Purgatory for a marine: like an assault on the life of Radmin in Grozny, turning into hell. Marine infantry in Chechnya Marine infantry of the Baltic fleet in Chechnya 1995

This is how it happened in the army of Russia, that the elite was seen step by step. They deserved their status of stench not by the garne form and not by the orders of the bulk, but by the truth, the arrogant defenders of the Vitchizn, be ready, if you please, to rise in trivoz for the sake of exalting aggression, or vikonnanny of the set orders. Pilots of the Marine Corps are respected by one of these representatives. High rіven physical and combat training more than once brought to the point of speech at the top of the most advanced combat tasks. Navit the enemy is taken over by the order of the roses of the high level of insecurity for the hour of work and special airlifts. Morpikhov, better for everything, for their form of black color is called black death.

Drive away the marine infantry, like the ninth organized in all Russian fleets, once in their entire history they did not let them doubt the professionalism, courage and bravery of the soldiers. G.K. himself Zhukov at Velika Rocks Vytchiznyanoi war having recognized the unestimated contribution of the pilots at the difficult path to victory.

The direct recognition of military maritime fodder is in the military operations on the sea and shore, so the stench is included in the warehouse of the Russian Navy. The Black Sea Fleet, the Pivnіchny Fleet, the Baltic, the Caspian, and the Pacific Fleet mourn their corrals of infantrymen and paratroopers, but, in a correct way, they point out the fact that the stench radiated like independent battles of one before the CTO in the Pivnіchny Caucasus.

Service record of naval infantrymen

Being the "pearl of the fleet", infantrymen took the fate of practically all violent conflicts. Okrim VVV, Dagestan and Chechnya. The marine infantry of the SRSR of Afghanistan for official tribute was bula zadiyana. Proof of this is the presence of any orders in the archives. However, without a high level of combat training, the army of the SRSR could not have done anything against the band formation, well prepared and well oriented to the masses.

Parony, forman il volunteer mp, yak ib paratroopers in Afghanistan, Virishiyatovy Klovkovi Zavdannya, Posyblyuchychychychychychiydiye -nytnadzyatyatye cottoni vin of imminch, I hoch bytsya, sarc. Comrades zі zbroї were not put before them beastly. Navpaki, shoulder, presented by professional military men, as if at that hour they were respected by the elite, it signified that the fighting spirit was raised.

Confess: When is the day of the army of Russia

Crisis in the army during the first Chechen campaign

Without going into history, it is worth respecting that the conflict in Chechnya reached its apogee in the most unfavorable period for the country. In the midst of the wild winter of the economy, there was a crisis of its own in the army. Vіn buv submissions to low material equipment, the presence of competent personnel officers, low productivity and motivation young generation. As a result, the army of Russia in the mid-90s was not really prepared for conducting regular combat operations.

The memory of those unaccounted for lads, who happened to perish, tying up their shoes, did not go out, but it was quite obvious that the sea feast pens became the right trump card of the federal forces in the war in Chechnya. Even though they are staffed with military servicemen, they have undergone special training both in the physical plan and in the moral one. Their heroism was confirmed not by words, but by deeds. Ryatuyuchy other people's lives, the stench constantly rizikuli and hourly sacrificed their own.

There was little to fear in the lava of the young army of the Russian Federation. Nі, youngsters cannot be called boyaguzes, even if richly they were aware of their lives, but morally they were not ready to go, but they violated the terms for war, as if they took away only basic knowledge.

In battles, it was possible to close up with an opponent, professionally trained. It can be seen that most of Dudaev's militants were formed from foreign recruits. The population of the city was ambiguously related to the situation in the republic. Being officially for the integrity of the state, practically the skin family helped the separatists. It is possible to oppose them only by choosing special air defense forces of the MP, Airborne Forces, GRU. Sea infantry in Chechnya, on the front line of Afghanistan, fought like a brigade.

Obviously, MP soldiers took the blame for a great part of all the hardships of the conflict. It was trapping so that the tyzhnami did not come out of the battle. The militants knew their own land, they knew the better, the lower Russian soldiers, but in the humility and the stench they signifi- cantly compromised, regardless of all religious perekonannya. Today's conflict is considered and analyzed by historians, but not in the slightest bit, so that the marines, inspire pleas, asking for mercy. Nearly a hundred soldiers didn't turn back home for the rude motherfuckers. However, it was not yet known that in 1995 the fate of the Marine Corps had not yet completed its mission in Chechnya.

Confess: What does demobilization mean in the army, how do you hope this non-statutory rank

Feats that are left in history

The curves of the beginning of September 1995 showed the fate that the officers of the command from the zastosuvannya of the forces of the Marine Corps were right to themselves. The assault on Grozny falls for the whole hour. The militants vikoristovuval skin booths, skin budіvlyu, schob to rule the ambush. The sappers did not always cope with such a large number of objects, so the marine paratroopers most often acted on their fear and risk.

At the warehouse of corrals of the sea feast, there were less dosvіdchenі vіyskovosluzhovtsі, yakі may have more than one river of military experience behind your back. The stench organized volunteer storm groups, as if they were fearlessly waking up at the booth at the militants. As soon as it was troubling to spend a close friend, then the soldiers became even more obsessed with trying to take revenge on the bandits. Once again, it was brought to light that the strength of fighting spirit played a vital role in the battle, and on September 19, 1995, Andriyevsky prapor was raised over the orderly booth of Grozny.

Okremo is necessary to recognize the miraculous organizational skills of the officers. Aje stink to go to war with a thought about those to save alive as much as possible of their dependents. Screeching fire on themselves, the stench at the cost of their lives rallied hundreds of young lads. Russian ta Radianska history know the impersonal facts, if in the meantime the command led to a brilliant victory. Three officers of the MP were awarded the highest award for the capture of Grozny. Darkovich A.V., Polkovnikov D.A. and Vdovkin V.V. they ordered the command of their corrals, moreover, they ran into the assigned commanders, while outweighing the forces of the enemy.

Among the heroes in the midst of the war, the valiant prodovzhuvachs of the right dynasties are ringing. Did defending the Batkivshchyna from the German-fascist zagarbniks, the father is a veteran of the Afghan podiums, and having spent the son to Chechnya. It is important to show that three generations have taken away the uneasy path of the military.

Dosvid, withdrawal from battles

Reorganization in the army, in the course of reforms, and new directives can be implemented only after the omission of a harsh word, which is even more vague, so that in order to obtain pardons, it is necessary to spend the best personnel. Prote іstorіya neblagnostically transforming the assertion into the law. So, the paratroopers near Chechnya brought the impossibility of some single pieces of equipment, and the process of storming the presidential palace near Grozny was made more difficult through the heaviness of ammunition, an unhandled form of zahisnoy recognition.

Confess: Summer and winter uniform clothes of the RF Armed Forces

Marines of tofa (Pacific Fleet) from Chechnya were introduced by the first. At birch months, they pinned their duty and nurtured the Pivnichny and Baltic fleets. Ale Chornomortsy were left for a long time in their positions to restore constitutional order. Fighting dosvid, taken from Chechnya, is signified as supplementary aids to the military technique chi zbroї. The war brought great change and the freedom of the soldiers. The training would not be as zhorstky, the stench is filled with a purely theoretical part. If the wife is a close friend, everything starts to be assessed from the other position. You need to be morally strong, so that you can continue to be right.

The title of Hero of Russia to Senior Lieutenant Viktor Vdovkin was awarded the first Chechen campaign. Being the chief of staff of the naval infantry battalion of the Pivnichny Fleet, he slew the assault group for the hour of taking the life of the Ministry for the sake of Grozny. Chotiri days, resting in sharpened, without a driver that їzhi, helping to injure, this group trimmed the defense. "Attack the checks behind the skin turn" - It was my fault that they hung out in echelons by the air, in front of them all the equipment was marked on the platforms, - Colonel at the representative Viktor Vdovkin said. - Then, urgently, at Rizdvo, they gave the command, the vishikuv battalion, hanging on the march at the Korzunov airfield. On the turntables that An-12 we were transferred to Olenegorsk, and the call to Іl-76 near Mozdok. Already at home they took away equipment, ammunition, bells and whistles. Columns, through the pass, broke to Grozny. We had a good staffing, there was a lot of contract lads. Already in the autumn it became clear that Chechnya would not get along without us. Those demobilized, who were virushit home, woke up, said to me: "We are deprived." The stench could not allow the young boys to kill a croc and cool without proper proof. We had a chance to clean up a bunch of people, the stench didn’t pass a friend’s medical examination, even if they were healthy. Some of them come from a quiet place, some are the only son of this family. With the skin they were moved individually, although they didn’t take a trifle doubtful. Arrived at the mist. The battles for Grozny were at the very edge of the fire. The cannonade did not stick, day or night. The Marines practically stooped down in the heat itself. The commander of the pivnіchnogo grouping of federal military units was handed over that the wake for the sake of the ministers had already been taken. Truly, it was misleading, it looked like a child's heart with a zipped phone. The paratroopers of the 98th Airborne Division were the first to appear there. As the hour approached, the assault began to be kinder, they had a lot to spend. The landing party far away creaked less at the front wall of the booth. Nastav to enter there morpihiv. Another company went to Rahmin, which was commanded by Captain Viktor Shulyak. Andrey Gushchin, the intercessor of the battalion commander, came from her. The Dudayevtsy cheered for the life of the Radministrate. All the walls were covered with sacks, a lot of spills were carried, the walls were opened full of boards. Divided into groups, Shulyak's company in short breaks in silence penetrated into the life without any loss. The spirits were ruined, pumping the morpihiv. Rizanina began, hand-to-hand fight. Vitya Shulyak was seriously injured. I had a chance to send a term to the roses, so that the stench in the night blew the sound of the company. Shulyak pulled on his own fighters from the guard headquarters. The commander of the other company, first of all, took in the situation and, gritting his teeth, draw up a diagram of where and who to know. There was no sound from Gushchin's group. It was necessary to її reconfirm, and then the head of the call, Lieutenant Igor Luk'yanov, and the sailor-zv'yazk_vets Rashid Galliev spent the first shelling. It was covered with one mine. The sailor is dead at home. And the lieutenant, with broken legs, in shorts, trying to get up, to go to the headquarters ... He died at the hospital after bleeding. Viktor Vdovkin himself defeated the assault group. Lyzti there to the chief of staff nachebto not for the rank. But otherwise it was impossible. The officers were vibrating, we had an operational group at our brigade, the commanders sent a mission of company, platoon. For example, my friend Sashko Lazovsky became the leader of the bandwagon. I pishov to the Radi, for it was necessary to win the stars of the lads. Pishov - figuratively said. Really popovz from the group under the night, until it was seen. They overturned the square in front of Radministrated by the militants. Budіlya was on fire, everywhere there was shelter, ford, smoke, holes in the walls, heaps of chains ... They got rid of their own, made a bang. It was clear that the company was dismembered into okremi groups, Gushchin is shell-shocked. Viktor Vdovkin did not turn around at the headquarters. After a few attempts to storm the militants killed their group from the main forces. Chotiri days in sharpened stench trimmed the defense. - The bodies of the dead paratroopers needed to be folded somewhere, there were a lot of wounded, which needed to be extorted. Vityagti їх bulo is not possible, the area was pierced, - it seems wine. They took out the wounded soldiers at the foothills. It was cold, the place needed to be warmed up. There, the bank was roztashovuvavsya, and in the new one was a lot of counterfeit pennies and old, forfeited banknotes. We fired on them, to save the wounded. The water didn’t come out, it just leaked out with pipes, they heated the snow, they drew water from the sewers. Helmets were presented, passed through the filters of protigas. Water was given only to the injured. Sasha Lozovsky, having replaced me at the headquarters, propoved the area, what to shoot, brought the batteries to the radio station. At the speech bear, the wine has picked up everything that it was quick to know in the galley: oven and halva. Poki povz, everything was mixed up, angry. Ale tse bula even though it was like a hedgehog, and we її were hurt. Having filled me with all the ammunition, Sashko Lozovsky popovz back with one rіzhkom.
The militants of the kіlka once tried to get the marines out of life. D_yati had a chance at close combat. They shot at the back, at the head of the pishov lower ... There were loud cries of Russian, Chechen, Arabic mov. - During the cleansing of life, they checked the attack behind the skin turn, - Viktor said. Thanks to the hand-to-hand combatants. Dima and Gurkot were running around on reflexes, there was no way to think and evaluate the situation. We were, in fact, machines; The fighters at the budіvl Radminіnu had a lot of money. Here roztashovuvavsya chief center dudaevtsiv. The Marines were opposed by Chechen fighters, Afghan Mujahideen, Arab Naimantsi. Mіstsevі fighters well knew pіdzemnі kommunіkatsії, traplelyalis, z'avіlіvіvі іz kanalіzіynyh lukіv. - Dudaevtsі - warriors, respect them, but the stench called the children only a herd, laughing one in front of one. And if there is one, he is weaker for the Russian warrior. Our lads pray for the spirit, - even Victor.
"Reality was scary, lower scary films" Childhood of Victor passed at Pivdenny Kazakhstani. The fathers parted early, they were geologists and constantly dangled for refills. The boy was bred by that grandmother. Dosі vіn zagaduє svogo grandfather San Sanich and yoga majesty, s sledgehammer, fists. Leaning against the school rocks on the Caspian Sea, Vitya fell ill at sea. From the "land" village of Georgievka, Chimkent region, leaning towards the granite embankments of the Baltic. At the Leningrad Arctic School, without spending time, it was reported that all the necessary documents had not been collected. The uniform of a cadet was worn at the naval vocational-technical school, which was sorted out in Petrofort, in the large Shlisselburz, in the Leningrad region. Swimming practice passing on the floating base "Oleksandr Obukhiv". I graduated from the school with a badge of honor. A lot of cadets passed term service in the army in the auxiliary fleet, and Viktor Vdovkin asked for a friend to join the Viysk-Navy Fleet. At Sєvєrodvinsk, Viktor proyshov vіdbіr on podvodny choven, mav serve as a radio operator. Ale, here at the selection point, roses appeared. Looking over at the conscripts, they picked out quietly, who could rank them in power sports. Among them was the candidate for the master of sports and boxing Viktor Vdovkin.
In 1980, in a trainload of wines from the air administration to Kiev, on the Ribalsky Island, on the banks of the Dnipro, there was a school of technical officers of the Navy at the 316th primary corral of OSNAZ. After two years of training, we were awarded the military rank of midshipmen, given chases, a dagger and scattered around the corrals of a special recognition of the Navy, - Victor guessed. - I spent a trip to the Baltics, Tallinn, and then our pіdrozdіl pіdrozdіl pіdrozdіkovuvavsya pіvnіchnym fleet. At the paddock there were only officers and midshipmen, mustache superprofessionals. Operational drafting and combat robots on ships began. Having served in the pen of the special recognition of the Navy near Tallinn for five years, Viktor was on the front line, in the sea infantry. Great dosvіd operative work, I wanted to opine in more combat situations, - know wine. In 1987, after spending a long time in the polar region in the 61st Marine Brigade of the Pivnichny Fleet, it was based in the village of Sputnik, not far from the Zapolyarny town. This was the right brotherhood of marines, who were called both “black gloomy”, and “dark devils”. Here, little respect was given to the ranks, human feats came to the fore, the smut was bulo - like you are on the right and like you are in battle. Service at the brigade was not for the weak. Frost near the Arctic fell to 56 degrees, and wind a snail in a moment of snow. Viktor Vdovkin was recognized as a platoon commander of an air assault battalion. Navchannya passed for come-whatever. It is not for nothing that morpihiv from Sputnik are called "bіlimy vedmedy". We have the silhouette of the image of the image on the chevrons on the sleeves, and on the regimental armored vehicles. If you were in combat service in Angola, there was a beautiful white witch on the armor, like a hugging a palm tree, - Victor guessed. Buv appointments as an intercessor, and then as the chief of staff of the battalion. Under the hour of the sickle coup in 1991, the Rotis brigade was put on alert. Ale Bulo was given to you, - rozpovidaє Viktor Vdovkin. The situation in the country was flaring up. On television, the Daedals often broadcast the words "Chechnya" and "illegal exterminations". The breath of war looked closer to Daedal. And then it became known about the death of the 131 Maykop Motorized Rifle Brigade. AT newbie On December 31, 1994, in front of the corral of the brigade, a task force was placed to fly to Grozny and go to the railway station.
That was pasta. If the soldiers occupied the empty bus station of the station, rushing in from the infantry of the 81st Motorized Rifle Regiment, a flurry of fire fell upon them. A great force of militants was thrown against the brigade. At the fully honed motorized rifles on the doba, the station was trimmed. There was a swindler in the management. If the tank battalion, like a help, could burn all the cars. In the course of the battle, the brigade spent 157 people, and all the officers of the administration, the army commander, and the brigade commander perished. Out of 26 tanks, they were illiterately driven without cover near the tightness of the streets, 20 were bedrooms. Three 120 combat vehicles of infantry from the field were able to evacuate less than 18. All six anti-aircraft complexes of the Tunguska were destroyed. Oleksandr Nevzorov filming Purgatory about the assault on Grozny. - Mi and Nevzorovim stumbled into Mozdoka, if they were vivantage. The character of the film from the name Cobra - real people, I worked with him on the air (before I became aware that the Major of the GRU Oleksiy Yefentiev - auth.) I'll tell you that the action was even scarier, lower shown in the film, - Victor guessed.
"Chotiri once came to Georgievskaya Hall for the decoration" Victor Vdovkin mav his purgatory. The militants in the wake of the Radministration checked that the marines would defend themselves, and the stench went on the attack with a rapt kid. Vdovkin, having especially attacked three points of fire, once again locked up two fire-throwers and two snipers, killing 14 fighters, three of them - in hand-to-hand combat. Under the hour of reconnaissance of the positions of the militants, Viktor was seriously injured and shell-shocked. A sniper hit them on the square in front of Radministrand, like a screening at the cinema, which should be ordered. Pomitivshi our two tanks, yakі roamed on the square, Viktor Vdovkin on the radio handed over to the "armor" the coordinates of the sniper. The speck was lowered. Ale on the tanks buv v_dkrity fire at the vіdpovіd. The pomegranate, which shook the handguard from the rosette, doused him with hot winds, deafened him. Another strong vibe hit Viktor to the wall. Bulo poshkodzhenno ridge, leg shrapnel. Yogo was brought from the square by the rozvіdniki. Svіdomіst constantly “spilled”. At the headquarters, perebubayuchi in a shock camp, wine without letting the machine gun out of the hands. The brigade commander, Colonel Boris Sokushev, had a chance to especially motivate Vitya ... - They drove her by car to the hospital, halfway to Grozny, and then to Mozdok, I don’t remember, but I’m turned on, - Viktor rozpovidaє. “I ate to the intercessor of the battalion commander Andriy Gushchin, having eaten at the military hospital near St. Petersburg, we then stood in order with him. Vіn at Grozny there were also important wounds, if we were vandalized, saying: “Here is my chief of staff, yogo zі me.” Come to you, I'm already in St. Petersburg. I know, I've been trying to help you all my life. To lie down in the hospital bed, to sleep, to read, to be in order - the nurses in their white gowns ... Having thrown themselves at the hospital, through the concussion, both speech and hearing were damaged. In order to translate the gaze from one object to another, it is necessary to use a sprat of whilin. Having shaken the bіlu stele, the silhouette of a nurse, thinking: “I’ve got a dream of an idiot, I’m alive, now I’ll wake up.” At the forgotten wines, speaking from the retinue to Zhenya. Vaughn was a girl again, who sat with him at the school at the same desk and danced in the same ensemble. If Vitya entered the school in Petrofortez, she went next, became a student at the Pedagogical Institute near Leningrad. At the registry office, the stench was pishli before graduation. The first daughter was born in 1985 in Tallinn, the other - three years later in the Arctic. Month Victor Vdovkin spent time at the hospital, then went through the rehabilitation center. I turned to the native brigade, spiraling on a stick. I briefly, as if hitting the flower, voicing: "I want to speak." - We were angry, the loss of comrades in the service was given as a sign. The operation was organized mediocrely, it was an elementary interaction between different children, - Victor Vdovkin seems to be. - If you went to waste, we ourselves sent out calls, rozvіdniki to the quiet, who were right-handed and left-handed with us. I vvazhet, as they have already introduced the military, it was not necessary to give a stop command. It’s more scary, if you go, work, spend it already, and here you’ll be stunned about the fire being pinned, the conversation will start. And the militants, having won the hour, threw the white ensign, regrouped and went on the offensive again. to Moscow, rise three times, follow. Viktor knows: thinking what through Poshkodzhenogo Ridge lean in invalid visa. Official medicine to help you, Bula is not in good health. Decree on conferring the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to Senior Lieutenant Viktor Vdovkin was signed by the President on May 3, 1995. - Ale, everything went well, President Boris Yeltsin still didn’t have time for this hour. , - from hot water like marines. – I have already studied at Viysk University. Chotiri came at once to the Georgievskaya Hall, checked and left. There were already 14 of us accumulated at that hour, among us there were also non-walking lads. Bachachi all the way, Minister of Defense Pavlo Grachov made sure that the award was renewed the most visited cities handed over to youmu. The Golden Stars of the Heroes were handed to us at the Ministry of Defense, after all, on the basis of which all heads were chosen. Seriously wounded did not allow Viktor Vdovkin to become a construction commander. After graduating from the Viysk State University, he became an intercessor, and then the head of the legal service of the Headquarters of the Viysk Navy. At once, together with the commander-in-chief, Viktor pishov worked to the Ministry of Transport, worked at the Russian bays, at Rosmaino. Having taken an active part in the development of programs for the provision of living quarters for military servicemen. Nina Viktor Vdovkin is the intercessor of the head of the Club of Heroes. Vihovuє three onukіv. Under the fate of 1995, Chechnya does not allow dossi. Viktor often dreams of the storming of Grozny. Buvayut happy days, if the lads-colleagues are left alive. Ale, tіlki uvі snі.
*** On the way to the village of Suputnik, the 61st Army Marine Regiment of the Pivnichny Fleet is deployed, there is a monument to the "black berets" that died near Chechnya. Nearly 100 names are carved on the granite.

Rozpovіdaє Hero of Russia Colonel Andriy Yuriyovich Gushchin:

- Under the hour of the capture of Grozny, I, at the rank of captain, vykonuvaty vykonuvaty obov'yazki intercessor commander of the 876th airborne assault battalion of the 61st okremoy Kirkeneskoy Chervonoprapornoy brigade of the Marine Corps of the Chervonoprapornoy Fleet. The battalion was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Yury Vikentijovich Semenov.

If in 1994 the fate of the baby began only a little, rozmov about the possible fate of the marine infantrymen of the Pivnichny Fleet sent a moment. But we didn’t feel any particular shock from any of the drives. Even though no one really knew what was really happening in Grozny.

About bloody battles and numerical losses were not reported on television and were not written in the newspapers. Zamovchu. About the scale of the zavdan, yakі mi small vikonuvat, mi vyavlennya not small and sumly prepared to zahistu important objects that imposing passport control.

But everything changed one year, if in the first days of September 1995 we found out about the death of soldiers and officers of the Maikop Motorized Rifle Brigade. It became clear: the situation in Chechnya is not the same as it used to be.

And on Friday, 7 September, about the seventeenth year, the brigade was alarmed. And already at night of the same day, the air assault battalion was at the airfield of distant aviation in Olenegorsk. On the 7th and 9th of the day we were transferred by planes to Mozdok.

Three years after landing in Mozdok, we were ordered to take care of the wounded helicopters evacuated from Grozny. I care that it was a pardon. The lads at the crooked bandages scream, knock down ... And let's tell our fighters more: “It's hell out there! Where are you going?!." And as before, everyone felt just tenseness, then right fear appeared in the eyes of the soldiers. Then anger came.

It is impossible to forget that in the wake of sea infantry at the battalion, there was a total of two hundred thousand, and more - sailors from underwater vessels, surface ships, from coastal parts, protection and security. And what about a sailor at an underwater ship? His service is in a warm place, in a lull ... Such a sailor has a machine gun in his hands, in the shortest time less than an hour before the Viysk oath. And here it is cold, ford, shelter.

Alas, it is marvelous: this fear, having become for them ryativnym, mobilizing and disciplining people. Now, if the officers explained to the sailors, how to behave in fighting minds, how to talk too much, how to joke around, repeat the girls did not happen, everyone understood the words.

The 1st airborne assault company of the battalion from Mozdok on "turntables" immediately went to Grozny, to the Pivnichny airport. The rest went in a column, about thirty cars in total, with one armored personnel carrier, to bury. Reshta of the armored group was in perfect harmony.

The ford on the road is impassable, and our two "Urals" with ammunition were gone. Brigade commander, lieutenant colonel Boris Fіlagreyovich Sokushev, I would say: “Gushchin, sit on the armor that one, look for vehicles with ammunition.” And already the darkness is coming. I'm going straight through the airfield. They shot me!

Like a general asks: "Where are you going?". Me: "The brigade commander set up the shukati machine." Vin: Back! It is not possible to travel through the airfield near Temryavi.” And the darkness is already capital. I rushed far away, unrolled in no way. When you get to the first tank, bury it. Zupinyayus, I feed: “Two cars didn’t run? Here, literally a year ago, the column passed. Tankers: "Turn back, it's already dark. Here the zone of our viability ends.”

I forgot about the light hour, the stars came. Turned around and pishov back the old stake. On the way, the general called me back, no more. Ale, I all the same went across the airfield, ob'їzhdzhati navkolo was nicola. As it appeared, at the airfield they checked for the arrival of the Minister of Defense, the smuga was guilty of being clean.

At Grozny, our battalion was assigned to the 276th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Ural Military District. It was commanded by Colonel Sergiy Bunin. We were put on the back of the head to roztashuvatisya in the Pivnіchny airport and take up defense. Our combat troops were thrown over by aircraft, and the tills were ruled by the air (the stench came two days later!). That's why we had only ammunition and dry rations for two or three dobi with us.

The infantry was with us as much as it could. And when we opened the containers and took out the rice and pasta, it became clear that the stench in the warehouses had been stored for a long time: the middle ones were worms, the truth, already dried up. So the products were long-standing, so that the hrobaki died. And when we were served soup, everyone immediately guessed the film "Battleship Potiomkin". Just like at the cinema, at our soup hrobaki floated. But hunger is not a titka. Vіdgrіbaєsh worm'yakіv with a spoon killed and їzh... The higher-ranking command, predicted that soon there would be a sir, and a cowbass. Alec's happy moment I didn't check.

At noon from 10 to 11 September, our third airborne assault company went to the Golovposhtamt brothers. Buv bіy, but our lads took yogo mayzhe without spending. Signs of raptovist were given - the militants did not check them! ..

I myself was also abandoned in Pivnichny, I was appointed Timchasov's chief officer for ammunition. And on September 13th, when the head of the warehouse was gone, I went with the 2nd company to Grozny to get to know the situation.

The situation turned out to be terrible. Mortar shelling, post-mortem fire… Directly on the streets there are a lot of civilian corpses, our tanks are standing without tanks… The KNP itself (command and observation post. - Ed.) to the battalion, where I arrived, the same was under constant mortar shelling. I hvilin for thirty or forty men, for the great rakhunk, everything became clear.

Here the brigade commander chimed me (as the senior operational group): “Well done, you have arrived! You immediately dismiss the task. The paratroopers of the two houses of Radmina took, the two soldiers beat them. At the same time, the Radministrates have "spirits", and ours. But the paratroopers recognized the great losses, come to help them. Take the 2nd airborne assault company and the anti-tank battery. Zavdannya - protrimatis at the Ramidminі dvі doby.

The brigade commander gave me a card for 1979 release. It is impossible to orientate yourself on it bulo mayzha: everything is burned down, ruined. You can’t see any numbers on the houses of the houses, or the names of the streets ... I give the command to the company commander to get ready: take the stilki for the ammunition, we can take the stilki. And here, close to the sixteenth year, a guide came - a motorized rifleman - with a white bandage on his sleeves.

They messed up, they misjudged, they loaded the armor, the cartridges were sent to the chamber, the automatic weapons were put on guards. Appointed dozortsіv, like a conductor went ahead. The anti-tank battery was placed in the center, because it’s more important for him to go (the stink to carry his ammunition). Zadu us guarding tilovy patrol. Zagalom, they worked all the sciences and went.

With some unbending paths, we are a guide! Yakby, I once again stumbled there, then the road that we walked, I didn’t know for sure! We crashed across the streets, went downhill... Then we went uphill, passed through the mountains, crossed under the ground... We spent a lot of shelling on one street and could not cross for a long time. They shot at us with everything they could: grenade launchers, machine guns, machine guns.

Nareshti, where have you come. The conductor waved his hand: "Get out there Radmin, you go there." І sign... They looked around: the façade budіvlі entrusted uzdovzh і across the passages with sacks, open the empty windows without frames, the descents were poured out. Here and there, there were sleepers in the form of shootings, shouts of ours and Chechen language ...

There were one hundred and twenty people at the corral. I divided yoga into groups of ten people, and in the breaks between shelling we crossed the street in front of the Radministration.

Here bachimo - from the wake of the department store, the paratroopers blame their wounded (forty-five people lost their lives to their battalion). We began to help him. Department store entering the complex Budivel for the sake of the ministers of Chechnya. The whole complex was guessing the shape of an irregular rectangle with a size of approximately three hundred meters by six hundred meters. The Crimean department store to the complex included the Central Bank's offices, and the further ones were still the same. One side of the complex overlooked the shore, flowing through the center of the Grizny Sunzha River, the other side - to the Dudaev Palace, up to a hundred and fifty meters.

After a thirty-fifty rebinding, the whilin began to bіy. I had the 2nd company drunkenly in a thump: it went ahead, and immediately behind it the wall of the booth collapsed (from the fifth to the first on top), and the booth itself began to burn. The company was wounded and in front of my command post, and in the sight of an anti-tank battery. Required bulo їх vivoditi.

The paratroopers gave a sapper. Vіn vibukh having opened the booth at the wall, through which we sent a company of heroes. And the company was still bula and crushed by fire - it was possible to hide it. As soon as I see the house at the inner door, I marvel, like a company to go out, I sleep in my sleep - I shot from a grenade launcher! They shot aimingly from the other on top, a hundred meters away. I knocked my bell to the ground, fell into the beast myself ... We were more fortunate: there was a small auditory window at the booth. The grenade ate itself into the new one, flew into the middle and vibrated there! Yakby won over us, we would definitely perish.

If the pill rose, I became a radio operator to tighten it. Vіn pranks, nothing razumіє ... Here, from a pіdvalu, having started something vilaziti and shouting clearly not a Russian “alarm!” (“anxiety”, English - Ed.). I didn’t particularly think about it, giving the cherga to the basement and throwing the grenade on my back. Only a few words from the paratroopers I feed: “Ours are at the base?”. Voni: nі, and the axis of the "spirits" zvіdti constantly climb. At the central department store, de mi occupied, boules, well, majestic podvali. Vikoristovuyuchi їх, "spirits" under the ground could freely shift and constantly from below tried to knock us out of the department store. (Over the course of the year, we found out that there was a underground walk to Dudayev’s palace.)

And then, all of a sudden, the “spirits” went on the attack through the Sunzha and fired heavy fire on the inner courtyard in front of the department store! Right there, one after another, two grenades fly up to us and burst under the arch! Everyone who was lying on the brace of the wall was shell-shocked: there was blood from the nose, from the air.

It vomited under the arch completely! I’ll turn around and charge myself to a battle: a tracing line passed right over his head! The lad is stunned, his eyes burn in darkness. I youmu: "Alive?". And having yogo smiked on yourself, shob vіn pіshov z іnії fire, and your back by the yard becoming vipihati!.. This is the first beating we have.

A paratrooper officer is coming: Є promedol? (Anti-painful zasib. - Ed.). They themselves promedol long overdue. I had five injections of yoga. Of these, I gave you three, and two for myself, about every kind of change. At that time, the paratroopers were like a promedol, and in the end everything was over. Well, the fresh ones came, so they shared with them and even, and cartridges.

How many days did we bury the distant Radministry. After that battle, the wounded appeared at the corral. The wounded soldiers swaggered, especially if the paratroopers spluttered: no, we’ll be left behind. Let them bandage us and we are ready to go to war. Ale, I gave the command for any kind of injury, navit dotichnoy, for the first possibility of the wounded, right in the teel. Shobi lads lost their lives.

There was no doctor in us. They gave help to the soldiers, paramedics-sergeants - mayzhe lads. Bandage the wounded, bring them back through the street. But none of them have a teal not vtik.

Everything was even scarier - it’s not like in movies, it’s not like in books. Ale mood at the soldiers mitteva changed. Mustaches understood: here you need to survive and fight, otherwise you won’t go out. If you want, for the sake of truth, you need to say, what were they like, who didn’t fit into their fear. Dehto vzagalі, like a mouse, huddled in a cod. It was possible to win them out of the corners by force: “Do not stand under the wall, you will fall at once!”. I picked up such fighters at once and punished: “Take time, pick up stores, arrange time for them and spread time for those who shoot.” І z cim the stench came in.

The task was overwhelmed with too much: I’ll take the complex to wake up Radmin, clean it up and go to Dudayev’s palace. We started shukati paths, where it was possible to sprout. At night they tried to go around the Komsomolskaya street. Ale immediately ran into shelling and lay down in the middle of the street at the crossroads. And dovkola no fireplace, no virvy ... Even if the house is five meters away from the wall, but no one can rise: a fire is fired at us.

Here you fight, like a lien, I seem to say: “Comrade captain, I have a Dima grenade!”. Me: "Come here." Vіn meі її throwing. They fired a grenade, I told the soldiers: “Go, we will kill you.” A grenade to burn two hvilins, in an hour we went to the walls, and we slammed them with Volodya Levchuk. The grenade stopped burning, the smoke rose. We lay double on the crossroads of Mayzha parallel with asphalt, do not raise our heads. Ale robit nothing, began to step back.

And you can’t turn around, just backwards. It turned out that a helmet without a hanging strap on the board was not handy. I had to leave the helmets. Let's ask. And then I remembered vikno, the stars were shooting at us! Getting up and from the knee, giving it a long time... Strilyanina immediately stumbled. To go out, that I was ahead of the “spirit” for a fraction of a second and caught it first. We have never lost anyone, wanting to get hurt and stunned boules (if they fired at us with a grenade launcher, it became dark with tricks).

Immediately put more orders: the paratroopers will be led out more, and we will take the entire line of defense of the Sunzha river. For quiet fighters, as they defended Dudayev's palace, the place was even more important: even through the city (they stood tall) ammunition was brought to the fighters. We needed to bring more ammunition. The landing place itself zumila zaminuvati and put on the new extensions.

Alesche and the "spirits" continued to climb up from the bottom, from the stairs. Adzhe pіdloga vіd vibukhіv failed. But we already clearly knew: none of us can walk along the basements, you can only have an opponent from below. Appointed hearing aids, put braces. The order is this: if you smell the stench, sharudinnya, then we throw a grenade down and give it a long time with machine guns and automatic weapons.

The militants got out of the sewers. Under the hour of the black battle, the “spirit”, which raptly hung from the sewer hatch, fired at us a dagger fire of machine guns! Having speeded up, the militants rushed to storm the tops, grenades flew from us. The stand became simply critical. Poryatunok buv in one - negaino znischiti machine gunner. I vomited from behind the wall, simultaneously pressing the trigger. The machine gunner missed a beat, but the lesser one was pulled out ... The machine gun of the castle. "Spirits" resurfaced...

There was no such thing as a sustainable line for the front, we were driven from three sides. In the meantime, only one street was left alone, at which night it was possible to bring ammunition and water. That water, like they brought a couple of thermoses, then they shared it for everyone. The skin got offal. To that we took slurry from the sewers and passed it through the gas boxes. What dripped - those p'ёmo. And їzhi vzagalі not bulo nіyakoї, only cement on the teeth and creaking crackle.

On September 14, the first dead appeared in our country. I gave the command to put the bodies in one line near the apparently calm place. Quiet, who died on the 15th of September, let the beast put a line in another and so on. And for those who are deprived of life, I have set the task of rozpovisti about tse. In the last five days of the battle of one hundred and twenty people in the ranks, we lost sixty chotiri.

The camp is quiet, who, having defended Dudaev's palace, has become even more important: even after crossing the bridge, we practically made the delivery of ammunition. Five days before Dudayev's palace, only one infantry fighting vehicle broke through in the distance, reshta spitting on that birch. On September 15, the militants tried to intimidate us: the stench attacked us right across the Sunzha. Lizli and the bridge, and vbrіd across the river. Closer to the palace of Sunzha, it was steeper, and on the other hand, it practically turned into a shallow ditch. That's why the militants went there, for sure, that river vuzka. Tsya dilyanka was less than a hundred meters in width.

Ale, the explorers have added farther, what a possible breakthrough. I got in touch with the commander of the mortar battery, and we were appointed from him far behind, like the stink of us podtremuvatimut. And about this evening, when it was already dark, the “spirits” went to the breach. There was a lot of them, they lizli like a locust... The river in this area is about thirty or forty meters high, that one is fifty meters to the wall of our house. Even though it was already dark, it was still bright in the post-strill view.

Deyakim militants went to the shore, so we beat them back to back. Like honestly, kiss calmly, if such a natovp is on you, especially not. Pressing on the descent - and in a few seconds you release the entire store from the roses. Having given a sprat cherg, having reloaded, I renew the sprat cherg. And so doti, until the devil's attack does not bog down. Ale mina not a lot of time - and everything starts back to back. Anew the stink of the rod of the NATO, again we shoot ... Ale to the walls of our wakes from the "spirits" of the same time did not reach anyone ...

Todі w to the bridge pіshov "dukhіvskiy" tank. Rozv_dka and about the new one added a zazdalegіd. But if the vins nevertheless showed up, all the mittees, somewhere, poohed, sank into the furthest crack. The axis of what means tank fear! It turned out that the river is real. Me: "Usіm on the spot, on the position!". And the soldiers are kind, if the officer gives a stronger order. They immediately turned to positions.

Bachimo tank T-72, up to the new three hundred meters. Zupinivsya, vezhey turning ... We did not have anti-tank grenades. I give the command: "Flame thrower before me!". I say to the flamethrower with “dzhmelem” (reactive infantry flamethrower RPO “Dzhmil” - Ed.): “B'esh pod vezhu and immediately fall down!”. Shooting, falling, I watch over the shooting. Flight ... Me: "Let's get out of our position, I'm sure I know!". Vіn b'є i sip pіdplyає just pod vzhu! .. Tank spalahuє! The tanks were gone, they didn't live long. They didn’t have a chance to drink at such a distance ... We knocked down the tank in the far distance, blocking the main place before that.

For a few years, we made close to five frontal attacks. Then two commissions came to sort it out. It appeared that at once, from the mortars of the militants, they threshed a lot: for the tribute of commissions, only about three hundred corpses were slaughtered on this business. And there were a hundred and fifty of us at once with the paratroopers.

Todі mi small pevnіnіst, scho mi obov'yazkovo vistoєmo. For a few days of battle, the sailors have changed: the children started boldly and that husband. Became buvalimi. I vchepilis me tightly into the whole line - even if you go nowhere, you need to stand, no matter what. And now we have understood that we are calling at once, then all the same we will come later. I will again have a chance to see the brothers of the houses, they will spend again.

The paratroopers were brought to us from the sides. The militants fought more competently: groups of five or six people either came out of the basement, or from the sewers, or sneaked across the earth. They went, they shot, and they went along the same way. And they will come to change others. And we were smart enough to block: they blocked the exits from the basement, covered themselves and did not allow themselves to be attacked from the side of Dudaev’s palace.

If we only went to the positions, we were told that the Radministra had no more paratroopers. Ale, just before the hour of the battles, we made a link with the Novosibirsk people (the stench then covered us from the body) and with a small group of soldiers from Vladikavkaz. As a result, we did such a thing to the militants, so that they could drink the stench less where they were preached to. Look, maybe, and they thought: we, having moved, pulled up such forces, and Radyansky is defending like a zhmenka. That's why they sent us cholo.

Alemy and from the tankers, as if they were changing at the inner courtyard of the vocational school, on the stile side of the Radministrate, they rewarded each other. The tactic was simple: the tank, on top of its speed, rolled out of the way, fired two shells at the point where it could aim, and looked back. Having spent at the booths with the fighters, it’s already good: they collapse, the upper points of the enemy can no longer win. Let me see the people, as I commanded these tanks. Tse Major General Kozlov (todі vіn bv bv deputy technical officer of the regiment). Blame me like: “Why did I lie to you at Radministrates!”. I tse bula truth.

And in the night from 15 to 16 September, I did not die a little. Until that moment, the visibility was already blunted in the cost, in the heat of the moment. It’s like a baiduzhіst has come, it came at that moment. As a result, I didn’t remember my KNP with the radiotelephone operator (I’ll ring five times for work, changing the month, ringing the bells). And if, according to the ratio, we overpowered the chergovy zvedennya, we spent a lot of mortar shelling! They fired at us through the Sunzha with mortars installed on Kamaz trucks. From the sound I understand that a hundred and twenty-meter mine has arrived. Terrible gurkіt! .. Walls collapsed on us from the radio operator and blocked the booth ... Never thinking that the cement could burn. And here in the mountains, warmly felt. Filled me with snares up to the waist. Like a hostile stone, the ridge was damaged (then I saw him at the hospital for a long time). Ale, the soldiers dug less, and it was necessary to continue to fight.

At night from 17 to 18 September, the main forces of our battalion with a battalion commander were relieved - the battalion commander gave the command my zvedeny zagіn out of the fight. If I looked at myself in the mirror for a little while, then I gasped: I was marveled at the face of a deadly languishing unknown person ... Especially for me, five days of warfare was like this: I spent fifteen kilos of weight and got dysentery. In the early morning, God was kind to me, but from the injury of the ridge and three shell shocks, the drumsticks were broken (the doctors in the hospital said that the lightly injured is more beautiful, lower concussion, because after it the traces of non-transfer). I have lost everything that I have. Before speech, I took off the insurance for the second million rubles at the prices of 1995. For povnyannya: a battery of scorching fell on a well-known ensign. So vin having won the styles.

The correct blues for people on this war were folded evenly. The soldiers cheered, that the commander of the building they were guarding. Aje stink here like a child: for them, tato, and mother. It is important to marvel at you in your eyes, as if to dance, that you rob everything, so that you don’t perish in a bad way, then follow you at the fire, and at the water. Wholeheartedly trust you with their lives. And in this moment, the strength of the combat team will be subdued, built up ... Mi chuli, scho Nevipadkovo Dudaev, having punished the marine infantry and paratroopers, do not take it full, but drive it into the field. Nachebto when he said: "To heroes - heroic death."

And yet, on this war, I slacked off, because one of the main motives, why we fought to the death, was to avenge the dead comrades. Aje, here people are moving closer, everyone is standing at the battlefield. The practical results of the battles showed that we can stand up to the incomprehensible minds and win. Well, they celebrated the traditions of the Marine Corps. On this war, we were no longer divided: there were sailors from the ships, and the sailors from the ships. Every single one of them became marine infantrymen. And a lot of people are quiet, who, having turned from Grozny, did not want to turn on the ship and in their own unit, and left to serve in the brigade.

With great warmth, I will call on quiet sailors and officers, with whom I had a chance to fight at once. The stinks viyavlyali, without perebіlshennya, miracles of heroism and fought to the death. Why is the senior warrant officer Grigoriy Mikhailovich Zamishlyak, chi “Did”, like mi yoga called me! Vіn having taken the command of a company, as if he had lost his officers.

I have more than one officer dead in my company - Senior Lieutenant Mykola Sartin. Mykola, on the choli of the assault group, evaded at the door of Radmin, and there an ambush appeared. They shot at the lads in the back ... One single sack pierced Mikoli's bulletproof vest, consecrated to the officer's specimen and pierced it at the heart. It’s important to believe and not explain from the look of medicine, but the mortally wounded Mikola is still close to a hundred meters big, to get ahead of us about the ambush. Leave only one word of the buli: "Commander, leader of people, ambush ...". I fell…

And these are the moments, yakі vzagalі impossibly forget nіkoli. Fight against the wound in the head, mortally wounded. He himself is very clear that he is living out the rest of the wheezes. I say to me: “Commander, come before me. Let's sleep in a song ... ". And at night we tried only to whisper whispers, so that nothing came from that side to the sound. Ale, I will understand that I will die at once, and that I will remain the same. I entrusted him with him, and we were sleeping with him in whispers. Maybe, “Farewell, burn away,” maybe, like another song, I don’t remember already ...

It was even more important if we turned back from the wars and I was imprisoned with all the relatives of the dead sailors of the battalion. They ask: and how did I die, but how?
Naval infantry of the Pivnichny fleet ran into the assigned commanders, the stench did not let in the honor of the Russian and Andriyevsky ensigns. Batkivshchyna punished, stink the order vikonali. It's nasty, an hour has passed, but there is no sound about the participants in the war. To say that Grozny has already been awakened is like Las Vegas, covered with fires. And marvel at our barracks - the stench is practically falling apart ...

They are rightly respected by the elite of the Viysk-Navy Fleet and run on risky operations. And don’t let the stench go, saying “there, de mi, there is a win.” Today, the marines mark the profession sacredly, and we have guessed the feats of heroes in black berets.

Vin otrimav Hero of Russia, if you were 25. Sea infantry of the Black Sea Fleet Volodymyr Karpushenko fell another Chechen campaign having served in the area of ​​conflict.

March 3, 1999 to July 2000, commanding a reconnaissance company, taking part in 60 combat operations.

On the eve of the new, 2000 fate, after the death of a group of marine infantry lieutenant Yury Kuryagin, captain Karpushenko, having taken the task of demonstrating the militants’ militants’ militants, they were operating near the area of ​​​​the village of Kharacha. After the two-water raid, on September 2, the group of Karpushenka was discovered far away.

The bandits were engaged in taking up new positions, going as far as the nearest village behind the hedgehog.

On one of these occasions, Karpushenko and his fighters occupied the fortifications. The fighters, who turned around, the marines shot down with an intense fire from automatic weapons.

For the treatment of the crimes of the bandits, it was reduced.

In the midst of the battle, the militants arrived hastily, and Karpushenko's soldiers, like a sovereign, planted a fortune-telling line, and did not think of entering. A young officer, commanding the battle, competently organizing the defense, - that day, all attacks by the enemy ended in defeat.

In 1995, Guards Colonel Yevgen Kocheshkov commanded a naval infantry unit near Chechnya.

On September 10, immediately after arriving in the conflict area, Yogo was sent to Grozny, where battles were being baked at that hour. Naval infantrymen of Kocheshkov, having changed the places of paratroopers in the center of the city, having recognized the serious losses, beat the militants out of the fireworks on the steps to the presidential palace.

Uninterrupted, important bіy trivav kіlka days. After the skin, not far away, try to turn the borders occupied by the Marines, the militants robbed a new one, baked a test even more.

All attacks ended in hand-to-hand combat.

On September 19, the soldiers were able to take the President's Palace, escaping it before the approach of the tanks of the federal forces.

Commander's talent, cold-bloodedness, showmanship, and the resilience of Colonel Kocheshkov gave strength to that spiritedness.

In this operation, the fighter is not a sign of obscurity, without having spent his full. Zhodin from 18 dead without deprivation on the battlefield.

On the last day of 1995, Yevgen Kocheshkov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

At the beginning of September 1995, Senior Lieutenant Viktor Vdovkin sent directions from the recruitment to Chechnya to the landing of the chief of staff of the naval infantry battalion of the 61st Army Brigade of the Pivnichny Fleet.

The officer despoiled the assault group for the hour of capturing a lot of life for the sake of the ministers near Grozny. Vono was an important knot of defense of the militants, a practically impregnable fortress.

After important street battles, the assault zagіn still zoomed out in the morning and settled on the first version. Alebiy continued, embittered dudayevtsy repeatedly tried to turn control over the object, robbing sprats of counterattacks.

At one o'clock one of them, Viktor Vdovkin, was wounded, but continued to fight.

After a few attempts to storm the separatists, Vdovkin's group could be crushed by the main forces. Chi varto say that the camp of the marines turned out to be very difficult. But the stinks didn't give up. The senior lieutenant, having organized the defense of the line, continued to attack the enemy.

This charіvne scorched thrival chotiri days.

Vdovkin's group, without any help, fought against the militants, managing their expenses. Under the hour of reconnaissance of the position of Dudaevtsiv Vdovkin took away one more wounded that concussion. Colleagues took the commander out of the battlefield at an unseen camp, and after breaking through to the main forces they evacuated to the hospital.

At the grassroots of 1995, Victor Vdovkin watched the "Golden Star" of the Hero.

Captain Andriy Gushchin knows nothing about Persian Chechen. In 1995, a military infantryman served as an intercessor for the battalion commander in the conflict area.

The street battles near Grozny, the storming of the streets for the sake of the ministers of Chechnya became the sides of this military biography. Andriy Gushchin, having become the third behind the rachunk, died, which was given the task of being beaten by the militants for the sake of the ministers - the first two groups of whom did not die.

For the first time, the sporuda itself became the arena of the diy, where the marine infantry vanished with a rapt attack. For five days the soldiers of Gushchin waged a scorching battle, maximizing control over the bunker.

The militants, as they knew the world well, attacked from the sides. Traplyalos, scho stinks were coming from the sewer manholes.

The captain humiliated by organizing the defense, encouraging and instructing comrades in the service and cold-bloodedly cherishing the battle - he allowed not only to reduce life, but to save the lives of more soldiers. And it wasn’t easy for them: the bugats got nervous, they gave signs of a rich day of uninterrupted battle, their stubbornness was dulled ...

At the critical moment, Gushchin killed those whom the enemy did not succumb to in any way - with a quick throw of the blame, he launched his soldiers into the attack. Tse buv rizikovaniya і vіdchaydushny krok, yaky virіshiv result of the battle.

Dudayevtsi recognized colossal losses, and those who lost their lives stepped back.

I have a serious problem Andriy Gushchen has wounded a sprat once. The news about the appropriation of the most powerful sovereign city to you found the hero at the hospital. Tse became a fierce 1995 fate.

In September 1995, Yevgen Kolesnikov arrived in the Chechen Republic at the warehouse of the star battalion of marine infantry of the Baltic Fleet. Serving at the hot spot was not the best for an officer - until the first time in Afghanistan, which brought the Order of the Chervonoy Zirka and the medal "For Vidvaga". I axis Chechnya.

Officers, like a maverick combat officer, entrusted the most complicated task - to clear the booths from the militants and snipers, as if to facilitate the capture of the presidential palace in Grozny. Zagin Kolesnikova, pushing through the battles to the center of the place, breaking the dudaevtsiv budinok nursery- Strong point of their defense. Dekіlka days maritime infantry fought off the attacks of the bandits, trimmed the defense and went forward, giving the militants a numerical input.

On September 17, if Kolesnikov’s group went to storm Chergov’s life, dudaevtsy fired fire from machine guns. The Marines, crouched to the ground, hid in the fire, the attack was zirvana.

Strіlyuvavsya skin meter of the earth. Chekati Bulo is not possible - the cost of calling could be the death of a group.

Todі Kolesnіkov rose from the ground and moved the soldiers to the attack. For a mit, a machine gun pierced Yogo's chest. The officer died, but his comrades in the service zumili beat the militants from life and establish control over him.

After a rich story for the body of the commander, marine infantrymen took Yogo from the battlefield, not giving way to the militants.

In early 1995, for his masculinity and heroism, Yevgen Kolesnikov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

No one knows at once about those that in 1995 the marine tradition was revived during the Great Veteran War - on the basis of more than twenty pilots of the Leningrad Viysk-Marine base, a company of marine life was formed. Moreover, it was not the officer of the naval infantry who had the opportunity to command the company, but the sailor-submarine.

Zovsіm like in 1941 roci, sailors mayzhe sent directly from the ship to the front, wanting a lot of them to have a machine trim in the hands of only on oath. І tsі vchorashnі mechanics, zv'yazkіvtsі, electricians in the mountains of Chechnya entered the battlefield with good preparation and to the teeth ozbroєnim militants.

Sailors-Baltic at the warehouse of the naval infantry battalion of the Baltic Fleet fought in Chechnya with honor. Ale z ninety-nine fighters turned back at home, less than eighty sixty.

List of military servicemen of the 8th company of the sea infantry of the Leningrad Viyskovo-sea base, who died during the first hour of combat operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic in the period from 3 May to 30 Chernivtsi, 1995

1. Guards Major Yakunenkov Igor Oleksandrovich (04/23/63 - 05/30/95)

2. Guards Senior Lieutenant Stobetsky Sergiy Anatolyovich (24.02.72–30.05.95)

3. Guards sailor contract-based Yegorov Oleksandr Mikhailovich (14.03.57–30.05.95)

4. Guards sailor Kalugin Dmitro Volodimirovich (11.06.76–08.05.95)

5. Guards sailor Kolesnikov Stanislav Kostyantinovich (05.04.76–30.05.95)

6. Guards sailor Koposov Roman V'yacheslavovich (03/04/76–05/30/95)

7. Guards Sergeant Major 2nd Statty Korablin Volodymyr Illich (24.09.75–30.05.95)

8. Guards junior sergeant Metlyakov Dmitro Oleksandrovich (04/09/71–05/30/95)

9. Guards senior sailor Anatoly Vasilovich Romanov (27.04.76–29.05.95)

10. Guards senior sailor Cherevan Vitaliy Mikolayovich (01.04.75–30.05.95)

11. Guards sailor Cherkashin Mikhailo Oleksandrovich (20.03.76–30.05.95)

12. Guards senior sailor Shpilko Volodymyr Ivanovich (21.04.76–29.05.95)

13. Guards Sergeant Yakovlev Oleg Evgenovich (05/22/75–05/29/95)

Eternal memory we will perish, honor that glory we live!

Rozpovidaє captain of the 1st rank St (positive "V'etnam"):

- I became the commander of a company of naval infantry, a submariner, becoming a vipadkovo. At the beginning of September 1995, I was the commander of a diving company of the Baltic Fleet, at that time the only unit for the entire Viysk-Navy Fleet. And here comes an order: from a special warehouse of pilots of the Leningrad military-sea base to form a company of naval infantry for the deployment to Chechnya. And all the infantry officers of the Viborsky regiment of the anti-landing defense, as if they were going to war, moved. I remember that the commander of the Baltic Fleet also threatened to take them down for a reason. Well, what? Have you planted anyone? And they said to me: “You want to have some kind of proof and fight. Get a company. You follow her with your head.”

At the beginning of the eleventh, on the twelfth of September 1995, I took over the whole company from Viborza. And yet you need to fly to Baltiysk.

Having arrived at the barracks of the company of the Viborsky regiment, prompting the sailors and feeding them: “Do you know that we are going to war?”. And here it’s almost inconsequential: “Ka-a-ak?.. Like such a war!..”. Here the stench understood, like they were fooled! It turned out that some of them were urged to join the litter school, even before the next month. Alas, it’s all right: for such important and important matters, they chose the best sailors, for example, from disciplinary salvos, or to bring in a lot of law enforcement officers.

I remember, podbіgaє mіstseviy major: “Have you told me now? How are we now pacified?”. I to youmu: “Keep your mouth shut… It’s better for me to choose them here, then I’ll sweat them there. So, before the speech, if you don’t fit in with my decisions, I can remember you. Is there food?" The major didn't have any more food.

It became a special warehouse to grow up with a name: some weep, some have fallen into a stupor ... Zvichayno, they were and just stopped cowards. Three hundred and fifty of them, there were about fifteen people. Two of them suddenly rushed to pieces. Ale, I don’t need me, I wouldn’t take it all myself. But still, there were more lads before the comrades, it was shameful and the stench went to war. Ninety-nine people committed war against war.

On the coming day of vrantsі, I wake up the company. The commander of the Leningrad military-sea base, vice-admiral Grishanov, asked me: I confirm: Y. Mustaches are going to die.” Vin: “Who are you?! I’ll reserve the adzhe tse rota!..». I: “Comrade commander, I know everything, I’m not the first to run a marching company. Here, people are running out of sims, but they don’t have apartments.” Vin: “We didn’t think about it ... I promise, I’m sure we’ve been fed.” And we finished our word: all the officers of the apartment were taken away.

We fly to Baltiysk, to the marine infantry brigade of the Baltic Fleet. The brigade itself at that hour was in a collapsed camp, so the mess at the brigade multiplied by the mess at the company gave the result a mess at the square. Don't eat normally, don't sleep. Only a minimal mobilization of one fleet has passed!

Ale, yakuvati God, in the fleet at that hour the old guard of radian officers was abandoned. Stink the cob of war on your own vityagli. And the axis of a friend “walker” (that’s how marine infantrymen call the period of fighting in the mountains of Chechnya since May 1995. - Ed.) A lot of officers from the “new” ones went to war for apartments and orders. (I remember that once in the Baltic one officer asked for my company. But I had to take it anywhere. I also asked him: “Do you want to go now?” Vin: “But I don’t have an apartment ...”. I: “Remember: don’t go to war for apartments.” The officer died later.)

The intercessor of the brigade commander, lieutenant colonel Artamonov, told me: "Your company will go to war in three days." And I have 300 people and 20 to take the oath had a chance to take the oath without a machine gun! Ale y tі, hto mav tsey machine gun, tezh not far from them came: shoot all the same, practically no one can win.

So-and-so, they got excited, went to the landfill. And on the range of ten grenades, two do not vibrate, three do not shoot from ten twine cartridges, they simply rotted. All tsі z let me say the ammunition was issued in 1953. І cigarettes, before speech, also. Come out, that the most recent NZ was played for us. With machine guns - the same story. At the mouth of the stench there are more innovative ones - the release of 1976 to the year. Before the speech, trophy automatics, yakі then they took from the "spirits", were the production of 1994 rock.

Ale, as a result of “intensive training”, already on the third day we had a lesson in combat shooting (for great minds, it’s necessary to work only after the fate of training). It’s more foldable and serious right, as it will end with combat grenade launchers. After such a “training”, all my hands were filled with tricks - because of the fact that I had to fall down quietly, who, getting up on my feet not at once.

Ale navchannya - tse sche pіvbіdi ... Axis go company to obіd. I'm doing a shmon. I know pіd lizhkami ... grenades, vibukhovі packages. Well, the boys are vizimnadtsyatirichni! But they didn’t think about it and didn’t realize that everything had shaken like a bit, then the barracks would have been torn apart. Later on, the soldiers told me: “Comrade commander, we won’t be sorry for you, as you happened to be with us.”

From the landfill come about the first night. The fighters are indignant, and none of them in the brigade are particularly proud and do not choose ... So, they went into the search for the truth. And the officers, so I went up for my pennies. I had two million carbovants with me. It was worth it for a great sum. For example, a pack of expensive imported cigarettes cost a thousand rubles ... I can tell you that it was a sight, if we ran into a cafe with knives at night. All in the Shoci: who is it?

Immediately, representatives of various national diasporas began to frequent, trying to win fellow countrymen: give a boy, a Muslim is guilty and not guilty of war. I remember, they sing on a Volkswagen passat, shout at the command post: "Commander, we need to talk to you." We came with them to the cafe. The stench stіl zamovili there! I respectfully listened and confirmed: I don't need a penny. I call the waitress and pay for the whole style. And I say to them: “Your lad will not go to war. They don’t need me there!”. And then the lad was not able to do it himself, he already wanted to have fun with us. Ale, I to you once again clearly saying: No, such a me, for sure, is not needed. Vilny ... ".

I’m the same way, as people are brought together by famously difficult and hardships. Step by step, my rіznoshirsta company began to turn into a monolith. And then I didn’t command on the war, but just throwing a glance - and I understood all the words.

In September 1995, at the Viysk airfield in the Kaliningrad region, we were attacked three times. The Baltic States did not give permission for the passage of aircraft over their territory. And yet, the third time, they managed to lead the "Russian" company (one of the companies of the marine infantry brigade of the Baltic Fleet. - Ed.), And we - again. Our company was preparing until the end of the day. At the first "walker" to war with my mouth, I ate alone, went for a replacement.

At a friend’s “walker”, we were not able to fly on April 28, 1995, and it was less than 3 May (I’m going through the Baltics again, as they didn’t let the flights through). In this order, "TOF_ki" (marine infantry of the Pacific Fleet. - Ed.) and "pіvnіchni" (marine infantry of the Pivnіch fleet. - Ed.) came earlier for us.

If it became clear that the war was on us not in the city, but in the mountains, the Baltic Brigade was in a mood that there would be no more deaths - moving, but not the Grizniy Sichnya 1995 fate. It was like a hibne of manifestations that it is possible to walk in the mountains. Ale, for me, the bula was not the first war, and I changed my mind, as if everything would be true. And then we rightly recognized that some people near the mountains perished under the hour of artillery shelling, and some people - under the hour of the shooting of columns. I was already convinced that no one would perish. Thinking: "Well, injured, singsongly, they will be ...". I firmly vyrivishiv, that before the correction of the obov'yazkovo, I would lead the company to the church.

And in the company there is a lot of unbaptized people. Among them is Seryoga Stobetsky. And I, guessing, how my baptism changed my life, even though I wanted to, I christened myself. I christened myself pizno. Then I turned around in the face of a terrible shock. The country fell apart. My own family broke up. It was ignorant that it was given to work. I leaned back in life's deaf hut... I remember well that after my goddamn soul calmed down in me, everything fell into place, and it became clear how far I was from living. And if I served at Kronstadt, then I once sent sailors to help the rector of the Kronstadt Cathedral of the Volodymyr Icon of the Mother of God to clear the mind. The cathedral at that hour stood at the ruins - even yogo girls cheered.

And then the sailors began to bring me the royal gold chervintsi, as they knew the stench under the ruins. Ask: “What work with them?”. Show yourself: people know gold, a lot of gold ... But no one in the thought could take it. I vyrishiv vіddati tsі chervintsі to the rector of the church. I myself, before the church, then I came to baptize my son. At the same time, father Svyatoslav, a large Afghan, was there as a priest. I say: “I want to baptize a child. But I myself am a weak one, I don’t know prayers ... ” I remember Yogo Promov verbatim: “Sire, you were under the water, buv? Are you at war? So, you are talking to God. Vilniy! And for me, the moment having become a turning point, I turned back to the Church.

Therefore, before the correction, before the “other trip”, I began to ask Seryoga Stobetsky to be baptized. And Vіn firmly vіdpovіv: "I'm not going to be baptized." I had a feeling (and not only for me), that I won’t turn around. I didn’t want to take Yogo to war, but I was afraid to tell Yomu about it - knowing that I was going to go. Therefore, I was worried about the new one and even wanted to, so that I would be christened. But here nothing can be done by force.

Through the monastic priests, I turned to the same Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Kiril, and came to Baltiysk. And, what is most important, Vladika Kirilo, having left all his own terms, and having specially arrived to the Baltic, bless us for war.

The Holy Week itself followed the Great Day. If I spoke to Vladika, I asked him: "Where are you violating?". I confirm: “In a day or two. Ale at the company є unbaptized. I was a man of twenty cottons, who were unbaptized and wanted to receive Baptism, Vladik Kirilo baptized especially. Moreover, the lads did not put a penny on crosses, about which I told Vladik. Vin vidpoviv: "Don't boast, everything is free for you here."

Vranci mayzhe the whole company (it was not only quiet with us, who served at the guard in outfits) stood at the liturgy in the cathedral in the center of Baltiysk. Metropolitan Kirilo celebrated the Liturgy. Then I wake up the company of the cathedral. Viyshov Vladik Kirilo and sprinkling the soldiers with holy water. I still remember, as if Metropolitan Kirilo was asleep: “We are going to fight. Surely, is it sinful on the right? And vіn vіdpovіv: "As for the Batkivshchyna - that's not it."

At the church, they gave us icons of St. George the Victorious and the Mother of God, and crosses, like robes for almost everyone who didn’t have them. With these icons and crosses for a few days we went to war.

If we were seen off, the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Yegorov, punished us with steel. At the Chkalovsk airfield, the company hung out, they saw badges for the soldiers. Lieutenant Colonel Artamonov, intercessor of the brigade commander, saw me sideways and said: “Sergyuga, turn around, be kind. Will you have cognac? Me: “That’s not necessary. More shortly - if I turn around. And if I’m already pishov to the light, then I’m more recognizable, lower swaying, like Admiral Egorov crossed me.

At night we flew to Mozdok (the military base in Pivnichny Ossetia. - Ed.). There is a swindler there. I gave the command to my own to take care of every step of the defense, get sleeping bags and lie down to sleep in the right order from the golden one. The lads were far away from the trochs of the night before the night already in positions.

On May 4 we were transferred to Khankali. There we sit on the armor and in a column we go to Germenchug under Shali, at the position of the TOFIKIV battalion.

We arrived at the place - there was no one ... Our future positions of the factory are more than a kilometer away from the river Dzhalka. And in me there are less than a few more than twenty fighters. Yakby then the “spirits” attacked once, then we would have had a hard time. So they tried not to show themselves (no shooters) and began to slowly settle in. Ale no one to think of a thought did not sleep the first night.

І correctly zrobili. Tsієї well at night, the first time we were fired upon by a sniper. The fires were turned on me, the ale beaters blew up a cigarette. Kulya walked a mere twenty centimeters away from Stas Golubev: I’ve been guilty of “fifty dollars” for an hour standing at the trance, and the cigarette fell evilly into the new “armor” and dimmed.

In these positions, we were constantly fired upon from the side of the village, and from a plant that was not procured. Ale, a sniper at the factory potim mi z AGS (automatic easel grenade launcher. - Ed.) was still taken.

The next day, having already arrived, the whole battalion. It got a little more fun. They took up dominating positions. I once set up a perfect order: pidyom, exercises, separation, physical training. On me, someone marveled at the great wonder: in their brains, the charge looked as if, softly, apparently, exotically. Ale, after three days, when we went to the mountains, everyone realized what, now and why: the guys gave the right result - I didn’t waste any people on the march. And the axis in other companies was not physically ready for wild adventures, the soldiers simply fell from the ground, stood up and perished.

In early 1995, a moratorium on combat activities was announced. Everyone turned their respect to those who moratoriums and voiced the very same, if the “spirits” need an hour to get ready. Skirmishes were all the same boules - as if they were shooting at us, we were obov'yazkovo fired. Ale, we didn’t go ahead. And when the armistice ended, we began to hang out at the straight line of Shali-Agishti-Makhketi-Vedeno.

At that time, there were data and air reconnaissance and stations of the near reconnaissance. Moreover, the stench appeared to be accurate, which, with their help, was far away to reveal at the mountain shelter for the tank. My explorers confirmed: at the entrance to the gorge in the mountains, there was a shelter with a meter-sized ball of concrete. Tank vizhdzhaє z tsієї concrete oven, shooting in the bіk Grouping and їde back. Artillery for such a spore shoot marvelously. They sounded out of the camp like this: they called out aviation and they threw it on the tank as if it were a harder air bomb.

On May 24, 1995, the artillery preparation began, absolutely all the trunks were thrown. On the first day of the same day, as many as our own non (self-propelled mortar. - Ed.) arrived in our roztashuvannya. I can’t say for sure, for some reason, but the deacons mini, the deputy of the one who flew along the roaring trajectory, began to change sides. We have uzdovzh roads on the site of the large drainage system Bulo Vikopano trench. I’m sipping mine at the trench (Sashko Kondrashov is sitting there) and shaking! .. I think with a gasp: there, singsongly, there’s a corpse ... I’m kicking - thank God, Sashko is sitting, trembling by the leg. Ulamok broke a piece of stone, and with a stone youmu virval part of the m'yaza on the nose. But ahead of the battle. I don’t want to go to the hospital… All the same, they fixed it. Ale vin overtook us under Duba-Yurt. Good, no one else got hooked.

On the same day, there was “hail” before me. From the new vibіgaє the captain of the Marine Corps, “TOFіvets”, feeds: “Can I stand in you?”. I confirm: "Well, shave ...". I didn’t stop thinking, why should these lads start shooting! .. And the stench fired thirty kills meters and fired a volley! I youmu: You sho robish! .. . Vin: "So you allowed ...". The stench themselves slaughtered the vuha with cotton wool.

On May 25th, our entire company was already at the TPU (tilovy control post. - Ed.) The battalion on the day before Shali. Only the first platoon (rozvіdka) and mortars were hanging forward close to the mountains. Mortars hung on the fact that the regimental "noni" and "acacia" (self-propelled howitzer. - Ed.) could not shoot close. "Spirits" chimed in: they hide behind the nearby mountain, the artillery cannot reach them and shy the stars of the forks. Just then our mortars were needed.

Early vranci mi chuli bіy in the mountains. The very same "spirits" went around the 3rd airborne assault company "TOF_kov" from the body. We ourselves were afraid of such a detour. In the coming night, I did not start kicking, but walking with stakes in my positions. Ahead of the day, the viishov fighter “northerner” fought against us, but they didn’t remember my yoga and they missed it. I remember, terribly angry - thinking that I’ll just kill them all!

At night, I sent Sergeant Edik Musikayev to the castle platoon with the lads forward - marvel where they hung out. The stench was pumped by two "dukhivsky" tanks. With them, the lads brought a shard of trophy machine guns, wanting to sound the “spirits” after the battle they took away. Ale here, maybe, the essence of the bula was so baked, that the automata either threw it, or they spent it. Krym tsygo we knew the grenade, mini, zahopili "duhіvskiy" gun, znaryaddya in the form of BMP smooth-bore, installed on self-made chassis.

On May 26, 1995, the active phase of the advance began to rock: “Tofiks” and “Severyans” fought forward to bridge the Shalinsky Gorge. "Spirits" before our era were prepared even better: they had echeloned positions - systems of dugouts, trenches. (Then we knew to bring up the old dugouts of the hours of the Vitchiznyana war, as if the "spirits" had prevailed over the points of fire. The first axis was especially hot: the militants in the "enchanting rank" knew exactly the hour of the cob of the operation;

The very same my fighters pushed the MTLB forward, which are turning (a heavy-duty tractor with light armor. - Ed.) with the wounded and the dead (they were transported right through us). The stench grew taller one day.

“Tofiks” and “Siveryans” stared in… On the day before, the stench didn’t blow halfway. To that lie 27 May I will take away new team: together with a battalion of virushity to the area of ​​the cement plant near Duba-Yurt. The command failed not to force our Baltic battalion along the gorge in the forehead (I don’t know how many skils would have been lost for us with such a development of the pods), but to go around, so that the “spirits” could enter at the til. In front of the battalion, a task was set to go through the right flank with mountains and take the back of Agishti, and then Makhketi. I myself did not appear ready for such actions of ours! And those who in the mountains near the till came as much as a whole battalion, they could not even dream of in a terrible dream!

Until the thirteenth year, 28 hours, we broke into the region of the cement plant. Paratroopers from the 7th airborne division came here. And here we can hear the sound of a “turntable”! At the enlightenment between the trees of the gorge there is a helicopter, painted like dragons (you could see it in binoculars). And all, without moving, fire from grenade launchers at that one! It was far from the helicopter, about three kilometers, and we could not get far. Ale, the pilot, it seems, having pumped out the zagorodzhuvalny fire and swidko vіdletіv. More mi "spiritual" helicopters did not run.

Behind the plan, the first few paratroopers were born. Behind them go the 9th company of our battalion and become a checkpoint. Behind the 9th - our 7th company and also becomes a checkpoint. And my 8th company can go through the checkpoints and take Agishti. To make me stronger, they gave me a “mortar”, a sapper platoon, an artillery gunner and an aircraft aviator.

Mi s Seryogo Stobetsky, commander of the 1st rozvіdzvod, we start to think, like we did. We started getting ready for the exit. They ruled dodatkovі occupations from the physio (want to stink in us and so they were from the very cob of the day). More virishili to carry out the order to the store for the security. Andzhe with a skin can be ten or fifteen shops. Ale one store, as if to press on the trigger and trim, fly in about three seconds, and in a battle with a direct reload, lay down life.

At that moment, the mustaches already had a good understanding that in front - not those skirmishes, like we had in front of us. Everything was talking about it: the rocks of the tanks were burned all around, through our positions dozens of wounded came out, transported the dead ... Before them, how to go on the loose, I went to the skin battle, to marvel at you in the eyes and indulge in good luck. I'm savvy, like some people's lives were twisted in fear, someone got wet ... But I don't respect it, it will manifest itself as a genie. I just remember well my fear of the first battle! It hurts so much in the area of ​​sony gossip, they hit you in the groin, but only ten times stronger! At the same time, you are hospitable, and niuchy, and stupid white ... You can’t do anything to you: you can walk, you can sit, but it hurts so much in you “under the spoon”!

If we went to the mountains, I had about sixty kilograms in order - a bulletproof vest, a machine gun from a gunner, two ammo (ammunition pack. - Ed.) grenades, a second gun, grenades for a gunner, two knives. The fighters are motivated just like that. And the axis of the lads from the 4th grenade-machine-gun platoon loaded their AGSi (automatic easel grenade launcher. - Ed.), "Skeli" (large-caliber machine gun NSV caliber 12.7 mm. - Ed.) and plus leather for two mortar minis - shche ten kilos!

Vibudovuyu company and appoint a combat order: the 1st platoon goes to the front, then the sappers and “minomitka”, and the 4th platoon closes. Let's go in the darkness with a goat's stitch, which was marked on the map. A stitch of a vuzka, for a moment only passes through, and then with great difficulties. I said to my own: If you cry out, don’t inflict wounds, then I myself will come and strangle with my hands .... So we went quiet. Navіt akscho htos falling, then the maximum, scho was a little, - indescribably torment.

On the way we were stalked by "spiritual" caches. Fighters: "Comrade commander! ..". Me: “Look, don’t chip anything. Forward!". And rightly so, we didn’t poke our heads into qi. Later they found out about the "two hundred" (deaths. - Ed.) and "three hundred" (wounds. - Ed.) in our battalion. The soldiers of the 9th company crawled into the dugouts. I didn’t, to throw grenades on the back of the dugout, but they went stupidly, shouted it ... І axis result - ensign from Viborg Volodya Soldatenkov squandered the sack lower by the bulletproof vest at the groin. Vin died due to peritonitis, he was not brought to the hospital.

All the hour I have been marching between the avant-garde (rozvіdzvod) and the rear guard (“mortar”). And our column stretched out for two kilometers. If at some point I turned back, then I saw the rozvіdnikov-paratroopers, like they went, tied with motuzkas. I їm: "Good going, boys!". Aje stink left without anything! Ale looked like we stumbled in front of everyone, the 7th and 9th companies were left far behind.

Dopoviv battalion commander. To me it seems: "So go to the end first." І about the fifth rank, I occupied the high-rise 1000.6 with my rozvіdzvod. It was worth it, de small to become a checkpoint of the 9th company and deploy the TPU battalion. On the eighth morning, my whole company came, and about the first on the eighth, the paratroopers arrived. І less than about the tenth wound, the battalion commander came from a part of another one company.

Only with a map we walked about twenty kilometers. We rolled to the edge. I remember well how the whole blue-green came Sergiy Starodubtsev from one platoon. Vіn having fallen to the ground and for two years lying in the sun without a ruffle. I’m a young, twenty-year-old lad ... What can you say about the elders.

Usі plans crashed. The battalion commander seems to say: "You go ahead, over the evening you take a high position in front of the Agishtas and dopovidaesh." Send forward. Rozvіdniki-paratroopers passed and demolished far along the road indicated on the map. Ale cards were sixty years old, and this path was marked for him without a virgin! As a result, we got lost and went along a different, new road, which was not on the map.

The sun is still high. Bachu in front of him is a majestic village. I marvel at the map - it's definitely not Agishti. I tell the airman: “Igor, we are not there, de may be. Let's sort it out." As a result, they sorted out what they went to Makhket. Vіd us to the village a maximum of three kilometers. And tse zavdannya will come another day!

Vikhodzhu to call from the battalion commander. I say: How about me Agishti? I can turn around fifteen kilometers before them! And in me there was a company, a minion, and that sapper, there were two of us. But I never fought like that at all! Come on, I'll move and take Makhketi." True, the soldiers at that hour could not pass over five hundred meters of sleep. Aje on the skin - from sixty to eighty kilograms. Sit down and fight, but you can’t stand it yourself ...

Combat: "Back!". Order - order - turn around and go back. First pishov rozvіdzvod. And as soon as it dawned on us, we appeared right at the exit of the “spirits”. “Tofiks” and “Siverians” pressed on them one after the other two straight ahead, and the “spirits” entered two groups of hundreds of people from both sides of the gorge.

We turned to that vigin, from which we did not go along the road. And here in the back the bіy starts up - our 4th grenade-machine gun platoon has had a meal at the ambush! Everything began from a direct zіtknennya. Fighters, dying under the burden of everything, that the stench on themselves was taxed, they succumbed to the bodies like. Ours to shoot two wise men at the guard (so that I would like to shake my own looks of strangers, I ordered to sew on the arm and leg of the coat of the vest and made my own about the signal “friend or foe”: two shot at the guard - two shot at the guard). And our guards won two shots for striking! Kulya pats Sasha Ogneva in the hand, and she interrupts the nerve. Vіn scream in pain. Medic Glib Sokolov showed up with us as a fine fellow: according to the new “spirits” you can use them, but at the same time the wounded man is bandaged!

Captain Oleg Kuznetsov rushed to the 4th platoon. I youmu: Kudi! There's a platoon commander, let's get on with it. You have a company, a “minomika” and a sapper!”. I put up on the top of the screen from the five-sixth soldiers with the commander of the 1st platoon, Seryogoy Stobetsky, I give the command: “Come out and dig in!”.

And here the bіy starts already with us - from the bottom they fired at us from gunners. We walked along the ridge. In the mountains it is like this: whoever is the highest, that one wins. Ale not once. To the right, in the one below, majestic burdocks grew. We have only green leaves for the animals, from which the grenades wiggle, and the “spirits” of the cristal stalk feed us miraculously.

At that moment, the extreme soldiers from the 4th platoon came up to me. Dosi remember, like ishov Edik Kolechkov. Ide vin a narrow ledge of the schil and carried two PKs (Kalashnikov machine gun. - Ed.). And here the litati coolies are starting to do something new! .. I shout: "Go to the left! ..". And the vin is so strong that you can’t win over another accomplice, just spreading your legs apart, so as not to fall, and he will continue to go straight.

There is nothing to rob on the mountain, and I go with fighters into the cursed burdock. Volodya Shpilko and Oleg Yakovlev were the last ones in lance. And here I’m running: I ordered Volodya to shake a grenade, and I fall down ... Oleg immediately rushed to Volodya to fight and died at once. Oleg and Volodya were friends ...

Bei trivav hvilin p'yat-ten. Before we left, we did not reach the whole three hundred meters and went to the position of the 3rd platoon, which had already fallen. The paratroopers stood up. And here comes Sergiy Stobetsky, himself wearing a blue-black color, and it seems: “Spiers” and “Bika” don’t…”.

I create chotiri groups according to chotiri-five osіb, sniper Zhenya Metlikіn (prizvisko "Uzbek") was planted at the bushes about every kind of fluctuations and they went to the dead, although, obviously, it was an obvious adventure. On the way to the month of battle, bachimo "body", as if majoring at the fox. I wonder through binoculars - but the “spirit” of a self-contained armored coat, all hung with bulletproof vests. Come out, stink at us check. Let's turn around.

I asked the commander of the 3rd platoon Glib Degtyarov: “Your everything?”. Vin: "There is no one ... Metlikina ...". Well, how can you spend one in five people? Well, not one of thirty! .. I turn around, wiggle for a stitch - and then they start shooting at me! .. So the “spirits” really checked us. I call. I shout: "Metlikin!". Tisha: "Uzbek!" І here vin directly start z-pіd me pіdnіmaєtsya. Me: "Why are you sitting, don't you come out?" Vin: “And I thought that the spirits came. Maybe stink is my calling to know. And the axis about "Uzbek" definitely cannot be known. Axis i th viishov.

The sum of that day was like this: at the "spirits" after the first battle, I myself had only not seen sixteen corpses. We spent Tolik Romanov and wounded Ognev in the hand. Another bey - with the corpses of the "spirits", we have two dead, none of them injured. The bodies of two dead people could have taken away the coming day, and Tolya Romanov - less than two days later.

The setting of the day. I confirm to the battalion commander: “minomika” on the heights for the weekend, I am three hundred meters above them. We decided to spend the night on that same Maidan, where we stumbled after the battle. The hand was made handy: the right hand in the course of our movement - a deep shave, the left hand - a smaller shave. In the middle of the hump, there is a tree near the center. I vyrivishiv roztashuvatis there - call me, mov Chapaev, everything was clearly visible. They dug in, put up a guard. All is quiet...

And here the major-rozvіdnik from the paratroopers bred the soil bagattya. Youmu wanted to be warmed by a bagattya. Me: What are you doing? I, if we fall asleep after kicking, again ahead of the major: “Carcasses!”. Aja same on the price of a bagatya mini for a sprat of years and arrived. Axis and gone: the fire was burned by one, and others perished.

This is about the third night, having awakened Degtyarov: “Your change. I need to get some sleep. Leave for the elder. Like an attack from below - do not shoot, only with grenades. I take on my bulletproof vest and RD (a paratrooper's backpack. - Ed.), I curl up with them and kick on my high ground. The RD MAV has twenty grenades. Tsi grenade me with a year and vryatuly.

I prokinuvsya in the presence of a sharp sound that burned the fire. Tse zovsіm instructed me to break two minis in the “Voloshka” (radian automatic mortar of 82 mm caliber. Loading a cassette, chotiri minis are placed in the cassette. - Ed.). (The mortar was installed on the "UAZ", which we later knew, but they nailed it.)

I'm deaf on the right woohoo. I can't understand anything. How much hurt to stand up. You have to shout, shoot ... Mayzhe, at once with vibes, they began to shoot at us from two sides, dragging the beast. It can be seen that the "spirits" wanted to know us in the wake of the shelling. Ale’s soldiers showed up preparing and hit the attack against the enemy. Bey viyshov shvidkoplinny, trivav less than ten or fifteen hvilin. If the spirits understood that they shouldn’t take us in a rush, the stench just saw it.

Yakby, I didn’t lie down to sleep, then, perhaps, there wouldn’t be such a tragedy. Aje, before these two damned mines, two shots were fired from mortars. And if one mine arrives, then it’s already bad. Ale yakshcho dvі - tse means what to take from the "fork". The second arrived two early as soon as possible and fell five meters away from the bagattya, as it became a landmark for the "spirits".

Just after that, like a shooter, I stooped, I turned and wobbled... A bunch of wounded and beaten lie on the ground... Six people perished, more than twenty were seriously injured. I marvel: Sergiy Stobetsky is dead, Igor Yakunenkov is dead. Three of the officers from the living lost less than Glib Degtyarov and I, plus an aviator. There was a marvel at the injured motorists: Seryoga Kulmin had a dirka on his forehead and eyes, blemishes. Sashka Shibanov has a majestic dirka in his shoulders, Edik Kolechkov has a majestic dirka in his legend, there is a fragment of flying.

Vryatuvav me RD. If I started yogo pіdnіmati, then hung from a new sprat of ulamkіv, one of them wasted right into a grenade. Ale grani boules, obviously, without pіdrivniki.

I remember well the first moment: I drink the pink Sergius Stobetsky. And here in my middle everything starts to rise to the throat. But I say to myself: “Stop! You commander, take everything back! I don’t know, what kind of will we have, but it’s gone ... Ale, go until the new one, I could only think of a sixth evening, if I calmed down a little. And the big day was big: to beat the wounded, the soldiers needed to fight, the shelling was three.

Maizhe immediately began to die, seriously injured. The death of Vitalik Cherevan is especially terrible. A part of the tunic has been torn off at the New Bula, but here and there, the rest of the vine is alive. Glass eyes. Sometimes people appear for a second, then I will curse again... On "vi" before me, I turned back! And then we’ll: “We’ll shoot”, shoot ... ". (I remember, as if on one of our sons, my father grabbed me by the breasts, shook and fed everything: “Well, why didn’t you shoot him, well, why didn’t you shoot not shooting him?..”)

Ale (the axis is a miracle, God!) richly wounded, yakі mali nachebto die, survived. Sergiy Kulmin was lying next to me, head to head. Well, the new one had such a dirka on his forehead, you could see the little ones!.. It's true, to walk at the same time from two titanium plates at the forehead. And Mikhail Blіnov's bula above the heart was ten centimeters in diameter. Vin tezh is alive, the new one has five blues at once. And Pasha Chukhnin has four blues at once in our company.

Bring in us the wrong things for yourself, bring in for the wounded - zero! Ale, nothing to infect ... Then they guessed that the day before they had gone through an impassable ford. The soldiers of this brood began to be occupied. Those that came out to be called water were already very important. Muddy slurry with squeaking and puffballs... Ale іnshoy, all the same, it didn’t blush.

For the whole day, they tried to help the wounded as if to help. The day before, we destroyed the “dukhivsky” dugout, which had dry milk. They made a fire, and tsyu "water", I got it from the ford, started with dry milk to mix it up and give it to the wounded. They themselves drank water with a squeak, and with buttons for a sweet soul. I told the soldiers that the buttons were more curly - squirrels ... There was no shyness in anyone. They threw pantacid before her for disinfection, and then they drank it just like that.

And Grouping does not give the go-ahead for evacuation with turntables. Well, at the dense fox. Helicopters are nowhere to be found... For an hour of devilish talks with the turntable drive, I guessed: I have an aviator! "De avianavidnik?". Shukaєmo, shukayemo, but no way we can know it on our piggyback. And then I turn around and I’m running around, I’ve made a trench for the full view with a helmet and sit by the new one. I do not understand, like breaking the ground out of a trench! I went there to get through, I couldn’t see.

When the helicopters wanted to hover, it was fenced off, one commander of the "turntable" said: "I'll hang." I gave the order to the sappers to clear the Maidan. We had a vibukhivka. We pіdіrvali trees vіkovі trees, in three girths. They began to prepare the three wounded before the administration. One, Oleksiy Chacha, was smitten by hitting the right nose. There is a large hematoma, you can't walk. I’m preparing Yogo until the correction, but I’ll kill Serozha Kulmin with a broken head. The medical instructor sighed to me: “Yak?.. Comrade commander, why don’t you control it?”. I confirm: “I’m definitely lying for sure. And the axis of the “important ones” - I don’t know ... ”. (For the soldiers, it was a shock that the war has its own terrible logic. Ryatut us in front of you quietly, whom you can vryatuvat.)

Ale, our hopes were not destined to rage. We didn’t evacuate anyone with helicopters. At the group, the "turntables" were given a residual lead, and their deputy was sent two columns before us. But our battalion waters did not break through to the armored personnel carrier. I only a little vreshti-resht until night before us came five BMD paratroopers.

With such a number of wounded and beaten, we could not destroy a single crack. And closer to the evening, the friend of the fighters, who were coming in, began to leak out. The stench of the gunners fired at us from time to time, but we already knew, like children: they just threw grenades down to the beast.

I am viyshov on call from the battalion commander. While we were talking about him, Mamed was rubbing into Rozmov (the call was clear, and our radio stations were catching any kind of scanner!). Having begun to talk like nonsense about ten thousand dollars, they will give us wine. I finished rozmov tim, scho vin zaproponuvav vyyti vіch-na-vіch. Me: Not weak! I will come." The soldiers encouraged me, but I came to the right place alone. And yet nobody showed up like that... If I wanted to, I’d better understand what was on my side, which, to put it mildly, was unusual.

I hear the hum of the colony. I'm going to go and chat. Soldiers: "Comrade commander, just don't go, don't go...". It dawned on me why the speech was: father go, he’s scared. I understand that it’s impossible to go home, even if it’s just a commander, the situation is becoming uncivilized, but there’s no one else to rule! The paratroopers got lost in the same place that we are, if it is possible to reach Makhketiv deyshli. We still got along, even with great benefits.

Our medic, Major Nitchik (positive “Dose”), battalion commander and yoga intercessor, Seryoga Sheiko, arrived in a column. Abiyak was herded onto our BMD patch. And here the shelling begins again ... Battalion commander: “What are you doing here?”. After the shelling, the "spirits" themselves crawled. Look, maybe, they blew past us with our “mortar”, as if they had dug in for three hundred meters on the heights. But we are smarter, we don’t shoot with automatic weapons, we throw a grenade down. And here our machine-gunner Sashko Kondrashov is raptomed and gives an inexhaustible line from the PK to the opposite bik! I podbіgayu: "You scho robish?". Vin: "Wonder, stink already on us! ..". Bachu, scho "spirits" - thirty meters. Bulo їх rich, kіlka tens. The stench wanted to, better for everything, impudently take us away. Alemy they hit them with grenades. The stench couldn't break through here.

I’ve been walking for a whole day, I’m smelling bad, even though I don’t stop. (That's how it was for me. Really, as the soldiers told me later, they were already zaїkavsya!) And about those who had a shell shock, I didn’t even think about it. Biganin's big day: the wounded die, they need to prepare for evacuation, they need to fight, they fired. Already in the evening, I am soaking up the system - it hurts more. Hand potorkav back - shelter. Likar-paratrooper: "Well, but get sick ...". (Which major has a majestic battle record. Until which time I’m flailing, like Edik Musikaev’s slashing with a scalpel and saying: “Don’t fight, meat growth!”) Here such a bіl penetrated me! Why did we find something!.. The major gave me a taunt: "Here, find a keychain." (Another trick was only recently known at the hour of the cold at the hospital. We can sit there like that, get stuck at the ridge and we can’t reach the canal.)

They took the wounded to the BMD, then they died. I’ll save them by giving the commander of the 3rd platoon Glib Degtyarov, having done it for the senior. And I myself, wounded and driven in, went to the medical battalion regiment.

We all looked terrible: the mustache was killed, tied up, at the blood. Ale ... with whom everything is in a polished booty and with a cleaned armor. (Before the speech, they didn’t use the mundane trunk, they knew to bring automatic weapons to all their dead.)

Twenty-five people showed up injured, most of them - it's important. We gave them to the doctors. The naivazhche was left behind - the management of the dead. The problem was that the deacons did not have any documents with them, so I punished my soldiers to write on the skin on their hands and put a note with a nickname on the gut of the pants. But if I started to re-read it, then it appeared that Stas Golubev had mixed up the notes! I once revealed what will happen if the body comes to the hospital: one is written on the hand, and another on the paper! I re-switch the shutter and think: I’m going to hit it right now ... I myself marvel at my own fierceness at that moment ... Maybe, such a reaction to the tension, that concussion was given as a sign. (Narazi Stas doesn’t look at me for nothing. Still, all the stench was like boys, and they were afraid to go to the corpses in a fire…)

And here the medical colonel gives me fifty grams of alcohol with ether. I sip my alcohol ... and I don’t remember anything more than that ... They gave me everything like a dream: that I myself had washed myself, that they had mercy on me ... I remembered only: it was a warm shower.

Come to you: I’m lying on burdens in front of the “turntable” in a clean black RB (one-time whiteness. - Ed.) of a submariner and I’m trying to vantage the “turntable”. First thought: "What about the company? ..". Aja platoon commanders, platoon commanders, and a castle, either perished or were wounded. The soldiers themselves were left behind ... And as soon as I showed myself what would be happening in the company, then the hospital would open for me. I shout to Igorev Meshkov: “Put a hospital!”. (It seemed to me that I was screaming. Truly, I whispered the least feeling.) Vin: “I’ll send you to the hospital. See the commander!”. І start the stretcher from the helicopter pull back. The captain, who took me from the helicopter, did not see the stretcher. "Mishok" pulls up its armored personnel carrier, pointing at the "turntable" KPVT (great-caliber machine gun. - Ed.): "Look for the commander ...". You freaked out: "Take it! ..". And it turned out that my documents without me flew to the MOSN (medical death of a special recognition. - Ed.), which is a little more serious than the consequences ...

As I potіm dіznavsya, on the right bula taka. Arriving "turntable" to MOSN. She has my documents, but the burdens are empty, the body is mute ... I have torn my clothes in order to lie. At MOSN they wrote that if the body is dumb, then I burn. As a result, a telephone message arrives to St. Petersburg in the name of the intercessor of the commander of the Leningrad military-sea base, captain of the 1st rank Smuglin: “The captain-lieutenant is so dead.” Aja Smuglin knows me as a lieutenant! Becoming vin to think, how to be, how to be less. Vranci phoned captain I rank Toporov, my uninterrupted commander: “Prepare the vantage“ two. Sokir then told me: “I come to the office, I take out cognac - my hand is shaking. I pour at the flask - and then the sound. Fractions, vodstaviti - vin is alive! It appeared that if the body of Sergiy Stobetsky came to the base, my shukati began. And my body, well, no! They telephoned to Major Rudenok: "De tilo?" Vіn vіdpovіdaє: “Yake tіlo! I myself yogo bachiv, vin alive!

And what happened to me really. I took a machine gun in my black water life, went out of the battles on an armored personnel carrier and went to Agishti. The battalion commander was already supplemented, that they sent me to the hospital. If you win me a favor, zradiv. Here Yura Rudenko turned from a humanist. New father died, and vin z viyni їhav yogo hovati.

I come to mine. The company is in a mess. Defend the living, rozbroya rozkidan, among the soldiers "rozgulyaevo" ... I tell the depths: "What a mess ?!.". Vin: “That circle is ours! The axis of everything is on the looseness ... ". Me: "It's so relaxing for the soldiers, not for you!" Having begun to put things in order, everything quickly turned into a coherent channel.

Just then, a humanist came, and Yura Rudenko brought it to him: water at the dances, hedgehog! Tse after that, drive with a squeak and buttons! I myself drank six pivtoralіtro dances of water at a time. I don’t understand myself, as all the water in my body knew.

And here I bring a parcel, like pannochki were taken in the brigade in Baltiysk. And the parcel is addressed to me, Stobetsky. She has my favorite kava for me and chewing gum for her. And then such a tightness fell on me! .. I took the axis of the parcel qiu, and the axis of Sergius - already no ...

We went to the area of ​​Agishti village. "Tofiks" levoruch, "siveryans" right-hander occupied panivni heights on the approach to Makhket, and with a ledge back - in the middle.

At that time, there were thirteen people more than dead in the company. Ale far away, shouting to God, there were no more dead ones in my company. It’s quiet, who’s lost in me, I started to reform the platoon.

1 chernya 1995 more ammunition and hanging on Kirov-Yurt. A tank with a mine trawl went in front, then “shilki” (self-propelled anti-aircraft installation. - Ed.) That battalion column of armored personnel carriers, I - on the lead. The order was given to me like this: the column is rising, the battalion is deploying, and I am storming the skyscraper 737 near Makhketiv.

In front of the very skyscraper (a hundred meters were lost to it), a sniper fired at us. Order for me whistled three coolers. Screaming in ration: "For you b'є, for you! ..". And yet, in me, the sniper didn’t waste anything else: call the commander, sit not on the commander’s place, but above the water. And how many times have I been on the mission at the commander's place. I want to have a small order to take a sirka from the chase, I didn’t know my sirka. My battalion commander was timid, and I said to you: “You see ... I am an officer and I don’t get to know the stars.” (Adzhe at the Great Vitchiznyan was sent to the front line by officers with stars.)

We go to Kirov-Yurt. I bachimo zovsіm unreal picture, nemov from the old kazka: watery mlyn works ... I command - increase swidkіst! I wonder - the right-handed meters for fifty from the bottom cost ruynovanie booths, the other and the third view of the cob of the street. Raptom from the new vibigaє lad of ten or eleven. I give a command to the column: "Do not shoot! ..". And here the boy throws a grenade at us! A grenade is consumed by a poplar. (I remember well that the wine was under the wind, spreading with a slingshot.)

And the "dushari" were cunning! Come to the village, and there do not give them food! Todі vіd vіd tskogo village to give a volley at bіk Grupuvannya. Grouping, naturally, in support of the village. You can mark it as a sign: if the village is zruynovane, it means that it is not “spiritual”, but if it is whole, then it is. Axis of Agishti, for example, took off may be more ruined.

Over the makhkets "turntables" loitering. Aviation is coming from above. The battalion begins to deploy. Our company is moving forward. We let in what was organized as a support for us, better for everything, it’s not easy and can be more than a meeting. We went to the top. "Duhіv" did not appear on him. Zupinilis, schobi viznachiti, de mozhna get up.

From above, it was clear that the houses in Makhetah were big. Moreover, here and there stood right palaces with veils and columns. By all accounts, it was clear that the stench had not been long ago. By the way, having remembered such a picture: a great, strong, good-natured budinok, a grandmother with a white lieutenant could stand a new one.

Makhketakh had more radian pennies. They told us: “Since 1991, our children do not go to school, there are no daily kindergartens for children, and no one takes a pension. We are not against you. Dyakuyu, obviously, that the militants let us go. Ale and you have an hour to get home. Tse literally.

Mіstsevі vіdrazu began to treat us with compotes, but we were guarded. Titka, the head of the administration, it seems: "Don't fight, bachish - I'll drink." Me: "Ni, let the man vip'e." I am so sensible that there were three rulers in the village: the mullah, the elders and the head of the administration. Moreover, the head of the administration was the woman herself (she graduated from a technical school in St. Petersburg).

2 worms go up to me “head”: “Yours are robbing ours!”. Before that, mi, zvichayno, walked through the yards: they marveled at what kind of people, what kind of people. Idemo after her and make an oil painting: representatives of our largest right-protection structure with palaces with columns blame kilims and so on. Moreover, the stench did not come on armored personnel carriers, on which they sounded, but on infantry fighting vehicles. They also changed their clothes for the pіhota. І having said: "Show up here again - I'll kill you! ..". The stench didn’t try to fix the opir, it blew like a breeze… And I told them: “Write on all the booths - “The State of V’etnam”. DCBF". On the first day of the coming day, tsі words were written on the skin parquet. The battalion commander was formed on me from the first drive.

Just like that, ours was flooded with a column of armored vehicles, close to a hundred of them - infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and BTR-80. The joke itself was in the fact that the armored personnel carrier with the inscription "Baltic Fleet", which we in the first "walker" took off as a grouping, but at this colony! pіd v'єtnamsky ієroglіf... On the front of the shield it was so written: "Freedom to the Chechen people!" and “God is with us, that Andriivsky prapor!”.

We dug ourselves in the ground. Moreover, 2 worms were redeemed, and the 3rd vranci was already finished. They appointed landmarks, sectors and fire, were housed with mortars. І before the morning of the coming day, the company was fully ready for battle. Then we expanded our positions more and more. For the whole hour of our chatting here, the soldiers didn’t hit me in any way. For days on end we were swarmed: we dug trenches, we were beaten up with passages of success, there were dugouts. They built up the right pyramid for the rescue, they covered it with boxes full of squeaks. We continued to dig ourselves in until the very exit from these positions. They lived behind the Statute: pidyom, physical exercise, ranking separation, warty. Fighters vzuttya regularly cleaned.

Above me, I hung the Andriivsky ensign and the self-confident "V'etnamsky" ensign, smashed from the radian vimpel "Foreman of the socialist organization." It is necessary to guess what it cost in an hour: the power was broken up, some bandits were grouped against others ... Therefore, I didn’t bachel the Russian ensign anywhere, but rather the Andriyevsky ensign, or the Radyansky ensign. The infantry went on fire with red ensigns. І naytsіnіshe on tsіy vіynі bulo - friend and comrade entruster, and nothing more.

"Spirits" were miraculously recognized, like people in me. Ale, krіm shelling, no more stench bothered. Adzhe among the "spirits" did not die heroically for their Chechen fatherland, but fought for taking away pennies, that there, de їх, singly, kill, the stench simply did not meddle.

And according to the ratio, there should be a reminder that Selmenhausen's militants attacked the infantry regiment. Spend ours - over a hundred people. I’m at the mercy and bachiv, what an organization there, sorry. Aje there is another skin fighter who is full of not in battle, but to the one who the local residents of the stench needed a steal trigger. If you want the lads themselves, as a human being, you can understand: the victims of nothing ... And they seized tsі mіstsevі inhabitants, so that they would steal the thief. And then they called: “Take yours, otherwise the stench didn’t come to us anymore.”

We have a team - don't go anywhere. And don’t go anywhere, if they constantly shoot at us and various “shepherds” come from the mountains. Іrzhanya horses chuєmo. We went to my dovkola postiyno, but I didn’t tell the battalion commander anything.

Missionary walkers began to come before me. I’m saying: we walk here, but we don’t go there, we’re safe, but we’re not shy ... A sniper fired at us from the side of one of the palaces. We, obviously, shot at us with a mustache, which was in us right away. As if Isa came, mystic "authority": "I was asked to say ...". I to youmu: “While they are shooting at us, we’ll fight back.” (Three bits of my forks were directly crushed, and food with shelling from that one was directly closed.)

Already 3 chervnyas in the middle gorge, we know the floor replacements of the "dukhivsky" spital. It can be seen that the spital has not been open for a long time - the blood is clearly visible. The “spirits” left the possession of that medicine. I’ve never been so medically luxurious... Chotir gasoline generators, tanks for water, connected by pipelines... Shampoos, development of tying for the shin, carpets... And there were medicines there!.. Our doctors simply cried at zadroshchiv. Blood substitutes are the breweries of France, Holland, and Nimechi. Bandaging materials, surgical threads. And there was nothing in us, krim promedol (pain-relieving zasib. - Ed.), it didn’t feel good. Whisnovok is asking for itself - like forces will be thrown against us, like finance! .. And why are the Chechen people here? ..

I spent the first time there, choosing those that were most important for me: bandages, disposable stretchers, carpets, gas lamps. Then we called the colonel of the medical service and showed all the wealth. Yogo reaction like in me. Vіn just fell into a trance: sewing materials for the vessels of the heart, the most modern medicines ... After whom we were with him on a direct link: if you asked me for help, I would still know. Alya had a chance to get in touch with him before another drive.

Bіlya rіchka Bass bov crane, stars mіstsev took water, we drank water to that without a fight. Let's go to the tap, and here we are called by some of the elders: “Commander, help! We have a bida - a woman of the people is sick." The elder spoke with a strong accent. The young lad stood as a handguard, like a relay, with a rapt it would be unreasonable. Not far away, foreigners in jeeps from the mission “Doctors without cordons”, like the Dutch from Rom. I will help them! Voni: "No-o-e ... We help only the rebels." I'm in such a vіdpovidі so ruined, scho navit not knowing how to react. Calling on the ration of the colonel-medic: "Come, you need help at a gentle hour." Vin immediately arrived on the “tablets” with a kimono from his own. Having succumbed to the birth, saying: "And I thought, you are hot ...".

They put the woman at the "pill". She looked terribly: her stomach was all... The canopies in her were not pershi, scarlet, singing, they were like a complication at the link with hepatitis. The colonel took the canopy himself, and the child was given me and became a woman, like nettles. From the nezvichka I got it, that the child looked even more scary... The axis of such a story became mine. Not thinking, not guessing, that I would take the fate of the new people of Chechnya.

From the cob of worms here at the TPU, the cooker worked, but the hot hedgehog practically did not reach us - we had to eat dry rations and everyday food. (I taught the fighters the diet of dry rations - the carcass on perch, the other third - for the rahunka of the daily feed. The tarragon grass was brewed like tea. You can boil soup from rhubarb. But earlier, if we were standing in Germenchuz, we were chasing a lot of hares for a while ... If you go with a machine gun behind your back - then you’ll get a s-pid nig viskaku! more lizards and snakes, it was easier to catch them, to shoot hares.

One early came the mіstsevі inhabitants with mіstsevy dіlnichniy, senior lieutenant. Vіn us navіt chervonі skorinki yakіs showing. They say: we know that there is nothing for you. There are lots of cows to walk around here. You can shoot a cow with farbovannymi horns - tse kolgospne. And do not chip the axis of non-farmed ones - you are special. “Good” was given to us, but it was important for us to step over ourselves. Then, after all, they beat Bass one cow. They drove it in, but why work with it? And here come Dima Gorbatov (I put yoga on the cook). Vіn lad s_lskyi and in the eyes of the zdivovanoї public having robbed a cow for a sprat of khvilin!

We haven't sipped fresh meat for a long time. And here is the barbecue! Another virizka on the sun was hung, wrapped in bandages. And for three days the meat was dried up - not hotter, lower at the store.

As it was turbulent, then the post-night fires were fired. The fire at the vіdpovіd, zvichayno, we didn’t blow it right away. Dearly, the stars of the shooter, and slowly let's go to the whole area. Here, the Esbeerka helped us (SBR, station of radiolocation of near intelligence. - Ed.).

As if in the evenings with roses (we had a lot of people), trying to go unapologetically, we went to the sanatorium, the stars shot at us the day before. Came - we know chotiri "beds", a small order of replacements warehouse. They didn’t take anything from us - they just put their pasta. At night everything worked out. We didn’t go out, we didn’t go without reason ... But they didn’t begin to revise the results, for us it was a headache that there weren’t any more direct shooters.

If we safely turned around, I was up for a long time, feeling satisfied - even if the robot started, I can work. Until then, now not all of me needed to work on my own, but sometimes I can entrust someone else. Less than a second of this year has passed, and people have been reprimanded. Vіyna shvidko vchit. But at the same time, I realized that the yakbi did not beat us in, but deprived them of them, then the next day in the battle no one will be beaten. On the vineyard of the worst. The lads cheered that we weren’t throwing anyone.

Our forks were fast. As if the armored personnel carrier was flooded from the bottom and went up in the mountains. They succumbed to the paska and started to look around: there the bula was overpowered by the lower class! Right there on the pasіtsі we knew the lists of the companies of the Islamic battalion. Seeing them and not believing their eyes - everything is like ours: the 8th company. At the list of vіdomosti: іm'ya, the name of that z kakogo mіstsya born. There is also a warehouse in the cicavia: two grenade launchers, two snipers and two machine gunners. Bіgav іz tsimi lists tіli tyzhden – where can you tell? Let's hand it over to the headquarters, but don't worry about what the list is where you need it. Everything was up to the light bulb.

Not far away, the apiary knew a pit with a warehouse of ammunition (one hundred and seventy boxes of sub-caliber and high-explosive tank shells). For the time being, everyone looked around at me - the bіy stood up. On us, having begun to beat a machine gun. The fire is already mitzny. And Mishko Mironov, a peasant lad, as if he had pumped his paska, becoming not his own. Having ignited the dimi, the frames with the honeycombs are removed, the bdzhil with a veil is thrown off. I to youmu: "Miron, shoot!". And you won’t throw wine on the frame with honey! We don’t have much to give us special advice - come up six hundred meters. We were shackled on an armored personnel carrier and sent Bas's breath. It became clear that the militants, although far away, were pasturing their own class of ammunition (and then our sappers fired all the same shells).

We turned back to ourselves and pounced on honey, dragging on milk (we were allowed one cow of food to reach us). After the serpent, after the horses, after the puffballs, we tasted simply nevimovna on the malt! .. Skoda, there was no bread like that.

After the feast, I told Glib, the commander of the platoon, saying: “Go, marvel at the mustache.” On the coming day, Gleb told me: “I knew nothing about Skhovanka.” Idemo. Bachimo near the mountain with a cement formwork, near the mud there was fifty meters away. The entrance of disguises is more reliable. Yogo just a little more than once, as if vpritul pіdіydesh.

The whole cave is full of boxes with mines and vibukhivka. Opened the box - there are protypical mini newcomers! Our battalions had less of the same old ones, like our automatic weapons. The boxes are so rich that it was impossible to overfill them. Only one plastite I got thirteen tons. It is easy to mark the big bag, even the boxes made of plastite are marked. Bula here and vibukhivka for the “Zmiya Gorinich” (machine for vibukhov remembrance. - Ed.) and pyro cartridges to the new.

And in my mouth there is a lot of filth, old. To get out of the new one, you need to soak it in gasoline. Ale, well, if the bats start to wilt, then it will become obov'yazkovo like a maiden… And then to make a fresh one. Judging from the packaging, 1994 release. Out of greed, I took my own chotiri "sausages", five meters high skin. Having typed and electric detonators, we didn’t have any. The sappers called.

And here our regimental intelligence came. I told them that they knew in advance the base of the militants. "Duhіv" was a man for five dozen. Therefore, we did not make contact with them, they just marked the place on the map.

Troopers on three armored personnel carriers to pass our 213th checkpoint, enter the gorge and start shooting at the KPVT on the scales! I thought to myself: "It's okay, the investigation has gone ... I immediately appointed myself." Menі tse todі dalos chimo wild. The first of my stories turned out to be true: a few years later they covered them themselves in the region of thієї points, as I showed them on the map.

The sappers were busy with their work, getting ready to build a warehouse for vibrating. Immediately buv and Dima Karakulko, the intercessor of the commander of our battalion of defense. I have a smooth-bore yoma garmat, I know it in the mountains, having passed it on. "Spirits" її, maybe, from the beaten BMP they took and put on a self-made platform with a battery. The thing is not showy, but you can shoot with it, pointing at the barrel.

I went to my 212 checkpoint. Here, after chatting, the sappers brought flappers for driving the electric detonators. The clappers follow the same principle, which is a p'zozapalnichka: with a mechanical pressure on the button, an impulse is established, which leads to an electric detonator. Only at the cracker there is one serious vada - it works for about a hundred and fifty meters, then the impulse fades. Є "krutilka" - won't go for two hundred fifty meters. I Igorev, the commander of a platoon of sappers, say: "Did you go there yourself?" Vin: "Ні". Me: “So go down, marvel…”. Vin turned, bachu - already the “watering” was unwound. The stench has completely unwound the cat (not over a thousand meters). But if the stinks blew up the warehouse, they all sizzled with earth.

Nezabar we covered the steel. We have a new benquet - honey with milk ... And then I turned around and I can’t understand anything: the mountain on the horizon begins to rise up the mountain at the same time with the forest, with the trees ... And the mountain is 6 meters high and about 100 cm long. The fire has appeared. And then I was struck by a sprat of meters with vibukhova squalor. (I’m going to see you a few kilometers before the month of vibuha!) And if I fell, then I planted the right mushroom like in the first films about atomic vibuha. And the axis is: sappers brought out the “spirited” warehouse of vibrating, which we showed earlier. If we are on our own galyavin again strength for steel, I asked: And the stars are spices here, pepper? And it turned out that it was not pepper, but that earth drank, which hooted from the sky.

After an hour, the air was blown: "The rozvіdniki spent in ambush!". Dima Karakulko immediately took the sappers, and until then they were engaged in the preparation of the warehouse until the vibukh, that and pishov rozvіdnikov vitiaguvate! Ale, stinks also went to the armored personnel carrier! I tezh drank in the same ambush! That scho sapperi could work - they have chotiri shops for a person and that's it.

The battalion commander said to me: “Sire, you hide your eyes, for it’s obvious, the stars and like ours come out!”. Aje I stood yakraz mіzh three gorges. Then the explorers and sappers in groups and one by one went out by themselves through me. From the exit, a great problem arose: it was foggy, it was necessary to work in such a way that they would not shoot their own quiet as they come in.

We from Glibom brought up our 3rd platoon, which was standing at the 213th checkpoint, and those that were left behind in the 2nd platoon. It took two or three kilometers before the pickup point from the checkpoint. Ale our pishki went and not along the gorge, but along the mountains! So if the "spirits" babbled, scho z tsimi just like that you can't see it anymore, then they shot and saw it. Todі ours are not small zhnoї spent neither beaten nor injured. We, for sure, knew that a lot of well-informed Radiansk officers fought on the battlefield of the militants, even in front of the battle I clearly shot a single shot - all from Afghanistan meant a signal to the exit.

From the rozvіdkoy it went something like this. "Spirits" hit the first group on three armored personnel carriers. They hit it. Then we patted the other side, tezh on the armored personnel carrier. They hit it again. Our lads, like they saw the “spirits” and were the first to oppose the places of the ambush, told that the sapper that Dima himself had been shooting for the rest of the armored personnel carriers.

In advance of the day, if in the future, when I’m dying, Igor Yakunenkov, Dima all asking me to take yoga on a fork, even stink with Yakunenkov buli kumi. I think that Dima wants to take special revenge on the “spirits”. Ale I to you todi firmly saying: Don't go anywhere. Take care of your law. "I realized that Dima and the sappers won the chances of respawning. I didn’t have any preparations before the vikonannya such tasks, that sapper is the same! rushed to help.

Not all of the roses died. All the night my soldiers fought reshta. The rest of them were less than the evening of the seventh worm. And the axis of the sappers, who went with Dima, lost only two or three people alive.

Zreshtoy me survived all: the living, the wounded, the dead. And again it was better signified in the mood of the fighters - once again they went over the edge, but we didn’t throw anyone.

On the ninth day of the ninth, there was information about the rank awarded: to Yakunenkov - major (posthumously), Stobetsky - senior lieutenant dostrokovo (also posthumously). I axis sho tsikavo: the day before we went to the dzherel for drinking water. Let's turn around - it's a long time old old man to stand behind the pita bread in the hands of that Isa order. Tell me: “To thee holy to you, commander! Just don't tell anyone." I hand over the bag. And in the bag - a dance of champagne and a dance of gore. Then I already knew that these Chechens, who drink vodka, lay a hundred clubs on their heels, and who sell - two hundred. And on the next day of the next day, I was given the rank of “major of the third rank” as my fighters, “major of the third rank.” It reminded me again that the Chechens knew absolutely everything about us.

On the tenth day of the red we went to the chergovy fork, on the skyscraper 703. Obviously, not without a middle. On the back of the armored personnel carrier they went nibito for water. The soldiers did not hurry to put water on the armored personnel carrier: oh, they poured it, then we’ll smoke the need again, then we’ll have a miserable trend ... And at the same time, with the lads, we carefully descended the river. More often than not, the Smiths knew. (Yogo always tidy up the kill from the parking lot, schob, to wind up like an opponent having squandered on the new one, could not accurately determine the place of the parking lot itself.) Then we began to rush away and recently trampled the stitches. It dawned on me that the militants are in order here.

We walked quietly. Bachimo "dukhivsku" protection - two people. Sit, ramble about your own. I realized that they needed to be heard silently, so that they could not see the stench of the sound. Ale, send the sons of the guards to me, there are no one - they didn’t send sailors on the ships to them. That one is psychologically, especially upside down, the other one is motor-driven on the right. So I left two (a sniper and a machine gun for a silent shooter) to cover me and pishov myself.

They took the guard, let's go. But the "spirits" were still alert (maybe the jack crackled, or else it was some kind of noise) and blew out of the cache. And tse buv dugout, possessions for all the rules of viysk science (entered in a zigzag, it was not possible to lay all the middle ones with a grenade). My leviy flank has already been squeezed in close to the shovanka pіdіyshov, has lost five meters to the “spirits”. In such a situation, the one who is the first to switch the shutter is changed. We are in a shorter camp: if the stench didn’t check us, but we were ready, then ours were shot first and they put everyone on the table.

I showed Misha Mironov, our head beekeeper-honey plant, and after the madness of the grenade launcher, at the end to the shovka. І vіn z grenade launcher meterіv z vіsіmіdzati so clever to shoot, scho vyluch exactly at tse vikno! So we overwhelmed the machine-gunner, who had taken a shower at the skhovka.

I don’t know how many wounded were among the “spirits” of these corpses, because the stench was coming. We have zhodnoї podryapini.

And on the coming day, again, from that same day, a person came straight out of the fox. I am sniper rifle vystriliv at that bik, but specially not in the new one: but in a raptom of peace. Vin turns and ticks back at the forest. At the sight of the bachu - behind my back into a new machine gun ... Also, no vin did not appear peacefully. Ale took yoga not far away. Pishov.

Mistseví іnodi asked us to sell them zbroi. One time to ask pіdstvolniki: "We give you burners ladies ...". But I sent them far away. It's a pity that sales are not such a big deal. I remember that even in the grass I come to the market and I’m running, like the soldiers of the special forces of the Samara grenade launchers are selling! And vin: "Calm down ...". It appears that the stench stole the head part of the grenade, and in June they inserted an imitator made of plastite. I had a record on the camera phone, like a “spirit” such a “charge” grenade launcher ripping off its head, moreover, the “spirits” themselves knew.

On the 11th of the red Isa come to me and say: “We have a mine. Help me to resolve it." My checkpoint zovsim order, up to the height of meters two ways. We went to yoga city. I looked - nothing unsafe. Ale vin all the same asking to take away. Stop, let's move. And with Isoyu buli yogo onuki. Vіn i kazhe: "Show the boy, how to shoot a gunner". I'm frisky, and the lad is snarky, without crying a little.

And at this moment, on the pіdsvіdomu rіvnі, i'm sooner vіdchuv, anіzh pobachiv spalakhi postrilіv. I'm a kid instinctively in a frame zgrіb і falling at the same time іz him. At once I thought two hits in the back, but they ate two coolers in me ... I don’t understand why on the right, they throw themselves at me: “What happened? ..” And here the sounds of shootings reach. And in my gut, on the back of the bulletproof vest, there was a spare titanium plate (you can save it in me). So offended kuli pierced through the plate, but did not go further. (After all, since the beginning of the day before us, the peace of the Chechens rose from the side of the peaceful Chechens! ..)

On the 16th of the chernya, a bіy starts at my 213th checkpoint! "Spirits" are rushing to the checkpoint from two straight lines, there are twenty people. Ale, don’t stink us, marvel at the protracted bik, where the stench will attack. And on the other hand, a "dukhivsky" sniper on our b'є. I'm working on the spot, de vin pracciu! Going down Bass and attacking the first defense, man, five. They didn't shoot the stench, they just covered the sniper. And then we went to him at the til, to that mittevo they shot all the fives upright. And here we mention the sniper himself. Poruch іz him sche two machine gunners. Mi їх so flunked. I shout to Zhenya Metlikin: "Cover me! ..". It was necessary to bulo, to see another part of the "spirits" that we were battling from the other side of the sniper. And I'm rushing for a sniper. That one lives, turns around, shoots at me with towels, lives again, turns around again and shoots ...

It is absolutely impossible to get away from the cool. It became in good time that I died after the shooter in such a way as to create a maximum of difficulties in aiming. As a result, the sniper didn’t consume me like that, wanting to use a new program: the crimson of the Belgian rifle behind his back is an AKSU machine gun, and on the bots there is a twenty-charged nine-meter “beretta”. Not a pistol, but a song! Nickel-plated, double-handed! .. "Beretta" wins and sighs, if I already overtook it. Here I need a knife. I took the sniper.

Bring Yogo back. Vіn kulgav (I wounded him with a knife at the stegno, like to lay down), ale ishov. At that hour, I stumbled with a creak. From the front, our “spirits” were scuttled, and from behind they were hit on them. "Spirits" in such a situation may always come in: the stench is not woodpeckers. I’m still waiting for the hour of the battles near Sich 1995 to the fate of Grozny zrozumiv. Just before the hour of your attack, you don’t go out of position, but stand still, or rather, go ahead, stink.

Mood at all events: the “spirits” were alerted, the sniper was taken, all the soldiers. I Zhenya Metlikin asked me: “Comrade commander, who did you dream about the most in the war?”. I confirm: "Daughter." Vin: “And think about the axis: the axis of this bastard could have deprived your daughter without a father! May I blow my head?”. Me: "Zhenya, you see... We need wine." And the sniper skutilgaє instructed us, and Rozmova heard ... I kindly understand that the “spirits” only once, if they feel safe, should brag. I tsey, yak mi yogo took, becoming a teddy bear, no pihi. And on the guinea pigs, he has thirty pieces. I didn’t become happy, I didn’t have a good job, even if behind a skin notch - I’m living ...

While we were leading a sniper, Zhenya was all and forty hvilin and with other propositions before me, for example: Otherwise, I will put a grenade in my pants ... ". Nothing of the sort, of course, my employees did not choose. Ale, until I finish drinking with the regimental special officer, the sniper buv is already psychologically prepared.

Behind the plan, mi mali fight until spring 1995. Ale here Basaev zahopiv zaruchnikov from Budionnovsky and among the minds of other minds to send out Chechnya paratroopers and naval infantrymen. Abo, at the extreme point of view, I would like to see Morpihiv. It became clear that we were being taken.

Until the middle of the wormwood in the mountains, only the body of the dead Tolik Romanov was left. True, that hour was a primary hope that I was alive and viyshov on the hunt. Ale potim z'yasuvalosya, scho pikhotintsi mali yogo namesake. It was required to go to the mountains, de bov bіy, and take away Tolika.

Before this two tizhnі I battalion commander asking: Give me, I'll go and take yoga. You don't need me platoons. I’ll take two, so a thousand times it’s easier to pass with a fox, lower with a column. Ale, until the middle of the black "dobro" from the battalion commander, I did not take it off.

Ale, let them lead us, and I arreshti, having taken it off, allowed me to go for Romanov. I’ll be a checkpoint and say: “I need five volunteers, I’m the sixth one.” I... the sailor should not rush forward. I came to my dugout and wondered: “Is it so?”. I was less than a year away for the second time before me. I take calls and say to everyone: “You, without a doubt, do you think that I am not afraid? And I’ll have to spend it, I have a little donka. I'm afraid a thousand times more, more than I'm afraid for you. Pass five hvilin and the first sailor comes up: "Comrade commander, I'll go with you." Then another, third ... Only after a sprig of fate, the soldiers told me that until that moment the stench had taken me like a combat robot, a superman, like not to sleep, not to be afraid of anything and like a machine gun.

And the day before I had “dry vim” on my left hand (hydradenitis, rotten sweat rashes. - Ed.), a reaction to the injury. The pain is unbearable, I suffered all the time. Then I realized that in the event of a fire-wounded wounded man, he needed to lie down in the hospital to clean the blood. I suffered a wound in my back on my legs, I started to have an internal infection. Tomorrow in June, and in me under the smell of majestic narivas, and in my nose - boils. I vilіkuvavsya vіd tsієї infect with burdock leaves. Ale more tizhnya, I was suffering from infection.

We were given MTLB, and about the fifth twenty early we went to the mountains. According to the price, they drank on two patrols of the fighters. The skin bulo had ten people. Ale, the spirits did not enter into battle, and they went, they did not strike. The very same stink and threw a "UAZ" from this damned "cornflower", for the most part in us the people suffered. "Voloshka" at that time was already evil.

If we came to the battlefield, we immediately realized that we knew the body of Romanov herself. We did not know who replaced the body of Tolіka. To that, two sappers on the cob zirvali yogo z mіstsya "guts". There were doctors with us, they chose those who lost their sight. We chose speeches - a piece of photographs, a notebook, pens, and an Orthodox cross. Even more importantly, everything was tse bachiti, but scho robiti ... That was our last binding.

I've tried to find a way out of two battles. Axis of what happened: if the first battle and wounds of Ogniv appeared, our lads from the 4th platoon broke up in different parties and began to shoot. The stench of the hvilin p'yat was fired, and then the castle platoon gave the command to leave.

Glib Sokolov, medical instructor of the company, bandaged Ognev's hand for an hour. Natovp of ours with machine guns hit the bottom, at a cost the stench hit Kruta (large-caliber machine gun NSV caliber 12.7 mm. - Ed.) and AGS (automatic grenade launcher easel. - Ed.). Ale through those that the commander of the 4th platoon, the commander of the 2nd platoon, that yoga "deputy" flowed in the first ranks (the stench flowed in so far that they then turned not on ours, but on the infantry), Tolya Romanov had a chance Vіdhіd vsіh i vіdstrіlyuvatisya hvilin f'fifteen. I think that at that moment, if the vin was moving, the sniper had hit you in the head.

Tolik fell from a fifteen-meter urvish. There was a fallen tree below. Vіn hung on the new one. If we went down, yogo speeches were criss-cross. We walked on shooting shells, like on a kilim. It seems that the "spirits" of the already dead yogi were roaring in anger.

If we took Tolik and left the mountain, the battalion commander said to me: “Siore, you will leave the mountain.” I pulled the last of the surplus to the battalion. And if there was no one left in the mountains, I’m siv, and I became so tedious ... Already everything would be over, and that was the first psychological help, like relaxation, che sho. After sitting here for the first time and vikhodzhu - the tongue is on the shoulders, and the shoulders are lower by the knees ... The battalion commander shouts: “Are you all right?”. It appears, for the winter of the year, if the rest of the fighter is viyshov, but not less, the stench didn’t improve a little. Chukalkin: "Well, Seryogo, you give it...". And I did not think that the stench could worry so much about me.

I wrote on the hero of Russia for Oleg Yakovlev and Anatoly Romanov. Adzhe Oleg, until the last moment, tried to fight his friend Shpilko, even though they were hit with grenade launchers, and Tolіk, at the cost of his life, covered the air of his comrades. Ale battalion commander saying: "The Hero's soldiers do not lie down." Me: “How not to lie down? Who said it? The stinks are both gone, ryatuyuchi comrades! The battalion commander yak vіdrіzav: “You can’t lie on the orders, the order is from the Group”.

If the body of Tolik was brought to the roti, we went three times in an armored personnel carrier for the "UAZ", on which the curses of "cornflowers" stood on it. For me, food was more important: aje through the new style of ours perished!

"Uazik" we knew without special zusils, at the new one there were about twenty cumulative anti-tank grenades. Here bachimo, UAZ cannot go under its own power. Shchos at the new jammed, also the "spirits" of yoga threw. While we were reconsidering, we didn’t change the vins, while the cable was choked up, maybe they made some kind of noise, and the militants began to catch up on this noise. Alemy, we somehow slipped through, wanting the rest of the car to go like this: I’m sitting behind a UAZ kerm, and I’m behind an armored personnel carrier shtovkha.

If I spun out of the unsafe zone, I didn’t spit or spit in a moment, or spit out - in the form of an experience, my whole mouth rang. At once, I will understand that I didn’t ruin the UAZ of the life of two boys, as if they were with me. Ale, yakuvati God, it happened ...

If we had already gone down to our own, to the "UAZ" I would have completely broken into the armored personnel carrier. Zagalom not їde. Here is Bachimo the St. Petersburg RUBOZ. Mi їm: "Help me from the armored personnel carrier." Voni: "And what do you have for" UAZ? We explained. Stink according to the ration of the commissar: "UAZ" and "cornflower" among the marines! It seems that two corrals of RUBOP behind the "cornflower" have long been spitting - even though they shot not only at us. We began to house ourselves, like in St. Petersburg the stink of a galyavin was stifled from that drive. Ask: “How many of you were there?”. Vidpovidaemo: "Three ...". Voni: "Yak three? ..". And they had two officer groups of twenty-six specialties on the skin...

A number of correspondents from the RUBOP were correspondents on another television channel, the stench arrived at the TPU battalion. Ask: “What can we tell you?”. I say: “Call my fathers at home and tell me that they took me to the sea.” The fathers told me later: “We got a call from the TV station! They said that they beat you on an underwater chute! And my friend was going to phone to Kronstadt and tell them that I'm alive.

After these races in the mountains on an armored personnel carrier for the "UAZ", they went to Bas to take a ride. I have a couple of magazines with me, five - in the automatic machine, that one grenade at the gunner. The soldiers had less than one store each. Bathe... And here we bring the armored personnel carrier of our battalion commander!

The "spirits" passed Bas's wake, blocked the road and rushed in front of the armored personnel carrier. Then the workers said that it was a place for shooting nine at TPU. (Because we had one alcoholic tylovik at TPU. They arrived as if they were peaceful, they came out of nine cars.

A terrible swindler begins: ours take us with lads for "spirits" and start shooting. My fighters in shorts stribayut, at least in the sack they wilt.

I give Oleg Ermolaev, in what order, I give the command to enter - do not go. I shout again: “Come on!” Vіn rob croc back and stop. (The soldiers only told me later that the stinkers recognized Oleg as my “guardian” and punished me not to come out of my sight.)

I'm running out of "spirits" that come out! Evaluated the order: and in the fire of your own, it’s like hiding, and don’t let out the “spirits”. Ale stink unbearably for us began to go not to the mountains, but through the village.

In the war, you win over the one who fights better. But the special share of a particular person is a mystery. It’s not for nothing that you look like a fool. How many times have they shot at us which side there were about sixty people in the fire, of which about thirty were their own, as if they took us for "spirits". To top it off, a mortar hit us. The coolies flew around, like jmely! I didn’t catch anyone!

Dopoviv to Major Sergiy Sheik, who was killed for the battalion commander about the "UAZ". They didn’t believe me at TPU, but then they looked around and confirmed: it’s the same one, from the “cornflower”.

And on the 22nd chernya to me come like a lieutenant colonel at once from Sheik and say: “Tsey“ UAZ ”-“ civilians ”. Z Makhket came for him; Ale, I’ll think ahead of the day, what can end on the right, and after punishing my lads “UAZ” to change. I lieutenant colonel: "Obov'yazkovo vіddamo! ..". And I marvel at Seryoga Sheiko and say: “You yourself are sensible, what are you asking me about?”. Vin: "I have such an order." Here I give my fighters a vіdmashka, and the "UAZ" in front of the zdivovanoy public zlіtaє in show!

Sheiko: I'll punish you! I am commanding a checkpoint!” Me: "But there is no checkpoint anymore...". Vin: “Today you will be an operational worm at TPU!”. Ale, as it seems, it was not good luck, that misfortune helped, and in fact, I just slept ahead of the day - having slept from the eleventh evening to the sixth morning. Aje all the days in the war, until the next night there was no good night, if I had kicked my sixth wound earlier. That th having slept, I sounded only from the sixth to the eighth rank - and that's all ...

We start getting ready for the march to Khankala. And they knew me a hundred and fifty kilometers away from Grozny. Before the ear of the cob itself, we take the order: give up the armor and ammunition, deprive the officer of one store and one grenade from the officer, and the soldiers don’t have anything to boot. The order is given to me by Sergius Sheika. I immediately accept the military order and confirm: “Comrade of the Guards, Major! The 8th company of ammunition was built. Vіn zrozumіv…". And he immediately reminded the mountain: "Comrade Colonel, we all hit." Colonel: "Surely hit?" Sergiy: "Exactly, hit!". the thought of the fact that we fought with the militants in the mountains, to go in a column of one hundred and fifty kilometers in Chechnya without a bunker!.. .

On March 27, 1995, the excitement began in Khankali. The paratroopers came to shmonat us - zbroyu, ammunition joking ... Alemy, we were chattering about the whole bunny. Menі only "Beretta" trophy was Skoda, happened to be separated.

If it became clear that the war would end for us, the struggle for fences began among the Tilovs. Even at Mozdok, I have a tilovik - I write on my country leaf. I to youmu: "What are you robish? ..". Vin: “If you speak here, I won’t give you an opinion!”. Me: “I came here by agreement. And I pulled all the boys: the living, the wounded, and the dead! I'm so excited that after our "break" the personnel officer went to the hospital. Ale sho tsikavo: all those who otrimav vіn vіd me, having issued vin as a shell shock and adding for the additional pills ...

At Mozdok, we learned of stress, lower on the cob of war! Idemo and marvel - people walk zvichayny, not Viysk. Women, children… We saw it all. The same thing spared me the market. There I bought a right barbecue. In the mountains, kebabs were also roaring, but there was no salt to the tune, no spices. And here is meat with ketchup... A fairy tale! Wonderful wonder, that year ...

We go to the kar'єru, filled with water. The water in the New is blakytna, the prozora! And on the other birch, children run! I was in what boules, in that they danced near the water. Then we were already loose and, like orderly, in shorts, spilled over to the next day, where people were swimming. From the edge of my family: tato Ossetian, child-girl and mother - Russian. And here the squad begins to loudly shout at the person through those who won’t take the child’s water for drinking. And after Chechnya we saw all the savagery: well, how does a woman command a man? Nonsense!.. I casually say: “Woman, why are you shouting? Marvel at the skilki dovkol drive. Won me it seems: "See, shell shock?". I confirm: "So." Pause ... And then I’ll get a token for my shirt, and you’ll get to it, and it’s like: “Oh, vibachte ...”. Here it’s already getting to me that I’m drinking water from my car and I’m quiet, like it’s clean, but don’t stink. They won't drink the stench, but they will fool the child - for sure. I say: Tse vi me vibachte. And we went...

I am a vdyachny share, that she called me with them, with whom I leaned on the war. Especially Skoda menі Sergiy Stobetsky. Although I was already a captain, and I was no longer a young lieutenant, I learned a lot of things in a new one. І plus to all vins, acting like a right officer. I sometimes caught myself thinking: “Why am I like this myself?”. I remember, if the paratroopers came before us after the mini-vibuha, their lieutenant came before me and asked: “And de Stobetsky?” It appears that the stench in the school was in one platoon. I showed you the body, and said: “Out of our platoon of twenty, four people alive today, only three were lost.” Tse buv release of the Ryazan airborne assault school in 1994.

It’s also important that we then grow up with relatives of the dead. The very same I am sensible, it’s important for the relatives to get rid of the riddle, even though I’m rich. At Baltiysk, I came to the house to the squad, that son of the dead Igor Yakunenkov. And there the tiloviki sit and speak so emotionally and brightly, they all stink in their eyes. I didn’t see it and said: “You know, don’t lie, what the stink seems to be. Їx was not there. Take on a riddle. I give Igor's drink. It was necessary to bulo bachiti, as the stench dbaily took into the hands of this cheap likhtarik ripping up and breaking up! And then Yogo Sin started crying...