sums of pension savings back to the FIU, it is necessary not less than 31 days of the current year to return to the territorial authority with one application:

  • application for transfer from a non-state pension fund to the FIU;

  • an application for a pre-stroke transition from a non-state pension fund to the FIU.

So, for your money, you can lose money from your NPF or go to another fund.
The next step is to indicate that the transition is to be made every five years, and the pre-string transition can be made randomly. In addition, the procedure for rozrahuvanka sums of pension savings, which is supposed to be repaid to a new insurer, is divided. Longer three-year period of management by the insurance company of pension savings, which is beneficial for the insured individual.

Let's guess!

If in 1967 the fate of the people and young people continues to form an accumulative pension, then you have the right to form an accumulative pension and direct the entire amount of insurance contributions to the worker to finance the insurance pension. With all the earlier formation of pensions, the accumulated savings are saved: the money will continue to be invested and will be paid in full, if you forfeit the right to retire and return for recognition.

In order to apply for an accumulative pension, it is necessary to submit an application to the territorial body of the PFR for a place of residence.

*Just as you did not file an application for the choice of a critical company before the FIU, or a non-state pension fund did not become a victim of an unlawful transfer of the amount of pension savings, it is not necessary to file an application for a large pension savings. Vaughn automatically stopped molding in 2016.

Popular ways of shakhraystva with the transfer of pension savings

Method 1

Agents of a non-state pension fund will come to your work (or call home) (as a rule, they don’t specify what they represent a private structure) and, appealing to the unfamiliar provisions of the law, call out to transfer your pension savings in a negligent way - otherwise, the stench is not a bit “burn”, їх "reset" and so on.

What is Robity: as outside people came to your home, then, at least, it is not necessary to open the door. At times of particular impudence - call the police. Remember: practitioners of the Pension Fund of Russia do not go home and your funded pension not "burn out" and not "reset".

Method 2

Even more often in stores they do not give a loan for the purchase of rubbish equipment without the need to transfer pennies to any NPF. Argument in a different way: for example, without whom it is not possible to quickly issue a loan.

There are fluctuations, if people didn’t sign anything, and they received “leaves of happiness” from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. So, if the loan is issued, copies of your documents are taken. Two copies are taken to the hands of shakhraiv, as if they are adding the necessary documents, including your signature.

What is Robity: as one of the minds of a loan є transfer of funds for pension savings, if you don’t want to transfer them anywhere, it’s good to know another organization for processing a loan. If possible, do not fill in copies of documents, so that the Shakhrai dates after the loan is issued. You can see that your money has been translated for detailed documents (including your signature) to be sent to the FIU and law enforcement agencies!

Method 3

When formalizing any documents (when withdrawing a loan, purchasing equipment, formalizing services, etc.), shakhrai give for signature not the entire agreement on the transfer of pension savings, but only a side. If so, the won was confiscated from the purchase of other papers and no date was affixed to it. After the signing of the necessary party, it is submitted to the contract and such a document can be speeded up in the future.

What is Robity: here there is only one joy - respectfully read everything that is chosen to sign only your own respect will protect you from diy shakhraiv.

Method 4

Health workers often turn to recruitment agencies for help from workers. Here on them and the check is unacceptable the possibility of transferring their pension savings. Shakhraї practice for two schemes: for the first applicant, the applicant signs an agreement, indefinitely for deposits with hundreds of papers, for the other applicant, the applicant is guaranteed admission to work at the time of transferring the sums of his pension savings from the needs of NPFs. As a rule, in the same, in any other way, a person is not taken away by a robot.

What is Robity: in the same way, in the old way, you may be less well respected work space only after transferring the savings of pension savings, go to another recruitment agency, as if not imposing similar services.

Physical individuals, as if they laid down an agreement on obov'yazkove pension insurance(insured individuals), can not often, but once on a river, submit an application for transfer from a non-state pension fund (NPF) to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) (paragraph 5, clause 6, article 13 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-ФЗ ) .
For the transition, you need a viconate.

Krok 1. Submit an application for transfer from NPF to PFR.
In the application for transfer to the FIU, state (clause 1 of article 36.8 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ):
- one of the investment portfolios:
1) investment portfolio of a certain company;
2) expansion of the investment portfolio of a state-owned key company;
3) investment portfolio of state-owned valuable papers of a state-owned important company;
- option of financing the accumulative part labor pension(6 vіdsotkіv or 2 vіdsotki of the individual part of the tariff of the insurance contribution).

Note. The transfer of certain companies, which were deposited with the PFR, agreements for the trust management of pension savings, were posted on the official website of the PFR and in the district offices of the PFR.

The application of the insured individual about the transfer from the NPF to the PFR is compiled in one example. The specific signature and date of filing the application shall be affixed to the presence of the practitioner of the territorial body of the FIU or the confirmed individual to the body (organization), for which the FIU has been laid down for the sake of mutual acceptance of signatures (paragraphs 1, 12 of the Instructional Regulations, Addendum No. 4 social development of Russia issued on 13.12.2011 N 1536n).

Krok 2. Submit an application for transfer from NPF to PFR.
I will send the application back no later than 31 th day of delivery to the territorial body of the PFR (district department of the PFR) or through a rich functional center in one of these ways (clause 3 of article 36.8 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ):
- Especially. If you need a mother's passport and insurance certificate of obov'yazykovogo pension insurance;
- In the other way - by mail, by courier. When an individual is installed, that re-verification of the validity of the signature of the insured individual is zdijsnyuyuetsya, zokrema, a notary or a body (organization), with which the FIU is laid for the sake of mutual dedication of signatures. In addition, the application can be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.
You can also file an application for transferring to the FIU to the NPF, where you have laid down an agreement on obov'yazkove pension insurance, as this NPF may please the FIU about the mutual agreement of signatures.

Note. The transfer of points to the acceptance of claims for insurance claims, as well as organizations, as they put the grounds about mutual agreement of signatures, at the district offices of the PFR and on the official website of the PFR.

Krok 3. Let the PFR look at the insured person and declare that praised decision.
For lines up to 1 date of birth, the filing of an application coming after the fate, the FIU examines the application of the insured person and takes one of such decisions (clauses 1, 3, article 36.10 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ):
- Decision about the satisfaction of the statement about the transition to the FIU;
- The decision about the visa in the satisfied statement about the transfer to the FIU.
The application, filed on the 31st day of the in-line period, is left without review by the FIU (clause 4 of article 36.8 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ).

Note. At the time of filing up to 31 th day of the current date, more than one application, the PFR accepts a decision on the application with the latest date of filing to the PFR (clause 2, article 36.10 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-ФЗ).

Submit the FIU after you are satisfied with the application for transfer to the FIU
PFR vikonuє like this:
- make changes to the unified register of insured events until 1st birch, following the date of filing the insured special application (clause 1, article 36.10 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ);
- inform the insured person that NPF about making changes to the unified register of insured events not later than 31st of the year following the date of submission of the insured special application (clause 5 of article 36.10 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ).
Писля зазаника смінн to єdinstruy insured сібироварор About Obokovyna Pensіin insured z NPF prescription, і і в з и з им НПФ і кобовая загорование Pensions of Pensіini staining Insured declare (paragraph 2, paragraph 4 of article 36.5, paragraph 4 of article 36.6, paragraphs 2, 4 of article 36.12 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ).

Results from the satisfied statement about the transition to the FIU
At different times, change to the unified register of insured persons, that agreement on obov'yazkove pension insurance, provisions of the insured person with the NPF, is not entered into. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation informs the insured person that the NPF about the date of the change to the unified register of insurance claims due to the specified reasons, no later than 31 st. .

Note. The decision of the FIU about the decision to be satisfied with the statement about the transfer to the FIU may be motivated, due to the given reasons, it is necessary to order a slander.

Dovidka. Feelings of satisfaction with the statement about the transition from the NPF to the FIU
The FIU administers from the satisfied statement of the insured person about the transition to the FIU in such cases (clause 3 of article 36.10 of the Law of 07.05.1998 N 75-FZ):
1) the application has been drawn up in a damaged form;
2) the application has been submitted in violation of the filing procedure;
3) the application was submitted after the application for the establishment of the accumulative part of the labor pension;
4) the application does not have an application for the selection of an investment portfolio (a core company);
5) the applicant has a certain company assigned to it, as it stated at the time of filing such an application about the confirmation (attachment) to the trustee of the management of the pension savings, which are formed under new insurance conditions;
6) a management company has been assigned to the application, an agreement on trust management of pension savings has been pinned (opened) at the time of review of such an application by the FIU.