What an offensive river - whom. What kind of river followed the fate of Mavpi? Chinese horoscope

The dog occupies the eleventh place of the Chinese zodiac. In 12 creatures, the zodiac follows this order: Shchur, Bik, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, horse, Goat, mavpa, pig, dog and pig. Shoroku po'yazany z Chinese Zodiac creature zgidno z 12-river cycle.

  • Rick of the dog: ...1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030...
  • Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9
  • Happy colors:
  • Happy tickets: trojandi, cymbidium orchids

What kind of dog?

The Chinese rіk zodiac starts to speak from the Chinese New Rok, the date of which oscillates from the end of sіchnya to the end of the fierce. To that, as you were born in the Sich or a fierce earlier, you, perhaps, a dog or a piven. You can use a right-handed instrument to find out your zodiac sign of creatures.

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Person of the Dog: Virniy, Chesny...

Dogs virnі and chesnі, warm and respect, protect and protect. Through the bearing, it is stronger to feel the fidelity and breadth, the dogs work for the people, as the stench is the most important.

As dogs are not good at talking, it is important for them to convey their thoughts to others. In this rank, in dogs, as a rule, they deprive themselves of another enemy of the upturned individual.

Being born with a harmonious character, dogs are not able to be evil to the point of being greedy. It’s just that we need a calm life, that is good at home, and with such a rank we forget evil on earth.

Dogs are always ready to help others, and they don’t give a damn about their own interests, even though the stench appears to fool cunning people, the stench will be felt in the shoes and sore.

If the sum is set, the dogs guess what light is thick and foldable. Let us stink sharply criticize, if you comment on it, and break everything down to a pessimistic point of view.

Good health for "Dogs"

With a dog's fire, a garne of health, a stretch of a stink, a tendency, but we are happy all the time. Dogs are active in sports, oscilki are resistant to sickness, such as colds, coughs and fever.

In important practice and parts community activity The excise duty is in the Crimea, the stench is due to the respect for sufficient health care, which brought melancholy to both physical and mental health. So, like dogs far away in the mind, joking about pennies and power, stench, feel less reinforcing and stressed on robots and in life.

The most suitable professions for "dogs"

The roots of loyalty to the individual, dogs, as a rule, choose their careers on the basis of the principle of serving others. Dogs are respected by valuable spivrobitniks, like the stench pratsyut heart and soul in their zavdannya.

The stench is simple and kind, and now you are ready to make it easier to take advantage of others, like to shy away from them even more popular among the number of robots.

How will stosunki with "dogs"?

With close friends, dogs, I’ll take an hour to take deep knowledge of my friends, through today’s building, be modest and protect. Like only stinks become close friends, dogs will be used for supporting stosunkivs.

The stench would be better to know the troubles, to create problems for others, and not to go against your heart in order to create immoral vchinok.

At a love stand, dogs will not easily succumb to cohosh. But once the stench suffocate into a kos, stink to mother great fidelity, to encourage love stand and be like a Kohanian. However, their emotions, rage that fall at the cherry of love.

Dogs are crazy about you ?

The skin sign of the creature has its own unique characteristics. The wisdom of the Chinese zodiac creatures works on the principle that only those whose characteristics can be good intelligence. Those who do not seem to need to report more knowledge for their task.

Marvel at the bottom The wisdom of a dog with other creatures, and z'yasuvati, like a dog is crazy for your sign of chi.

  • Best of: Rabbit
  • Highest F: Dragon, Goat, tree piven

Best speeches for "dogs"

  • Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9, that number to avenge them (for example, 34 and 49)
  • Happy days: 7th and 28th Chinese Skin Month
  • Happy colors: red, green and violet
  • Happy tickets: trojandi, cymbidium orchids
  • Happy Directions: Skhid, pivden and pivnіchny skhid
  • Happy month: 6th, 10th and 12th Chinese monthly month

Unhappy, speeches for "dogs"

  • Unhappy colors: blue, white, gold
  • Unlucky numbers: 1, 6, and 7
  • Unlucky straight forward: pivdenniy skhid
  • Unlucky month: 5th and 8th Chinese month

People who are born on the river of the dog are guilty of the smoothness of the river. Tse bude garny hour for them, schob reach success in their careers. Ale, it will not be smooth, as the stench may be able to fix the low problems and difficulties in 2018.

The stench can achieve great achievements, as the stench will endure hard reconciliation and calmly solve problems. In another fall, the stench will be roaring.

Car'era Fortuny

In the Kar'єri people, who were born on the river of the dog, will decrease and then flourish. In the first few months, the stench suffers from ills, and then everything will be rewarded step by step; more, the stench will take away the help of the necessary people.

However, the stench is not guilty of perezbudzhuvatisya with the help of the mitt's reach. Natomist, the stench is guilty to lay the foundation of the mitzna and do not be overly aggressive, or the stench will beat the way.

The stench suffers from the ruin on the tenth and eleventh of the Chinese monthly month, by stretching out the stink of the guilty to increase their awareness, to get rid of the trouble-free trials, the result is for pastors in business battles. The stinks will pragnate unsatisfactorily, and the stinks will take the fruits of fate.

The stench is guilty of speeding up the abilities of the first, fifth, nineth and twelve Chinese monthly river oskіlki stench moyut visibly equal camp at this month.

Possibility of earning

The regular income of people who were born on the river of the dog will not be so nasty, but the stink will not be raised. The stench is guilty of reluctantly cheating with financial supplies and trying to speed up their spending. In addition, the stench is not guilty of taking part in gambling, or speculative favors, as if the stink of the parishioner stumbles upon the financial crisis.

Chogo roku mavpi, їх penny luck it will be gloomy on the tenth and eleventh Chinese monthly month. The stench is better than the mother of care, cherubate with your penny food and show a sense of whether you don’t spend money on money.

Months from good opportunities to earn pennies on the ninth and twelfth Chinese monthly month.

Additive Risks for Health

It’s quite impressive that the dogs will be physically exercising in the river mavpi, so the stench may be more indicative and improve their health. In addition, the vysnazhennya should be unique, so that the stench was not consumed at the ruins. Zocrema, let go of the stench of one's guilt, otherwise the stink of a serious bastard will hurt your health.

In the other, fourth, seventh and eleventh Chinese monthly months, the stench will be soothing to the point of sickness. That stink can screw up special respect on їhnє eating that everyday way of life. At the third Chinese month, the stench is due to be informed about safety road traffic And on the fifth Chinese month, it's not your fault to take risks and there will be no bloodshed.

Raznomanitne kokhannya and stosunki

In the rivers of mavpi, people, people in the river of a dog, are successful in marriage with women, but there will be anger and a fall.

It will be easier for them to be friendly to the common state on the first, tenth and twelveth of the Chinese monthly month. And the stench, as a rule, sticks with problems on the sixth, eighth and eleventh Chinese monthly months, the stink is to be protected, for that extreme joy brought confusion.

Five types of "Dogs", which one of them?

In the Chinese theory of elements, the skin sign of the zodiac is associated with one of the five elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. For example, a wooden dog comes once at the 60th cycle.

Vіn admitting that the characteristics of a person are assigned to their national fate, the sign of the zodiac of the creature and the elements. Also, there are five types of dogs, skins with different characteristics:

Zgidno with Chinese astrology, people in rіk їх the sign of the people (for 1000 rіv bennіngnin /НБН-МІН-НІЄН trip/(o) river of life) will depict tai sui, the god of life in Chinese mythology. It is important that the stench does not spare which fate. owe buti protectors about all aspects of your life in the river of a dog

The coming rock of the dog 2018 rock. The Chinese New Rik (16th fierce) is being repaired. Report about those who are happy with yours Ben Mіnґ Nіan.

The bird symbolizes the awakening of that progress, as well as the sound of weaknesses and vices, symbolic evil spirits, such as screaming the loud voice of that bird. In the fate of Pivnya, it is possible to redeem the checks at the vіdnosinah among people, to that on the change of innocence and innocence come vіchlіvіst, patience and zdatnіst to accept someone else's point of dawn. And if so, it will be important for us to remember the simple fact of the decision, to appear pragnennya to complicate and dramatize those that appear.

What Bulo

The forward river of Fire Pivnya rose up 31 September 1957 fate and ended February 17, 1958 fate. The axis of what happened in an hour:

  • Conflict between China People's RepublicІ Taiwan through two spire island groups. The complexity of the situation was in the fact that the American order supported Taiwan, and the SRSR acted on the side of Beijing. In the minds of nuclear ferries, such a conflict would be unsafe for the whole world. It lasted 44 days.
  • Political crisis in Lebanon. At the edge began Gromadyanskaya war President Shamun went back to the United States for help, after the introduction of American military tensions decreased.
  • Zbroyny coup in Iraq and the establishment of a republic.
  • The end of the Cuban revolution came to the reign of Fidel Castro.
  • Establishment of the Fifth Republic in France.

Chogo check

  • Tension and foldable situations, from which one can venture out for additional compromises and mutual deeds.
  • Integration and association for a massive progress.
  • Significance of business and political communications.
  • Turning back to traditional values.
  • Mysterious and ambiguous podіy.

What is Robity

First, let's talk about those that Pivnya's river can bring to the skin from us and if you plan to be better, we guess: to know, to check on you, it's necessary to make a personal forecast. Find out how to get good luck for the tail at the 2017 rotation of Fire Pivnya.

The River of the Fire Pivnya reveals a lot of mystery, we know more about ourselves and quiet, who leaves us. Until then, those who have been forgotten for a long time will guess; Whose river is miraculously suitable for turning back to some old rights, and getting ideas and speeding up, nareshti, talents, as if they had been buried for a long time near the ground.


The greatest success can be reached by those who are engaged in administrative and keriven work, or borrow high-rise plantations in the army. Also, the river of Fire Pivnya is friendly for fakhіvtsіv zv'yazkіv z hromadskіstyu, public figures, political children. Usіm, hto pragne kar'єrnih peaks, varto remembrance: the cities come to the quiet, hto pratsyuє. A light anger at the river of Fire Pivnya is only one thing - a swede and a sickly fall.

The rich will have a chance to change the sphere of activity, get a new profession. It’s possible, but it won’t be so easy, as you would like to: don’t give in to stress, go to the path of success.

Life Specialist

The River of Fire Pivnya is friendly to the cob of new romantic waters. And we’ll die, like a long time ago, but we still haven’t caught up with friends, we’ve had a chance to beat the test - we can blame the unfriendly environment, great is the momentum of the separation of the third parties. And yet, there is a miraculous way to hide someone - you need to make friends.

How to mark the cob of that end of fate for the Skhidny calendar?

Russia has leather new river starts on September 1 and ends on March 31. ale in similar calendar all trohi іnakshe. At the same time, the terms of skin fate are transitional, tobto. such that change and fall in phase of the month. The cob of rock starts to grow from the 12th young month, and the end comes the day before the advancing 12th young. Come out, when the dog’s birthday will come on February 16, 2018, and end on February 4, 2019. Such is the scheme itself for the dіє th іnshih rokіv.

How to recognize, what kind of creature will be the future river?

Schob dіznatisya, yaky rik ide after the last fate of the pivnya, it is necessary to set the rіk іz yogo with the characteristics in the tables given below:

White (metal) Zhovtiy (land) Chervoniy (fire) Chorniy (water) Blue-green (wood)
snake 1941, 2001 1989, 2049 1977, 2037 1953, 2013 1965, 2025
Piven 1981, 2041 1969, 2029 1957, 2017 1933, 1993 1945, 2005
pig 1971, 2031 1959, 2019 1947, 2007 1983, 2043 1935, 1995
Bik 1961, 2021 1949, 2009 1937, 1997 1973, 2033 1985, 2045
Kin 1990, 2050 1978, 2038 1966, 2026 1942, 2002 1954, 2014
The Dragon 1940, 2000 1988, 2048 1976, 2036 1952, 2012 1964, 2024
Patsyuk 1960, 2020 1948, 2008 1996, 2056 1972, 2032 1984, 2044
Mavpa 1980, 2040 1968, 2028 1956, 2016 1932, 1992 1944, 2004
Rabbit 1951, 2011 1939, 1999 1987, 2047 1963, 2023 1975, 2035
Vivtsya 1931, 1991 1979, 2039 1967, 2027 1943, 2003 1955, 2015
Tiger 1950, 2010 1938, 1998 1986, 2046 1962, 2022 1974, 2034
Dog 1970, 2030 1958, 2018 1946, 2006 1982, 2042 1934, 1994

Nasampered in 2018, astrologers will prophesy peace and tranquility to mankind, the end of conflicts and confusion in all lands. It is connected with this, that the Dog is peaceful and friendly by nature. So if you have an old fortune teller, then leave her alone for an hour.

The dog is a creature of the grain that family. Therefore, let’s go further in 2018 for the creation of sim’s, the search for our other half, and also the recognition of the obvious ones. Why is it rich in why the elements of the earth, domineering 2018 roci and symbolize the fortification of the family fire.

And pratsiovitih pratsіvnikіv from tsomu rozі chekayut meritorious rewards: promotion, salary increase, new and cіkavі projects. Firstly, this river will be especially successful for goal-directed people, as they are not afraid to try new things and step out of their comfort zone.

The birth of the Zhovty earthen dog is a very pleasant period for the development of that growth (and special, and career), for the recognition of family ties and all sorts of experiments. Golovne - don't be afraid to try something new and work on yourself, and that luck will accompany you all the luck.

Svoєridny, zukhvaliy Pіven brought in the lives of representatives of the signs similar to the horoscope metushni and inevitable changes. Prote rik will be good, especially for those who are not afraid of difficulties and who are ready to take luck bit by bit, creating from the impersonal happy moments of a successful life.


Rocky: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Burkhliva vdacha Pivnya brought new hobbies and new hobbies to your life. But all the same, Chris varto be afraid of conflicts (especially with relatives), even if a vipadkovo missed word can hurt to the depths of the soul. The stars are ahead, that the coming river is not best hour for changing jobs. Try to be boldly put up to a pittance: the other half of the rock will have big windows on the eyes.


Roku: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

I want to be the patron of rock and help you, but don’t let yourself relax. Rick brought few prospects for career growth. Golovne, it’s right to coristuvatisya with them. Deputy and friendly representatives of this sign are honoured, harmony and calm, and the axis of free men and women is more favorably placed to the nedolіkіv otochuyuchih and uniqueness of jealousy.


Roku: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

At river Pivnya, representatives of this sign need to learn how to deal with their problems on their own and not forget to pamper themselves with gifts. On the cob of rock, Bikam needs to meditate about his health, it is necessary to adjust his diet, eat and sign up for a massage. Even the same nerve that herbal system can give a beat. Pіven z Bik zvichiayutsya good get along, but it's not necessary to spend sawnness: neatly set up to new lands. So try more than an hour to add your other half.


Roku: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Tigers are warned about new plans and concentrate on current food. Do not try to take on yourself something rich. To achieve more, learn about time management. The best way to plan ahead. Such a serious pidhіd perekonaє bosses, scho vy gіdnі promotion. Family Tigers and Tigresses need to listen to their loved ones. Particularly worthy are people who have already acquired offspring. Protect the bajanna of the riches and try to "squeeze" them with authority.


Roku: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

During the reign of Pivnya Horse, it’s safe to acquire brown knowledge, even if it’s not included, that you are called to change the sphere of activity. If you don’t want to spend the winter holy on your own, entrusted with a high, new-found yalinka, on the cob of rock, be almost jealous of those belligerent z’yasuvan stosunkivs. It’s worth the cost and Konyachok, who only slew their soul mate.

Rabbit (Kit)

Roku: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

If you want to call Rabbits a lot of problems, you will not be ready to put up with such a camp of rights. Astrologers delight not only in business trips and meeting new people. It is necessary to prepare for the coming fate ahead of time, having chosen the right choice. Pіven to love everything is remembered, you can boldly dress yourself in a bright tone, and Kіshki can allow yourself to embellish Vechernya cloth or a suit with bliskitkami, shyu - with rhinestones. As if you have a domestic whale, solemnly rule over you sacredly, chanting your saloshchi and remembering your new mood for the riddle of yoga.

The Dragon

Roku: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

On the love front, the representatives of this sign will be less likely to receive surprises. For your nature, Dragons kill closed people, so you can attach special respect to the stosunki with colleagues. Autumn conflicts on the robot can cause the day of professional growth. The great feast for the dragons varto plan on the cob of fate.


Roku: 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

The robot brings you less satisfaction. It’s not included, if you want to take care of your right hand, and the fire will come up to your guess pretty well. For the foreign representatives of this sign, varto uniqueness of family welding and flirting with other people. In another turn, embellish the yalinka in the offensive roll and you will be on your own. And the axis of the free Serpents is left with nothing more to cheer: stink to the right kohannya.


Roku: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

For you, this river will be indestructible for you. Prote vodchuvshi intercession of Pivnya, representatives of this sign can relax, and it can become the cause of problems in the workplace and the deterioration of financial health. You can’t complain about that coming day after the dawn of the New Rock Goats Varto take off their carnival costumes and think about the advancement of professional newcomers. In any case, success will be on your side.


Roku: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

In every other group of Pigs, you can secure your own financial independence. And all the stars of their own brilliance and purposefulness. But all the same, to please the stars, do not show your emotions too much. Give more respect to "wait for the booth," otherwise your half of the road can get lost in the new romantic stosunki.


Roku: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

The new roci Mavpam does not have a check to help in Pivnya, you won’t need it. We all keep our blackness. As soon as your plan is to enter the task of "burning up," diligently work that will help you to help you reach your goals. Among the representatives of this sign, varto, unikati rash vitrat, є rizik vitratiti richer, lower planned. Family Mavpam is afraid of nothing. And from now on, you only plan to legalize stosunki, resolutely dim your decision. Your chauvin kokhannya can be smashed about pobutovі problems and lack of pennies.


Roku: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

On the robot at "Pesikiv" everything is stored away, and therefore your friendly attitude will be accepted to the point of disgust. If you have been dreaming for a long time about the passage of car'ernimi gatherings, it's already an hour to start working. So the river will be far away to enter the university. Like family, so free Dogs river Pivnya brought a romantic mood and surprises.

The editorial office offers you a miraculous mood and asks you to marvel at yourself