The essence of humanism is for dobi regeneration. Humanism of the Renaissance Epoch. Humanism in the era of Renaissance

Nesterov A.K. Humanism of the Renaissance Epoch // Nesterov Encyclopedia

Humanism has become the straining ideological basis for the development of the Renaissance culture.

Humanism of the Epoch of Renaissance is divided into 3 periods:

  1. Early humanism (from the end of the 14th century to the middle of the 15th century) - It is also called hromada humanism or ethical-philological. Rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history, and moral philosophy developed and developed on the basis of classical illumination, creating rethinks for the vindication of early humanism, the anatomy and methods of middle scholasticism.
  2. The development of traditional spheres of culture (from the middle of the 15th century) in the Epoch of the Renaissance of Italy adopted the development of humanism for other areas: theology, natural philosophy, natural science. The Florentine neo-Platonism of Fichino, the neo-Aristotelianism of Pomponazzi and other direct ones appeared.
  3. The humanism of the late period of the Age of Resurrection experienced a new evil and natomist conflicts of the Reformation of the 16th century and the problems of cultural self-development of the European peoples. The same culprit is pivnichny humanism, the representatives of which were Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas More and others.

In the early period of humanism, nutritional ethics were developed in a single context from the socio-political aspects of the practices of Leonardo Bruny, Matteo Palmieri and others.

Principles of humanism of the Renaissance Epoch:

  • Perevaga of public interests over special interests
  • Pratsya for the benefit of Suspіlstva
  • Political freedom

Like early humanism by the cult of Petrarch, Boccaccio, Salutaty, having hung a program to inspire a new culture, savage to the people the problems of yoga butt, then a distant development of a humanist thought hung on the high ground of discussing problems of low significance for the state.

Zokrem, humanism XV–XVI cent. to practice to show in practice the feasibility and prospects of the practical implementation of reforms in the economy.

From this hour, in the works of rich humanists, the central theme of reflection is the lack of perfection of that state, in which the stench of life lives, and the idea of ​​​​creating an "ideal state" is linked to it.

One of the leading directions in Italian humanism was the huge humanism, which, having been formed in Florence, did not turn out to be the fatherland. Which great economic center cultural life In Italy, already in the XIV-XV centuries, the main role for the turbulent development of the economy was played by the gentiles (burghers), as a legislator consolidated the republican way. Prote, until the end of the XIV century, the political struggle between the "fat" and "thin" people was strong, which led in 1434 to the establishment of the tyranny of the Medici. The very political development of Florence was marked on the creations of the authors, as they emphasize the position of hromada humanism. One of the representatives of this directly was Leonardo Bruny (1374–1444). Being the first secretary of the papal office from 1405, and then the chancellor of the Republic of Florence from 1427 to 1444, Bruny gave a full review of his ethical and political ideas in the robots "Vykhvalyannya city of Florence", "Prostate of Florence",

Ethico-political and social ideology of Bruny was based on the principles of freedom, equality and justice, moreover, under freedom, the last democratic ambushes in the political life of the republic were categorically opposed to tyranny. Equality of the wines of rozumiv as the eligibility of all citizens with equal rights before the law and the same possibility of their participation in state administration. Under justice, it is necessary to understand the validity of the laws of the republic to the interests of society. Bruny knew confirmation of his suprising views from the works of ancient authors and, moreover, from the messengers of Pope Eugene IV, he writes that between the doctrines of ancient philosophers and Christian vchennyam with the nourishment of the global good and the ideals of the state order, be-yahtn Vykhodyachi z tsogo, vіn I will vote Florence the decay of the Roman Republic. Florence, on the other hand, was the ideal of the Moscow Republic, wanting to declare that the power in the place belongs to the nobles and the wealthy, lower to the representatives of the middle artisan proshark of the gentiles.

The ethical-political concept of Matteo Palmieri (1406-1475) became an important factor in the development of "civil humanism". Vin was not only the author of low works, but he showed himself as an active political fiend of the Florentine Republic. The work of "About the Gromadyan's Life" by Palmiers, relying on ancient traditions, has put forward an idea about a thoroughly suspility. The work can be read didactically straightened out - teach your spivgromads how to create "thoroughly suspіlstvo". With the head mind "I will arrange the right order for that power" I have respected fair laws. The political ideal of Palmiera is a Polish republic, in which power would lie not only with the upper classes, but also with the average proshark of the bulk of the people. Under the rule of Palmieri, on the vіdmіnu vіd Brunі, which was distrustfully placed to the lower levels of genocide, introducing a great role in the political life of the republic to the poor trade and craftsmanship.

Fresco by Raphael "School of Athens".

The next stage in the development of the humanist thought of the Florentine school was the work of the famous humanist fiend Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527). Makіavellі vіdrіznyavsya nezalezhnіstyu svoїh Gromadyanska simpatіy that polіtichnih poglyadіv, vіv at tsomu Activity polіtichnu dіyalnіst in Florentsії, obіymayuchi put in kantselyarії, For the sake of ten, zaymavsya diplomatically dіyalnіstyu, vіv listuvannya, skladav zvіti that Reports of s power potochnoї polіtiki, about camp right Іtalії that Єvropі . The knowledge of a sovereign person and the watchfulness of a diplomat, as well as the education of ancient writers, gave Machiavell a wealth of material in the development of his political and social concepts

On the example of the most numerous representatives of the Florentine school (Bruny, Palmieri, Machiavelli) one can trace the evolution of approaches to the problem of an ideal state. Tse buv paths from the notion of the ideality of the real world to the formation of ideas about the rich peresbudovu suspіlstva and the achievement of the global good. While in the XIV century the idea of ​​freedom in the state was no longer understood in the political aspect (democratic freedom), then until the XVI century freedom was interpreted in a more broad understanding (freedom of the nation, freedom of conscience).


  1. Temnov, Y. I. Machiavellian. - M.: KNORUS, 2010
  2. Kruzhinin V.A. History political navchan- M.: Knorus, 2009
  3. Bragina, L. M. Italian humanism. Ethical centuries of the XIV-XV century. - M: Education, 2008

Inspired by the ideals of antiquity and the deaf atmosphere of the Middle Ages, the specificity of the Renaissance is not exhausted. In the Age of Resurrection, people begin to assimilate their spiritual, and physical, individuality, uniqueness. For the realization of that development of individual manifestations of nature, people needed special bones. Such, starting from the XIV century, were the disciplines that are engaged in the knowledge of people, that is history, literature, philosophy and rhetoric. The concepts of “studia humanitais” and “studia humaniora” were updated, which resembled Cicero, which meant humanitary (to teach people well) disciplines, and they began to be called humanists (humanista). Nadali so called mayzhe all the children of the era of the Renaissance, for the understanding of humanism they meant the new cultural development of the era, which became the anthropocentric light-gazer.

Latina became my humanistic movement (classical language of Cicero, Horace, Seneca). One of the first survivors of the culture of Italy of the Renaissance era, the Swiss philosopher Jacob Burckhardt, stating that the Latin language was popular during this period, that children miraculously knew Latin. The seven children wrote Latin sheets, and among the four children there were promotions that amazed the audience with a pure Latin promo.

A lot of what humanities have created, like a rebirth of an old-fashioned mov, ale and a renewal of its authentic texts. The stench began to inspire the practice of Greek and Roman authors, to create the right texts to replace the era of the Middle Ages. The impersonal texts of ancient authors, like modern science, were chosen and created by the humanists themselves.

Humanism Resurrection pidnis on the p'edestal the natural beauty of the people and the spiritual self-denial of the world. Vinicate importantly Nova model the light, at the head of a flock of people. The singularity is stunned by the center of the All-World and the method of progress. Ludina Vidrodzhennya begins to feel like a right subject of the power life and a subject of history.

Gumanіzm Shvydko rozvivaєtsya yak іdeyny ruh, vіn zahoplyuє kupetskі stake znahodit odnodumtsіv the courts tiranіv, pronikaє in vischі relіgіynі spheres staє bearing-down zbroєyu polіtikіv, stverdzhuєtsya in Masach zalishaє gliboky slіd in narodnіy poezії, arhіtekturі, daє Bhagat materіal for poshukіv hudozhnikіv i skulptorіv . . Under the influx of humanism, a new world of intelligence is being formed. Її representatives organize groups, give lectures at universities, act as the closest councilors of sovereigns. Humanities bring freedom of judgement, independence to authority, a merciful critical spirit to spiritual culture. The stench of the spirit of faith in the boundless capacity of the people and the stench of them in numerical promos and treatises. For the humanists, there is no greater hierarchical supremacy, for which a person is less than a representative of interests. Humanities show the power of the historical situation - they form a person who is accepting, active, and enterprising: the person herself knows her share, and the providence of the Lord has nothing to do with it, the person lives for the power of reason, she is “let loose” *.

The outer stone of a new light-gazer is laid Dante Aligh'ieri (1265-1324) - “the last one sings the middle one and the first one sings the New Hour”. The creations of Dante in the Divine Comedy are a great synthesis of poetry, philosophy, theology, science, and at the same time the result of the development of middle-class culture and a stepping stone to a new culture of the Age of Renaissance. Faith in the earth is the recognition of a person, in the presence of the power of the forces of power to work out his earthly feat, Dante allowed the work of the "Divine Comedy" as the first anthem of the dignity of a person.

The “Divine Comedy” by Dante has a brilliant plot for the middle class – he imagines that Hell, Purgatory and Paradise will rise in price, with the companion of the long-dead Roman poet Virgil. Tvіr povniy with pictures of the life of modern Italy and a lot of symbolic images and allegories.

With all the manifestations of divine wisdom, a person for Dante is the greatest marvel. This position was powerful and creative Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374), a philosopher and brilliant lyric poet, who is often called the founder of the humanistic movement in Italy. Ideas of specialness, a new bachelor of a person, as well as a thorough one, are developed by the philosophers themselves, writers and poets Gianozzo Manetti (“About the feasibility and prevaga of a person”), Lorenzo Valla (treatise "About the salt"), Pico della Mirandola ( tvіr "About the goodness of people"). Freedom of specialty has become the central concept of creativity Alamanno Rinuchchini (Perekonaniy republican, zatyaty opponent of the Medici, Rinuchchini, having looked at freedom as the most important and not mastery of the mind of the moral perfection of specialty and suspіlstv; equality and justice in yoga ethics is the norm of social life).

With the help of the humanists, the clergy increasingly began to spend their authority and position in the wake of a critical position before the Church, priests, scholastic enlightenment at the practice of the great thinkers of the era. Thus, the critical attitude to the Bible of the Dutch humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1469-1536) made a revolutionary contribution to the development of the ideas of the Reformation; "Praise of foolishness" of Erasmus actively added to the change of the position to the Church and the present marriages to the conscience.

The Italian political clergyman spoke out against the sovereignty of the clergy by speaking at his book "The Sovereign" Niccolo Machiavelli . Vіn vvazhav, scho, regardless of those that the republic is the most progressive form of government, in the political situation roses and rozbrat in Europe is not stagnant. To unite the people in a single state, perhaps a stronger sovereign. "Batoge and gingerbread" vin is guilty of winning the love of the people, honoring himself for his strength and power. Having called out to his book Machiavell, so that the church was only concerned with spiritual nourishment and often morality, and the sovereign power is to blame for the secular state.

The main stages in the development of the humanistic literature of the Renaissance epoch are in full swing with the periods of the early, High and late Renaissance. For the literature of the early Renaissance, a short story is characteristic, especially comical. Bocaccio ), with anti-feudal directives, which glorify pіdpriєmliva and vіlnu vіd zabobonіv svoobistіstі.

The High Church of the Resurrection was marked by the roster of the heroic hymn: Italy - L. Pulci,F. Berni , in Spain - L. Camoensa , in an adventurous and lyrical plot, which is poetic about the revelation of the Renaissance about a person, a people for great celebrations. The self-sustaining epic of the High Renaissance, the universal picture of the succession of those heroic ideals in the folk tales and the philosophical-comic form, became TV Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel.

Late Renaissance developed pastoral genres of romance and drama. The greatest zest of a happy rebirth - dram Shakespeare ta romani Cervantes , based on tragic or tragicomic conflicts between heroic specialties and the inhospitable human system of a suspended life.

Progressive humanistic zmіst of culture Revival of a bright expression in the theatrical art, as if it recognized the significant divinity of ancient dramaturgy. Yogo characterizes the interest in the inner world of a person endowed with rice sweating individuality. Vіdminnimi rice theatrical art of the Renaissance epoch, the development of the traditions of folk art, the life-affirming pathos, the remembrance of tragic and comical, poetic and buffonado-Maidan elements. This is the theater of Italy, Spain, England. The greatest achievement of the Italian theater was the improvised comedy "del arte" (XVI century). Shakespeare's creativity has reached the greatest rozkvit theater Revival.

Revival is not alien to humanistic ideas musical culture. In the period of the Renaissance, professional music is not surrounded by church canons, it looks like a splash of folk music, passing over to new humanistic svetovidchuttya. There are different genres of secular musical art - frottala and villanella in Italy, villiance in Spain, balad in England, madrigal, scho vinik in Italy, but nabuv of universal breadth. Holy humanistic aspirations penetrate into cult music. New genres of instrumentalism are being formed, national schools of chanting on the lute and organ are emerging. The Renaissance epoch will end with the emergence of new musical genres - solo songs, oratorios, and operas.

Irrespective of the high ideas of humanism, the magnificence of the perfect human specialty, the spirit of rebirth is rich in what is alive with old middle-age views and ideals. problems suspіlnyh vіdnosin as before, they wield with a dagger and an otrutoy, zmovami and wiynami. The Borgia family became famous for its cunning, strife, “sublime standards” with Pope Alexander VII himself - a murderer, a robber and a libertine, who, however, was endowed with the sparkling talent of a sovereign fiend. Vіdomy istorik, sings and diplomat Machiavelli at the treatise "About the sovereign" to know what is true: the ideal sovereign, scoring wine, is guilty of dying to accept the fox and the left, be not only a human being, but a beast.

The successors many times declared that good and evil were intertwined in the era of Revival by the most chimerical rank. People came out of the Middle Ages, illuminating the high ideal of humanism in their spiritual life, but stinks of newcomers in free-thinking. Harmony in the social order was achieved, and unstoppable predilections led to their special features, sponkayuschie їх children, not snarling in front of them, and not worrying about the legacy.

The problem lies in the fact that the installation on individuality, the flooring was realized in a tight and miraculous way in the sphere of art, turned out to be ruinous for the social and political fabric of the life of the Renaissance society. Here, individuality transforms into clearly expressions of individualism, affirmation beyond its own needs, and degradation of humanistic morality. Spontaneous self-assertion of individuality often seemed even farther away from the noble Renaissance humanism.

In general, with all the versatility and sometimes super-cheerfulness of humanistic ideas and concepts, anthropocentrism has become the main shear of humanism, it’s good for the same person, the center and the most important method of light.

· Anti-church directness;

· vyznannya lyudiny harmonіy єdnіstyu bodily and spiritual beginnings, rose and passions;

· rozumіnnya people like diyalnisnoy, active specialty;

· Vision of freedom of mind and thoughts;

· Vision of creativity by the manifestation of human vitality;

· Optimistic svetopriynyattya, pragnennya povnoti life.

“Talented, restless, untidy mind, that they practice smartly, unbearably selfish, never satisfied, with my worthy promos, ale weasel for pennies, for the good of life, for the honor of that, I shamelessly swear in front of the nobles and riches, they coexist superbly” , - Such a portrait of these people of a new breed, they proudly called themselves humanists (A.Stepanov).

F. Petrarch, the spiritual father of the humanists, vygukuvav: "Naskali krasnomovstvo is more precious than life itself for all of us, which wraps up in a saw of literary palestry, the floorings are hotter than glory, lower than honesty!".

The ideas of humanism in the fact that people have important special qualities, such as intelligence, creative energy, acceptability, a touch of goodness, will and illumination, and not social becoming and adventure, will become the basis of the culture of the New Hour.

The names of the treatises of the Age of Resurrection serve as signs of new glances at the people: “About the pride and the pride of Lyudina” (Fazio) or “Mova about the glory of People” (Pico della Mirandola) (for a reason, you can guess the middle message of the Roman Pope: “About nothing”).

The butt of a new individual can be an Italian philosopher-humanist Pico Della Mirandola(1463 - 1494). Knowing 28 mov from 20 rokіv vіn, and yoga faith in the immensity of the human mind and vlasnu illuminance was so great that vіn buv it is possible to request 20 most intelligent people from the earth, for 700 most important food. European culture did not know such self-sufficiency, moreover, after a thousand fates, the humiliation of the middle-class people.

The Age of Resurrection brought about such a magnificence of people. Pico Della Mirandola reinterpreted the history of the creation of man by God: having created man and “... placing її in the center of the world, God turned to her with the following words: “We don’t give you to me, about Adam, neither a songful mіstsya, nor a majestic image, no special obov'yazku, schob i place and person i obov'yazok ty mav for vlasnym bazhanny, zgіdno z your will and your decision.

Freedom and independence were stunned, such a rank, invisible features of a person, and even more significant was the thought about a person as the center of the world. She herself became the basis of a new skygazer - anthropocentrism;

5. Return to antiquity.

Antique culture has become for the era of Renaissance the birthplace of new ideas. In antiquity, humanities succumbed to harmony, a sensible, supple arrangement that tried to get close to the light of the ancients. Turning to the forgotten reach of ancient culture was seen in the gallery of science, philosophy, literature, art, classical "golden latin". So, in Italy, the manuscripts of ancient writers were heard, the creation of ancient sculptures was drawn out of forgetfulness, the architecture became symbols for the wedding and inheritance (for example, Michelangelo depicts the biblical David in the image of an ancient hero).

At Florence in the XV century. the Platonist Academy was established, the aristocratic public was consecrated, it was taught to Krasnomovism, Volodymyr Latin and Greek, the fineness of manners and the mysticism of the kohanny.

The legacy of antiquity was mostly paradoxical. For example, the architect Alberti, having created a tomb of a noble lady near the Gothic temple near Rimina, de bula latin wrote: “Divae Isotta Sacrum”, tobto. "Divine Izota", as they wrote on Roman tombstones. But on the other hand, the epoch of the Renaissance was supposed to bring forth pagan antiquity, but on the other side, the creators of the Renaissance were people of Christian culture, and antiquity could not become organically close to them.

The Age of Resurrection has become such a rite of dosvidom z'єdnanny nepodёdnuvannogo: pagan and Christian cultures. The creativity of Botticelli, who depicted the pagan goddesses with the persons of the Madonna, can be called the butt of such evidence.

O. Spengler's thought, which vows the era of Revival by cultural regression, is noteworthy for the link: Europe has not created anything new, but rather mechanically repeated the old ones.

6. Rosemary creativity.

The epoch of the Renaissance was unvoiced, putting people at the center of the world, the place of God. The thinkers of the Resurrection knew a contradictory proof for this: Lyudina is similar to God, because vin building to create. Building to creativity has become for the epoch of Renaissance the main achievement of the people. Creativity was valued more for wealth and titles (a special kind of humanism can be called divination to the power of gold and wealth).

An impersonal application of recognition for an artist of the highest status represents the era of Renaissance, among them - Giotto, who allowed himself to be respected at the address of the King of Naples, or Michelangelo, the glory of such a bula is so great that he did not require titles to be named.

The ideal of the Age of Resurrection is a human being - a creator, a universal genius, who does not know the cordons, what it is impossible to think of, to unite the human being divinely. With the butt of Michelangelo, who creates like a creator new world at the frescoes of the Sikstin Chapel. Such a sensible person took away the name of the born titanism. With the best butt of the figure Leonardo Da Vinci.

In his creativity, nibi zmagavsya with nature and the Creator, dumbly constructing and vibudovuvav light from natural chaos. Yogo "Gioconda" - an example of "greater synthesis" on the basis of all knowledge about the nature of that person. If the spectator is trying to give її singing emotions, which he ascribes to that chi іnshiy spiritual camp, Leonardo's ruinuє conceived: for Leonardo tsі category drіbnі; ethics, soul, faith over people. Yogo zadum suprahuman - all in a moment and nothing concrete: specialty, vіk i become Giocondi (є version, tse self-portrait of Leonardo in a young vіtsі that image of a woman), the hour to finish, it's time for fate, the geography of the landscape and navіt yogo earthly adventures are depleted of food for the looker. “Mona Lisa smiles like the omniscience itself” (O. Yakimovich).

7. "Zvorotny beat of titanism".

Nebachen until the epoch of Resurrection, the artist's test of standing over nature turned into a test of standing over people. A.F. Losev called him “Satanic calmness” and showed immoralism in his ideas.

Indeed, the everyday reality of the epoch somehow inspired the ideas of the humanists about the freedom of the people. Freedom has not been circumscribed by anything, it has turned into permissiveness and ignorance to all moral norms. Applied to that impersonal. For vengeance, cups of holy water were opened at the churches. Pope Oleksandr IV himself violently otruїvsya otrujsya svogo pogotuvannya. At the residence of the Roman Papi, orgies ruled, the Roman Papi with his retinue went to the watering. The priests were hounded “for the sake of pennies, robbed by the saviors of the new ones,” the chentsi went into orgies, and the writers fought the monasteries with dens. The Neapolitan king Ferrante trimmed his gates at the cages, having beaten, hammered, salted them and served them to the table to his enemies, and the Ferarsky duke maw sounded to go for a walk around the golim. “The reverse side of titanism,” calling it A.F. Losev.

Antiquity gave its own basis for underworld morality: spiraling, marveling behind the furnishings, now on Christian, now on ancient authorities, the Renaissance people could easily be true, be it a pomise, be it a vchinok.

The antipode of humanism became, in fact, look at the Italian thinker Nicholas Machiavellian(1469-1527), which were true vikoristannya be-yakikh zabіv for reaching meti. Machiavellian in his book "Derzhava" exclaimed the idea about those who are a politician of good morals, equaling yoga with a centaur: "The new sovereign needs to be led by nature like a beast, so are people." Tse became the first recognition of the tragic super-evangelism between the deep human morality and political interests.

Samozaperechennyam vіdrodnitskogo gumanіzmu z'yavilisya takozh іdeї anglіyskogo gumanіsta Thomas Mora (1478-1535) is the іtalіyskogo fіlosofa As Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), SSMSC bachili іdeal sotsіalnoї garmonії in suspіlstvі, pobudovanomu for zhorstkoyu ієrarhіchnoyu system scho reglamentuє OAO All spheres. This model can be called barracks communism. At the basis of this metamorphosis lies deep thought by the thinkers of the rebirth of the dual nature of freedom.

The epoch of the Italian Renaissance is mentally subdivided into low stages:

Proto-Renaissance (trecento) - end of XIII - XIV centuries

Early Renaissance (quattrocento) - XV cent.

High Renaissance (cinquecento) -1 half of the 16th century

Pіznіshe Revival - 2nd half of the 16th - the beginning of the 17th century.

proto-renaissance(period XIII - the beginning of the XIV century) rich in why he prepared the soil for the Renaissance. This period of commemoration of the work of the great poet Dante Alіg'єri, the architect Arnolfo di Cambio, the sculptor Nikolay Pisano, and the author of the frescoes Giotto di Bondone (1266/1267 - 1337),

Early Renaissance. Until the period of the Early Renaissance, literary creativity should be Francesco Petrarch(1304-1374). Vіn zalishivsya in the history of the Renaissance as the first humanist and biased popularizer of the fall of the ancient authors, about commemorate his treatise "About the great people of old". Petrarch's sonnets on the life and death of the Madonna Lauri, which brought love to a woman, gained all-world popularity.

Let's learn that the successor of Petrarch buv Boccaccio(1313-1375) - the author of a selection of realistic short stories "The Decameron", which became a satire on the church, filled with subtle warnings, miraculous knowledge of psychology, humor and optimism.

Spadshchina prominent master penzl Early Renaissance Sandro Botticelli(1445-1510), who practiced at the court of the Medici near Florence, exalted the subtle coloring and mood of confusion.

Sculptor Donatello(Bl.1386-1466), invigorating ancient traditions, the first to present a naked body in sculpture. Yoga art is characterized by a realistic manner.

One of the founders of the architecture of the Renaissance Philippe bruneleschi(1377-1446) having created the main elements of ancient architecture, skillfully mastering the most complicated technical projects (the life of the dome of the Florentine Cathedral), having made a great contribution to fundamental science (the theory of linear perspective).

High Renaissance. The period of the High Renaissance is equally short. Vіn po'yazany us before іz іn the names of the three brilliant masters, the titans of the Renaissance - Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Santi and Michelangelo Buonarroti. The creativity of the representatives of the High Renaissance reached the heights of the realistic and humanistic foundations of the culture of the Renaissance.

Leonardo Da Vinci(1452-1519) there are hardly any equals for equal talent and universality among the representatives of the Renaissance. Leonardo became an artist, a theoretician of art, a sculptor, an architect, a mathematician, a physicist, a mechanic, an astronomer, a physiologist, a botanist, an anatomist, who enriched many other spheres of knowledge with insights and ingenious excuses.

The creativity of Leonardo is most famous for the universalism of the representatives of the Renaissance, it is easy to show the sharp boundaries between science, artistic fantasy and inspiration of thoughts.

Young accomplice Leonardo the great artist of Italy Raphael Santi(1483-1520) entered the history of worldly culture as a creator of pictorial masterpieces, endowed with subtlety and soft lyricism (“The Sistine Madonna”). Meister also painted the front bays of the Vatican Palace (the fresco "The School of Athens") and architectural projects.

Remaining mayor of the High Revival Buv Michelangelo Buonarroti(1475-1564) - the great sculptor, artist, architect and sings. Regardless of his various talents, he is called the first after all the first painter of Italy, the most significant work of a mature artist - the painting of the crypt of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican Palace (the frescoed area of ​​​​the fresco is 600 square meters).

Like the sculptor Michelangelo, having become the culprit of his early work, David. Ale's right to know as an architect and sculptor Michelangelo knows the designer and builder of the life of the main part of the life of the Cathedral of St. Peter's in Rome, which remains and dosі the largest Catholic church in the world. Not less popularity was brought to you by the architectural and sculptural works at Florence, the zocrema, the sculptural composition at the Medici Chapel. Chotiri bare posts on the sarcophagi of Volodar in Florence "Vechir", "Daughter", "Ranok" and "Day" even clearly illustrate the mayor's recognition of the coziness of human abilities, rozpach before the shvidkoplinny hour. These tragic moods sound at the top of the remaining titan of the Resurrection, written in the name of the sculpture “Nich”:

"Sleep with a windy stone, buti

Oh, tsey vіk, malice and ganebny,

Don't live, don't be jealous - the share is enviable.
Please, please, don’t dare to wake me up.”

Art of Venice. For the period of the High and Lest Revival, there was a rise in the rise of art near Venice. In the other half of the XVI century. Venice, which saved the republican empire, becomes its own oasis and the center of the Renaissance. Among the artists of the Venetian school - Giorgione(1476-1510), who immortalized his own name with the canvases "Judif", "Dreaming Venus", "Silsky Concert". The largest representative of the Venetian school - Titian Vecellio(1477 or 1487-1576). For the life of wine, having taken away the recognition from Europe. Titian's robots add newness to the vision of us in front of the coloristic and compositional tasks ("Mazhdalina, sho repent", "Love is earthly and heavenly", "Venus", "Dana", "Saint Sebastian" etc.)

Piznіy Renaissance. The period of the New Year's Revival of the new meanings of the Catholic Church. The Church often tried to expend unrestricted dominion over the minds of cultures, eager for childish culture, from one side, and victoriously repressively come in for the disobedient - from the other side. So, a lot of artists, poets, sculptors, architects were inspired by the ideas of humanism, declining only the manner, the technique of the great masters of Renaissance (that is how Mannerism is called). Among the greatest artists in Mannerism are Jacopo Pontormo (1494-1557), Francesco Parmigiano (1503 - 1540), Angelo Broizino (1503-1572), for some characteristic ideal of cold and sometimes sensitively mysterious beauty.

The realization of humanness transfers the development of the reach of the cultural richness of the past. The humanism of the Renaissance was manifested by revolutionary ideas that attacked the inner, earthly “divinity” of a person, by the dogmatism of church truths.

Humanism (lat. humanus - human) in the first period of the philosophical thought of the era of Renaissance, the ideology of humanism became a revolution in all philosophy: the character of philosophy, the dzherela of philosophy, the style of thought, the very look of philosophers, їх mіsce became the others.

Humanism is born not in the departments of European universities, not in monasteries and black orders. New Philosophies - political gamers, poets, philologists, rhetoricians, diplomats, teachers. The bands of the learned spivrozmovniki at the municipalities, in the villas of rich patricians, at the courts of patrons, become the center of spiritual life, the center of the new culture. These new ideas of zabutih ancient texts, translation and philological activity gave European culture new ideals, a new look at the nature of people, a new light-gazer. A worldly culture was being created, out of which the entire advancing European culture was inextricably tied.

To give a clear insight into the humanist's view of the nature of the people from the scholastic visloving humanist Pico della Mirandolave yogo of the famous "Mova about the goodness of a person." Having created a human being and placed him in the center of the world, God, staring at this philosopher, turned to her with the following words: i person, i obov'yazok ty mav for vlasnym bazhannyam, zgіdno zgіdno with your will that your decisions. The image of other works was marked between the laws we have established. Well, don’t be surrounded by any boundaries, signify your image for your decisions, I give you the power that I give you ”(History of Aesthetics. Monuments of Light Aesthetic Thoughts. M., 1982. T. 1. P. 507.).

A person, like God having given free will, is guilty of choosing her own place in the world, she is not just natural, but the creator of her own destiny. Bіlya vitokіv humanіzmu Vіdrodzhennya stand іn great position Dante Aligh'ieri (1255-1321)і Francesco Petrarch (1304–1374).

F. Engels named Dante as "the last poet of the middle class and the first poet of the new hour." Yogo "The Divine Comedy" - poems in 3 parts ("Hell", "Purgatory", "Paradise") and 100 songs - a kind of encyclopedia of the middle ages - a monumental synthesis of poetry, philosophy, theology, science - made a great impact on the development of European culture .

Dante accepts Christian dogma as the truth, gives a new interpretation of the divine and human spirit. Vіn do not oppose the cob, but bachel them in mutual unity. God cannot be compared to the creative forces of man. Twofold - mortal and immortal - the nature of a person is mindful and її recognized in two ways: having shown grace in earthly life and "the bliss of eternal life" - after death, that for the divine will. The earthly recognition of a person zdіysnyuєtsya in hromadyansky suspіlstvі for orders of philosophers and pіd kerіvnitstvom secular sovereign; to life forever lead the church. (Dante Alіg'єrі. Create a little. M., 1968. S. 361.) Dante's humanism is based on the strength of the people, especially on the strength of the yogi for good, and not on the richness of the spadshchina, the camp at the supple ієrarchy. At the heart of Dante's political idea lies the power of the sovereign church in the home of the secular power. The Church is obliged to take care of the nourishment of “eternity”, do the earthly work for the share of people, as if to create supple devices, foundations for happiness, bliss for that eternal world. Dante, having lain down to quiet ideologies, yak podnuvali humanism from the theory of "double truth".

Dante led the way to humanistic anthropology, within the framework of which creativity flowed Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374), who was the first humanist, the father of humanism. At the sight of Dante, who still took the "eternal" from the rosy scholastics, Petrarch її її vіdkidaє. In his treatise "On the power of ignorance and ignorance of the ancient" wines, he criticizes scholasticism, methods, a cult of authority, stands for the independence of the power of thought in church life. The most important interest of Petrarch is that of the followers of the atrocities to ethical nutrition. In the philosophical dialogue "My Mystery" the greatest internal conflicts of the people are revealed and the ways of their shaping. The inner world of the people, moreover, the people of the "new" who are torn from the middle-class traditions, to become the head light of yoga verses, lists, philosophical treatises. The great propagandist of ancient culture, cultivating a unique library of Latin texts, pouring his activity into his successors.

Follow them to Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457) and others.

In the XV-XVI centuries. gumanіstichne mislennya poshiryuєtsya i in іnshih kraїnah - at Nіderlandah, Anglії, Nіmechchinі, Shveytsarії, i to od vіdmіnu іtalіyskoї, yak small shvidshe lіteraturny character "pіvnіchny" type gumanіzmu vіdrіznyavsya suvorіshoyu pobudovoyu of vikoristannyam metodologії, logіki, teorії powers that law.

The main representative of which humanism is Erasmus of Rotterdam (1469-1536) - Dutch thinker, philologist, philosopher, theologian. The greatest popularity of youmu was brought by the robot under the name "Praise of foolishness" (1509). Tse svogo kind of "bag", having looked at the author at all the problems of the people, її іsnuvannya і svіtі. In the sarcastic-hot form of wine, he criticizes all the vices of the Catholic Church, scholastic dogma. The main pathos of the creation of expressions in two theses: the paradoxical duality of the natural phenomena of the butt and the fatality of dogmatism, obsession, and intellectual blindness. In his criticism of the church, he became the forerunner of the religious revolution (Reformation), the protesters did not cross over.

The treatises of the vimahaws turn to the right Christian morality. Asceticism, vіdmova vіd terrestrial life є, on yoga thought, immoral; sense of life is rich in victorious life benefits; for whom Christianity can be learned from the classical antiquity, and on the right, philosophy can take care of the nourishment of the natural life of the people.

The infusion of Christian humanism to Erasmus of Rotterdam’s Boom is superbly great: those of the same mind and followers are popular in all Catholic and Protestant Europe from England to Italy, from Spain to Poland.

The dawn of the sun can flow to humanism, knowing its expression in France, I am a representative of such a becoming Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592). The radical optimism of the people's culture, bringing low superficial ideas; knocked down, cross-referenced church authorities often accompanied the appearance of new ones, which was the subject of Montaigne's criticism. All yoga creativity is dedicated to people and її goodness. characteristic rice skepticism, for some reason, vanishing into fanaticism, blindly subordinating to whatever authority.

Montaigne's main tvir "Let's hear" is written in my french, which by itself threw the Church’s word, after the established canon that all creations were written in Latin. In Doslides, Montaigne, in an aphoristic form, is a path of self-restraint, a path of savagery to ancient wisdom, a practical philosophical look at a person in awe. Dosvid to serve as a teacher, vіn vіmagає to put the mind higher than authority, I call “immutable” truths. On this thought, the head building, as a trace to develop in people, it is the building of judgment, which is the result of the knowledge of the rose and the action.

Just look at the molding of a solid methodology for the New Hour; for creativity -

Socio-philosophical thought of the Renaissance epoch.

Naturphilosophy of the Age of Renaissance.


1. Batkina L.M. Italian humanism: style of life, style of thought. - M., 1978.

2. Batkin L.M. Leonardo da Vinci and the peculiarities of the Renaissance creative thought. - M., 1990

3. Batkin L.M. Italian Humanist Dialogue XV Art. Viraz the style of thought in the structure of the genre // From the history of culture of the middle ages and Renaissance. - M., 1976.

4. Revyakina N.V. Vchennya about the people of the Italian humanist Gianozzo Manetti. From the history of culture of the middle ages and Renaissance. - M., 1974.

5. Khlodovsky R.I. Francesco Petrarch. Poetry of humanism. - M., 1974.

6. Retenburg V.M. Titani Revival. - L., 1976.

7. Gorfunkel A.Kh. Philosophy of the Age of Renaissance. - M., 1980.


1) Niccolo Machiavelli. Sovereign. - M., 1990.

2) Lorenzo Valla. About help and hell. About free will. - M., 1989.

3) Leonardo da Vinci. Selected natural create. - M., 1995.

4) Copernicus N. About the wrapping of the heavenly spheres. - M., 1964.

5) Mykola of Kuzan. About the ignorance // Mykola of Kuzansky. Op. : U 2t. - M., 1979. - T.I.

6) Bruno D. Dialogues. - M., 1949.

7) Pascal B. Dumki // Library of All-World Literature. - T.42.

Ideas for humanism to achieve Revival.

Chronologically, the epoch of the Renaissance hovers the period from the XIV to the end of the XVI - on the cob XVII Art.

The term "Renaissance" (or "Renaissance") characterizes the culture of Italy, which became in this period the center of "humanitarian knowledge" (studia humanitatis). Sounds like " humanism", In the idea of ​​the ideas about the cause of the rights and the goodness of the people, the yoga to freedom and happiness. Humanism was molded on the soil of ancient Greek and Roman literature. In the robots of the humanists, the number of animals is reduced to the philosophy of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Cicero, Seneca and other philosophers.

The founder of Italian humanism is called Francesco Petrarch. (Francesco Petrarca (1304 - 1374) born in Arezzo. Great poet.)

The essence of humanistic anthropology lies in the fact that earthly light is revealed by the field of real human activity. The main criteria for the value of human beings were not respected by belonging, but by special quality.

With the creative cob of the world, as before, God entered, as if he had transferred this building and people. Therefore, the sense of philosophy has been poked at the opening of the harmonic unity of the Divine and the human, and not in their contrast.

The sense of life of a person has fallen over the sinfulness of the underworld, and the reason follows nature, the cob of which can be grounded in human morality. The idea of ​​Christian asceticism emerges anti-asceticism, in the basis of which lies the idea of ​​​​solidification, crusty and special vigodi.

Two groups of problems are presented to him directly:

Vchennya about the people, about її budova, about її splnі yakosti, about її place in the world;

Vchennya about ideal sovereign ustriy camaraderie.

The people looked like a treasure, like a blessing, and fortunately, that rose seemed to be like a statue of the meta and the head of the state. Lorenzo Valla, the author of the famous treatise "On the right and the good of the good" (at the first edition of "On the Harvest"), "It is self-understandable to have high morality, - respecting Valla, - empty, stupid and even not safe, and there is nothing to accept, nothing better salty."

The children of the Age of Renaissance gave great respect to the artistic creativity of people, who played the role of art in the lives of people. The stinks created masterpieces of art, philosophically comprehended the entire sphere of creative activity. For example, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). This brilliantly gifted person did not take away the classical illumination, she was, in fact, the creator of herself. Vin boov reading, Vіdomy as an artist, architect, sculptor, engineer, scientist, writer and philosopher. In the literature about the era of the Renaissance, they say about the new one as a pioneer of modern natural science. Leonardo's paintings "Madonna at the Grotto", "Last Supper", "Mona Lisa" and "Mona Lisa" are famous for their grin. Leonardo bringing art closer to science. The artist was angry with nature, and sensible creativity.

Having taken a different aesthetic position Michelangelo (1475 - 1564). Vin having jumped near the art to philosophy. At the heart of the art, on yoga thought, lie morally, the spirituality of a person, what happens to yoga with the Creator. Tse can be seen in the famous sculptures "David", "Povstaliy Slave" and other, povnih vnutrishnіh ekspresіy and thoroughness. Michelangelo's idea of ​​the aggrandizement of the art from the nature, contrasting the idea of ​​bringing the art of the nature over the nature.