Skilki to pay contract soldiers from the army. Groshov security.

Only the Constitution of the Code cannot be changed and said. The right to winegrowing belongs to the force, as well as the minimum wage. Vzagali, in the army, to do a lot of damage to the Constitution pov'yazanih strokoviks. Tse does not mean that it is necessary to deprive. Serving at 12-13 rokakh. After the oath, from the other pay I will throw off the link with the whole university (at that time there were 11 people-strokoviki) and bought my own pick up the car, having written papirets com.

Conscripts withhold allowances

Behind the words of the head of the press service of the Western military district, Colonel Oleg Kochetkov, the promotion of the so-called commander's allowance motivates conscripts to the full military service, the summation of their obov'yazkіv and viklich they have the honor of honoring the sergeants.

- This order was seen with the method of implementation of the Decree of the President of Russia dated March 10, 2014 No. 136

“About the continuation of the term carried out at the Evil Forces Russian Federation experiment with the unification of the penny security of military servicemen, yakі pass military service on a call"

What is the essence of mandate No. 633? Speaking in simple terms, all military servicemen are on call (because of the old rock they are called “strokoviks”) until September 31, 2015, as before, we will take two thousand rubles. Tse allow us to continue the practice of material incentives for military servicemen on the call, if the actual increase in penny security outweighs the nominal soldier's "earnings", as well as virishiti low organizational nutrition. For example, before the military-financial experiment, a great sniper or a grenade launcher had 1,100 rubles.

At the grass at the General Staff they voiced rozmіr salary of a soldier in the ATO zone 1800 UAH

Our society will never turn back from the war until we violate the legal, medical, social and social problems of the ATO soldiers, describing the problems and struggle with the bureaucracy of the ATO soldiers that turned back from the war, Irina Kirichenko in the article for DT.UA"War:" Inventory "overcome and pain « .

The citizens, who rushed to defend the Batkivshchyna, did not think about the social and legal guarantees of their defense.

Groshov's security of the 2017 roci

M. Lavrov. Vіn zaznav, scho scho submitted to the draft law transfer in 2017 roci skasuvannya іndexatsiії і іyskovosluzhbovtsam, oskіlki Uryad not мє for thogo opportunities. The order of the Russian Federation to ask for the continuation of the award of the indexation of the financial allowance for military servicemen for 2017.

In additional cases, it is necessary to pay more for the indexation of landed salaries to military service workers in the future.

Term of service in the army in 2017-2017

It will be necessary to bring the proportion to 10/90 for the punishment of fakhіvtsіv-contractors. At the moment, I want to serve in the lavas Russian army Mayut vibir - go to the line service for 12 months, or place a contract with the military department for 2 years. Prote cream terminova contract service young people think of alternative options. The first of them is already known from the radian hours of the viysk department.

Entering the great initial pledge, varto popskavitisya, chi є at the yogo warehouse of the viysk department.

Yaka at 2017-2017 the salary of an ordinary terminator in the army

The amount of compensation to be deposited depends on which settlement (regional subject) is paid for travel. The minimum amount of compensation in the warehouse is 70 rubles, and the maximum is 200. If the term of the military service may be a military squad (and the term of the vacancy for 180 days), for any wine of official appointments, then you need one-time help. From fierce 2017 to the year of yogo sum to become 24565 rubles.

Two thousand conscripts

The change in prize-winning appetites at the Ministry of Defense is explained by two furnishings. First pov'yazane with a set of up to an army of contract soldiers. In the future, their number may change the number of string writers. Until 2017, I want to bring the future of spіvvіdnoshnya to 3 to 1. Vodnochas, Vasil Smirnov unambiguously hung out for the new professionalization of the evil forces.

There will be no yoga, we will not be called upon to call upon the General Staff is not planning. Well, I’ll call for a speedy pace, I’ll lie down for the recruitment of contractors.

Golovne menu

Behind Seleznov's words, out of the blue, since the recruitment campaign for contract service was launched, 16,000 servicemen were selected. Two thousand of them will be sent to the main points on the 29th day of the month, and the service will be ready for the second month. Zahal in the Ukrainian army needs close to 150,000 military servicemen for a contract.

For tribute to the General Staff, the 250,000-thousand Ukrainian army at a time is made up of 40,000 civilian workers and 210 military servicemen of various categories. Spivvіdshenie tsikh categorіy 50% kontraktivіv 50% mobilization and strokovіv.

Take two more years for the rest of 2012, conscript soldiers who serve in the Kremlin.

• How to send "MK" to the office of the White House, set salary limits for typical military quarters of military servicemen, so that they can serve on a call.

• An additional payment of 100% will be deducted from military service for vikonannya zavdan, bezporedny po'yazanih іz izik for life and zdorov'ya at peacetime.

Talk about diving robots, haircuts with a parachute, jokes and snezhkodzhennya vibukhonotbezpechnyh objects, extinguishing fire.

• 70% of the military servicemen of the Presidential Regiment of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin.

Term of service in the army in 2017

Abo Well, come the protegezhnі pitannja schodo short term of service for 45 dib. Zovsim unreasonably, the stars are taken given information, but for a moment, from call to call, we strongly recommend that you do not take it a little bit seriously. Oskіlki yet again, the information was not confirmed.

Get information from reliable sources! Let's talk about the change in the term of service in the army at the hour of the spring season of the autumn prize, blame us in front of the connection with the legal illiteracy of our population.

Just food. New Russian side Ukrainian miners? Isn’t it the same as the Donbass girniki? 20.02.2017 20:02 There are fewer vacancies in the military districts of the Mykolaiv garrison. We proponuєmo - high social status, health of the military profession, high penny security of the soldiers - 7000 hryvnia.

sergeants – 8000 UAH officers - from 9000 hryvnia), paid for admission.

If so many benefits for young people from the community are allowed until the order of the Ministry of Practice of the RRFSR 1990 No. 2 and can be additionally installed as a robot supplier in accordance with the Labor Code of Russia, then the state is like a robot supplier of people in uniform in particular Russian Order forgot about it. The division of district coefficients for military servicemen and other civilian colleagues shows far from unambiguously setting up to osib, as they change at the military service, from the side of the Russian order.

In the defense budget of Ukraine for 2017, an increase in the salary of military workers is transferred

Let's guess, earlier it was reported that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, having signed a decree, would introduce into the decision of the National National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine about the State Defense Council for 2017. Vidpovidny decree No. 292/2016 dated April 4, 2017 was publicized on the official website of the president.

The decree says that the RNBO praised the decision on the State Council on May 20. The control over the yoga of the vikonans is entrusted to the Secretary of the RNBO Oleksandr

Skіlki otrimuyut contract servicemen in Russia in 2017 roci

In case of an army call-up with a military injury, a contract soldier (sergeant, officer or rank-and-file) will take the sum not more than 2 million rubles. Dvichi on the river to pass the prizes to the army for the passage of the term service. At the same time, as some young people, by hook or by crook, they try to get away with the prize, or else, conduct patriotism, earn an unappreciated certificate, or simply pretend to be a contract soldier in the army of Russia. More documents and documents will be needed additionally, will be appointed at the point of selection for military service under the contract.

Alternative service

mother category of appurtenance "A" or "B". With the category of attachment “B”, the conscript is eligible for the prize and is secured to the reserve. Before we speak, our company "" hopes to help the soldiers in the army behind the camp of health, and it seeks to assign the conscript the same category of attachment. As a conscript, I can have a military line in the army. then call him as a military service, and it is not possible for an alternative service.

On the ACS can send a hulk, especially for an additional postal link, who has filed an application for the replacement of a term service in the army for an alternative civilian service in the establishment of a term by law. Conscripts are sent to alternative service, as the conscription commission made a decision to send them to the ACS. for some kind of duty, due to the passage of the military service, go to the extent of the moral principles of that hulk or by religion/faith, for example, the conscript does not want to trim in the hands of a battle armor, zdatnu zavdavat shkodi other people; like it is known to the innumerable indigenous people, who live in the traditional activity or gospodarstvo. Varto designate that to another category of conscripts, as if they may have the right to replace the military service alternative service On a call, you can only bring in a small part of the people, and before the first - practically all the specialties of the draft age, for other reasons, who do not need to live in the barracks and learn to shoot for their weapons.

There is no such concept as "salary" in the army. Usіm vіyskovosluzhbovtsam like strokoviks, so i contract servicemen are paid a penny security. Vono vypaychuetsya zgіdno z norms, zatverdzhennymi law, that novlyuєtsya shortly. To say this unequivocally, it’s hard to pay in the army for a call, it’s hard to finish. Vіdpovіdno until Order of the Minister of Defense No. 633 dated 09/01/2014 to the year, all military servicemen, like to pass line service in the lavas of the Russian army, to claim the right to material payment, the sum of such vikhodyachi from the decision to become 2 yew. ruble

In addition, line soldiers can be paid different allowances up to payment for deeds of achievement during the period of service:

  • specialization and її riven;
  • wash the passage of service;
  • access to physical training;
  • interaction with classified information.

Satisfaction of the orphan soldiers is five times more, lower than the greatest conscript. The order also transfers an allowance of 10% for the salary of military service, which is transferred to contract service. Tse expand on those who were called to military bases, roztashovani behind the cordon or on the rank and file, like a specific mission. In such situations, a penny's security was transferred from the rozmіrі 3 yew. kermiv. Peresichny can dodatkovo otrimati rich, as for his rank - 100% of the standard payment for the vikonannya zavdan, tied with a risk for life: the adoption of vibukhovy speeches, parachute stripes, vikonannya diving robots.

For moving by the city public transportІsnuyut compensation, rozmіr yakої lie in the populated area and can become 70 to 200 rubles.

Dodatkovі pay

The federal law has transferred more money for penny security, insured for terminovikiv. We pay for the acquisition of singing minds and in such cases, we require the selection of documentation for the acquisition of additional help.

Yakshcho the young battalion has a detachment and a school of official registrations, so that one-time help should be given to the rozmіrі 24 yew. 565 rubles. Tsya viplata does not help future mother help solve the pilgrimage.
A soldier of the term service, like a borg of his own country, in the minds of those who are not safe for his life, I will take a lot more for a great conscript. Rozmir zabezpechennya become 800 rubles.

Sim'ya conscript can help out for the child of a string worker, as a lot of children do not outweigh three. From the moment I will call for demobilization to get narahuvannya, the sum of which is to become 10 thousand. 528 rubles. Koshti are paid independently depending on what the conscript is taking away from others.

Salary (a penny security) in the army: from a soldier to a general, as well as in the countries of the CIS and Europe.


Our soldier and officer do not dream about those who paid their salaries in dollars. Our gas-protection bag, stuffed with karbovantsy, can be sewn as a whole.

How to respect grandmas:

Groshov bezpechennya (DD) of military servicemen The military forces of the Russian Federation are formed from the salary of the military plant (OVD) and the salary for the military rank (OVZ). At once, the stench is called the salary of a penny utrimannya (ODS). Up to the new one, an extra hundred years' service allowance (PNVL) and other additional payments are added (more about them).
Categories of ATS, HVD and PNVL forever, like the sky is like that, they can’t help people. The stench is less likely to be corrected when the service station of the military camp is changed, the number of serving them is increased, or the promotion of DD. Let's say, the month of DD of the intercessor of the commander of the motorized rifle battalion, major, which may be the 16th tariff category and 10 years of service (without the adjustment of additional payments and pributkovy tribute), - 9600 rubles.

And yet another bunch of dodatkovyh viplats. The stench is shomisyachnymi, shokvartalnymi, shhorіchnymi chi disposable. And tse, guess, another half of DD. As a result, the major can bring home 18-20 thousand rubles.

Schomisyachni at the servants. D-Day

• Later, the finance specialists are “plusing” up to the salary of a penny embezzlement in uniform (understandably, with the improvement of the specifics of the dermal service) supplements. Ale, don’t think that for the majestic їx kіlkostі viyskі shovel pennies to row: additives are different. Even less, let's say, 100 rubles for the class qualification of an ordinary contract service, and more - 200,000 rubles for the commander of an underwater missile carrier on behalf of the mandate of MO No. 400.
• Additives are true for ours no less than for Americans. І many of them go for names: for combat drawing, for haircuts with a parachute (landing with equipment), marine safety; for diving robots.

And the axis of our know-how:

1. For command the military parts- Vіd 300 to 500 rubles (with whom, the intercessor of the commander does not lie down). Together for 10 to 16 rubles. і 66 kopіyok per day of unstoppable turbot about the love of a special warehouse. Want a platoon commander, want a brigade commander. What for 20 soldiers, what for 3.5 thousand!

2. More allowances for special mind combat training(For example, for our parts in Chechnya) - from 2700 to 5000 rubles per month.

3. For foldability and tension of service- One of the most important (cream allowances for order No. 400-A). You can become from 30 to 200% of the cost of the OBC and її pay to the entire special warehouse of the contract service. Somіsyachnі vpayti(ЄДВ) for Order No. 400-A can become from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles. Ale, contract soldiers and ensigns, as well as officers, like standing on sergeants' quarters, don't lie down happily, which calls out to them with reasonable dissatisfaction. How so, "shouted" everything, but for one - tops, and for the others - root?

4. Quarterly payment for the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 115. They pay contract servicemen (so they don’t tie up) for the rahunka of the speedy number of the special warehouse of the Armed Forces and economy budgetary expenses. Tsikavo: to end soon and what is the payment of the same?
• Non-compliance with the order of payment for this mandate (to whom and skilki) creates ground for evil. So, for example, at the 138th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Leningrad Military District, all the pennies that were paid to the special warehouse of the brigade went to the highest stake. Moreover, 7 osіb іz from the number of vouchers were small in advance about the non-standard service capacity and relied on the pre-string line from the military service.

5. For special service military servicemen, we will work on robots for recharging nuclear reactors in ships, causing nuclear fire and radioactive waste. The pennies are small, but the robot is on fresh look heal, you know!
• For the special mind of the service… In a word, a penny of the wine city for skin manifestations and (or) zneshkodzheniya (behavior) vibukhone unsafe subject. Do not believe me: you are in loneliness in solitude and in the salary of a commander platoon - but you approach the other “subject” fearfully, not the ones to take into your hands. I tobі for tsyu joy - chervonets! Obviously, the pennies are not great, but they can still be used to organize the repair of TV sets at home minds.

• Okrim schomisyachnyh allowances, the Russian army will have more quarterly, quarterly and one-time supplementary payments (ODV). Tse right penny solitaire. І majestic difference among sumacs. All these allowances are calculated on the basis of the number of paid salaries, then on the basis of the amount of paid salaries, then on the basis of the salary for planting and the salary of a penny morning. Obviously, the CIA was breaking its head. What are EDV?

- For the sum of vikonanny obov'yazkіv military service. And who її, kohanu, does it badly? An, mabut, є so sloven. Ale vodnochas є і premium for srazkove vikonannya vіyskovogo ob'yazku. Tse yak?
- For uninterrupted military service, tied with hairpins and a parachute. The service is uninterrupted, and the wineries are disposable. Paradox, prote... It's so simple - for haircuts!
- For the completion of military lighting installations. We read it and thought: why read it smoothly, why read no one? Or maybe, the ancient Egyptians, yakі vvazhali, th small ration: it’s more important to learn for every job?
- For trouble-free work. Then it dawned on: whoever lost the living, he should reward him!
- for a trip that uninterrupted service on ships, ships and in the departments of their z'ednan (ob'ednan). Everything is correct here: earlier than the staff, which prepared the departure of the ships by the sea, they carried a penny. Tіlki is not said: Trival tse stribka?

For them, smut is stability!

Who is more cold, the more I take

Іsnuyut and regional coefіtsієnti, scho to be insured in case of accrued DD. Yes, for example, "polyarka" - percentage bonuses for service in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi, which are equal to them in the months and other places with a merry climate and ecology, including those far away. The military men themselves call these allowances: “for wearing underpants with nachos near limes”, “for wildness”. On winter nights, put on winter hats, their furs were so old that they overlapped one another. Zvіdsi th name - I'll pay the second salary.

And also compensation

For example, compensation, which is paid once in a river, at a sanatorium-resort. 600 rubles for the military and 300 rubles for the yogi team. Together - 900 rubles. Dovіdkovo: today — the additional price for the accommodation of one serviceman in a sanatorium room. And how does the state compensate the Viysk, let's say, living in a rented apartment? Oh, such a payment! Minimum - 2700 rubles per month. And the axis near Moscow and St. Petersburg should pay 15,000 rubles. Price for one. And yet three more and more live with him, plus + 50% (15,000 + 7,500) - 22,500.

About Viysk pensions

• Russian laws established the following types of pensions:
- For the service of fate;
- by disability;
- Good luck spending a year old.

How is a pension paid for the service of a year?
The penny security, which is paid for the repayment of a pension (called the basic amount), includes the salary of a penny utrimannya (ODS), so the salary for the rest of the regular military tenure (VVS) and the salary for military ranks, assigned on the day of retirement (OVZ), plus, for the service of a year (PNVL) to the salary of a penny morning.

The pension for the service of the lives is established at the following rates:

a) to individuals who can serve 20 years and more:
- for the service of 20 years - 50 dollars per base sum;
– for leather service for over 20 years – 3 hundred rubles per basic sum, but no more than 85 thousand rubles per day;

b) to persons who can sleep work experience 25 “calendars” and more, of which no less than 12 years and for six months the military service:
- For a hard work experience of 25 years - 50 credits per basic sum;
- for leather work experience over 25 years - 1 hundred per basic sum.

• The number of monthly, short-term and one-time supplementary payments to Viysk pensioners, transferred by the law of the Russian Federation, is also low. Axle:
- "President" (as much as 240 rubles!);
- disabled people after military service;
- disabled people due to illness, taken away during the period of military service;
- disabled people of the 1st group or have reached the age of 80 to watch over them;
- to non-practical pensioners, as if they were unpractical utrimantsiv.

• Compensation for hiring (sub-rent) housing accommodation. Most often, they win for the decisions of the court.
Compensation for sanatorium treatment. Price yourself 600 rubles. plus 300 for the squad.
Viplata penny koshtіv to pay for the cost of vouchers for children of the school age (up to 15 years inclusive) in the organization for the rehabilitation of children (up to 75 vouchers of the voucher of the voucher). Whose rock was vinified folding from її otrimannyam.

TOGETHER: Who will take the skils?

Note: here the average value of DD is indicated for the adjustment of the basic allowances.

Give respect to the general's DD. It seems that "become a colonel - share, become a general - good luck." For a match:
- Metro train driver - up to 60 thousand. rub.;
- Assistant driver - up to 40 thousand. rub. (navchannya pіvroku);
- Peron picker - 25 yew. rub. (training is not needed), social package, life is hopeful.

Note: rozrahunok pension taken in autumn 2010 year. Additional payments are not refunded. The next day of mother's leave, since 1 September 2010, the date of the increase in pensions with the adjustment of allowances, transferred by law, cannot be lower subsistence minimum pensioner installed in the subject of the Federation. As a rule, the lower cost of the pension - non-practical pensioners are assigned additional payments from the federal and regional budget.

* n / a - no data.

Secret to trick

• The one who respectfully marveled at the tables of penny security and military pensions, singsongly mentioning the great difference in numbers. On the right, in the fact that a gigantic amount of additional payments, allowances, and compensation are not insured with recognized pensions. More than 30% more than 20% of the DD, won by the military servicemen, is paid for the rozrahunka of pensions.

• І navit zgidno with the draft law on financial reform in the army (as it will be adopted) from 01.01.12, the value will practically not change. І less until 2020, the growth can be up to 50%. Here the idea of ​​the authors of the reform is unimportant to guess - to reconcile the pensions of the remembrance of the DD of personnel officers. І save on the storerooms. In this manner, one of the most important stimuli is used: decently deducting one hour of service, the stench of the call to lean on the lava of unnecessarily careless hulks.

What is possible and what is checked?

• For example, the speaker of the past for the sake of the Federation, Sergiy Mironov, saying that often families of military servicemen can earn a penny income per member of their family for a minimum living wage, the second time it’s higher, the lower one in Russia: “ As a result, she is dissatisfied with her material situation of the skin of a friend of the family of military servicemen».

• And the first intercessor of the Chief Military Prosecutor, Lieutenant-General of Justice Oleksandr Mokrytsky added: “ At the same time, the growth rate of income in military servicemen is significantly lower, lower in the whole country, the difference between the monthly gross penny income of civilians and domestic sims is about 50%, which is assigned to the forces of law and order in Zbroy».

• The 1st State Duma announced that from the 1st year of the current year, the DD of those serving and military pensions will be increased by 6.5%. Ale did not. And when will it become? " In the autumn of 2010, we, as they announced, looked at the information about the increase in the salaries of state employees, as well as about the penny of the provision of military servicemen and military pensions, scholarships for students, - having declared on April 20, 2010 to the fate of the head of the order of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin, - zrobimo tse z urahuvannyam I will become the budget».

And what about a foreign soldier, how can they see a salary?


DD of conscripted soldiers - about $5 per month. The contract worker (translated) may be $35-40. As a lieutenant, you will get close to $600, and a general - three times more for $1200. Ale borg for the unseen weekends, for the unseen uniforms and products, for the rebuking at the combat zone, and so on. The state is reluctant to see its military men.


A soldier-conscript takes about 3 dollars per month. Peresichnі fry: “My triplets! Three karbovantsi were taken for radian hours, and three dollars at a time! Officers assert that their material status is richer than that of a simple bagman: the average salary of a salaryman at school is $30 to $50. civil servants - $ 100 - 155.


For friends, DD accumulates salaries for ranks and tenures, allowances for service and bonuses, which increase by about 1.5 times. And no prizes? For an ordinary contract soldier, I will take $200-230, an ensign - $250-300, a lieutenant - $280 - 380, a major-lieutenant colonel - $400 - 500. A premium for class - $33. The major's pension is $200, the lieutenant colonel's is $265.
For a match: the average salary in Belarus is $356, and for officials - $505 Soldiers and sergeants charge $4-5 per month per call.


• A part of the Georgian army (which is preparing for American military programs) has long been on the US financial security. Zavdyaki tsomu Saakashvili sche 2004 rock zmіg zmіg zmіg zbіshiti salaries of "elіtnyh" vіyskovskih once as much as 300%. The first average salary they had increased to $232.
• Nini average DD of elite officers – $600. The officers of the simplest parts are taken 2-3 times less. And if Saakashvili was preparing for a campaign against Sukhum and Tskhinval in 2008, he would pay $180 a month to the officers. With whom, the zhirach cravats slandered the signs foreign language(mabut, Russian) $90 surcharge.


• DD “focuses” on the average salary in the republic – 600 lei (42 euros). Salvage the Russians before recently were less than 5-8% richer. At the same time, for contract soldiers and young officers they were slightly increased - DD increased by 10% of the average salary in the country.
• And the axis of the senior officers (major, lieutenant colonel, colonel) earn from $75 to $140 per month with additional allowances. A soldier will take three more than $3 per call. To the point of speech, the order repeatedly and seriously stating about those who launched the opposition of evil are a little bit about those, the wages of the military seem to be more than a little bit.


• Independents have a median salary of $240. And the lieutenant commander of the platoon takes $ 180-190. Captain - $300. "Ukrainian captain with a holy light take less, lower Kyiv doorman,” the Ukrainian Merezhezh newspaper Focus began. Army majors get $350 per month.
• Lieutenant SBU - security services of Ukraine (analogous to our FSB) - rozpochinayut career from $ 200 - 250 per month. The average salary of an SBU officer is $400. For example, the Cabinet of Ministers has requested to increase the amount of service required for pensions up to 30-35 years, and the military pensions themselves will be worth $700.


• The salary of a private conscript is $24 per month. Soldiers and contract sergeants charge $ 250 - 300. And 10 years that they served - $ 400. Lieutenant - $470 per month. Officers charge an average of $670-700. General of the Army - $380 or more "for the stars".
• Establish compensation and additional payments. For example, utilities - $23 per month and luxuries - up to $200 per river. For the second time this year, the DD of military servicemen in Kazakhstan was raised by as much as 40%. The curiosity of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic is steadfast, that beyond the equal of DD the Kazakh army will soon overthrow the SND's military forces.


DD of a conscript soldier - $3 per month. Contractors pay $65-70. Young officers (from lieutenant to captain) charge up to $200. Majori, lieutenant colonels and colonels - up to $300. For a match: in Kyrgyzstan, the head architect of the district takes $ 30, and the rank-and-file worker of the state enterprise - $ 10 - 15. . Ale and such a visit to the DD of the servants without vplinuv.


There are so few DDs of viysks that they stink to name numbers. For example, a colonel of the Tajik army takes $120-130 per month. And the DD of a Russian contract sergeant from the 201st brigade (station in Dushanbe) transfers the pay of an army sergeant to Tajikistan by about 10 times. Peresіchny conscript soldier to pay $ 1.5 per month. Lieutenant - $56, Major - $80. For matching: Tajik teacher earns $20 per month.


There are legends about the pennies that Turkmen officers win. For confirmation of the official Turkmen ZMI, the salary of the military flooring of the temple, which outweighs the salary in the other armies of the SND. Alas, it appears to be nothing more than propaganda boasting. In fact, everything is like this: an ordinary soldier takes $3.50, a lieutenant - $250, a major - $450, a colonel - $650. Minister of Defense - $3,000.


The terminator takes $2. Contract soldier - $60. DD for young officers is $120-130, for senior officers $200. It does not reach the official middle country - $ 220 (it's true, the real salary rarely exceeds $ 60 - 70).


The grizna of the Latvian army is 4800 people and is supported by a major general. Ale, the table of ranks is divided into virist: they have lieutenant generals and vice admirals. Yakikh, it’s true, there isn’t more. Ale yakbi stink boules, then for the services of 25 years the "mayor" would extort $2421. And the lieutenant's axis is paid $781 (with the middle edge "on the paper" at $995). Corporal instructor $705, enlisted $603. A great plus is an additional payment for special lighting and a huge compensation for renting an apartment for $180.


The Lithuanian army has 12 thousand people. A private contractor should have $300, a sergeant - close to $590 per month. The salary of a lieutenant is $660, a captain is $880, a major is $1030, a colonel is $1100, and a general is $1300.


Under the towel - 5400 osib (2700 personnel and 2700 terms). The axis is how to pay them: to the general - $2560, to the colonel - $2200, to the major - $1300, to the lieutenant - $1000, to the sergeant - $980, to the sergeant - $730. Assessing the material camp of the Baltic warriors, you can grow a blazing visnovok: the smaller the army, the comrade hamanets.


For an ordinary contract worker with allowances for transport, zhu, clothes and coupons for repairs, get out here $ 800. Tse, to the point, the average salary in the country. For officers, the rates are higher: lieutenant may $1300 plus allowances ($130 - 200). The Colonel will take back $2,730 plus allowances.


• Although data about the DD of the military in the kolishnіh republics of the SRSR and in the krajnas - participants in the Warsaw Pact need to be collected for poppy seeds, then the Germans have no financial secrets of any kind. Go to the website of the Ministry of Defense and read. Bagato tsіkavogo.
DD in the Bundeswehr is one of the largest among the armies of NATO that regularly zbіlshuєtsya. The main salary is to be paid according to the rank and service, and the taxable salary allowance - according to the tariff group and the family camp. Viyskovosluzhbovtsi, like mothering children, helping a thousand children: $125 for one child, $250 for two, $565 for three, $880 for four, and $132 each for a skin step on a child.

• Cream of addition transfer of allowances for skin overtime of service— from $0.88 to $3.75, fallow from planting. Extra pay for the UPU bulk warehouse is $611 per month. A special warehouse, which regularly shoots with a parachute, may have an allowance of $ 150 per month. Spetsnaz and combat swimmers — $1,170 up to basic salary. Personnel of surface ships - $105 per month, and submersibles - $300. Trivalih hikes will receive an extra $150.

Surcharges for renting deposit in the category of the command area. There are six such categories. Persha - there, where the mind of living is insignificantly shaken at the points of permanent dislocation. Take away $33 for doba! Friend - life at the bastards, folded butovі mind, spend on life security that close ones. There is already less than $53 for mining. Herself high category, shosta, - districts of fighting diy іz risky for life. Here you have to pay - $120 for a doba. Crimea pennies, the Bundeswehr lure the possibility of getting enlightened that one of the 60 civilian specialties.


In the army of Її Majesty there are only contract soldiers. And paying them at first glance is not good. And the axis, General Ser Richard Dannatt, calling the worst problem ... the extremely low salary of military servicemen: workers, workers in car parks earn more, lower soldiers on the front lines.


Usim viyskovich, yak take part in missions there, allowances are paid, equal to the salary. And in France, there is the Legion Etrangere - the Foreign Legion. Here the ensign - іz militant and zakordonnimi - pay $ 5650. For an addition to the salary - premiums are stalely given the task that is awarded. Clothes, hedgehog, lived that medical service - no cost. Take us from 17 to 42. Don't be greedy and moral.

In India, pay for servants of an officer

• Officers - the elite of Indian society. Take close to $1000 per month. The average income of Indians is close to $100. Eating and living of officers - for the rahunok of the state. Plus, you can get discounts on be-yak_ goods up to 50% at specialty stores. The officer hopes for a booth, and as soon as I have a family, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life is assigned to the number of members.

• Zhitlo (with advancing privatization) is seen once after being assigned the first officer rank. A leather officer - as a commander of a company and more - may have the right of a mother to a military servant (sahayak). Servant, abo batman, live in the officer's booth and take payment from the budget. The Indian officer may have the right to supplementary education in absentia, as the power pays. And also - for a two-month-long admission from "healthy" rupees.


• Peresіchnі zalezhno vіd mіstsya otrimuyut $100 - 200 per month. The soldier is the same crying under the penny of the morning: razrahuvatisya for the apartment that "communal apartment". And as a matter of fact, the fathers live behind the cordon, and by long service they may have the right to a 21-day permit for the birth of their relatives. І the ticket is paid in obidva kіntsi!

• The general's average salary was $11,000 per month. Lieutenant otrimu close to $ 1200, and the army is constantly squandered on the low salaries of officers in Lower Lanka. However, if the language comes up about the increase in salaries, they will be called out by other officers. While in the middle month the salary is increased by approximately 7% per month, then the young officers are satisfied with the increase of 1.5%.

/Alex Varlamik, for materials

As such, there is no salary in the army, all payments for terminators are called penny-less. Usі razmіri viplat to the army are regulated and established by the Federal Law, where amended and amended. Molding of the bag bag of penny security of the military service to deposit depending on the number of factors:

  • Posada viyskovosluzhbovtsya;
  • trivality of service;
  • place of service;
  • ringing.

In order for the line soldiers to be able to finance allowances up to their salary, the Order of the Ministry of Defense issued on 09/01/14 No. 633 was seen.

  • rіven qualifications;
  • access to physical education;
  • think, with those who serve;
  • interaction with the secret information of the sovereign equal.

In this manner, due to the increase in the term of military service in 2016, the increment is fixed at 2,000 rubles per month. Upon completion of the service, the soldier is paid a penny of security at the court's rozmіrі - 4,000 rubles.

Soldiers-orphans take a one-time penny of security from five times the amount.

Also, Order No. 633 transfers a surcharge of 10% to the primary salary of military service for a contract for soldiers-strokoviks, whose service is to take place at foreign military bases or at vikonan military commanders in special minds. That is, a month's worth of security in different warehouses is 3,000 rubles.

  • the fate of the rose;
  • haircuts with a parachute;
  • the fate of diving robots.

Another one is insignificant, but the fee for line military servicemen is accepted - the compensation for travel by public transport (taxi for reasonable reasons is not included in this list). The amount of compensation to be deposited depends on which settlement (regional subject) is paid for travel. The minimum amount of compensation is 70 rubles, and the maximum is 200.

Others pay the soldiers-strokoviks

As diligently rummaging through the federal laws for military servicemen, you can find more and more term payments for the obviousness of singing minds. Acts of payment in order to collect documents for registration of assistance:

  1. If the terms of the military service may be a military squad (and the term of the vacancy for 180 days), for which the wines of the official appointments, then you need a one-time additional help. From fierce 2016 to the year of yogo sum to become 24565 rubles. Narahuvannya tsієї do not allow the woman to have other payments at the link with vagіtnіstyu and canopies. However, as a soldier, a cadet of a military initial mortgage, then the fee is not charged.
  2. As a soldier-strongman, I can have a special warehouse in the order of the order (when replaced, put the chiefs in the trains). Dozvіllya narakhovuєtsya, only as a soldier to serve the posture of Russia in potentially unsafe lives of the minds. The amount of the allowance up to penny security becomes 800 rubles.
  3. When you call the reserve, the soldier sees the hands of the military transporting documents. You can exchange it for a ticket to get home at the ticket office at the station.
  4. The family of a soldier-strongman is ready to pay one more payment: help for a child of the military service of the term service. As long as the soldiers serve and demobilize, 10,528 rubles are paid for children (up to 3 years old). Pennies narahovyutsya independently in the form of payment of additional help.

Until recently, it was important that they planted words about women in another place. And Russian sociologists conducted research in the Ukrainians and established the sum truth - the women paid a penny. Salary wages (in the army they are called penny payments - DD) are borrowed from servicemen more than a third at a time of splurge.

Why do Russian warriors often love to fight: did they take away the stench, did the yakbi serve “over the hill”? Axis of mi y virishili rozіbratisya, as tsіnuєtsya vіyskova pratsya in the american, russian and other armies of the world. Today, our rozpovid is about pennies in the security of the US military forces and the social package of soldiers, officers, servicemen.

In American penny security (DD) includes monthly base salary, allowances, special and educational payments. The salary is determined by the ranks and service of the rokiv from the salary to the army. An American recruit, when enrolled in the service, will receive a significant bonus - from 10 to 30 thousand. dollars

Let's go. American soldiers are subdivided into categories: privates and sergeants, warrant officers and officers. Must have a rank code: from a private recruit (code E1) to first sergeant (E9). Warrant Officer: from Warrant Officer 1st Class (W1) to Warrant Officer 5th Class (W5). Officers: from lieutenant (O1) to general of the army (O10).

Transitional-recruit the first half of the month will cost $1294, then $1399 and will be charged in 26 years from the same salary. Private - from the first to rest of the day service at the same rank - $ 1568. So if a soldier behaves in such a way that he is not sufficiently promoted in the ranks, then his salary is also not increased. Private of the first class, having paid $1649, three coming fates rimuvatime plus $100 extra. And if you don’t apply to the rank, then with a salary of $ 1860, you can call the employee. A corporal, starting from $1827, the maximum salary of $2218 is taken off in 5 years and you can’t earn more in the same rank, if you don’t have served. And the axis of the sergeants is different, there is a lot of money to make $ 100 - 150 and more.

Navіt vіdchaydushnuyu "hose" zrozіvіl - the system of payment stimulates the service zapadlivіє i pragnennya occupied the next gathering of officials chinіv. Age sergeant, having served 3 years, will take $2229 per month, and first class sergeant after 20 years will take $4000 per month or $48,000 per river. Warrant officers earn $31 (for the first round) up to $78 thousand. on the day after 20 years of service. So i go to the american army: long time to serve those who grow in ranks.

And what about the officers? That same! The lieutenant for the first race takes $49,869, for the third race - $58,545 and more than a cent. Ale of the same private or private of the first class, having served a soldier's contract and having served on an officer's rank, even in the first century he takes $ 62,029 (another lieutenant) or $ 81,687 (captain)! Don't become a colonel earlier than in 10 years of service ($117 ths. per rok), i, serve at least 40 rokiv, more than $153 ths. you don’t take it off the river: the increase in DD is attached to the 30th service. And the generals, the generals, the axis is already, maybe, rowing pennies with a shovel ?! Oh, row! You can become a brigadier general after 23 years of service. And here the salary becomes $169 thousand. і від $173 ths. don't grow up. Well, what about the general of the army? Five stars on the chase after 30 years of service $215,894 on the river and not a cent more, skilki would not have served. The axis seemed to be blazing at the service of 10, 20, 30 and 40 years.

16 788 –26 616

16 788 –26 616


warrant officers

Salary and other payments are indexed to inflation. George Bush in the crisis of 2008 voted for a 3% increase in DD viyskovym, but the congress did not wait and waited for 3.4%. Now damn Obama. Kіlka sіv pro vilnonaymanі. Don't forget the stench: mechanical engineer, logistics - $75,000 on average (up to $102,000); kerіvnik program, project - $ 105 yew. (up to $160 thousand).

US Public Services charge $3,000 - $5,000 per month. $36,000 for a rіk - the minimum salary of a municipal service for a station clerk, a police officer or a nurse. And $170 thousand. on rik? The salary of a member of the administration of the President of the United States. Moreover, without support, that special benefit.

But the real income of the military (especially soldiers and sergeants) is richer than the names of the numbers. Pochnemo іz kharchuvannya. In the army, like on the territory of the United States, rations A: bread, meat, vegetables, fruits. Ale, as a military officer (an officer or a soldier), he went far and should eat at home, and take a food allowance up to a monthly salary. The new one is insured by the current rate of prices. Officers charge $223, soldiers $324 per month.

Now about living. American military may have the right to a free service life (at the base) or to a house (apartment) behind it, which is subject to podatkuvannya. If it doesn’t belong to the military, then we’ll take compensation for spending money on rent - an average of $ 800 per month, with extras - more than $ 1000. Suma lie down like the rank of a serviceman average varth lived near my city.

For example, for an ordinary soldier - a corporal compensation for a more expensive average vartosta rent of a one-room apartment (for bachelors), and for a family - a two-room apartment - a house with two bedrooms. Warrant officer of the first class - an apartment with three bedrooms plus 1% of the difference between a single apartment and a three-bedroom apartment. And the axis for a warrant officer of the 5th class is already a house from three bedrooms plus 48% of the cost of renting such a house and a house even from two bedrooms. Oh, and the Yankees are talking about their ensigns and midshipmen! I know the same - demography. Vtim, and officers do not lie. For example, the lieutenant colonel - brigadier general is compensated for renting a 4-room booth.

In addition, there is a program of assistance for living life. What is her first contribution from the budget to the average compensation (div. Vishche). Військові - licorice clients for mortgage companies: even if these boys have a contract with the order! Tobto you can buy booths on a mortgage and build yoga for rent, so as to cover a significant part of the payments.

You can call such a house or rent a corporal.

Rozluka іz sіm'єyu... tezh paid

Now about compensation. The stench includes, for example, pay for the fate of the combat operations. Price $225 for a month for a rebuke in the combat zone, plus $100 for the "front line", plus $250 for separation from family, plus $4 for a day for those who are afraid that relief." Shards for winter nicole, and there are no stained pennies, DD of the viysks are refurbished for special rahunok. For an hour of combat action, 10% of pennies (up to 10 thousand dollars) will earn 10% (for the average - for five times more, lower for the largest deposit in an American bank). In addition, the soldiers and sergeants are forced to pay all taxes from sums, depriving them of an hour of participation in combat activities. І qi pennies do not need to be paid at the head of the finance: їх to pay automatically.

What else to pay for? Ta for everything! For going to sea (to sergeants and sergeants $150 - 620 per month for rank and service, warrant officers $280 - 700, officers $200 - 535). For polluti ($150 - 840). For service on underwater boats ($75 - 425 per month). For haircuts with a parachute ($150 - 250 per month). And for diving descents, drawing at weekends is too thin. І to get help for a child ($160 – 276).

What did you give? For uniforms: $543 - 1793. Additional: for rank and file sergeants - $815 - 2654, for warrant officers - $1532 - 3016, for officers - $1719 - 4085. Extras: in the United States up to $55 plus up to $27 for food; overseas additions to lie in the countryside (do not stray with half pennies). Pay for the fee for special transport service purposes: car - $0.55/mile; litaka - $1.24 per mile. Well, yak is military and without his litak! Even more extras - $91 - 109 plus 3/4 of the bet on utrimantsya older than 12 years or 1/2, which is younger. For such pennies, we are ready to fly for the heads of the editors to Anadir!

How many cost of life?

The life of military service in the USA is expensive and insured for $500 thousand. Wtim, roboticists insure two-thirds of Americans. Prote "viyskove" and "gromadyanske" insurance are more likely to differ. A typical 25-year-old American, insurance for a million dollars, pays $ 140 per month, and someone the same age in uniform - 5 times less.

Apparently, medicine is expensive in the USA. Whether a military serviceman and a veteran may have the right to dovіchnu, paid for by the federal budget insurance. Moreover, not only the faces of likuvannya at the hospital are paid, but also expensive operations. Viyskovosluzhbuvets chi wiyskpens navit can do your own plastic surgery for the Pentagon!

And if the military aesculapies are powerless, then the Ministry of Defense compensates for spending on likuvannya at specialized civil librarians. All these compensations are to be made even to the point of impracticable friendship with those incomplete unpaired children.

Otzhe, povniy dokhіd vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv the United States to become a sum equal to the income of the civil middle class. But not all. And then there's the pilgi!

Warriors can stay far away, or they can stay at home, then they can pay extra for food.

Satisfaction free

Let's get it out of the void. The average American, through the rіk roboti, waives the right to 9 days of paid admission. In three years there will be 11 days, in five years - 14.

25 days of work in one city will increase the permit for up to 20 days. And due to the fate of the service, I will take away 30 decibels of travel allowance from the paid road home and back, that compensation for half of the hotel’s wages, as soon as they are blamed.

Ovіta. Particularly interested in distance. A student in uniform can see a laptop and $ 4.5 thousand. on the river to pay for training. As soon as a student rises under the ensign, the army is willing to pay for the new one. We take a bank loan from the sum of $65 thousand.

Transportation, wines from the GI authorities, and refueling with gasoline at the pumps at the Viysk places are much cheaper, lower beyond the borders of the base. І in local stores a la "Voentorg" prices are lower. І vitrati Viysk batkiv on nursery garden about a third less than the bulk. At the right time, you can chat with relatives and friends without cost mobile phone and the Internet.

Describe, briefly, the Pentagon's social package for over 140 names of benefits, privileges and bonuses is impossible. Before that, having been hit by problems in recruiting, the military department went to increase material incentives for obtaining fresh human resources and spending time in the service of soldiers and officers, as a result of fighting. Utrychi zbіlsheno rozmіr dopomogi pіd hour of laying the first contract chi yogo prodovzhennі. Increased increase in guarantees for loans for the purchase of housing, reductions in payment for education, free legal support.

Vіyskovі can pripinyat agreement to rent a car and a car without fines. When hiring volunteers, priority is given to members of families of military servicemen. And I’ll ask the squads of the Viysk’s for an hour new robots under the hour of moving a person to the next month of service to pay compensation.

Price for repair

Ale, be it, navit is good, if the service ends. As if showing the unforgettable leaf-bearer Pechkin: I'm starting a new life." How do you look new life» American style?

It appears that they, like us, have help. Yogo is won again, like when you retire after 20 years of service, and when you are retired "with a pittance" for your service from 6 to 20 years. With the help of "for the upper hand" chi with other "unholy" furnishing, the servants take exactly half.

Povna vyhidna help


17 993 - 106 810

warrant officers

23 732 - 123 366

25 687 - 161 857

The pension can be recognized after 20 years of service from the rozrahunka: 50% of the monthly base salary plus 2.5% for the skin attack. If the service in the warehouse is 40 years, then the pension will be paid more. Possibly and another option for a salary increase is an increase in the average maximum salary for three years. Well, the schomisyachna pension itself may look like this:


warrant officers

Note: short-term pensions are heavily indexed in line with inflation.

special status

According to American legislation, a military serviceman, having served in the peaceful hour of 20 years or having fought in the US army for just one day, is considered a veteran. Crimea pensions, veterans mourn and burn. When you get help, if you need help, you will be paid for travel to any place in the USA together with your family members. A pensioner from the same can have the right to be without cost of medical care. For a period of 24 months after the pension, pensioners can take away, the Crimean pension, and I will help you without a job. Pіvroku stink mayut the right to live bezkoshtovno іz сім'єю at the state houses and for all zhittya zberіgayut the right to buy goods and products from the shops of the vіyskovoї torgіvlі and refuel the car at the vіyskovskih gas stations. Nareshti, especially holy - Veteran's Day, which falls on another Saturday of leaf fall. The pragmatic administration of the United States cares that such a promotion to a large number of wars beneficially affects the moral camp of a special warehouse of enemy forces.

What do you say here? Such a life is good, you don’t want to rizikuvati with it!

2. Russia

Our soldier does not dream about those who paid you a salary in bears of dollars. Youmu and a gas-protection bag stuffed with carbovants should be sewn up as a whole.

How to rahuyut pennies:

The gross security (DD) of the military servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is accumulated from the salary of the military planting (OVD) and the salary for the military rank (OVZ). At once, the stench is called the salary of a penny utrimannya (ODS). Up to the new one, the extra hundredth allowance for the service of the rokiv (PNVL) and other additional payments, zokrema are added pіlgova service fates. (About them pіznіshe).

Categories OVS, HVD and PNVL are eternal, like the sky is like that, they cannot help people. The stench is less likely to be corrected when the service station of the military camp is changed, the number of serving them is increased, or the promotion of DD. Let's say, the month of DD of the intercessor of the commander of the motorized rifle battalion, major, that he may have the 16th tariff category and 10 years of service (without the adjustment of additional payments and surcharge tax), - 42,600 rubles. And yet there is still a bunch of dodatkovyh viplats. The stench is shomisyachnymi, shokvartalnymi, shhorіchnymi chi disposable. As a result, the major can bring home another 18-20 thousand rubles (for sure, it’s impossible to save a squad, or you won’t say what in the new one is charged for drowning a tank into a cadet’s rock).

Schomisyachni at the servants. D-Day

Also, the finance specialists are “plusing” up to the salary of a penny embezzlement in uniform (understandably, with the improvement of the specifics of the skin service) supplements. Ale, don’t think that for the majestic amount of the Soviet shovel you can row pennies: additives are different. Even more miserable, say, 550 rubles. for the class qualification to an ordinary contract service, and more - 200,000 thousand rubles to the commander of a submarine missile carrier on a pedestal federal law No. 306-FZ dated 07.11.2011 "About a penny for the security of military servicemen and the salary for them to pay a penny"

Our additives are not less true, the Americans have less. І many of them go for names: for combat drawing, for haircuts with a parachute (landing with equipment), marine safety; for diving robots.

And the axis of our know-how:

For the command (certificate) of the military infantry and military units - from 300 to 500 rubles (the commander’s intercessor cannot be laid). Together for 10 to 16 rubles. і 66 kopіyok per day of unstoppable turbot about the love of a special warehouse. Want a platoon commander, want a brigade commander. What for 20 soldiers, what for 3.5 thousand!

More allowances for special services (for example, for our units near Chechnya) - from 10% to 100% from tenant salary. More "cooking", for example, an allowance for vikonannya zavdan, without intermediary po'yazanih іz rizikom for life, that zdorov'ya at peacetime. Won can also reach 100% of the landed salary.

Quarterly payment according to the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 115. They pay contract servicemen (so they don’t tie up) for the shortness of the shortfall in the number of the special warehouse of the Armed Forces and the economy of budgetary expenses. Tsikavo: to end soon and what is the payment of the same? Non-compliance with the order of paying for this mandate (to whom and skilki) creates soil for evil. So, for example, at the 138th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Leningrad Military District, all the pennies that were paid to the special warehouse of the brigade went to the highest stake. Moreover, 7 osіb іz from the number of vouchers were small in advance about the non-standard service capacity and relied on the pre-string line from the military service.

For special service, we will serve military servicemen who will be employed on robots for recharging nuclear reactors in ships, inducing nuclear fire and radioactive waste. The pennies are small, but the robot on the fresh air heals, you know!

An allowance for work with statements to establish a sovereign secret: ... In a word, a penny wine city can be taken away for saving a trusted secret.

Okrim schomisyachnyh allowances, the Russian army will have more quarterly, quarterly and one-time additional payments (EDV). Tse right penny solitaire. І majestic difference among sumacs. All these allowances are calculated on the basis of the number of paid salaries, then on the basis of the amount of paid salaries, then on the basis of the salary for planting and the salary of a penny morning. Obviously, the CIA was breaking its head. What are EDV?

For the sum of vikonanny obov'yazkіv military service. And who її, kohanu, does it badly? An, mabut, є so sloven. Ale vodnochas є і premium for srazkove vikonannya vіyskovogo ob'yazku. Tse yak?

For uninterrupted military service, I will tie with hairpins and a parachute. The service is uninterrupted, and the wineries are disposable. It's a paradox, however... It's just as simple - for haircuts!

For the completion of the military initial mortgages. We read it and thought: why read it smoothly, why read no one? Or maybe, the ancient Egyptians, yakі vvazhali, th small ration: it’s more important to learn for every job?

For trouble-free work. Then it dawned on: whoever lost the living, he should reward him!

For trivala, I have uninterrupted service on ships, ships, and in the departments of their z'ednan (ob'ednan). Everything is correct here: earlier than the staff, which prepared the departure of the ships by the sea, they carried a penny. Tilki is not said: trivala - ce stribka?

Women don't care about low wages in the army. For them, smut is stability?

Who is more cold, the more I take

Іsnuyut and regional coefіtsієnti, scho to be insured in case of accrued DD. E, for example, "polyarka" - a hundred bonuses for service in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi, equal to them in the months and other places with a merry climate and ecology, including those far away. The military men themselves call these allowances: for wearing underpants with nachos at lime, for wildness. On winter nights, put on winter hats, their furs were so old that they overlapped one another. Zvіdsi i name - "I'll pay the second salary."

And also compensation

Does the state compensate for, say, living in a rented apartment? Oh, such a payment! Minimum, in small places and villages - 2700 rubles per month, in large places and district centers - 3600 rubles. And the axis near Moscow and St. Petersburg should pay 15,000 rubles. Price for one. And yet three more and more live with him, plus + 50% (15,000 + 7,500) - 22,500.

About Viysk pensions

Russian laws established the following types of military pensions:

for the service of fate;

with disability;

use your yearling for a favor.

How is a pension paid for the service of a year?

The penny security, which is paid for the repayment of a pension (called the basic amount), includes the salary of a penny utrimannya (ODS), so the salary for the rest of the regular military tenure (VVS) and the salary for military ranks, assigned on the day of retirement (OVZ), plus, for the service of a year (PNVL) to the salary of a penny morning.

The pension for the service of the lives is established at the following rates:

a) for service for 25 years and more - 40% of the basic amount;

b) to individuals who may be born between 20 and 25 years old - 30%;

c) persons from service aged 15 to 20 years - 25%;

d) persons from service from 10 to 15 years of age - 20%;

e) persons from the service of 5 to 10 years - 15%;

f) persons from service for 2 to 5 years - 10%.

The number is also low for the sixty-six, short and one-time additional payments to the Viysk pensioners, transferred by the lawful legislation of the Russian Federation. The axis is less than a deakі surcharge:

"presidential" (240 rubles!);

disabled people after military service;

disabled people due to illness, taken away during the period of military service;

disabled people of the 1st group or have reached the age of 80 to watch over them;

unpractical pensioners, yakі mayut nepratsezdatny utrimantsiv.

In addition, for all Viysk pensioners, a lowering coefficient was transferred. 2015 the rate of wine will be 60%. Tse means that the viysk pensioner will be paid less than 60% of the sum, as a result of the rozrahunka. Without compensation compensation and allowances. A short pension can be increased by 2% and until 2035 the year of Ukrainian pensioners will have to take 100% of the basic amount of the salary.

Rozmir of the Russian pension

Rozmir pension (krb.)


Art. pr-schik



Major General

Lieutenant General

Colonel General

General of the Army

Note: The pension payment was taken on the cob of 2015. Additional payments are not refunded. Since the mother is in retirement, since 1 September 2012, the increase in pensions from the adjustment of allowances, transferred by law, cannot be lower for the subsistence minimum of a pensioner installed in the subject of the Federation. As a rule, the rozrahunkovy rozmіr pension is lower - non-practical pensioners are assigned additional payments from the federal and regional budgets.

* n / a - no data.

Secret to trick

The one who respectfully marveled at the tables of penny security and military pensions, singsongly mentioning the great difference in numbers. On the right, in the fact that a gigantic amount of additional payments, allowances and compensations are not covered by the hour of recognition of pensions. More than 20% more than 20% of the DD, won by the military servicemen, is paid to the pensioner.

And what about a foreign soldier, how can they see a salary?

3. Azerbaijan

DD of conscripted soldiers - about $5 per month. The contract worker (translated) may be $35 - 40. As a lieutenant, he will take close to $600, and a general - three times more than $1200. Ale borg for the unseen weekends, for the unseen uniforms and products, for the rebuking at the combat zone, and so on. The state is reluctant to see its military men.

4. Virmeniya

A soldier-conscript takes about 3 dollars per month. Peresichnі fry: “My triplets! Three rubles were charged for radian hours, and three dollars at a time!” Officers confirm that their material status is richer, lower for a simple clerk: the average salary of a salaryman in school is $30 to 50. And DD officers have an average of $400 - 470, ensigns - $250 - 285, contract soldiers - $20, contract soldiers - $20 civil servants - $100 - 155.

5. Belarus

For friends, DD accumulates salaries for ranks and tenures, allowances for service and bonuses, which increase by about 1.5 times. And no prizes? For an ordinary contract soldier, I will take $200-230, an ensign - $250-300, a lieutenant - $280 - 380, a major-lieutenant colonel - $400 - 500. A premium for class - $33. The major's pension is $200, the lieutenant colonel's is $265. For comparison: the average salary for Belarus is $356, and for officials it is $505. Soldiers and sergeants charge $4-5 per month per call.

6. Georgia

Part of the Georgian army (like they are preparing for the American military programs) has long been on the US financial security. Zavdyaki tsomu Saakashvili sche 2004 rock zmіg zmіg zmіg zbіshiti salaries of "elіtnyh" vіyskovskih once as much as 300%. The first average salary they had increased to $232.

Average average DD of officers of the "elite" - $600. Officers of simple parts are taken 2-3 times less. And if Saakashvili was preparing for a campaign against Sukhum and Tskhinval in 2008, he would pay $180 a month to the officers. At the same time, the zhirach cravats offered a $90 bonus to the signers of foreign languages ​​(mabut, Russian).

7. Moldova

DD “focuses” on the average salary in the republic – $600 lei (42 euros). Salvage of the old-fashioned boules was less than 5 - 8% thicker. At the same time, for contract soldiers and young officers, they were slightly increased - DD became higher by 10% of the average salary in the country. And the axis of the senior officers (major, lieutenant colonel, colonel) earns from $75 to $140 per month with additional allowances. A soldier will take three more than $3 per call. To the point of speech, the order repeatedly and seriously stating about those who launched the opposition of evil are a little bit about those, the wages of the military seem to be more than a little bit.

8. Ukraine

Independents have an average salary of $240. And the lieutenant commander of the platoon takes $ 180 - 190. The captain - $ 300. “Ukrainian captain from the light of the light gets less, lower Kyiv doorman,” the Ukrainian Merezhev newspaper Focus began. Army majors get $350 per month. Lieutenants of the SBU - the security services of Ukraine (analogous to our FSB) - fix a career from $ 200 - 250 per month. The average salary of an SBU officer is $400. For example, the Cabinet of Ministers urged to raise the necessary service for pensions up to 30-35 years, and the military pensions themselves $ 700.

9. Kazakhstan

The salary of a private conscript is $24 per month. Soldiers and contract sergeants charge $250 - 300. And 10 years they served - $400. Lieutenant - $470 per month. Officers charge an average of $670-700. General of the Army - $380 or more "for the stars". Establish compensation and additional payments. For example, utilities - $23 per month and luxuries - up to $200 per river. For the second time this year, the DD of military servicemen in Kazakhstan was raised by as much as 40%. The curiosity of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic is steadfast, that beyond the equal of DD the Kazakh army will soon overthrow the SND's military forces.

10. Kyrgyzstan

DD of a conscript soldier - $3 per month. Contractors pay $65 - 70. Young officers (from lieutenant to captain) charge up to $200. Majori, lieutenant colonels and colonels - up to $300. For comparison: in Kyrgyzstan, the head architect of the district will take $30, and the ordinary spіvrobіtnik of the state administration - $10 - 15. Rіvnu $300. Ale and such a visit to the DD of the servants without vplinuv.

11. Tajikistan

There are so few DDs of viysks that they stink to name numbers. For example, a colonel of the Tajik army takes $120-130 per month. And the DD of a Russian contract sergeant from the 201st brigade (station in Dushanbe) transfers the pay of an army sergeant to Tajikistan by about 10 times. Peresіchny conscript soldier to pay $ 1.5 per month. Lieutenant - $56, Major - $80.

For matching: Tajik teacher earns $20 per month.

12. Turkmenistan

There are legends about the pennies that Turkmen officers win. For confirmation of the official Turkmen ZMI, the salary of the military flooring of the temple, which outweighs the salary in the other armies of the SND. Alas, it appears to be nothing more than propaganda boasting. In fact, everything is like this: an ordinary soldier takes $3.5, a lieutenant - $250, a major - $450, a colonel - $650. Minister of Defense - $3 thousand.

13. Uzbekistan

The terminator takes $2. Contract soldier - $60. DD for young officers is $120-130, for senior officers $200. It does not reach the official middle country - $ 220 (it's true, the real salary rarely exceeds $ 60 - 70).

14. Latvia

The grizna of the Latvian army is 4800 people and is supported by a major general. Ale, the table of ranks is divided into virist: they have lieutenant generals and vice admirals. Yakikh, it’s true, there isn’t more. Ale yakbi stink boules, then for the services of 25 years the "mayor" would extort $2421. And the lieutenant's axis is paid $781 (with the middle edge "on the paper" at $995). Corporal instructor $705, enlisted $603. A great plus is the additional payment for special lighting and the additional compensation for renting an apartment for $180.

15. Lithuania

The Lithuanian army has 12 thousand. osib. A private contractor should have $300, a sergeant - close to $590 per month. The salary of a lieutenant is $660, a captain is $880, a major is $1030, a colonel is $1100, and a general is $1300.

16. Estonia

Under the towel - 5400 osib (2700 personnel and 2700 terms). The axis is how to pay them: general - $ 2560, colonel - $ 2200, major - $ 1300, lieutenant - $ 1000, sergeant - $ 980, private - $ 730. Assessing the material camp of the Baltic warriors, you can grow a blazing visnovok: the smaller the army, the comrade hamanets.

17. Ugryshchina

For an ordinary contract worker with allowances for transport, zhu, clothes and coupons for repairs, get out here $ 800. Tse, to the point, the average salary in the country. For officers, the rates are higher: lieutenant may $1300 plus allowances ($130 - 200). The Colonel will take back $2,730 plus allowances.

18. Nіmechchina

Although data about the DD of the military in the largest republics of the SRSR and the lands - participants in the Warsaw Pact need to be collected for poppy seeds, then the Germans have no financial secrets. Go to the website of the Ministry of Defense and read. Bagato tsіkavogo.

DD in the Bundeswehr is one of the largest among the armies of NATO and is regularly increased. The main salary is to be paid according to the rank and service, and the taxable salary allowance - according to the tariff group and the family camp. Viyskovosluzhbovtsi, like mothering children, helping a thousand children: $125 for one child, $250 for two, $565 for three, $880 for four, and $132 each for a skin step on a child.

In addition, the transfer of allowances for skin above the standard year of service - from $0.88 to $3.75 for fallow planting. Extra pay for the UPU bulk warehouse is $611 per month. A special warehouse, which regularly shoots with a parachute, may have an allowance of $ 150 per month. Spetsnaz and combat swimmers - $1,170 up to basic salary. Personnel of surface ships - $105 per month, and submersibles - $300. Trivalih hikes will receive an extra $150. Surcharges for restocking are to be deposited in the category of resurfacing area. There are six such categories. Persha - there, where the mind of living is insignificantly shaken at the points of permanent dislocation. Take away $33 for doba! A friend - a life in plans, a folded mind, wiping out for life security that close ones. There is already less than $53 for mining. Nayvischa category, shosta, - areas of combat diy and risk for life. Here you have to pay - $120 for a doba. Crimea pennies, the Bundeswehr lure the possibility of getting enlightened that one of the 60 civilian specialties.

19. UK

In the army of Її Majesty there are only contract soldiers. And paying them at first glance is not good. And the axis, General Ser Richard Dannatt, called the worst problem ... the extremely low salary of military servicemen: workers, workers in car parks earn more, lower soldiers on the front line.

20. France

Usim viyskovich, yak take part in missions there, allowances are paid, equal to the salary. And in France, there is Legion Etrangere - a foreign legion. Here the ensign - with combative and zakordonnimi - pay $ 5650. For an addition to the salary - premiums are stalely given the task that is won. Clothes, hedgehog, lived that medical service - no cost. Take us from 17 to 42. Don't be greedy and moral.

21. In India, pay the servants of an officer

Officers are the elite of Indian society. Take close to $1000 per month. The average income of Indians is close to $100. Eating and living of officers - for the rahunok of the state. Plus, you can get discounts on be-yak_ goods up to 50% at specialty stores. The officer hopes for a booth, and as soon as I have a family, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life is assigned to the number of members. Zhitlo (with advancing privatization) is seen once after the assignment of the first officer rank. A leather officer - as a commander of a company and more - may have the right to hire military servants (sahayak). Servant, abo batman, live in the officer's booth and take payment from the budget. The Indian officer may have the right to supplementary education in absentia, as the power pays. And also - for a two-month-old pass with "healthy" rupees.

22. Israel

Peresіchnі zalezhno vіd mіstsya otrimuyut $100 - 200 per month. The soldier is the same crying under the penny of the morning: razrahuvatisya for the apartment that "communal apartment". And as a matter of fact, the fathers live behind the cordon, and by long service they may have the right to a 21-day permit for the birth of their relatives. І the ticket is paid in obidva kіntsi!

The general's average salary was $11,000 per month. Lieutenant otrimu close to $ 1200, and the army is constantly squandered on the low salaries of officers in Lower Lanka. However, if the language comes up about the increase in salaries, they will be called out by other officers. While in the middle month the salary is increased by approximately 7% per month, then the young officers are satisfied with the increase of 1.5%.

Who will take the skils from the dollars?



