Like shoes, change to dark blue cloth. Blue cloth photo - what to wear

The psychological adaptation of the dark blue color to the clothes has evolved over more than one century. From fabrics of this kind, they traditionally sewed a marine uniform (they took the term navy blue as a navy blue for the definition), cloth for high school students and class ladies, and a dark blue two-piece suit was also a classic business dress for men and women. A woman in such a color looks even more respectable and streaked, but with it she doesn’t waste on scorching aphids.

Fashion designers do not leave dark blue fabrics without respect, and such fabrics are more and more often featured in glamorous photos, step by step gaining the same status as the legendary little black winemaker Coco Chanel.

Features of navy blue

Dark- blue colorє universal - vіn go up to whether it's a kind of hairy eyes, moreover, we hope the stringiness of the figure. It’s even more worthless to embellish in any style, to such a side you can pick up the most sophisticated additions, roblyachi yogo as the basis for the most sophisticated looks. With this cloth of a striped dark blue zabarvlennya, with the most smilious cut, you won’t look too suffocated.

The only furnishing, as a rule, to insure when choosing the fabric color - the price of your coat. The hairdresser doesn’t have such a bright tone of appearance against such a background, you can just ruin it, then you should give it a little more amazing make-up, or embellish the area with contrasting additions, then reconsider in a successful result, having taken a selfie photo.

The fallow type of fabric and cut style of dark blue cloth can be different, but with it, it is most often brought to the category of universal and neutral outfits:

  1. The cloth is closed, or a two-piece suit for a lion - it’s even more correct choice, to what extent you can decorate that addition for an office, so for an official entry, be it equal.
  2. Cloth-case also lie down to universal basic clothes, what to go to be-like a figure. Such a cloth, sewn from a dark blue seam or satin, even more stylish and elegant evening wear.
  3. Merezhivna dark blue cloth can become the basis of a romantic or cocktail cibula.
  4. Cloth in a basement of dark blue oxamite and satin to make you the queen of the ball of the urochist evening.

Secrets of daily colors

The dark blue color is considered neutral, proteo for the skin type of vinousness can appear in different ways. It is possible to fallow in the image of that kindness, choose the colors of the day for whether it is a cibul on a certain basis, based on such principles:

  • combinations of neutral colors;
  • bright accents;
  • contrasts.

The classic neutral additions to the dark blue color are black, which is the most widened in business bows. A smaller official image is created by accessories of brown or beige colors, the jewelry and the addition of a milky or cream color look even more stylish. For informal bows of dark blue, you can practically combine them with bright colors (no more than three), with which you can take one of them as black, white or black. Effective contrasting additions to such a dress will be an animal print in gray or brown tones. Such a scarf or a bag can be revived and embellished a streamer with a dark blue cibula, and with it, do not splinter with її zuhvaloy.

The correct embellishment

Regardless of the neutrality and versatility of the dark blue color, it is not so easy to embellish yoga in the style you need, for which you need the garne you need a little harmony:

  1. For everyday and natural images, you can add embellishment and jewelry in light colors: elephant tassel, sreblo, pearls, opals.
  2. It’s even more beautiful on the dark aphids to look at the gaps of the crystals and rhinestones, remember that in the photo the stench can be unimaginable.
  3. The brooches that are belted with rhinestones look spectacular, as well as rhinestones on the inside.
  4. From expensive jewelry sets to dark blue, the best embellishment with diamonds.

When you create a bright image, you can embellish the dark blue cloth with namists, earrings, a bracelet with burshtin, corals, citrine, light jade, or wear jewelry in bright colors. In any case, it is recommended to pick it up in a flash, or the other accessory in colors is embellishment, or to match the rule of the color triad.

As far as golden robes, then with all their universality, such a self-sufficient element of the image, like a dark blue cloth, cannot be better than them. It’s worth embellishing with blue stones (turquoise, sapphires, lapis lazuli, blue topazes): the stench is to blame, but laconic and good harmony with the bright background. At the same time, the dark fabric allows you to choose large brooches, massive silver embellishments, sprat rows. silver lancets. For the evening tsibuli to embellish the srіbla, it is recommended to choose a srіblyaste vzuttya or a srіbljasty clutch.

Speech of blue color is miraculously associated with magic and magic. It is not for nothing that rich books have mantles, and kovpak of charіvniks are painted blue. At the same time, the number of women who can have a blue cloth in their wardrobe is more important, and it’s sing-songly rich who asks for food: blue cloth?».

Blue cloth is so very popular, like і. Particularly the place of color was occupied by the middle.

Who suits the blue cloth?

The blue color can be impersonal in appearance: from rich sapphire to translucent-black. When choosing a blue cloth it is necessary, first for everything, to spivve the color of your hair. Fair-haired girls blakitnimi ochima miraculously pіdіyde yakrave vbrannya, scho guessing the blue summer sky on a sleepy day. For brunettes, it is better to choose a turquoise dress, a lower-black color or an ultramarine color. For brown-haired women, it is ideal to wear a dark blue streamer, supplemented with matching accessories.

Blue board photo:

Why wear blue cloth?

Adding blue cloth with stylish details is necessary for improvement cloth style. As you have chosen the river from a simple, thinned silhouette, you can completely adorn that massive bag to it. Even though the cloth may have folded edges and embellished with different frills, folds and folds, it is sufficient to add it to the classic bells and whistles and the minimum number of accessories.

Photo blue cloth - why wear blue cloth?

The ideal colors for the occasion are blue, white, light gray and black. With whom it is important to know what vzuttya that embellish to a blue dress Guilt is no less suitable to the very cloth, and harmonize with yourself. There was a handbag, mittens and a belt miraculously go up to the cloth of a classic cut, recognized for business breeches. Sir aksesuari kindly complement the everyday outfit for the office. Black shoes on high pick, a thinned handbag in tone and frock mittens at once from blue dresses will add to you the impression and chic. To finish with harmonies and combinations of blue and gold and blue and silver, put away the stench of the river as soon as possible for the evening and urochist choice.

Easy summer dress all shades of blue can be eaten with robes and bright-yellow, orange-colored ones brown color. The rest is also to go to the cloth with denim and that of the smart linen. In addition, in everyday life, blue cloth can be completely supplemented with erysipelas, cream and low-green accessories.

Photo of blue cloth:

Blue cloth is even more popular in the late afternoon. Vzagali, the blue color is even more fashionable. That's why it's obligatory to buy your own blue cloth, wear it to work with a jacket, and then you'll be miraculously worn for a date or a fun evening with friends. We wish you to be in the center of respect for your fashionable choice.

Change of statistics

Women's wardrobes don't have too many shoes. Ale, so you can say, as a practical choice. Make three points:
- what style and model of shoes are absolutely different
- stench is guilty of boots from a handy block and a heel, so that it was easy for them to walk
- they have a place to drink and clothes that come to them

Shoes, like they will fall like a saw at the wardrobe, just don’t care, because you don’t open the museum out of the blue. Otzhe, shoes may vibrate under a songful robe, and not bathe, for the sake of garni. You can look from the butt, yak pіdіbrati suitable shoes to cloth blue color.

Variants of blue cloth are even richer and more appropriate, in such a quantity and different models of shoes before them. The most winning option is to take a black color.

Black shoes are a universal option that goes to any outfit. Irrespective of the look and style of the cloth, the company of black shoes or barefoot shoes will be more appropriate.

You can show up at the office in a blue cloth-case with a black jacket and black shoes and ceremonies as a whole. And if the same dress is dressed up with black ballet flats and a cardigan, then it will look like a casual Russian style. Evening blue cloth with black pink shoes or sandals on stilettos look luxurious. Ale, you will be the head of the head, those who look harmoniously in the image of the scorched. We will shake, we will scare, and the image will be beautiful, as if white shoes were dressed up to a blue dress. To the blue dress analog, black cloth in the style of Chanel, white men with a small heel and a long thread of pearls are more beautiful. Blue cloth beach option it is necessary to wear it with white sandals on a flat sole.

For a sporty cut, the cloth should be worn with white sports sandals in a tee shirt. The long blue sarafan is best worn with white shoes or sandals. In the current season, the trend is that it miraculously resembles blue cloth and visually strings and tucks your feet. The butt of this Hollywood star.

Brown shoes, so very practical ideal option. If you add brown accessories to the office blue dress, then the ensemble can be completed brown shoes.

I sundresses can be worn with brown sandals or sandals, especially as the waist is reinforced with a belt of the same color, and accessories are made of wood and shkiri.

Before the tract entry, you can put on golden, silvery-coloured shoes or sandals, a model of which may be thinned like Popelyushka's shoes.

Offended by the colors of the paired with blue dresses, give the image a glare and luxury. I’ll embellish the next pick correctly, that gold can’t be smelted.

Blue shoes from blue dresses, the line is thin. But all the same, you can speed up with this option. Cloth of the same tone with shoes, be an indestructible option, mind you, that it will not be long overdue.

If the payment can be a maximum of dozhini, then blue shoes smoothly pass at the blue hem of the cloth, which looks not too pleasant. Your blue vipad will be rich. And just as a choice of colors for this option, the next blue color is mixed with appropriate accessories and makeup.

O women, yakı not to be afraid to eat foolishly. For example, to the blue dress, wear red, yellow and wind rozhevі shoes. Such combinations are more risky.

There is no such thing as insipidity, so you can skillfully change the colors, not experiment with varto, but rather dabble in overturned options.

It is necessary to know when choosing shoes to a blue dress, which is a chic model of the cloth itself, because the decor of the shoes is to be blamed but modest and navpak.

Zgіdno with the basic rules of color days, harmoniously look one with one or disputed colors (such as red and erysipelas), or absolutely opposite. About the change of disputed colors, melodiously, everyone knows, and the gra-axis in contrast is not accessible to the skin. For example, the blue cloth and the red shoes are not all dressed up, but those who cheer on two colors, take off a non-abyak image from peppercorns.

Classic blue cloth and red shoes

Most of the colors in the distance look out - noble blue, for example, indigo, and the same scarlet red. At such a time, the choice is immediately forgotten, but when you don’t look at it, it’s clear, on the contrary, in a new one it seems to be especially noble vibrancy, it’s easy to reach for the evening’s choice.

Before the speech, wearing blue outfits has already become classic for a long time, even though the image of its retro-association with the past centuries and the beautiful girls of that hour.

For the help of such, it would seem, an inconspicuous day, it would be clumsy to create an allusion to the famous Audrey Hepburn, the star of "Snidanka at Tiffany's", whose image has become a cult.

The combination of two contrasting colors can be not only luxurious and noble. The stench is entirely suitable for creating the image of dudes, yakі loved vikoristati all yaskravі kolori palettes in one selection. To match your very style with blue cloth and red shoes, photos of different fashionistas, who can wear this set, will help you with shoes.

How to wear blue cloth and red shoes

Options, how to wear blue cloth and red shoes, even richer. It is even more important to pay attention to the details, to complete the image and add to its beauty.

  • A modest blue dress. So, it’s better to help the urgency of the tedious everyday clothes, but, with it, be fresh and invisible.

  • Bright red shoes and cloth with a print. A similar set is ideal for summer, even sarafani and cloth with a flowery little one, ideally look at the time of the year and miraculously fit together with a scarf. Particularly good looking is the print on the look of poppies or red trojans.

  • Red shoes and red mittens. For a rich image, attached to an expensive reception, you can choose a pair of misfits and a stylish accessory - mittens. High mittens will become an ideal accessory for streaming classic watches. evening cloth, And more modern mittens will become a rodinka in a full-fledged youthful image.

  • Red shoes, bag and/or belt. The simplest variant of clothes for a bright-eyed brat is a handbag of the same color. The same rules apply to blue dresses.

  • Red shoes and dress with red details. Not obov'yazkovo, so the dress was bulo with a print. Finishing a simple geometric visor, embroidered in a red color, brooches, otherwise, it doesn’t mean anything, but a bright detail.

  • Red shoes, blue cloth and red lipstick. What could be simpler and more feminine with red-purple lipstick, how to complete the image of the yaskra?

It's time for rock to be warm - the very hour for experimenting with outfits. If you want new yaskravih farb, but there are no ideas, how to remember the juicy image, classically red and blue is a good option. Until then, blue cloth and red shoes do not surround the girls in their choice of style. It is possible to win over as elegance, so as youthful non-intermediateness - to strengthen these contrasting colors far away and those and others.

Choosing shoes up to a blue dress is not so easy, as it seems at first glance. Vіdpovіdnyh i tsіkavih variantіv can be chosen more richly, but how to know the same single ensemble, which looks at all hundred?

Let's remember that the blue color is rich and bright, the blue palette is wide. Before the new one, you can see not only completely blue, scarlet and black and turquoise and other colors, like you can’t see too well to blue, and yet no less colors are even closer.

Therefore, we can see all the colors and learn to choose shoes to the skin of them.

Shoes up to a blue dress - what kind of choice?

Like picking shoes to a blue dress, like you have a great choice of picking different colors. Zrozumіlo, a good option would be black shoes, ale turn, you can’t get enough of them on the right.

With blue you can wear gray, white, red and other colors. Golovnya, learn how to correctly put together an ensemble, because it’s not leather that’s the style of the hooded pidide to the blue dress.

The blue cloth and the red shoes - such customization of colors is often rejected, but it is unacceptable. Tse not so. with blue dresses they look even more staggered and look extravagant. Ale does not mean that such a day is not suitable for a business or casual ensemble.

Everything is laid down less in the style of the clothes, and not in the color.

If your cloth can be called strict for the style, and your suit is red shoes, then you can make such a complete set for working everyday life, as long as you don’t have a strict dress code.

Like a supplementary accessory, choose a shiny hustka for the color of shoes, or as an additional accessory, but not a bag. The red accessory can't be great. An ideal choice would be a thin belt or a small brooch.

A casual style can take more liberties. Bright-blue cloth and red shoes will go for the summer ensemble.

Here you can choose more memorable accessories: a red namisto, a light jacket of a red color or a bolero, different belts, bags, and for an evening ensemble it is beautiful to put on a red summer stole.

Blue cloth and white shoes are a summer option for casual styles, but for robots such an ensemble is not suitable, it is not innocent, light and simple.

Poednannya white and blue, nasampered, guessing about the summer and the sea. This is a wonderful choice for the marine style, for which there are many colors of vicory everywhere. Zreshtoy, blue and white - that’s a classic sea tіlnik!

We use this image and store the ensemble in a marine style. For whom we need a blue cloth of a straight or fitted style, perhaps with a “sailor”, as well as white shoes and a black belt with an anchor on a yarn.

If you don’t have such a belt, take a great black skinny belt and complete the ensemble with other accessories in a marine style, for example, panama with a marine symbol, as if adding a cloth in style, or we would add a cloth in a marine style with large sea turtles and small sea turtles.

Also, white shoes and blue cloth can be worn in casual style. Kindly, there will be prints on the cloth, or viserunki of a white color: peas, a coat, a rose ornament. Also, it can be done with white mesh, scorched white.

Since you don’t have a lot of blue cloth with a white little one, don’t be embarrassed. White shoes in ensembles can be worn with other accessories: a thin white belt, a cape or a summer stole, white namists or a handbag.

Blue cloth and green shoes are another wonderful option for summer. Thin belts made of green shkіri look good on the dresses, embellish the summer theme: chotirilista stable, which leaves thin. Do not varto change the ensemble green color that vikoristovuvaty great accessories or more than three items, including embellishments.

Better pick shoes up to a dark blue dress. Chervoniy with dark blue is acceptable, but it looks like something zukhvalo. If you dress up for a party, or a club, then the ensemble will be a companion, but if you go for a day walk or a job, then it’s unlikely.

You can buy dark blue shoes, scarlet bazhano, so that you can wear clothes that are close to the color of the cloth. It is not necessary to put on light shoes (light cloth) or yaskravyh vodtinkiv. The best option- Black or dark gray shoes.

Shoes up to turquoise cloth - choose correctly

How are the shoes dressed under the turquoise cloth? Not easy food. Shoes turquoise cloth look good and rotten stalely in the very cloth.

A turquoise cloth with black shoes is a completely acceptable ensemble, although there are many doubts about the correctness of such a decision.

In fact, they can be worn at once, but it is necessary to protect the nuances. A black ink is pulled tight with a turquoise cloth, like sandals or light summer shoes with an open ankle or a scarf. Classic black shoes should be worn with turquoise cloth for demi-season or winter season.

For summer light cloth turquoise color good beige and golden colors. The first ones can be of different tones - both light and dark, garni laces in nude color, as they fit to the color of your coat.

Another indecent option is shoes of turquoise color and yoga color. Neobov'yazkovo, schob the cloth that vzuttya fluttered tone by tone, which has all the beauty of such ensembles. So it’s good to go white chi sir, including metallic, shoes.

Shoes to blakitnoї cloth - podbiraemo with gusto

Blakitna cloth of rich color looks miraculously with shoes of bright colors. Chervoniy, blue, green, violet, navit zhovty - the whole palette is mixed up from bright-blaky in summer ensembles.

If you want to create a lower image, wink shoes of beige, white, black color. For a modest casual vbranya pidide vzuttya gray and black color.

Black cloth of pastel colors to add like shoes pastel flowers for example, m'yatny or pale lavender, so rich colors. In the rest of the day, the stench will play the role of a bright spit in the ensemble.

Yogo can be supplemented with one bright accessory under the color on the waist, or at the top, or deprive the ensemble of the central lanka. As an additional accessory, vikoristovy embellish (earrings, namistos, brooches), belts or clothes.