Vibratsії and їх influx on the body of a person. Vibrations. Negative influx of global vibration

Trying to cause vibrations on the human body to serious consequences under the name "vibration sickness". This is a professional pathology, which is the cause of the trivial impact on the body of a person's vibrational vibration, which exceeds the maximum permissible level (MAC). Ill, as a rule, people of the middle age.

Vibration can work locally (for example, on working hands), and the whole organism. Ale, in a be-yakoma vapadku, it is wide to wide, vdbivayuchsya on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Extinguish the vibration of the zavdyaka to the elastic power of m'yazov, zv'yazok, cartilage.

In addition, the heart-vascular system and especially the microcirculatory bed (dry judges, in some cases without intermediary delivery of blood acidity and utilization of carbon dioxide from tissues) suffer from severe vibrations.

With a deep vibration, the organ of jealousy (vestibular apparatus) is often affected, which is accompanied by confusion, a cunning, unstable move, such patients are often disturbed by boredom, sometimes they see double. It is more important to endure travel by transport, especially by trains.

Overprotection is more than a reaction to the body and is specific for vibrational illness and its presence is obov'yazkovo for making a diagnosis.

Before non-specific symptoms of vibrational ailment include:

  • impaired immunity, endocrine function, speech exchange;
  • thickened blood;
  • omission of the organs of the abdominal emptying of the small pelvis, which causes damage to their functions, and directly - to the intestinal tract. When lowered, there is heaviness, pain at the epigastric space, flatulence, there is a risk of intestinal obstruction, stagnation of the stomach.

Porazka nervous system I believe in the fact that as a result of direct vibration on the receptors, their alertness moves. It should lead to chronic (sustained) activation of the centers of vibratory sensitivity, as a result of which the excitement expands on the vascular centers of measles of the brain (vessel-rukhovy, the center of thermoregulation, pain). All this forms a syndrome of vegetative-sensory polyneuropathy (severe pain in the arms, legs, pelvic pain, cold hands, cold feet, cold swelling).

Angiodistonic syndrome (damage to the tone of the blood vessels) is also characteristic of vibratory disease. The fault is blamed on the result of damage to both the vessel-ruh center, and the non-intermediate mechanical influx of vibration on the vessel. Vibration spriyaє poshkodzhennu vnutrіshnoї stіnki arterії, here zayavlyayutsya blood clots, yakі zі strum blood be transferred to the dіbnіshi sudinі їх їх twitch. As a result, a part of the body is blue, it becomes cold, and sensitivity is lost. In an hour, virazki may appear, which will not be fought for a long time. To this spryaє also vessel-sounding of high-frequency vibrations, the increase in blood viscosity. In times of global vibration, the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and arterial hypertension are significantly increased.

As it was said above, the vibrations are extinguished by the soft fabrics of the musculoskeletal apparatus - this is a positive side. However, at a good hour, ligaments, cartilage and m'yazi, which are known under the constant vibration, become even rougher, they show cracks, scar tissue (similar to calluses on the palms after the trivalo) physical ambition) – tse negative consequences. Such scars change the normal robotic organs: the ligaments become smaller, easier to grow with great tension; ruhi in the swamps can not, then pain, swelling appear; m'yazova moves up, bіl, the strength of m'yazіv decreases, the stench changes at the rosemaries (atrophy).

The exaltation of vibrational ailments is grounded on two principles. The first one is the vinyatok infusion of vibrations on the body (etiological principle).

The other is a complex treatment of all the symptoms that are called. Here, analgesics, preparations are used to improve blood flow, neuroprotectors, physiotherapy, reflexotherapy and others (pathogenetic and symptomatic principle of healing) are prescribed for the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Vibration is like a virobnicha shkіdlіvіє є mekhanіchnіchnymi kolyalnymi ruhs, scho without intermediary transmitted to the body of a man or okremі її dіlyanki. As a result of the mechanization of a rich variety of robotic and pneumatic and electric tools, the value has increased sharply, and in this hour of vibration, among professional illnesses, it occupies one of the first months.

When it comes to vibration sickness, the most significant vibration is the frequency of 16-250 Hz.

Accepted by division mistseva (local)і I'm going to have a big vibration: the first one is handed over to the hands of other people, the body of the body, the friend - to the whole organism (changing on the platform, which is swaying, sitting).

The vibrations on the workers are often accompanied by a surge of other vibrational fluctuations: noise, microclimate, which is cold, non-handed position of the body.

Injection of vibration into the body. Vibration in fallow land in the form of її parameters (frequency, amplitude) can give both a positive and a negative impact on the surrounding tissues of the organism in the whole. With a physiotherapy method of victorious victoria to improve trophism, blood circulation in the tissues for the treatment of such illnesses. Proteo virobnicha vibration, transmitted to healthy tissues and organs, and having a significant amplitude and trivality, is an influencing factor.

Vibration reminds us of neurotrophic and hemodynamic damage. In vessels of a small caliber (capillaries, arterioles), spasmodic-atonic steels are blamed, their penetration increases, they break down nerve regulation. Changes in vibration, temperature and pain sensitivity of the shkir. Practicing with a manual mechanized tool, you can blame the symptom of a “dead finger”: loss of sensitivity, whitening of fingers, hands. Workers complain about the coldness of their hands, there is no pain in them after work and at night. Shkіrnі twist mizh attacks mayut marmurovy looking, cyanotic. In some cases, there is swelling, changes in the skins on the hands (cracks, roughness), hyperhidrosis of the palms. Characterized by cystic-loamy and m'yazovі change. Dystrophic processes call for a change in the structure of the cysts (osteoporosis, growth and other), atrophy of the ulcers. Possible deformation of the carpal, ulnar, shoulder joint from impaired support-rukhovoї functions.

The illness is of a scorching character, about which the swede is sick, headache, confusion, increased alertness. Possible scars for pain in the region of the heart and the drain, increased right: weight loss, sleeplessness. Astheno-vegetative syndrome is accompanied by cardiovascular disorders: hypotension, bradycardia, ECG changes. With a medical glance, changes in the skin sensitivity, tremor of the hands, tongue and tongue can be revealed.

In case of deep vibrations, there are more pronounced changes from the side of the central nervous system: skarga for confusion, noise in the ears, drowsiness, whiteness in lytic m'yazakh. Objectively, there are changes in the EEG, mental and insane reflexes, memory loss, impaired coordination of the hands. Sposterіgaetsya increase in energy consumption and shudnennya. More often, lower for the injection of local vibrations, vestibular disorders appear. In the wake of the noise, vibration led to a change in hearing. It is typical for this to have a decrease in the sound of both high and low frequencies. Every now and then, dawn discord appears: changing the color, between the fields, the dawn, lowering the welcome of the dawn. From the side of the heart-vascular system, there is an inability to arterial pressure, overdose of hypertensive manifestations, if there is a sharp fall in arterial pressure to the end of work. Possible spasm of the coronary vessels, development of myocardial dystrophy. The lesions of the cystic-loam apparatus are most importantly localized in the legs of that ridge. Diagnosis of deep vibrations can take the discords of the functional state of the internal organs, the appearance of pain in the stool, the presence of appetite, nudoty, and frequent secession. Pathological changes in the pelvic organs can be accompanied by impotence in women, menstrual cycle disorders, prolapse of the pelvic organs, advanced gynecological illness in women.

Pochatkovy forms of vibrational ailments are easier to induce salivary development after timchasovy contact with vibrations, stosuvannya rational mode of practice, victorious massage, water procedures and others.

Theoretically, nachebto, baiduzhe, as a kind of tool vibratsija vibrates: for other equal minds, the main role is played by її parameters. The principle goes like this, but it’s true only “for other equal minds.” Indeed, the nature of the profession is determined by the specific features of the disease, for example, the local process develops more rapidly. So, as the successors of Japan signify, the waters of the vintage cars have a wide spread of slunks. It seems that the symptoms of vibratory ailment are accompanied by radiculitis in drivers of hauling tractors for lumber harvesting. The pilots, who especially practice on helicopters, often watch out for the waste of the morning. It is shown in special cases, one-time, and short-hour - about 20-30 min. vibration, zbіshuє hour rozvyazannya elementary tasks, tobto. lose respect and rozum's activity, with up to 30% the decision appears to be pardoned.

In the studies, an even more important biological regularity was revealed. It appears that the weakening of respect is only observed at singing frequencies of the order of 10-12 Hz, other frequencies, higher and lower, but with the same acceleration, such changes should not be called out. Tsya zakonіrnіst gives the key to z'yasuvannya features zahvoryuvan on vibratsiynu ailment, pov'yazanih z tiyu chi іnshoy. virobnichey diyalnistyu. The skin machine or the unit generates a series of side frequencies (harmony) one main for this machine. Tsya frequency determines the specifics of illness.

If a vibration with a frequency higher than 15 Hz (especially a frequency of 60-90 Hz) pours into a person’s breath, the tuba is straight on the vertical axis, then the severity of the zor decreases, the building of the stitch behind the chimneys of the object is used already at frequencies of 1-2 Hz and may appear 4 Hz. From this simple butt, it is clear that it is not safe to become a transport vibration: drivers, pilots, and other transport workers cease to separate objects that are collapsing.

The frequency of vibration, viklikana roughness of the road and the lack of ground transport, lie in the range of up to 15 Hz, then. є real unsafe and can cause accidents.

Vibration destroys the language of the people. At frequencies vіd 4 to 10 Hz language is spovoryuєєєєє, іnkoli і іѕ interrupted. For saving a clear correct movie you need special training, to that it is important for me to understand the language for the equal vibration of 0.3 dB. It is easy to understand how it is indicated for communication between pilots and astronauts from ground control points.

Lions, drivers, machinists are blamed for the same signs of vibrational ailment, which are the same for workers. Particularly important are illnesses among pilots of helicopters. Low-frequency colivania is blamed on the health, it is badly extinguished by the body of a person and ruinously blows on the whole organism, in front of the nervous system. Nervous and cerebrospinal dysfunctions may be 4 times more frequent in the pilots, lower in the representatives of other professions, and the vibration plays a role here.

Vibration is brought up to the factors that may high biological activity. The variability of the reactions of the mind is connected with the head rank by the power of the energy infusion and the biomechanical powers of the human body as a folding kolival system. The pressure of the colival process near the contact zone and hourly contact are the main parameters, which indicate the development of vibrational pathologies, the structure of those deposits in terms of frequency and amplitude of coliving, trivality infusion, space of stagnation and direct axis of vibrational influx, damping power of tissues, manifestations of the resonance of those other minds.

Mіzh vіdpovіdnimi reactions to the organism and equal vibratії, scho vplyvaє, no linear fallow. The reason for which manifestation resonant effect. When the frequencies are shifted above 0.7 Hz, resonant vibrations of human organs are possible. The resonance of the human body, around the yogo organs, is present under the influence of the outer forces with the increase in the moisture frequencies of the vibrations of the internal organs from the frequencies of the outer forces. The area of ​​resonance for the head in a sitting position with vertical vibrations rises in the zone between 20 - 30 Hz, with horizontal vibrations - 1.5 - 2 Hz.

The resonance is of particular importance to the organ of the dawn. The discord of the healthy sprites is manifested in the frequency range between 60 and 90 Hz, which shows resonance of spectacle apples. For organs, rotting in the chest cavity and empty stomach, resonant frequency 3 - 3.5 Hz. For the body in the sitting position, the resonance occurs at frequencies of 4 - 6 Hz.

Trivale systematically injecting vibrations to bring up the development vibrational sickness Yaka is included in the list of professional illnesses. Tsya ailments are diagnosed, as a rule, in those who work in the field. In the minds of the population, the place of vibratory ailment is not registered, regardless of the presence of bagatoh dzherel vibratsi (ground and underground transport, promisl dzherel and іn.).

The colivannya, which are transmitted from the surface of the body, that vibrate the surface of the body, calls for the development of numerical nerve endings in the walls of blood vessels, m'yazovyh and other tissues. Matches have to be made up to damage to the ultimate functional state some internal organs and systems, and in the first line of peripheral nerves and blood vessels, calling for their speed. The nerves themselves are finished, especially the skins, they also change - they become less sympathetic to the point of teasing. Everything is manifested in seemingly unreasonable pains in the hands, especially at night, numbness, apparently “goosebumps”, rapt whitening of the fingers, a decrease in all types of skin sensitivity (pain, temperature, tactile). The whole complex of symptoms characteristic of infusion of vibration, having taken away the name of the vibrational ailment Illness on the vibrational ailment, sing for m'yazovu weakness and stomply stubbornness. In women, in the influx of vibrations, the Crimea, often blame the damage to the functional state of the state sphere.

Rosvitok vibration sickness i. other unfriendly phenomena to lie in the main spectral warehouse amplitude and speed of colivan, it’s more trouble to become a vibration of the choice of terms for the development and severity of the vibratory ailment

Vibrational pathology stands in another place (after the pilaf) among professional illnesses. Looking at the damage to health I will become under the hour of vibration, it should be noted that the frequency of illness is determined by the magnitude of the dose, and the features of clinical manifestations are formed under the influx of the spectrum of vibrations. Three types of vibrational pathology are seen, in the form of a hot, local and post-shock-like vibrations.

When you have a strong vibration on the body, you suffer from the nervous system that analyzers: vestibular, oral, tactile. Vibration is a specific stimulus for the vestibular analyzer, moreover, the linear acceleration is for the otolith apparatus, stashed in the little bags in front, and the apex of the acceleration is for the circumferential canals of the inner ear.

In working vibratory professions, confusion, disorder of coordination of movements, symptoms of coagulation, vestibulo-vegetative instability are noted. The damage to the zoological function is manifested by the sounding and falling of the okremikh das, watering the dawn, the decrease in the degree of the dawn, sometimes up to 40%, subjectively - by darkening in the eyes. Under the influx of high-pitched vibrations, there is a decrease in pain, tactile and vibrational sensitivity. Particularly unsafe is post-shock-like vibration, which causes microtraumas of various tissues from advancing reactive changes. Significant low-frequency vibration is added to the exchange processes, which are manifested by changes in carbohydrate, protein, enzyme, vitamin and cholesterol exchanges, biochemical indicators in the blood.

Vibration ailments in the form of scorching vibrations and shipments are registered at the transport authorities and operators of transport-technological machines and aggregates, at the factories of concrete castings. For drivers of cars, tractor drivers, bulldozer drivers, excavator drivers low-frequency and post-shock-like vibrations, characteristic changes in the transverse-krizhovy vіddіlі ridge. Workers often sag at the bіl across, kіntsіvkah, in the area of ​​​​the slut, lack of appetite, sleeplessness, drativity, shvidku vtomlyuvanіst. In a flash, the picture of a deep low mid-frequency vibration manifests itself in deep vegetative disorders with peripheral damage, most importantly in endings, decreased vascular tone and sensitivity.

Low-frequency colivany causes a sharp decrease in the tone of the capillaries, and high frequencies cause spasm of the vessels.

Come fight against noise and vibrate richly in what is of the same type.

Nasampered, it is necessary to pay attention to the technological process and control, if possible, replace the operations that are accompanied by noise and vibration, others.

An important role in the fight against noise and vibration is played by architectural and budding and planning solutions in the design and budding of industrial buds. Nasampered, it is necessary to make the most noisy that vibrating possession of the blame for the inter-fertilizing places, where the workers are found; As a rule, the possession will require a constant or frequent periodic guarding, soundproofed booths or rooms for staff will be provided at the location of this accommodation.

With the method of prevention of the unfriendly infusion of local and wild vibrations of the pratsyuyuchi guilty of victoriousness, to bring about an individual zakhist. When there is a small vibration (often on the hands), the handles and other vibration parts of machines and tools (for example, a pneumatic hammer), which stick to the body of the worker, are covered with gum or other soft material. Vibrating role is played by mittens.


Noise and vibration are combined with the primal principle of their adoption: all stench is the result of the caulking of bodies, which is transmitted without intermediary or through gas-like, rare and solid mediums. There are only one kind of stench, more than one for the frequency of their chopping and different sprinyatty їkh people.

A ringing with a frequency of 20 to 20,000 Hz (hertz is a unit of frequency, equal to one ringing per second), transmitted through a gas-like medium, are called sounds and are perceived by human hearing organs as sounds; the sound of such sounds makes noise without a beat.

The coliving of solid bodies or transmitted through solid bodies (machines, building structures, etc.) are called vibration. Vibration is accepted by a person like a chicken with a deep vibration with a frequency of 1 to 100 Hz, and for local (mistsevoy) - from 10 to 1000 Hz (for example, for an hour of work with a vibroinstrument).

There are no clear between noise and vibration, so at the near-cordon frequencies you may sound at the same time, having poured two divine factors into the people.

Vibration— tse mehanichnіchnі kolіvannya mashinі і mehanіzmіv, yakі іraklizaruyutsya such parameters, yak frequency, amplitude, kolyvalna svidkost, kolivalna priskorennya. Vibrations give rise to neuro-innovative forces, which are blamed for the hour of robotic machines.

When vibrating the body vibrations, people are taken to see the global vibration of the entire body (transmitted through the supporting surfaces) and local (transferred to the hands for an hour of work with manual machines).

The main vibratsiyu behind the dzherel viniknennya is subdivided into three categories: transport, transport-technological, technological.

Influx of vibrations on the human body

In case of vibrating the vibrations on the body of a person, it is necessary to protect that the kolivany processes are attached to the living organism before the one that stinks constantly flow. The internal organs can be used as a knocking system with spring ties. Їхні vlasnі frequencies lie in the range of 3-6 Hz. With the influx of such frequencies on a person, there is a vindication of resonant phenomena in internal organs, building injuries, rupture of arteries, death. The upper frequencies of the body shaking in the lying position become 3-6 Hz, standing - 5-12 Hz, chest - 5-8 Hz. Injecting vibrations of such frequencies into a person will rot the central nervous system, calling out a little anxiety and fear.

The infusion of vibrational vibrations on the human being calls for a change as a physiological, and functional state of the human body. Changes in the functional state of the body are manifested in increased stupefaction, increased time of rukhovo and oral reactions, impaired vestibular reactions and coordination of ruhiv. Mustache to reduce the productivity of work. Change in physiological state to the body - in the development of nerve diseases, impaired functions of the cardiovascular system, impaired functions of the musculoskeletal apparatus, lesions of the mucosal tissues and swollen, impaired functions of the organs of internal secretion. Everything should be brought to vibratory ailments.

In the rest of the hour, three forms of vibrational ailment were distinguished: peripheral - vinication of vibrations on the hands (spasms of the peripheral vessels, attack of the fingers in the cold, weakened flaccidity and bility in the hands of the calm palm and the night hour, the loss of sensitivity, hypersensitivity) ; cerebral - in the form of an important influx of vibration on the whole organism of a person (severe cerebral vessel damage and damage to the brain); zmіshanu - with a spіlny vplivі zagalї and local vibratії.

Shkidlivist vibratsiy poslyuєєtsya one-hour influx on pratsyyuyuchih lowered temperature poіtrya roboї zone, pіdvishchennoe vіnja noise, kholodzhennja robіtnik's hands when working with manual machines, zapilennosti povіtrya, non-handy position and іn.

Hygienic regulation of vibration

The basis of hygienic regulation of vibrations is to be established by the criteria of a healthy person in case of influx on a new vibration with the improvement of tension and severity of work. The main meta normalization of vibration in working areas is the establishment of acceptable values ​​for the characteristics of vibration, which, with a slight systematic flow of the last working day and rich fates, cannot overcome the illnesses of a person’s body and do not respect a normal working day.

The main document that regulates the level of vibration in working areas is SN 2.2.4 / "Vibration vibration, vibration in residential and community life". In this document, the marginal allowable values ​​of colival speed, colival acceleration and both octave and one-third octave smug frequencies for local and deep vibrations fallowly from the dzherel viniknennia, directly from.

Ways to protect against vibration and prevention of vibration sickness

Before sposobіv Borotba of vіbratsієyu vіdnosyatsya znizhennya vіbratsії in dzherelі (pokraschennya machines konstruktsії, static i dinamіchne balansuvannya Chastain machines, scho obertayutsya) vіbrogasіnnya (zbіlshennya efektivnoї masi Shlyakhov priєdnannya car to the foundation), vіbroіzolyatsіya (zastosuvannya vіbroіzolyatorіv springs gіdravlіchnih, pnevmatichnih, gum) vibration dampening (suspension of materials with large internal rubs), suspension of individual protection measures (vibration damping, mittens with special spring-damping elements to dampen vibration).

I'm sorry - all you understand, sing-song, you know. In the article, we will look at such an important topic as a vibration. The skin of us sticks with this phenomenon in everyday life.

What is vibration? The appointment can be given as follows: mechanical movement, yak_ are transmitted without intermediary to the body of a person. The main physical characteristics are the frequency and amplitude of the colivane. Vibration vibrating in amplitude is measured in centimeters or meters, and in frequency - in hertz.

How should one evaluate the vibration due to the acceleration of that speed?

In case of skin dryness and speeding up, they change without interruption. To the greatest є osovoї linії kolyvannya, and to extreme positions it is the least. Vrakhovuychi tse, vimiryuvannya vibratsiy zdiisnyuєtsya for quickening that speed. The sound of decibels at which is carried out in the form of a reference vibration (intellectual), like a healthy 5 10 8 m / s, as well as a vibrational acceleration - 3 10 4 m / s 2. Vibro-accelerated and vibro-vibration are expressed according to zero thresholds in decibels. Threshold of spriynyattya become approximately 70 dB. The low-frequency vibration frequency is selected at 32 Hz, and the high-frequency one should be set above 32 Hz.

Dzherela vibrations

Tse widely vikoristovuyutsya in budіvnitstvі, promislovі, pobutі, silskomu gosudarstvі, transporti elektrichnі pnevmatichnі mekhanіzovanі ruchnі іnstrumenti, vіzne obladnannya vіdіvnіnі і, transport zasobi, verstati. Vibration is widely victorious not only in technology, but also in medicine for the treatment of m'yazovyh and nervous diseases (vibration massage, vibration therapy).

Influx of vibration

Vibration is the main factor, which can have a great biological activity. Direction, depth and character of physiological damages of various systems of the human body are determined by the spectral warehouse, equalities and physical powers of the human body. An important role of the genesis of these reactions is played by analyzers - skinny, horny, rukhovy, vestibular and others.

There is a great role to play in the subjective perception of the biochemical power of the human body. The effect on the body is mediated by such manifestations, as it is physical to the contact on the surface, expanding on the tissues of the coli, an unmediated reaction in the tissues and organs to the injection, teasing the mechanoreceptors, which cause subjective and neuroreceptor reactions.

Today, significant clinical and experimental material has been accumulated on these problems. The follow-up of vibrations showed that the disorder of the rukhovoi functions, which is blamed on the її dієyu, umovlennі both bezperednіm izvedennyam m'yazіv, and disruption of regulatory infusions of the central nervous system. The greater extent of diffuse damage in which case can be explained by changes in the functioning of superspinal structures, and the great difference, which may be local changes in the minds, is their non-intermediate traumatization. The most sensitive to the infusion of vibrations of the local є sympathetic nervous system, yak regulate the tone of the peripheral vessels, that vyddili peripheral nervous system, associated with tactile and vibratory sensitivity.

The study of vibrations gave the right to confirm that the parameters of її us before us are the straightening of the ship's pistons. With mechanical colivans with a frequency of over 35 Hz, spastic manifestations are observed in capillaries, and a picture of capillary atony is observed below. The most safe, by sight, possible development of spasm of the vessels is the frequency range of 35 to 250 Hz.

Negative influx for the last hour of working operations

Vibration can be influenced by the direct path of the viconnance of working operations, and also by the way, it can be added to the practicality of people, lowering it. The deyakі authors, yakі carry out follow-up vibrations, consider it as a strong stress factor, which negatively affects psychomotor practice. In addition, Rozum's activity is suffering from that emotional sphere, and the mood of unfortunate moods is also increasing.

Kolyvalna swidkist

It has been established that noise and vibration energetically blow on the human body. To that end, they began to characterize the spectrum of vibration in centimeters per second of colival fluency, or else it can be measured in decibels, like noise. Mentally, the bula was accepted as the threshold value of mechanical cracking speed, which became 5∙10 6 cm / sec. Only in case of an uninterrupted stagnation of the body with the body, which shakes, otherwise, through the sticking with it, other solids of the body are perceived (accepted) mechanically. When closed with your own neck, which can be seen (generating) a bass sound, vibrating (the lowest frequencies), at the same time, a string is also taken from the sound.

Zagalna that misseva

Razrіznyayut zagalnu that mіstsevu vibratsiyu fallow in the widening of mechanical kolivani parts of the human body. In the case of mіstsevіy pіddaєtsya strut is less than part of the body, which without intermediary sticks to the surface, as if shuddering. Best of all hands. This is the case when working with other hand tools or when using machine parts and other three items.

Misceva vibrations are sometimes transmitted to parts of the body, as if they are covered by swamps with organs, which are impassioned by them. Ale, the amplitude of the cracking of these parts of the body starts to sound lower, the shards in the world of transferring fabrics (especially soft ones) the cracking of the stench step by step dies away. Navpaki, a wild vibration pours into the whole body. Tse mainly types of mechanical chisels on the surface, where the worker is known.

Vibration sickness

When people have poured vestibular subdivisions on the body, the assessment will break down for an hour, and the speed of processing information will also decrease. yelling low frequency vibration. The greatest changes in their own are observed at frequencies in the range of 4 to 11 Hz.

To persistent pathological disorders in the body, the body produces trivalium infusion of vibrations. Comprehensive analysis of this pathological process leading up to the vision of yoga in an okrem nosological form - vibrational ailment. She continues to take care of one of the last days of the middle of other professional illnesses. Її spawning a variety of manual machines, which do not comply with regulatory requirements, as well as an increase in the specialization of practice, which leads to the advancement of the high hour in the injection of mechanical chiselling on the body. For the increase in trivality and intensity, the influx of vibrations is the growth and development of this ailment. Іstotne znachennya have their own mayє іndivіdualna sensibility. Perevtoma, cooling, noise, alcoholic sleep, m'yazova pressure and in. posilyuyut shkіdlivy vpliv.

Stages of vibration sickness

We see 4 stages of this disease for the degree of severity:

Pochatkov (I);

Pomіrkovano vrazhen (II);

Virazhen (III);

Generalized (IV, it rarely swells).

Negative influx of global vibration

Significant low-frequency vibration, especially in the resonant range, can cause traumatization of the cystic tissue and interspinal discs, displacement of organs, lacerations in the empty stomach, as well as across the spine, degenerative changes in the spine, vertebrae.

In women, who succumb to a 3rd hour like a plethora, there is an increase in the frequency of gynecological illnesses, frontal depressions, and fleeting abortions. Vibration is low-frequency in women, causing circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs.

Mechanical knocking at the living booths

It is even more important to follow the vibra- tions not only at the virobnicheskih budinkas, but also at the living boudinkas. Right in the fact that it becomes unsafe not only for healthy workers, but also for some other groups of the population. In the living quarters, the vibrations of the vibrations on the people are seen in the winds of industrial installations, transport, engineering and technological possession. The greatest impact on the body for the intensity of coliving is the city's rail transport: railway lines, subway transporters.

Vibration, which is due to the fluctuations in wakefulness, may have a regular character. The amplitude of cracking in the world in the distance is decreasing. Speaking about the widening of the cracks on the tops of the rich-surface application, it should be noted that the upper ones can be guarded, fallow in resonance, as if stronger, and weakened vibrations. With any type of construction, the appropriation is not given in the minds of the same soils of a significant influx on the її equals of the dwellings. In some cases, high vibrations are observed in the case of the planted at the very booths of the engineering and technological equipment (lifts), as well as in the building of objects.

Metodi Zachistu

The defender in vibrance is even more important at the undertakings. Rationing її rivnіv, hygienically primed, is the basis for the prevention of vibrational ailments. Defend yourself in your directness, character, trivality of diї. In the Russian Federation, the sanitary legislation regulates the equal number of mechanical coliving, which can be used to trim the working areas.

Zakhist in the form of a savage vibration

Having poured vibrations into the people, they should change. The safety of work is a system of small and small characteristics and indications, which form the specifics of the elements, which ensure the viability of the heavy influx of mechanical hammers on the human body. Protection against vibration is ensured by:

Selection of vibro-safe machines;


Designing of the most common applications and technological processes, which will ensure the maintenance of sanitary norms in the workplaces;

Organizational and technical visits, by means of such a reduction in the exploitation of victorious machines, the organization of their timely repairs, as well as the control of vibrational parameters;

To the creation of optimal regimes in practice and repair.

Get an individual zahistu, which is victorious in case of dividing the global vibration, - ce vibroisolyuyuche vzuttya, podmіtki, laying. Finding the middle of successful zasobіv zakhist can be used without intermediary contact of a person with three possessions. Tse zdіysnyuєtsya for help vikoristannya remote care, replace and automate technological operations

Protect yourself from local vibrations

The change in the negative injection is available:

For the help of a change in intensity without intermediary in the dzherel itself (various handles with attachments, which can be damped or damped);

By the way of victorious work, we made a good sound, that elastic-damping attachments and materials, placement between the hands of the operator and the dzherelom of mechanical coliving (vibration-proof mittens, mittens, gaskets and inserts).

The important role of the complex of inputs, contributions to the reduction of the negative impact of vibration on the human body, is introduced to the regimes of practice and recovery. The last hour of contact with her, depending on the regime of practice, may be surrounded by a stretch of change. It is recommended to work two breaks for carrying out physiotherapy procedures, active recovery, etc. The first time is due to become 20 minutes (I break the next break after 2 years after the cob changes). Trivality of the other - 30 hvilin, vіn may buti after 2 years after interruption for obіd. with this trivaє not less than 40 quills. Trivality of uninterrupted one-time action on the body of mechanical splitting is due to no more than 10-15 minutes.

Before the health-improving and medical-biological approaches that serve for the prevention of vibrational ailments, one can add the following:

Hydroprocedures for hands (baths with warm water (+37-38 degrees) or dry heat baths;

I do gymnastics;

Self-massage and mutual massage of the shoulder girdle and hands;

Ultraviolet proofing;

Vzhivannya vіtaminіv, and іnshі іnshі come zagalnozmіtsnjuyuchy character (sour cocktail, kіmnata psihologichіchnogo razvantazhennya іn.).

The importance and relevance of these are confirmed by those that are still at school. The vibration is seen, zokrema, by the assistant "Physics" (grade 11). Zvichayno, at school, they curl up at the infamous look. The zocrema of the vibrations of the Earth are seen. The frequency of our planet is 7.83 Hz. The Qiu value is called Schumann's hvileya, but the Schumann resonance frequency. Deyakі, schopravda, vzayut that the remaining hour change the vibrations of the Earth. For example, Ancu Dinke, a Romanian physicist, vvazhaє that until March 2012 the stench was small enough to reach 12.6-12.8 Hz. The vibrations of people can match the vibrations of the planet. Those who are able to tune into new frequencies, play with the spiritual plane, like respecting Anka Dinke. The vibrations of the people are the theme of the okremoi article.