The role of abstract thought. Annotation of the thought - what the hell. Form, see, development. Recognition step for the development of an abstract idea

Myslennyam in psychology is called the cognitive process, in which reality is emphasized and mediated. In the middle - now, knowing only the authorities through others, not at home - through the house.

In the process of development of a person's psyche, one has to go through folding paths, passing through a concrete thought more and more abstract, from an objective one to an inner one, classifying a thought by a form. In psychology, they distinguish:

- Naochno-dієve

- Naochno-similar

- Obrazne

- Abstract-logical thought.

Tse svogo genus sable development of a person.

The child knows the light, dosledzhuyuchi objects on dotik, on relish, sorting, lamayuchi, rozsipyuchi, throwing, posterihayuchi, etc., then through practical activities. Tse - show a nachno-dієvy thought, yogo period approximately from 1 to 3 roіv.

Nadal is connected in a more figurative way of thought, as if it is still based on a practical, realized reality, but even more victorious images, like creating and saving. Qi images can not rely on specific intuitions (for example, fairytale heroes). Tse is a thought, represented by visual images and manifestations, based on the optic, tactile, auditory perception. The peak of the nachno-shaped idea is about 4 to 7 years old, but it is also taken from older people.

The next step is a figurative thought. At what stage, people are looking for help, but they are being remembered. The versatility of figurative thought has the right to puff the brain. On the vіdmіnu vіd naochno-figurative idea, figuratively verbal constructions and abstract comprehensions are widely vindicated.

Zreshtoy, with an abstract-logical thought, symbols, figures, and abstract concepts are vibrated, as they are not accepted by the organs of our senses.

abstract idea

abstract idea is engaged in a search for the establishment of wild laws, powerful nature and human suspense. Yogo meta - through the understanding of those broad categories of common links and connections. For whom the whole process is visualized and the manifestations of other rows, the stench is less likely to help more accurate fermentation.

We can take a deep, whole picture of phenomena and appearances, without focusing on details, abstracting from them. Walking along this path, you can go beyond the primary rules and break through, breaking new ground.

The development of abstract thought is rich in what the creation of the modern system has stuck. Words were stuck behind objects, abstractions and manifestations. Sense, laying in words, it became possible to act independently in situations that have such power with these objects. Mova allowed to turn on the language, to present to the witnesses those chis and other things, to close the beginnings of the creation.

The abstract idea reflects the reality in the form to understand, judgment and vision.

Understanding and poednuє objects, manifestations and processes through the essence of signs. Vono became the first and most important form of the obvious abstract expression of the undertones. Apply to understand: "vovk", "student of the 1st year", "high young man".

Judgment either recounts, or confirms the appearances, objects, situations, thinly, reveals the presence of chi in the presence of s-like them, whether there are any zv'yazkіv, mutually. The stench buvayut forgive and fold. The butt of a simple one: “a girl plays in a ball”, a folding one - “a month of viyshov because of the gloom, the galyavin was illuminated”.

Visnovki is a romatic process that allows you to create absolutely new vysnovki from the main trial (or from the trial). For example: "All the birch trees of autumn throw off leaves, I planted a birch, too, there are also fall leaves." Abo is more classical: “All people die, I am a person, father, I will die too.”

Abstract-logical thinking through logical operations with concepts reflects the interrelationships, sees the blue between objects and the manifestations of the world, which is familiar to us. Vono spryaє for the sake of the unknown decisions of the most manipulative tasks, adaptation to the smallest minds.

Іsnuyut deakі osoblіnostі, vіlіvі abstract logical thought:

— Knowing to understand and the criteria, as essential, as well as equally applicable to the real world, and in the meantime, they are worthy of them.

– Really analyze, analyze and systematize information.

— To show the regularity of the new world without intermediary interaction between them.

- Um_nnya formovat causal-native connections.

Abstract-logical thinking is the basis of the process of learning, and it can be caught up in whether you are aware of activity, like in science, and in practice.

The development of an abstract thought is found in children, and it is even more important to attach due respect to you. In one of the upcoming articles, we will tell you about those, how to develop abstract and logical ideas in a preschool child.

Gnuchkoy rosy i spriyatlivistnosti ditini early age robyat this period is the most optimal for taking. However, when a person has grown up, she can develop her own zdіbnostі, logical habits, improve the kmіtlivіst and іtіtlіvіst. Abstract-logical ideas help to develop the right to reveal regularities, to unite words with the improvement of the solemn signs, be it logical tasks.

It has been brought to a deep old age that one can develop the vitality of one's brain, improving such functions, as a mind, respect, memory, spriynyattya. Occupation can be carried out at a hoary form, for help.

We wish you success in self-development!

Myslennia is one of the most common and at the same time collapsible cognitive processes of our psyche. The very thought allows us to know, to continue the necessary light, to repair, to work the winding, to vibudovuvat the court and come to the windings, well, and, of course, to create, to create fundamentally new on the basis of the past dosvidu.

The skin from us is endowed with the quality of building, which allows us to successfully interact one with one. It is necessary to understand that our idea can be classified and its own stages of development. The best form of the development of thought is abstract and logical.

At the basis of this kind of thought lies the concept of "abstraction", "abstract"; And the very meaning of the word abstraction, or abstract, allows you to better understand the nature of this type of thought. Also, abstraction is the concentration of respect for important, essential aspects of the subject matter. Through the war of abstraction, we make abstraction, that is. as a matter of fact, which is the result of this thought.


It is necessary to take a closer look burning position, and th abstract idea that її form. Aje manifests itself differently.

Later, the psychologists see the following forms of abstract thought:

1. Understanding - the price of the simplest and the main form of rozumovy diyalnost, shards are primed in them, folded. Tsya form combines impersonal manifestations of objects with similar signs one understands. For example, the concept of "stilec" - all furniture, like vicorous for a seat, stench to make a surface for a seat, a back, often legs (one or a chotiri), rented for one person.

2. Judgment - more folding shape, which is formed not from one understanding, but from dekilkoh, and for the additional judgment of the building, state the fact of what is possible, and it is also possible to describe the objects of that phenomenon or their interrelationship. You see the judgment of simplicity and folding:

  • It's simple - it's a short phrase, for example "Doshch Ide" or "Litak to fly."
  • Folding - a whole bunch of short phrases that give a roar of understanding of what you see, for example "It's cold on the street, it's snowing and it's windy."

3. Visnovok - the most foldable form, as a way to unite a lot of judgments, on the basis of which we can create visnovoks, and also, create a new judgment. For example: “It’s cold on the street and it’s windy, after all, you need to warm up.” This is a process that allows the development of theoretical knowledge.

Our life is made up of constant operation, like understandings, and judgments, like leading to new minds. It is skin from us to pass the way from the scientific-figurative thought to the abstract and logical mind of the thought.

They also see the main signs of the abstract mind of the mind:

  • Building can be operated with abstract concepts (happiness, law, life, truth).
  • Zdatnіst uzgalnyuvati and analyze information.
  • Build up the system with the improvement of the information system.
  • Revealing the laws of this world without real contact with it (for example, understand that it is cold on the streets, looking at the weather forecast on the Internet).
  • Uminnya to establish causal and inherited links.


The main food, like squealing practically everything, is the development of an abstract idea, like it’s obvious and you can get stuck on the target. From the same time, as fahіvtsі stverdzhuyut, this kind of myslennєvoї activity develops in the young schoolchildren, beginning from 7 years, that yoga can be developed already in the first classes.

Spriya yogo development, obviously, gra, itself through the breast of the building, acquire the main concepts, learn to operate with them, and also be vysnovki on the basis of judgement. It is also important to lure the child to the height of the limits, especially logical or such, de є abstract understanding, for example, “perimeter” or “area”.

Creativity activity also helps to develop the building of abstract thinking. You can also be busy with painting, painting, reading poetry, constructing thinly - the choice of creativity is to blame for the fallowing of the child's features.

If we talk about the development of an abstract and logical mind in adults, then we recommend that they also engage in creativity, delve into the understanding of what is such a mysticism, turn to philosophical understanding of that category. Kindly give the opportunity to solve puzzles, practice non-standard approaches to the top of the most important tasks.

All this allows you to look at the world in a new way, and also, expand the functions and possibilities of your mind. It is necessary to remember that intelligence, that the building of abstract thinking among different people is not equally blamed, it is not easy to compare your results with others - rather, simply, as you could have developed abstract ideas in yourself and how you can change them. Author: Daria Potikan

Like a super-learning about different fluctuations, to mathematics, logic, analysis of those other colloquial speeches, it became one of the most colloquial terms in our conversation - an abstract thought. Yogo s chim only do not compare, chim only do not explain, what is not applied. І z chim only do not stray.

Do you know that you understand what is such an abstract idea? Why is it so rich who strays with logic, remembers those other speeches? I’m like a rozumіyu, scho tse, but with formulas, I’m also collapsible. Vіki tell us: "Abstract thought is one of the types of human thought, which is used to understand in the settled abstract ones that it is operated by them." Well, how? Is it easier to see what kind of formula? :-)

I further: "Abstract understanding ("number", "matter", "variety", etc.) is blamed on the process of thought as a deepening of the data of sensitive knowledge of specific objects and manifestations of objectivity."
Yes, it's shorter.

My friend seemed to have hit me on the chain with a simple butt: "Child, if you can't have an abstract thought, "ten" minds, and "ten apples" - no mind."
It made sense of itself, but in me I don’t even feel like it, what is written more (written off from wiktionary).

As far as I got to school, I read a live discussion about those who think well about what. I went to see a neurologist. You can sit there, at your school, and love to give advice on the tricky food. I virishila, that vin is the best candidate for this food, because vin is often the term victorious. The neurologist said that we need abstract ideas in order to deal with the phenomena, about which we do not take enough information, so that we can “explore” them with our mind. Everything that is cunning, vague and unreasonable, is packaged for us in a pleasant way in an abstract way. And I’m gaining decency, if we try to express our sense of that emotion. Tsezhe already quola and vague part of reality, as it is important to understand, systematize, describe, discuss. And want. The axis here is our building, abstractly thinking and picking up the image of that inventory, which cannot be spoken and said in words.

Mabut, who described me the best, felt and read. Ale was deprived of nutrition with mathematics, logic and analysis. Is it true that abstract ideas help to understand mathematics? If so, then why?

My neurologist said, scho - nі, razumіti - does not help. Intelligence is supplemented by the presentation of information (explained, simple, straightforward) and the amount of information required. If a person is not wise in the butt, it means that he does not get information, knowledge, how to help to write this butt. As if you know everything, it is necessary for the accomplishment of the task, you must come to your knowledge and swear.

And the axis of something helps to abstractly help, then it’s worth turning into emotionally deaf kuta. To the one that the skin person has such a phase, if the knowledge in it is already there, but she still hasn’t figured out how to report it. Tse - vіdsutnіst svіdu, vіdsutnіst rіshuchostі, vіdsutnіst novice z combіnuvannya that report vsogo to vsogo. I don’t fall into a stupor during the first failure, relax, calm down, and think about what’s wrong here, what you can do with it - help building up your feelings. Understand and understand your emotional state, stick to someone else, relax, accept the situation. Start roaming about her - often breaking into the exact butt of that bazhannya negligently take the correct figure.

To the point of speech, the sound of homemaking in the minds of those who really don’t know and don’t hear - they appear, they are also respected by the fruit of an abstract thought. І tse - more corisno.
At once, the doctors give great significance to the health. I already wrote about those, as I go through the rest of the hour testing for zir. The spine is killed by objective means. The diopters can also be measured with a device, and everything that I work crookedly, obliquely and unevenly is the result of physical distortions and changes. Having created a scan of the quotes, you can project through it everything that breaks in the eyes, and the doctor will shine the light of my eyes, at all curvature. With this, if I can read the letters, sitting in the required number of meters in the table, I guess more richly, lower b. It was at my head that I was embarrassed by the hour of the crooked lines being straight. I - what a smut - tse vvazhєtsya! Everything is twisted, whether by any means, including poach, nose, intuition, and as much as possible - it’s important! Having recognized the problem - it means having learned!
Stink navit є the phrase is loved there, that the stench repeats all the hour: "Bestanden ist bestanden" - ("Whoever sleeps, that glory"). Tipu - "it doesn't matter yak."

And maybe, in the sciences, it’s like that is possible? Shouldn't you understand with your mind, but should you be aware of other people? :-)

See also:

There is nothing unambiguous in the world. If you care about exact knowledge, you can remember a lot of things. The world does not live exactly according to the instructions written by the people. What else is not known.

If a person doesn’t know something, abstract thoughts turn on in her, as if helping her to work, let go, blame the mirkuvannya, mirkuvati. In order to understand what it is, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with butts, forms and methods of yoga development.

What is an abstract idea?

What is it and why does the site of psychotherapeutic assistance help the site deal with topics of abstract thought? The very building of thought helps to help the significant rozv'yazannya deadlock situation, the appearance of a different world.

More precisely, that zagalnene mislennya. More precisely, thoughts turn on only if a person has knowledge, information and a clear understanding of what is being understood. More important thoughts are included even if a person does not know the exact data, does not have specific information. Vіn can guess, let go, robity zagalnі vysnovki. Uzagalnene thought - abstract thought in simple words.

My scientific abstract ideas are a kind of knowing activity, if a person enters into specific details and begins to roam with a slur. The picture is looked at in a flash, without details, specifics, accuracy. Tse spryaє vіdkhodzhennu vіd rules i dogma and rasglyadu situation s different sides. If it’s a sing-song podia at a savage one, then there are different methods and її cherries.

Call a person to go out of specific knowledge. For example, a man lies on the sofa and marvels at the TV. Vinicating thought: "Vin ledar." In this situation, the looker comes out of his own appearance in the one who is seen. And what could be true? A person lay down for 5 minutes, for example. Vin has already done everything around the house, allowing himself to marvel at the television. If you fall ill, then lie on the sofa. Here you can have a lot of options for what you want. As if abstracting from specifics and marveling at the situation from different sides, then you can understand something new and different.

With an abstract thought, a person thinks approximately. There are no specifics, no details. The words are victorious: “life”, “peace”, “zagalom”, “behind the great rachunk”.

An abstract idea is not possible in these situations, if a person cannot know the way out (intellectual absence of a way out). Through the presence of information and the knowledge of the faults of the confusion, mumble, guess. As if abstracting from the situation with specific details, you can look at them those that did not rush to the end.

Abstract-logical idea

In the abstract-logical mentality, abstractions are victorious - singles of singing regularities, as if they were separated from the "abstract", "obvious" features of an object, a phenomenon. Otherwise, it seems like a person operates with images, as if they can “twist their hands”, “poke their eyes”, “smell”.

Let's use mathematics as an example of such a thought, in which phenomena are explained, which are not found in physical nature. For example, there is no such thing as the number "2". People are wise, what can be said about two identical ones. Prote tsya figure was foreseen by people with the method of forgiving deakyh phantoms.

The progress of the development of humankind confuses people with understandings, which they really don’t have. With a smaller butt, we can use buti mova, like a person koristuetsya. Nature has no letters, words, words. Lyudina guessed the alphabet, words and words for the sake of expressing her thoughts, how to convey them to other people. Tse allowed people to know the language, shards to understand the meaning of that very word, to recognize the letters, to speak.

Abstract-logical thinking becomes necessary in the situation of the obviousness of the singing significance, as it made me understand the people's house, and the vindication of the intellectual absence of a way out. Blame the need for the revealed ones, which are true, for those who know you are appointed.

The abstraction is subdivided in the sight of it. See abstractions:

  • Primitive-sensuality - seeing some power of the subject, ignoring other vigor. For example, looking at the structure, but ignoring the form of the subject.
  • Uzagalnyucha - vision global characteristics in one thing, ignoring the presence of individual features.
  • Idealizing - substitution of real authorities by an ideal scheme, as if including the shortfalls.
  • Isolating - I see that component, for which I care about it.
  • Actual inconsistencies - infinite multipliers are recognized as kіntsev.
  • Constructivization - "coarseness", shaping the manifestations that make the divisions between.

Behind the goals of abstraction are:

  1. Formal (theoretical ideas), if a person looks at objects behind the outer manifestations. Themselves do not realize themselves without these objects and manifestations.
  2. Zmіstovna, if a person can see from the object of the manifestation of power, as a building, use itself, be autonomous.

The development of the abstract-logical idea is important, the shards themselves allowed to distinguish from the superfluous world those that cannot be recognized by the natural organs of the senses. Here they settled down to understand (moving words), as if they were conveying the solemn law of these other things. Now, the skin of a person does not happen to reveal those who understand better, the shards will learn about her in the process of learning at school, university, at home too. To lead us to the offensive by those proforms of abstract thought.

Form an abstract thought

Scattered people cannot just “make the wheel”, they can’t systematize the removal of knowledge. A lot of manifestations are not visible to the human eye, which cannot be seen, but everything is in human life, that may take that other form. In the abstract thought, 3 forms are seen:

  1. Concept.

Tse thought, as if transferring supreme power, as if taking a walk in various subjects. The stench can be different. Prote їх uniformity and similarity allow people to unite in one group. So, for example, stіlets. Vin can be with round handles or square seats. Different styles can be different zabarvlennya, shape, warehouse. Prote їhnoy zagalny є those who stench can 4 nizhki and it is customary to sit on them. However, the recognition of objects by this construction allows people to be combined in one group.

I understand that people develop children from childhood itself. When talking about “dog”, we understand the creature, like it walks on 4 legs, barks, barks, etc. Dogs themselves come in different breeds. Against the stench, there are the same signs, with which they can be combined in one ardent understanding - "dog".

  1. Judgment.

With this form of abstraction, people swear when they try to confirm that they ask. Moreover, the verbal form is unambiguous. It has two forms: simple and foldable. Simple - for example, kitty yavkaє. It's short and unambiguous. To another - "they threw out the smitta, the cebro let go." Most often they are expressed by whole propositions of the opposing form.

Judgment can be true chi hibnim. The right judgment reflects the real state of the right and is often based on the fact that a person does not show up to a new expectation, to be judged objectively. Hibnim flocks of judgement, if a person of zatsіkavleniy at a new one and is based on the high winds, and not on the real picture of what is going on.

  1. Visnovok.

The whole thought, as it is formed on the basis of two and more thoughts, from which a new judgment is established. The skin visnovka has 3 warehouses: peredumova (posilannya), visnovok and visnovok. Posilannya (peredumova) - tse pochatkovі judgment. Visnovok is the whole process of logical thinking, which leads to visnovka - a new judgment.

Apply an abstract thought

Having looked at the theoretical part of the abstract thought, one should become familiar with various examples. We use the best butt of those who are such an abstract judgement, that is, exact sciences. Mathematics, physics, astronomy and other sciences are often based on abstract thought. We don’t have numbers like these, but we can appreciate it. Subjects are selected to a group and called their quantity.

Lyudina rozmirkova about life. Ale, what is it? This is the foundation of the body, in which the person is collapsing, running wild, functioning. It is impossible to give a clear definition of what life is like. However, a person can unequivocally signify if one is alive, and if one is dead.

A clear abstract idea manifests itself, if a person thinks about the future. It’s impossible to see what will be there, but there are leather, bazhannya, plans. Without the ability to dream and manifest, a person could not make plans for the future. Now vіn pragne to realize tі tіlі. Yogo Rukh life becomes more purposeful. Strategies and tactics are coming up, which can lead to a buggy future. Tsієї reality is not yet known, prote people are pragne її to formulate such a thing, such as bazhaє bachiti.

Another extended form of abstraction is idealization. People love to idealize otochuyuchih that svіt zagalom. Women dream about princes from fairy tales, without mentioning what kind of people are the real world. People dream about hearing squads, ignoring the fact that only the truth, not to think, can change the order in another.

A lot of people are tormented by judgments. Often stench є hibnimi. So, a woman can make wisps about those who are "all the filthy people" after having healed one and only one partner. Shards of you see a person as a single class, to whom the power of one and the same quality, they attribute to everyone that quality, as it appeared in one person.

Quite often, on the basis of pardons, unswerving visnovki squirm. For example, “the judge is unfriendly”, “there is no scorching”, “it is necessary to change the wiring” - also, “the apartment is unfavorable”. On the basis of emotional discomfort, which is blamed for the obvious circumstances, there are unambiguous judgments that are swayed, which create reality.

The development of an abstract thought

The most optimal age for the development of abstract thought is the preschool period. As only a child begins to know the world, he can help in the development of all kinds of thought.

The most effective way to develop is toys. Through the forms, obsyagi, colors and other children begin to recognize the details, after which they can be shared with the group. You can give a child a sprat of a square or a round toy, so that she will spread them into two cups for the same signs.

As little as a child learns to paint, stick, work with his own hands, the next one is allowed to deal with such hoardings. Tse develops like fine motor skills, and I will show creative potential. It can be said that the abstract idea is creativity, as it is not surrounded by frames, shapes, colors.

If a child learns to read, rahuvati, write and take words to the sound, you can at once from her engage in the development of abstract-logical thinking. Here it’s good to come up with riddles, like a slid to solve, a manager, de need to say something like food, right to be smart, de need to remember a pardon, inaccuracy.

Shards of abstract ideas are not born at once from people, but develop in the world as it grows, here puzzles, crossword puzzles, and puzzles will help. I have a lot of literature, so as to develop different ideas. Be aware that one task cannot develop more than one kind of thought. Most of the time, they are often engaged in development different types cognitive activity.

Particularly effective are different life situations, in which children can know the way out of the situation. It’s easy to blame the child to think about it, how to dress up and how to get up, how to get out of the house and carry the package to the tank. If the smіtєviy tank is far from the booth, then you will be confused in the future to predict your route. The forecast for the future is yet another way to develop an abstract thought. Children are good at practicing fantasy, like a trace of ignorance.


Under the bag of abstract thought are those that a person knows well and comes out of any situation. Vin thinks creatively, gnuchko, outside the box. Do not get exact knowledge and objective and constructive help in any situation. There are differences in the surroundings, which make a person think, rozmirkovuvati, predict.

Psychologists say negative consequences so the fathers will not be engaged in the development of this thought with their children. First, the little ones can’t learn to see the details in detail, now, go from the overhead to the details. In another way, you can show the flexibility of thought in situations, in which you know the outcome. Thirdly, there will be concessions to the ability to predict the future of one's vchinkiv.

Abstract ideas are seen as linear, that a person does not think in terms of causal and inherited connections. Vіn abstraguєtsya v_details and starts rozmіrkovuvat zagal. The most important thing here is that only after a blatant bachennya a person can go to the details, which are important in a situation. And if the details do not help with the actual problem, then blame the need to abstract, to go beyond what is being seen.

Abstract thoughts allow you to know something new, create, create. Yakby people were spared such a thought, even if they could not create a wheel, a car, or even that other technology, which is now rich in many people. It would not be possible for any progress, which is born to us in front of the building of people to show, dream, go between the accepted and the reasonable. The qi of the beginners appear brown and in everyday life, if a person sticks to different characters that behaviors of people, with which they had never learned before. In the meantime, it changes quickly and adapts to the constant surroundings, zavdyakovy abstract thought.

) - vyavne vіdvolіkannya, vіdokremlennya vіd quiet chi іnshih storіn, dominion chi zv'yazkіv obtіv chi vyshch vidіlennya іstotnyh sign.

The word "Abstraction" is victorious among two senses:

  • Abstraction- process, the same abstraction»
  • Abstraction - « abstract understanding», « abstract”, the result of abstraction.

Abstract comprehension - a clear construction, which is a singing concept, or an idea, to create specific objects, or a manifestation of a real world, but with which it is abstract in the form of concrete ones. Abstract constructions may or may not have direct analogues to the physical world, which is typical, for example, for mathematics (in a vzagali, imovirno, the most abstract science).

The need for abstraction is determined by the situation, if there are obvious differences between the nature of the intellectual problem and the object in its concreteness. In such a situation, a person corsages, for example, it is possible to sprynyattya and describe the fire like a geometric shape, and the people who collapse are like a song of mechanical importance.

Deyaki types of abstraction, for the types of non-essential:

  • general abstraction- gives a clear picture of the phenomenon, an abstract view of private minds. As a result of such an abstraction, one can see the total power of the objects of chi manifestations. This type of abstraction is considered the main one in mathematics and mathematical logic.
  • idealization- Substitution of a real empirical reality by an idealized scheme, abstract from real shortcomings. As a result, the understanding of idealized (ideal) objects (“ideal gas”, “absolutely black body”, “straight”, “spherical kink in vacuum” (from the joke about idealization) etc.)
  • isolating abstraction- selection of the completed phenomenon from the singing wholeness, choice of options, so as not to chirp.
  • abstraction of actual inconsistency- due to the fundamental impossibility of fixing the skin element of the infinite multiplicity, so that the infinite multiplier is looked at like a kіntse.
  • constructivization- Vіdvolіkannya vіd neznachnostі between real objects, їх "coarseness".

For goals:

  • formal abstraction- Violence of authorities, important for theoretical analysis;
  • zmistovna abstraction- Violence of authorities, which may be of practical importance.

The concept of “abstract” is opposed to the concrete (specifically, the idea is the abstract idea).

Div. epistemological law "Convergence from the abstract to the concrete".

Abstract ideas are conveyed by abstractions (“a person has taken off”, “the number three”, “a tree”, etc.), which can be taken into account by a greater difference in the equalness of the idea of ​​activity, which is equal to specific ideas, which can be right with specific objects of that processes (“Brother Vasya”, “Three bananas”, “Oak near the yard”, etc.). Building up to an abstract idea, one of the most famous figures of a person, a yak, judging by the mustache, was formed overnight by moving names that are rich in what’s the reason for moving (thus, it’s not possible to inspire thoughts to operate with the number “three vzagali”, not looming for a new singing moving sign "Three", shards in this world of such an abstract, unattached understanding simply do not understand: do not forget "three people", "three trees", "three bananas" then).

  • In the gallery of mathematical security, an abstraction is called an algorithm and a method of simplification and separation of details for focusing on deyakih understandings at once.

Div. also

  • Sphere of abstraction (ribbon abstraction) at the programming

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    abstract idea- those who understand the idea, that is the building of a person to the formation of abstract, mediated, inaccurate, clearly manifested manifestations about objects, in which the main power of concrete speeches is conceived ... Cobs of modern natural science

    abstract idea- Div. abstraction; myslennia ... Tlumachny dictionary of psychology

    abstract idea- spire on the language, a great, well human type of thought, what is in the form to understand, judgment, visnovkiv ... Glossary linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Abstraction of the operator's mind- Abstract thinking: thinking that is the creation of the operator to make deep understanding, inspire in the minds of reality, reflect (be in the country of reflection) ... Dzherelo: GOST R 43.0.3 2009. National standard ... ... Official terminology

    Direction of the process of processing information in the cognitive system of living sources. M. is realized in acts of manipulation (operation) with internal mental representations, which are followed by a singing strategy that leads to guilt… Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Abstraction, abo abstract, (from the Latin abstractio “voidvolikannya”, introduced by Boetsіy as a translation of the Greek term, which Aristotle got used to) vyavne vіdvolіkannya, vodokremlennya in іt quiet chi іnshih storіn, zvjazkіv zvjazkіv vezdіv chi manifestations for ... Wikipedia

    myslennia- I mislennya / nya = mi / shlennya; div. thought 1) the health of the people of thought, rosemary, robiti visnovki; special steps in the process of fermentation to bring about objective action. Science mission. The brain is the organ of the mind. Develop the mind. Dictionary of bagatioh viraziv


  • As emotions pour into abstract ideas, that is why mathematics is incredibly accurate. How the bark of the brain is wielded, which is why її possibilty to exchange like і emotsії, supplementing the work of measles, allow people to follow science, A. R. Sverdlik. Mathematics, for other disciplines, is universal and marginally accurate. She creates a logical structure of all natural sciences. “The efficiency of mathematics is unfailing”, as it should be…
  • Like emotions pour into abstract ideas and why mathematics is incredibly accurate. “The efficiency of mathematics is unfailing”, as it should be…