Golden rules that help life. Reminder - tse zvedennya short nastans, that porad ruled. Reminders for students, tourists, fathers. Buti vydkritim before splkuvannya

1. The principle of a mirror. First judge the others, follow the respect.

2. The principle of pain. The person is depicted herself as the manager of the image of others.

3. The principle of the upper road. We switch to more high rіven If we begin to hunt with others better, the stinks will hunt with us.

4. The boomerang principle. If we help others, we help ourselves.

5. Hammer principle. Never beat a hammer to kill a mosquito on the forehead of a minder.

6. The principle of exchange. Instead of putting others in their place, we are guilty of putting them in their place.

7. The principle of learning. The skin of a person, as we know it, is potentially capable of teaching us how to learn.

8. The principle of charisma. People show interest in people, how to chat with them.

9. Principle 10 points. Faith in the greatest strength of people, ring out zmushuє їh show their best strength.

10. The principle of confrontation. Let's talk a little about people and then we'll get into a confrontation with them.

11. The principle of stone rock. Dovira is the foundation of any kind of mutuality.

12. The principle of the lift. In the process of mutually we can lift people uphill and lower them down.

13. The principle of the situation. Don't let the situation mean more, less than a hundred dollars for you.

14. Bob's principle. If Bob has problems with us, the main problem is Bob himself.

15. The principle of accessibility. The lightness of the breathers from themselves helps others to feel at ease with us.

16. The principle of the trench. If you are ready for battle, dig yourself such a trench, so that a friend will be placed with him.

17. The principle of farming. Mustaches need to be cultivated.

18. Principle 101 vіdsotka. Know 1 vіdsotok, with which we wait, and send to the new 100 vіdsotkіv of our zusil.

19. The principle of patience. Raise the price together with others, it’s better to bring it up, lower mandruvati alone.

20. The principle of appointment. The right cross-reference is not only true to my friends, if the stench knows bad luck, but also in that, how much we are happy, if the stench reaches success.

21. The principle of friendship. For other equal minds, people should practice pratsyuvati z timi, who is appropriate for them; for the rest of the nervous minds, the stench is all the same tse robitimut.

22. The principle of spіvrobіtnitstva. Spile robot promotes the possibility of a successful victory.

23. The principle of contentment. In the miraculous vzaєminah, the parties, for the sake of satisfaction, just finish it off at once.

9 speeches, as a reminder, if you have a bad day

Learn from the greatest difficulties and inaccuracies you can learn a lesson that will help you become better. Are you in a bad mood? Axis of 9 speeches, about what you need to remember, if you see a filthy day.

1. Nobody said that life would be perfect

If you joke thoroughly, then by no means will you be satisfied with.
Lev Tolstoy

Your happiness is not guilty of lying in the face of the fact that you are corrected, as if you are restoring it yourself. It’s not bad to be ambitious, but you can’t be ideal in any way. And if you think otherwise, your life will be full of roses.

2. Good luck not to come in one night

Trees that grow properly, bear the best fruit.

You don’t need to deceive yourself, that you should be sure that success will come quickly. Don’t ever be easy to be tolerant, but be on the right, watch the hour (and sometimes it’s chimalo!) If you get confused and indulge in faith, tell yourself about those for which your meta is important to you and why you have begun to pray to it.

3. For some difficulties, you can blame a bad lesson

And if the storm subsides, you yourself do not understand, how could you go through this life. You won’t believe at once that you’ve come out right. Clearly, you will be less than one. You see out of this storm is not the same as before it. Chomu has a sense of storm.
Haruki Murakami

Don’t worry about those, as you have a greedy life. Let us often want to frown and sleep to ourselves, but thinking about the trash, you hardly feel better. If you try to learn a lesson from the problem that torments you, you can achieve positive changes, as if to avoid similar situations in the future.

4. Without a filthy one, it is impossible to evaluate well with a proper rank

The strength to come is not a kind of victory. Strength is developed by struggle. To get stuck with difficulties and not to give up - that's strength.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Whatever happens, don't fall into the water. If we are programmed, it is important to know how to smile, but how else can you know how to improve yourself? As if marveling at failure, as if at a part of the process of your development, you will be left in a positive state and you can easily and correctly collapse to the goals of the style, the skill you need.

5. Crying is okay

You don't need to swear for your tears. Without emotions, we would be less like robots.
Elizabeth Gilbert

Don't fight to cry. This is not a sign of weakness, but rather an acceptable way to let a couple out of negative emotions. As soon as the qi seem to accumulate and not to splash, then it becomes more and more important for you to cope with them.

6. You can’t worry about everything in the world

Worry does not make your tomorrow look like worry, but choose the dignity of your today.
Corrie ten Boom

You don't need to constantly brag. People powerfully show themselves everything possible options Podіy, ale, zreshtoyu, tsі zapokoєnnya transform into a psychological zhah, which is our own power. Having rid yourself of thoughts about those that you can’t control anyway, you will have the strength to concentrate on quiet speeches, which you can change.

7. Do not make the life of others such a garne, as it is given

Lyudina, as if giving respect not to those who rob, speak, or think її susіd, but rather to those who rob out herself, I take away the gift of the hour, which is to conduct righteously that sacredly.
Mark Aurelius

It is not necessary to spoil your life way Tim, what other people are demonstrating online. The one who talks with friends on the Internet does not know anything nasty, but does not believe everything that they show you. How do you know that your life is pale in parallel with the lives of your friends, tell yourself that you compare all your life with the main points in your biography.

8. To ask for help, you need goodness

The most important thing is the inescapable nourishment of life - what do you rob for others?
Martin Luther King

Do not hesitate to ask for help. To set up a camp for yourself in a quarrel is not easy, but having told a friend, you will become sing-songly simpler to solve your problems. Like you make yourself feel like a tractor, remember that few people can reach success without encouragement.

9. You deserve love and happiness

Most of the people are happy on the floor, as they said they were happy.
Abraham Lincoln

Think about what you vdyachny. Might as well have a cup of cavi, like you drank today's lie, puppy, like a check on you at home, otherwise healthy eyes, like they gave you the opportunity to read this article.

If we get embarrassed, it becomes easier for us to spend it in mind like this, it would be used, insignificant, but even more accepting rubbish. Try to virobiti your own voice to win respect for kindness. The coming time, if you are embarrassed, think about those who are happy to rob you. Robi so fast, the docks won't start automatically. Negative thoughts to waste power over you only once, if you stop chiding for them!

In grade 11, I firmly believed that I was going to study a psychologist. This winding turned out to be not only gummed, but even brown for life in general. I, I want to say that I did not have mercy on my choice. Aje tsia science do help rose from oneself, and from the one who is close to ourselves.

Need a reminder

In the skin life situation, having already experienced something before us. “The balconies fell on someone,” someone who has already squandered such a stupidity on an even more important situation, and someone who has already lived his life with the great. Dosvidom at rich food. And it’s even more important if people, having tried songs on their own, share by orders, how to get pardons
memo- tse "instruction" for that chi іnshmu nutrition, as it means ask the understanding of folding meals.

Golden rules, which will definitely help you in life

These reminders help me. I support you, I will help you:

  1. Do not be afraid of pardons. For sure, tse same important rule. People with authority have mercy. Remember that you are living upstairs!
  2. Love relatives. Remember that you have such a period in your life, you don’t know that no one in the world is wise to you, but there are more fathers, don’t hurry. Don't pretend silently for whom you yourself important person. Pass an hour, and you sing, you stink if you were small, and loved you forever.
  3. Get compliments. Tse miraculous way to improve communication with other people. If you want to please someone, to know the ghost, to show respect for the callousness, dress or behavior. Ale! I don’t want to give you a compliment through I don’t want to, rather don’t work yoga in front of me.
  4. Make yourself as honest as possible. Do not wait and not in our own way we can be honest. Ale try varto zavzhdi.
  5. Optimism. Optimism and less wine cheruє light.
  6. read books. Do not lie, what is fashionable. Chi is not fashionably stupid.
  7. Raise the price. Nothing is so irritating to your knowledge and life itself, like a new enemy.
  8. love yourself. You can call out to people to love you, and not to fool you.
  9. Be kind. Tse founding PR and the most popular faces of the soul.

You can always add to the list by its own rules. Golovne - do not rush to reach.

Golden rules of good stosunkiv before which to enter 21 korisna porada which will help you roztashuvat navkolishnіh people before you.

Vidnosini - the same basic tool, through the yak to lie the path to success and reach life's goals. People, who lived beyond the radian hours, keenly recognized the need for good stoks. Aje schob schob dіstati, nіbіbnі buli znajomstva. For example, it was necessary to buy meat, to replace counter brushes, it was necessary to know a butcher, or someone who knows a butcher. That day, for those who are not able to live a hundred years, it is important for life.

We took twenty one gold rule to help you be good with other people.

1. Encourage and praise people when your skin is handy. Your praise is good for a grown-up person.
2. Do not disparage or belittle anyone.
3. Talk about a person only kindly. If you can’t say anything about anything else, better promote it.
4. Be respectful to the rights of people, then you will always have occasions to praise others, and not silence them.
5. Emphasize respect for positive qualities people. Yakshto wine is not enough noble and wise, like a bachte in a new such a person. І tsya lyudina obov'yazkovo tse confirm.
6. Do not varto criticize people. Even if you nevertheless took up criticism, then let it be out you will be brutalized to її vchinkіv, and not to the individual person.
7. Do not varto constantly demonstrate your superiority over other people. In this rank, you will make less money for your enemies. If you want to be friends with people, then let them know their significance by entrusting you.
8. Forever remember your forgiveness and guilt - and waive.
9. They listened, better proponuvat, lower the punishment.
10. Razdratuvannya - this is a signal about those people who need help and support. For this reason, I am standing up to the camp of people.
11. Be kind to your ears and speak less.
12. In other words, let's understand what good idea came out of another people. It doesn’t matter to adja who is the first, those are more important, to what you can bring.
13. If you care that the person is wrong, then, having interrupted її, all the same її do not sound up. As long as you don’t hang out, you’ll push yourself on your own.
14. If you want to remember to be a super girl, then find out if you are, possibly, wrong. Todі znikne cause of the conflict, and superechka to stick.
15. Most often give to people without a proper drive. Show me that you don’t check the saints, but you want to please the people of the day.
16. Like fighting you, be patient, help, stream emotions. Do not chop everything from the cob itself. Just let people hang out, and you will have respect for those moments that appeal to you. At the end of the conversation, tell the opponent what you think about what was said.
17. To grow with your motto: chime in with people, lower their interest.
18. Smile.
19. Roll up to the people on the outside of the name. Tse richly accepted, lower a little shortened im'ya, or else it's better. In this rank you show your honor to the point of specialness.
20. Try to finish the rose in such a way that the person's spirits are gone.
21. Learn to forgive.

Zastosovyte tsі rules, schob bolshchit vlasnі vzaєmini z іnshiy people. Don't try to cover the entire spectrum, start practicing your giblets, so that everything can be done at the result. As soon as you achieve perfection, people will be able to give you advice in return.

Golden rules to help life

I am a wide-eyed girl, that veteran of a free life. Ale, recently I was lucky enough to become a squad and I’ll explain why I didn’t kill someone earlier. Not less than others, my handcuffs at the chest of the past fate cheered me. I know the betrothed all my life: we went to school at once, thirteen years we spent the whole summer, and then we sent leather on our way. If my friends find out that all the years of my life with Gosha spent a bad time, they start to cry, that the stench lived absolutely aimlessly. But I especially respect that my very fates are my wealth. Gosh, pevna, tezh not shkoduє nі about scho ...

“The foundation has settled, the little budinok, and those who have understood it are more dear to us,” one blond man said as if sleeping. Knowing what you are sleeping: valiant fun vibes the singing world of freedom. The stench allows us to accumulate a little intrigue, which insures the test of knowing good and evil from a family fire. After analyzing my experience and the experience of a good dozen of my friends, I came to the conclusion that the life of a skin woman can have 10 turning points. Moreover, in front of him, as if she were called to say “so” to the needs of a person and to keep a word with good luck. These moments are golden rules, which will help us in our skin life. How did they help me if they themselves.


My friend Hanna 28 years, and she is a smart woman. With whom, you won’t care about going through the torment with a valuable dosvid from the kohanna. Five years ago, Hanna chimed in with the lad, to which її it was superfluous to the one who had written “there will be problems” on his forehead. As if the evening in the bars of the wines had been robbed of my proposition. I won with a splash of alcohol, that yoga of penetrating eyes came in handy. Ale, two months before the wedding, went crazy and started an affair. Why? “Deputy of the planned romantic trip has become more expensive for me, waving at Peter’s for a bachelor’s party, about having informed me by e-mail.” Anna didn’t stop to look at the leaf, as she didn’t bother to turn the otriman in the sloppy ring. At the roadside, one broke and wickedly looked at the otrimani in the building of a jewelry store for a penny. On the beach, she got to know Tolik, an antrohi not an alcoholic and not a talker. After a sprat of months, the stench was signed - without the noise of the diamond saw.


A group of my friends have Alisa, 27, the most pedantic. Navit jeansy The first axis of fifa declares that її namings, having attracted one of the quiet helpers, are recommended for skin day rock for acrobatic poses. Namings on the “milk wheel” (the woman digs her hands into the slogan, and the partner lifts her legs). “I didn’t even laugh at being so snarky in front of the kohanim, who else should make me a proposition and name his own for a century. Alekskavist took the mountain. I didn't screw up!" They were rightly honored to the named one - and the proposition didn’t get in the way, prote Alisa pulled the hour. And, as before, it seems that it is not so easy to turn a friend's bedroom into a tasting room. And adverbs are spelled out. Encourage.


Oh so, tse true golden rule. Less than a month ago, my lad Gosha took me to the store to write a letter. “I am like the one with the horseback,” I said. - I want to have cute little ones. Gosha smiled: “In my opinion, you can’t make up your mind.” I suffocated in the drowsiness, and continued to smile, until it was not clear to me - the devil, even if I can raciyu! The axis is to be washed, if you calmly and pokirno know yourself and you, that in some way you are still weaker, and it means that the little pieces of smalty have folded into a simple and beautiful little breeze - one whole. It is not easy for the weak to recognize oneself as something weak, but it is necessary. Bіl vіd vyznannya svoіd nedolіkіv trivaє not dovshe for bіl vіd depіlyatsії. Then there is joy in the fact that you know good and wisely, warm the soul of all life.


My friend Sasha, 25 years old, is inspired that with her tears, that laika turned her life upside down. It all started from the fact that Sasha's garnenka in front of her began to flirt in bars with her colossal, and Nina Sasha's boyfriend. Toy rozkhvilyuvavsya, my girlfriend - tezh. “I was in the story! Ale realized that if we don’t understand, then we’ll part forever. I had a chance to know that this abomination is beautiful for me. Then, how we put up with him afterwards! Vlasne, here the situation is rich in what they themselves vryatuvala vminnya recognize their weakness. I vminnya go for a compromise. And without which family life- Just nowhere.

5. Don't hesitate to send an SOS signal.

We rarely demonstrate to people our weaknesses. And for nothing, as my friend Yevgeniya said, 26. As if I had independently published the books of the police, - I guess the amount of an independent woman. - I didn’t feel like it was far away - the docks didn’t remove the screw and the whole structure didn’t start to fall on me. I screamed, I got drunk and got the police. I said: It’s not the king’s business, and now we don’t have to live anymore. Chi didn't want to ask? And I, among others, radium vikonati be-yak your bastard. Moral: love - take yoga to help. I to the bіsa emancipation!


Inheriting gold as a rule, smut - do not hesitate with visnovki. An enviable outcropping has turned up for me: garniy, rich and thoroughbred - let me not indulge you with this ancestor. Ale varto bulo to us kudis pіti, it became nіyakovo for me. Vin hamiv and erased in public with and without drive. Nareshti vіn ceasing to call me, i. I feel better. Pіdshukuvati cholovіka zgіdno zі the list of events - marnuvannya hour. Zagalom, having enshrined the word "pennies", I wrote to the animal "humor". I life smiles at me dosi.

7. Do not fight uphill.

It seems that the most beautiful people are known from the void. My friend Yulia, 25, told me that after the trips to Burma, the court houses with Marik blossomed unexpectedly. As if the guide had brought them to the mountain, the foot of an avid person never set foot. “Mini did not seriously engage in tourism,” says Yulia. - And the route of the layings is practically with strong skeletons. Nerves are building up, and if you don’t look down, the calmness of the one who instructed is great. However, it didn’t trap like that - Marik, not the coolest type in the world, appeared to be vitrival and self-confessed. And I realized: I saw such a man on the mountain and was angry with her alive and not ushkodzhen, then I’m afraid of crossing over the river sleepy life we need together." From that hour, stench and bіzhat: at once, not without success.


I criticize the world with fate, and there is no short therapy in the form of self-rolling, no matter how much I adore us all without excess. My friend Ira, 30 years old, tells me about her person: “We have been together for a long time, but if I’m breaking up, wine, even earlier, no luck. I am inspired by my sexuality and the mentality of our stature.” What can be added here.


Friendship sex is one-man. It's an axiom. Ale, behind the intimate frosts, is always following the merriment of the vidliga and the pressure - behind all the laws of light and speck. More importantly: the bajannya knows someone in front of us until the end of the day.


Let alone, but in me such a є. Announcements? Figushki. On those wines and a secret, so you don’t talk about the details. Garazd, I’ll push: on the right, there was a bula in Cuba under palm trees. Guess what, I carry my own heart like a friend, feeling a beat like that, I waste my head. The revelation of secrets to tell about those who, after all, have not passed through life. And the stench is still necessary, so that even in 95 years, the chair-goydalians will still be left with a riddle for those who would like to order.

Obviously, about 10 turning points in the life of a skin woman can be discussed for a long time. Whoever has more or less - it's not so important. Golovnya, go through them before you know yourself important choice. Pass, dorimuyuchis golden rules, yakі help with life. Zoom in on your own. Accept yourself. And then everything is stocked up, and folded, and put on the shelves, and do not rise up against the wall of banal problems. Nikoli.

Memo "Golden rules, how to help with life", how to fold?

Requires 7-10 rules

Rules, like a living person, a significant world є vіrazhennyam її vnutrіshnіh perekonan, її vyhovannya, social environment. However, there are general, adjunct rules for the skin individual, having adopted them, you can change your life completely. The axis is less important than them.

1) Watch life: look for new enemies, new goals. Razum is given to people, to rush forward. The very mind of a person can have a unique opportunity to be the master of his life: to think, evaluate, continue the world, open up new sources of material and spiritual satisfaction.

2) Get rid of these speeches, as if they were changing under your control. The key to the support of difficulties, without some unacceptable life, is the swaying of the singing to the point of negativity, based on a critical difference between these speeches, which we can control, and which are beyond the borders of our jurisdiction.

3) Friendship, love, pretentiousness - these are those that remind our lives of zmist.

4) Unique and instantaneous pleasures. Remember that you are satisfied with the discipline of that streamer.

5) Do not allow anyone to lamatize and reshape yourself: repair the opir be-such a sound force, as you can between your thoughts and vchinki.

6) Try to live in harmony with the world. Whether it be supermundane and superfluous, make more shkodi, lower coriste.

7) Learn to evaluate yourself critically, and it is obviously put up to yourself: it is not necessary to shift the blame for your actions to other people, to put it on the German government.

Sob to live with yourself and with the necessary light, it is necessary to know the Golden Rules, as they help life. To follow them and never forget, we will try to write down these rules, and remember a reminder. It’s good to be remembered and to be born with fate in behavior.

  1. It is necessary to love people who alienate us, and to those close and dear to us, always be chuynny according to their age, to be kind to people who alienate us, on the streets.
  2. It is only good to learn bachiti in people, their advances.
  3. Learn to forgive.
  4. Vmіte ask forgiveness for the zapodіyanі you form, as if you have depicted someone, confused or robbed nasty.
  5. Don't be ashamed of your feelings, showing your feelings and your feelings garni yakosti people.
  6. For the opportunity, try to come to the rescue.
  7. Do not try to be worthy of everyone and make everyone happy, start from your loved ones, you need them.
  8. First of all, judge anyone, learn to put yourself in your place.
  9. Be vvіchlivі to otochyuchih.
  10. Look after your meals and health.
  11. Don’t tell the truth to yourself, they made the visnovki, it didn’t come out, or they shed, take it and grow it in another time, the shoes of the language, ringing someone from your failures is not varto. All lie in front of you and everything is in your hands. Don't say that they don't understand you, or they didn't appreciate you, work it out for yourself.
  12. Do not lie, do not zazdrіt, zavzhdite pragne to grow your own, and achieve success in that goal. Fuck the filthy shit, there's a ruined people.

A reminder of the golden rule, which will help you in life

1. Robi all by myself. If it is possible for the robot to choose, it is important for the robot itself, or else “blame everything on your brother” in the distance - choose first. Yakіst that moral satisfaction about the vikonan on the right will be for you a wicked city.

2. Sincerity, kindness, morality. For skin generations, people are all less moral. Math, unreasonable rudeness, anger at everything and at everything - the whole cob of the list. Try to change. Live and for the sake of the day, zamіst watering the brood alone.

3. Physical perfection. physical strength was priced at all times, and "fashion" did not pass on the price. Optimal physical ambition Bring brilliant results today.

4. Intellect. Be smart for riches - it means to reach something small in life. Read it, read it, read it, know everything new, talk a lot with speeches and read a lot - a path of knowledge.

5. Don't Expect Tomorrow. "I will grow tomorrow .." - you know the words, right? forget about them, build up today, fix them tomorrow.

6. Health is gold. Take care of your health! This is one of the most important people in life. Proper eating, physical vanity - the axis is smut. І everyday shkidlivih zvichok!

7. Don't give up! Bad luck in life? Silly at the Kalyuzh? Find the strength to continue moving farther. Virno saying philos (I don’t remember which one): “Stand up in life 10 times, after that, you fell like 9 times!”

8. Friendship. Stars. without them on the ninth century, nowhere. The more people you know, your friends, your friends, the more chances you have to reach something rich. Learn to improve contacts with people.

9. Zomboyaschik - on the smitnik. Stop marveling TV. Clear your mind, the hour will appear. On TV, there is a lot of wandering, not varto wandering around.

10. Golovne - virna meta. Put the right numbers! “Great gains begin, without a doubt, beyond the reach of the great ones!” (the same words as a philosopher, but I didn’t remember them, sorry).

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  • Elizaveta Babanova


    2 months ago, I began to write down the basic rules, for which I will live my life.

    I wrote them for myself, but recently I began to think that the stench could be brown for you, my readers.

    And today I wrote to you my intimate list of what I need and helps me develop.

    Qi 100 rules - the order of my knowledge in special and professional development.

    The majority of these rules are directed to the development of internal qualities, as if, as it seems, they are changed by the smaller world.

    A helper in professional and special development is not a “sprinter”, but a “marathon runner”, which builder regularly and stably integrates new knowledge into his life.

    1. Start your day out of devotion for everything that is in you.
    2. Get up early ().
    3. Drink plenty of water (3-4 liters per day).
    4. Take a contrast shower for healing.
    5. Plan your day
    6. But don't get attached to them.
    7. Farewell, farewell, farewell to your friends and enemies. You are not finished, forgive others for their shortcomings.
    8. Spend at least 15 minutes per day on fresh look, and even shorter - 30-60 khvilin.
    9. Don't drink after that.
    10. Unify the negative sharpening.
    11. Well, she leaned against the ruinous middle, leaning "in the form of a turning point", tobto. like "don't buti".
    12. Be true to your dream.
    13. Empower yourself with good people who will accept your realization.
    14. Go in for sports today.
    15. In times of crisis, win.
    16. Learn from a professional mentor, which will help you speed up your professional growth.
    17. Practice, enjoy.
    18. If a robot is not suitable, but if it is necessary for growth, it approaches to the point, continue your work.
    19. If a robot doesn’t fit, it doesn’t come close to the mark, throw it.
    20. Vir in yourself.
    21. Deeply breathe yakomoga more often during the day.
    22. Pray and meditate every day, cleanse your soul.
    23. Regularly update the playlist of your favorite songs, listen to them if you need energy recharging.
    24. Find the best readers in the skin sphere of life and learn from them.
    25. Give a 10% surcharge for charity.
    26. Do not skimp on praise, especially for your team.
    27. Be emotional in praise and striman and delicate in criticism.
    28. Pam'yatai: if you want to be good on the right, rob you, make sure there will be dissatisfaction. Tse is inevitable.
    29. In success, succumb to the victory. At the shock, vodchuvay podyaku for svіd.
    30. Be a different child, let yourself be fooled.
    31. Remember what.
    32. Zastosovy more often the principle of "two in one" (one-hour sports and listening to audio books, ranking marafet and motivating video).
    33. To see happiness in work, think only about giving, and not about those, how many pennies you earn from the result.
    34. Pragni to grow up, don't fight the transition.
    35. Remember: in order to achieve mastery, be it right, it will take at least 10 thousand years of diligent work.
    36. Small small improvements lead to large-scale success.
    37. Hang with people first and laugh at them. Only a strong and successful person can allow himself to show kindness first.
    38. The only annual standard is the best.
    39. Delicately say goodbye to people who do not accept the realization of your potential.
    40. Like your relatives, love them and accept them as they stink. Von, better for everything, never change.
    41. Don't try to change anyone. Try to change otochyuchih people - the most path to misfortune.
    42. Nathnennya to come at the result of the right way of life. What is hotter eating and what is less rotten, less bazhannya and passion among robots.
    43. Be an "elevator" for lonely people. Raise them.
    44. Become up to criticism with razuminnyam. Tse unrealized people, yakі do not think more nasolodi, lower their unpraised.
    45. If a critic can be qualified and speak with a big heart, make him a friend. Let your wine help you become better, and you, at your hand, find a way to compensate for your contribution to your success.
    46. Those who are behind your life and who check on you in front are a mirror reflection of what you care for a new one at once.
    47. Motivation can go in the middle. If you don’t know, then there can be more than two reasons: otherwise you don’t have enough energy, or you don’t do your right thing.
    48. Do not take any important life decisions in a filthy mood. See the bottom of my head until I become a positive peak, then I will victorious, how to live further.
    49. Read the mail, Twitter and Facebook 2 times a day. Maximum.
    50. Words suffocate and words roar. Choose them from strangeness and love.
    51. To love a person - help him to realize himself. Navіt yakscho tse will be at Skoda to your vlasnym bazhann.
    52. Enjoy selfishness.
    53. No way to start a new right, make a new start and start a new hobby. Continue joking those who expand your light-gazer.
    54. Possibility and building capacity of others to realize their potential -Vischa of the city s quiet, scho іsnuyut.
    55. Lead the student to success, especially for the categories, over the ones that work best.
    56. Conquer homeliness. For whom do not say anything, as if you are not 100% convinced, what you can do.
    57. Unique tiles.
    58. Stitch for innovations, for politics, for economy, develop spherically.
    59. Ale remember, that the sense of life in another - at a deep understanding of the laws of light and wisdom.
    60. Tse cause happiness.
    61. “From those who are active and those who are sensible, they remake the active. And among the active ones - the smartest. Move your mind and be active.
    62. Analyze the skin value of your life. What lesson did you learn from the new one?
    63. Stop robit those who don't save your realization.
    64. Їzh yaknіlshe olunyuyuchih produktіv ( Syrian vegetables) and brown fats (avocados, rosemary olis, peas).
    65. What is better than physical health, then more energy, and also, you will bring more corrosity to this world.
    66. My house is there, where I live.
    67. Look like the lancers. Be independent and give more freedom to those whom you love.
    68. Once a day, allow yourself to do nothing. Greater for everything, tse will be the most happy, rekindling of the most productive days of your life.
    69. robi respectful I create a robot at the peak station.
    70. Engage in creativity, do not dwell on terms, but not important speeches.
    71. Remember about . Don't get hung up on one, forgetting about the other.
    72. See the life of great people.
    73. Embrace for yourself the most famous and the best people that only you can know.
    74. Do not take anything in people, as you are not ready to give those that you need.
    75. How did they hurt you, vinna ti.
    76. What a cooler pidyom, tim blyuchisha hit, like a follow him. Be ready before the new one (create or make that nadiynu team).
    77. Striking is inevitable. Tse your main readers. Love them.
    78. The stronger the fall, the more serious you need to work for the sake of an offensive victory. Even in the most severe form of the worst defeat, right success will prevail until the onset of the attack.
    79. Be open to people who are close to you in spirit, and close to you, who is far from your values.
    80. Zavzhdi fix your homework in writing. Sometimes people forget them, sometimes they “forget”.
    81. Z generous people be generous. With greedy - greedy. Todi ti do not break the law of the mutual exchange of energy.
    82. To give a lot to people, it is necessary to take a lot of things in life. Tse mozhe buti yakіsna їzha, yakіsny vіdpochinok, sports, sauna, swimming, sun, splkuvannya.
    83. Remember that life often has “black smuga become evil”.
    84. Pragni to the nobility of all vіdnoshennyah.
    85. Develop inner grace - the wealth of wisdom, goodness and kindness.
    86. Do not call on people from your past. The reason for this is the reason, because the stink is not in your future.
    87. The best investments are the best investments for the head and for the blue.
    88. “The wall is the same slab. You just need to grow up to it.”
    89. For example, you will be more sorry for those who did not grow up, less about those who did.
    90. "Sometimes the crucible is ahead, the result is a stusan in the ass." People who have achieved success in your right, can just serve as a motivating stusan.
    91. The more power, the more power. What more power, tim more opportunity help others. The more help others, they become more happy.
    92. Regularly put things in order with your life and mercilessly indulge in indecent things.
    93. Be sure to tell people about your sanity and find out about your sanity before you, first enter into the blue, or lay down. 99% of welds and that image are seen through an unintelligible eye on the other side.
    94. Life is like: it’s important for you, it means that you go to the pidyom.
    95. Regularly go to the notifications and the risks. It trains intuition and character.
    96. Buy yourself a new cloth once a month. Abo shoes. Abo kapelyuh. In the extreme mood, buy from technology. Ale, do not stop quieting yourself with material speeches, adzheti - woman!
    97. Madonna is an example of how, without a special prominent talent, you can become a superstar. Mother Teresa - how can you change the world of service. - how to podolat be-yakі vyprobuvannya that become the most attractive woman on TV. - how to heal the souls of people through music. Remember the uniqueness of the skin of these women and develop your individuality.
    98. Golovne zavdannya zhіnki - learn to love, create calmness, warmth that atmosphere creaks, children know you.
    99. Love everyone, be friends with dekilkom, be with one.

    100. Happiness is your maximum realization in all spheres of life.

    Today I have two beasts before you:

    1. Write a slogan life credo. If you have a sprat, write a mustache.

    2. Which rule was best for you, and which was the most unbearable (about which you did not think before)?


  • Bagato who called to cope with problems on the spur of the moment, but be it the manager of the virishuvati s nathnennya. Others are firmly convinced that success can be achieved, as a result of putting together a plan of conduct. Such a list of diy can be called a reminder, whether it be like a miti zdatnoї podkazati people, like a maє buti її offensive rock.

    What is a reminder?

    As you look up to the dictionaries, you can find the words below.

    Glossary of Ozhegov seems like a memo - a whole leaflet or a book, where in the style of the form of refurbishment, set up and recommend a specific direction. In addition, there are reports about anything on the topic of the subject, which are also indicated briefly.

    And from the way you turn to Ushakov’s dictionary, you can recognize that it’s such an early vppadok, which allows you to get into a difficult situation in the future. The word vikoristovuvalosya seldom in rozmovnіy movі i at once vvazhaetsya zatarіlim.

    One more meaning: a reminder - tse rich, how to save, so that you can better understand about the person or the situation, vipadok.

    Nareshti, this book, in a kind of pokrokovo is described, as it is necessary to work. Also, there can be some notes about those, how a singing object functions, a description of the one that, behind some kind of plan, it can be seen.

    Rules for mandrivniks

    The simplest reminder to the tourist includes the speeches of everyday koristuvannya, as it is necessary to take with you. Climbing for the list, you are guaranteed not to forget anything, as you will bring it back to the list. In the classic version, they tell about those that you need to take with you:

    • hygienic accessories;
    • bathroom fitting;
    • individual cosmetic procedures;
    • sunscreen creams;
    • take care of intimate hygiene;
    • important and dry servets, cotton sticks, discs;
    • attachment for folding zachіski, accessories;
    • deodorant;
    • perfumery;
    • stock for manicure;
    • medical care;
    • equipment (photo, video, chargers);
    • individual dishes;
    • okrop, cool teapot;
    • parasol;
    • a small snack on the road (peas, chocolate, bakery).
    • lower white, as well as scarves, tights, panchos;
    • no whiteness, home clothes;
    • slippers, capts;
    • towels;
    • T-shirts, sweatshirts;
    • backs, jeans;
    • windbreaker.

    It is planned to conduct religious services, it is necessary to buy a khustka, a dovga bed, it is possible - a cross. If you choose to take part in the carnival or other Christmas time, you need to take a good robe with you.

    Leaflets-reminders for the tourist during the speeches of the first need to solve riddles about those that you need to take with you:

    • documents;
    • pennies;
    • phone;
    • notebook;
    • writing priladdya.

    What is needed to remember, to be safe?

    Safety reminder:

    • do not walk in the evening on your own in the city, where there is little public;
    • zazdalegіd znіmіt embellish and close the bare woods of the body;
    • unique provocations, conflicts;
    • take care of the calm, as they chime in on you, among them there are people;
    • try to find a short way;
    • keep a distance from the strangers, bypass the courtyard;
    • after you’ve succumbed to the suspicion of a person, change the rush straight away;
    • to make noise, like an attack;
    • at the next bus stop, choose a place, roztashovani near the water booth;
    • do not sleep at the transport;
    • come in, come out, if the transport zasіb is overwhelmed;
    • follow your lane;
    • stay at the central aisle;
    • do not look out of the windows;
    • go out among the first few of the rest, but not in the trade;
    • Cross the street if the bus passes.

    Zvedennya rules for students

    The most relevant reminder for students is the basic recommendations on how to behave so as not to suffer, not to be injured. It is important that the most safe places, where schoolchildren come regularly, are roads. In addition, there is a high degree of damage to children by an electric jet.

    In order for the child to be in order, she is guilty of adopting the following rules of conduct:

    • cross the street less on the green light;
    • koristuvatisya transitions over the road, under the ground, walk zebras;
    • do not ride on skateboards, roller skates near places, if not recognized;
    • zdіysnyuchi velojzdku, across the road always go pіshki;
    • back to the left to marvel, and then, moving to the middle of the road, right-handed. It is possible to collapse, as there are no cars nearby.

    Sob not to take away the injury by electricity, be in good luck another reminder. These are the recommendations:

    • do not chip dangles from stovpiv darts;
    • do not stick around the wires from the filthy insulation, there are more bare ones;
    • don't touch with wet hands electrical accessories, As long as the stench is plugged into the socket, as well as video cameras, plugs;
    • don't be afraid of electrical equipment near the bathroom;
    • when the fork is turned on, turn it over, chi won in the required accessory;
    • do not stop the wrong technique.

    Why are the reminders korisnі?

    As a rule, a memento - please, yakі perevіrenі generations. The stench includes the widest fluctuations, in which a person can get into trouble, get injured, get into trouble.

    Dotrimuyuchis recommendations clarifications for long-term reminders, you can save your health, including mental health. Remember, attack more often, and if you don’t have enough safety rules, give a singing chance not to get into this situation, which is unsafe for the psyche and the physical state.

    How to fold yourself?

    When shaping the memos, I will especially respect my life, as the very aspects are most important for you. Let's say, planning more expensive, write down to the list everything that is worth regular visits for a one-time visit. Write down what you need to work, what to take with you, write down all the dates, terms, so that you can orient yourself in the situation as accurately as possible.

    It is important for the fathers to put together reminders for each other with their children, as well as make lists especially for their children. For example, virushayuchi at the entrance of a child, it is necessary to deliver specific speeches, about how not to think about childless bets. So that you don’t miss anything out of respect, put up an arch of points, you need to remember about it.

    Special reminders for children will help teach a child how to respect it, and carefully put it before your life, so before dovkilla. Let's say that some lists can convey information about those, how not to go to the bathroom, and the axis іnshі to teach a little person to behave correctly, correctly, not to harm the superfluous middle ground and not bring unhandiness to people in the wrong way. Vihovannya ditini is not an easy task, but it’s more correct to put reminders to come to the rescue.

    Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags

    At the end, I would like to say that the reminder is those who come to the rescue of people in different situations. Leaning forward in an extreme situation, a person can know how to get out of it, speeding up foretelling his succession. For example, if it's an hour later, terrorist attacks are absolutely inevitable. If it’s too easy to improvise, especially if you overcome panic, a clear structuring of the list of rules can damage the lives of rich people.